Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 34 Two Cunjutang?

Chapter 34 Two Cunjutang?
Li Yu stayed up all night and wrote a "Military Training Guide".

Of course, I just kept the title in my mind and didn’t dare to write it on the cover.

"Huaisheng, starting from today, I will give you a task."

In this way, Lin Huaisheng became the instructor of the hall, responsible for supervising everyone's training.

In the early morning, everyone gets up after hearing the sound of the gong.

Train for an hour every morning, running and lifting weights.

In the afternoon, I trained for another hour, doing boxing and sword and shield coordination.

This was a relatively prudent decision made by Li Yu after weighing the effectiveness of military training and the fear of the government.


After gathering everyone and announcing the order.

No one raised any objections, which was a good sign.

When running, you should also line up, go around the wall, and jog in column.

The man from Qingyue Village obviously has better physical strength.

They are used to not wearing shoes and walking with bare feet.

But the brothers at the original hall had a much harder time.

Fan Jing was the worst one, lagging far behind the team and out of breath.

Li Yu hesitated for a moment and did not give him the privilege.

He returned to the house and shoveled a dustpan of coal for the steam engine.

Then I selected an iron rod 1 meter long and fixed it on the clamp of the milling machine's load-bearing rod.

After adjusting the parameter distance, the rapidly rotating cutter head and the iron rod made a harsh friction sound.

A thin layer of iron filings fell from the cutting was spread on the ground.

In just one stick of incense, the round gun barrel blank in the screenshot is completed.

Then fix it on the drill press and align the cutter head.

The steam power passes through a series of gears, and the cutter head begins to rotate rapidly.

Li Yu moved the cutter head forward and drilled holes!

After a while, pull the cutter head out to cool down.

The set of machine tools rewarded by the system are not modern CNC three-axis machine tools.

It is the level of science and technology during the second industrial revolution.

It places great demands on the skill of the craftsmen.


In the absence of qualified industrial lubricants, the only way to extend service life is by reducing work intensity.

The 1-meter-long gun barrel is the limit of processing by this drilling machine.

After half an hour, I finally got a finished gun barrel.

Li Yu took it to the courtyard and looked at the sun.

The inside of the barrel is smooth and rough-free, as is the outside.

Then take it to the sawing machine and fix it, saw off a few centimeters at each end to ensure that the cross-sections on both sides are smooth.

Li Yu dismantled a matchlock gun as a reference.

Trigger, guard, linkage lever, powder tank, powder tank cover, just like a cat and a tiger, plus some improvements of my own.

Process them one by one on the lathe and then polish off the burrs.

The talent of the art students is fully stimulated, and the parts are exquisitely crafted.

Finally, Li Yu also designed a gadget, a simple notch sight.

Let shooting based on feeling become shooting based on evidence.

The gun body is made of birch, which has straight grain, is tough and elastic, impact-resistant, easy to process, and has good paint and adhesive properties.

The most important thing is that it has rich sources and is distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Anhui, making it easy to purchase.

Li Yu measured and drew lines on the wood according to the drawings drawn in advance.

Remove the excess along the line on a saw, then cut slowly on a lathe.

Different from the matchlock gun equipped by the Qing army, he added a shoulder stock.

The whole gun looks slender.

The work of polishing and painting the wooden gun body was left to Xiao Wu.

Considering the huge recoil, the shoulders can't take it.

Li Yu also purchased some leather in advance, and finally installed it on the shoulder of the gun stock to offset part of the recoil.

After all this work, it was already noon.

In the cafeteria, there are 5 long dining tables.

Li Yu sat at the head of one of the tables, and everyone began to eat.

What is human heart?
Human hearts are food and silver.

Rice, braised pork, scrambled eggs, stir-fried vegetables, and a big basin of fresh fish soup.

The men were eating like a storm, which was very spectacular.

Such good food is probably not available in the homes of ordinary small landowners.The newly joined residents of Qingyue Village quickly integrated into the group.

However, Wei Jun never came.

Maybe it's because he can't let go of his status as the clan leader, or maybe he's still wary.


After dinner, Fan Jing came.

It was quite painful to walk. He was a scholar and couldn't bear to run.

"Military advisor, there has been too little business recently."

"It's just a few useless litigation businesses, and I can't make much money."

"Now the minimum monthly expenditure is 100 taels. I'm afraid if this continues~"

Li Yu nodded, he had already been worried.

The business scope of the bank is very narrow. In fact, it only has a small market.

The only customers are officials, gentry, businessmen, and wealthy landowners. Ordinary people cannot afford the money.

Even though Cunjutang is now famous, it only occupies some more share in the existing market, and there is not much new market.

"There's one more thing, I don't know whether I should say it or not." Fan Jing looked embarrassed.


"Sister-in-law has been very active recently. She and her brothers have taken over several businesses in Fucheng, and they are doing very well."

"The families have been separated. They also need to eat and earn money based on their own abilities. This is okay."

"But, they are also using the banner of Cunjutang."

Li Yu was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.

He finally realized that he had made a serious mistake.

The families were separated, but the font size was not.

In other words, there are actually two Cunju Halls, but in the eyes of outsiders, there is only one.

The prestige I have built has become a bonus for my sister-in-law.

They used the name Cunjutang and stationed themselves at the entrance of the old hall, fearing that they would become Zhengshuo.


"Your reminder was timely, thank you."

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Fan Jing left.

He is responsible for the logistics and scheduling of the hall.Apart from Li Yu, he is the one who knows the current financial situation best.

Outside the fence, trees are being planted.

All mature trees and bamboos were transplanted directly.

There is no shortage of trees nearby due to the mountain above.

Before officially raising the flag of rebellion, it is better to keep a low profile as much as possible and not attract too much attention from the government.

Li Yu stood on the wall and pondered how to solve the problem of duplicate names.

Not only are there business troubles, but there is also the risk of taking the blame.

Sister-in-law, she is not a simple woman from the world, she is a White Lotus cultist!

"Huaisheng, come with me to the city."

For the convenience of traveling, Tangkou bought a small boat from Qingyue Village the day before yesterday.

The tall and pointed bow and relatively narrow hull can increase the speed of the ship.

Familiar Changmen, familiar streets.

Li Yu stood at the entrance of the hall, looking at the shiny "Cunju Hall" plaque, as if it was a lifetime ago!

A boy stood at the door with his shirtless hands and his fists clasped, and saw himself.

His eyes lit up at first, then turned alert and panicked.

This change fell in Li Yu's eyes, and he felt sad.

"Military advisor, 伱, you, you are~"

"I'm here to see my sister-in-law. I'll report you immediately."

The younger brother ran in quickly, first told the crow, and then knocked on the door to notify the elder sister-in-law.


Li Yu stood in the courtyard, looking at these familiar and unfamiliar faces.

Many people can only smile awkwardly, or lower their heads and pretend to be busy.

"Military advisor, sister-in-law, please come in."

"it is good."

In the living room on the second floor, the sister-in-law was sitting in the middle, dressed in mourning clothes, with indifferent eyes.

The crow is sitting on the left, expressionless.

"What are you doing here?" The sister-in-law asked, seemingly accusing her, but with a hint of resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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