Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 32 The vixen in horse skirt

Chapter 32 The vixen in horse skirt
This huge male monkey is very courageous.

He looked directly at the peanuts and barked twice, as if to say, "Give me half of your peanuts."

However, Lin Huaisheng was unwilling!

He was protecting the food, picked up a small stone and threw it over to drive away the monkeys.

The male monkey dodged and avoided the stone.

It became angry and let out a long howl.

Rocking people, ah no, it’s rocking monkeys!
Three more monkeys emerged from the woods, slightly smaller in size.

These hozens all show their teeth and threaten humans.

Seeing this, the male monkey jumped forward proudly, picked up the bag of peanuts, and poured it into his mouth.


When Lin Huaisheng saw this, he broke a branch and gave it a hard slap.

The male monkey howled in pain and became angry.

It actually followed suit, picked up an angular stone and threw it at Lin Huaisheng.


If it weren't for Lin Huaisheng's superb martial arts and quick reactions.

I'm afraid I'm going to lose the lottery today.

Frightened, he lit the match with a flint and blew on it.

Aiming at the arrogant big monkey, he pulled the trigger.

Bang, the scene was extremely cruel.

The huge noise and the death of the same kind scared the other monkeys and fled and disappeared into the forest.

Li Yu laughed to tears and watched a great show.

The mountains here are lush with vegetation, no one comes here all year round, and the monkeys are so bold.

Hundreds of years later, their descendants still often break into the female dormitories of colleges and universities at the foot of the mountain, eating and taking away the food.

With the support of the law, you are not afraid of school rules.

Comparable to those in Emeishan.

The monkeys who escaped actually hid in the highest branches of the branches and continued to curse.

From time to time there are pine nuts and peaches thrown over.

Li Yu looked at Lin Huaisheng helplessly and said:
"Then let's test them."

The visual distance is four to fifty meters, which is an ideal target.

Two gunshots were fired, one after the other.

Li Yu hit the target and Lin Huaisheng missed the target.

A monkey fell into the valley and died with his eyes open.

Others of the same kind finally realized their fear and disappeared without a trace.

Iron pipe ptsd memory has existed since this generation.


"Commander, I clearly aimed, why did I still miss?"

"Next time, aim at the top of its head." Li Yu couldn't explain too much, so he just said the conclusion.

It was very difficult to shoot accurately with muskets in the 18th century.

If these two guns hadn't been carefully selected, no matter how hard I aimed, it would be in vain.

The two found a big tree as a target.

After shooting, look at the penetration depth of the lead bullet.

Sure enough, granular gunpowder is very powerful.

Finally, use a knife to dig out the deformed lead bullets one by one, melt them back and reuse them.

Metal is a cheap industrial product in the 21st century.

In the 18th century, they were all precious resources.

Unfortunately, there are no iron mines in Suzhou, so we can only buy iron materials from other places.

Li Yu now has a blacksmith shop business.

With this cover, it makes sense to buy iron materials.

When the funds master the use of machine tools, they will also need to recruit a group of trustworthy blacksmiths.

Otherwise, I would not be able to assemble ten muskets in a year just by myself.

Li Yu calculated that one pound of gunpowder was enough to shoot 50 times.

After the half-tank of gunpowder they brought was bottomed out, the two of them prepared to go down the mountain and wrapped the musket in a roll of cotton cloth.

If it were in the crowded city at the entrance of the old hall, who would dare to test the gun so recklessly.

At the foot of the mountain, by a small river.

The two of them washed their hands and faces, which were blackened by gunpowder, to avoid being too conspicuous.


Suddenly, Lin Huaisheng stood up.

Staring directly not far away, his hand was pressed on the handle of the short knife at his waist.

"Who are you?"

Li Yu also stood up and looked at the person coming.

A carriage, a master and a servant, both young women.

The master wears something similar to a horse-faced skirt, white on top, red on the bottom, with slender waist and limbs.A touch of powder and daisy gives it just the right amount of appeal.

A little more coquettish and tacky, a little less salty and rhymeless.

She took two steps forward, knelt down and performed a Hail Mary.

"The master and servant of the slave family are from the capital. Their parents died and they went to the south of the Yangtze River to find relatives."

"I'm sorry for disturbing the young master."

Lin Huaisheng didn't know what to say and looked at Li Yu.

The look in his eyes seemed to say "I am familiar with women."

Although Li Yu was amazed by this style of master and servant, he was still wary.

He didn't follow their steps.

He didn't ask about her name or age, nor did she pat her chest and brag that she knew Suzhou, and that it was up to me to find a bride.

Instead it says:
"It doesn't matter, it's getting late."

"The sun is going down soon. You two should hurry up and hurry up. The city is safe."

"Thank you, sir. Please give me some directions."

Li Yu pointed to the north and then got out of the way.

The master and servant got into the carriage, the master sat in the carriage, and the maid drove the carriage.

As they passed each other, the curtain on one side of the carriage opened.

Li Yu and his beautiful eyes met each other.


"I was shocked just now."


"I'm numb, please give me a break."

Li Yu stared at the departing carriage, his eyes uncertain.

Lin Huaisheng thought he was coveting the beauty of other people's masters and servants, but he didn't know that he was now frightened.

Anyone who takes the initiative to approach him and has good looks will be dealt with as a White Lotus Sect member.

Sister-in-law PTSD!
"Huaisheng, what do you think?"

"Look at what?"

"The master and servant who came from the capital just now."

"My master once said that there are two types of people who should not be underestimated when traveling in the world."

"Which two kinds of people?"

"Children and women."

Li Yu thought about it and found that this was definitely the truth.

The rivers and lakes are dangerous, travel is difficult, food and lodging are difficult, and any disease from officials, bandits, bullies, and others can kill you.

Strong men are cautious when traveling in rivers and lakes.

What's more, weak women and children are simply sheep among wolves.

Therefore, the women and children who travel around the world must be fierce and cunning, ruthless and have certain killing skills.

For example, Sun Erniang and Honghaier.

Such two beautiful women came all the way south from the capital.

After traveling thousands of miles, I was not swallowed up or robbed by anyone, so I stayed in a small dark room and cried.

I really think I don’t pick up lost things on the road and don’t close my house at night.


Little did he know that a few miles away, the master and his servant were also talking about him.

The master's name is Lan Yingying, and the maid's name is Xiao Taohong.

You can tell by the name that it’s not simple!
"Miss, that man actually didn't take the bait. Southern men are so stingy, if they leave us alone~"

"Huh, he's not stingy." Lan Yingying said, whipping her hard.

The horse was in pain, its hooves were flying, and the carriage was galloping on the official road.

If Li Yu saw it, his jaw would definitely drop.

The driver turned out to be Lan Yingying, the image contrast was too big.

She half-crouched on the shaft of the carriage, holding the reins with her left hand, swinging the whip with her right hand, and her hairband flowing freely.

Because I thought lifting the horse-faced skirt would be in the way, I pulled up the front and stuffed it around my waist.

The road conditions are not ideal and there are small potholes from time to time.

The wheels of the carriage went around without stepping on the pit.

As we get closer to Fucheng, there are gradually more and more pedestrians on the road.

The maid Xiao Taohong, who was nibbling on the watermelon, wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and threw the watermelon rind out of the window.

Then he wiped the sharp dagger used for cutting watermelon clean and put it into its sheath, lifted up his skirt and stuffed it into his waist.

"Miss, Suzhou City is ahead."

"Let me drive the car. As a young lady, you have to act like a young lady and be more reserved in the car."


"Ouch, who threw the watermelon rind? I don't have eyes when I give birth to a son."

A scholar got up from the ground in embarrassment, pointed at the melon rind on the ground and cursed angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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