Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 382: Sauron is fierce, wild boar jumps in circles

Chapter 382: Sauron is fierce, wild boar jumps in circles

When passing through the Wu army formation,
The two sides were so close that they could even smell the enemy's breath.
A sturdy Sauron cavalryman suddenly swung the iron axe on the saddle and threw it out.

Bang! Three Wu army soldiers were knocked over.

His companion, who was a horse's length behind him, was an experienced rapid-fire shooter.

The man pushed the sack behind his back, and kept drawing arrows from behind his head with his right hand. He put the bowstring on and quickly released the arrows when it was half way drawn.

A skilled horse archer never aims with his eyes, but rather with his hands.

In just 15 breaths,
He shot six arrows at the Wu army formation in front of him, which was shoulder to shoulder, and few of them missed.

A large number of Wu soldiers in the front row of the square fell down, most of them in the torso and face position.
The formation still did not collapse.

It’s just that the size of the square has shrunk a lot.

This is the charm of the hollow square formation. When pressed by enemies on all sides, the soldiers will only get closer instead of fleeing.

The inventor is a genius.
It goes beyond the military realm and enters the psychological realm.


Counterattack also followed.

Before the Sauron soldiers rushed into the formation, the soldiers on the front of the first and second phalanxes emptied their guns.

But now,
The Sauron cavalry left their backs to the soldiers at the back of the phalanx~
The bullet from behind knocked the unsuspecting Sauron to the ground.

This kind of distance,

It doesn't matter whether you have armor or not.

Hailancha was a little panicked.

He witnessed with his own eyes a middle-aged tribesman running side by side with him, shooting arrows left and right like meteors.

Then, the warhorse was suddenly shot and fell to the ground. The whole person flew over the horse's head, fell to the ground, and was trampled by the hooves of the horse behind.

Needless to say, this person's soul has returned to Ningguta.


A member of the tribe who was related to Hailancha threw his beloved Ahu gun fiercely, knocking down three soldiers of the Guards Corps.
Then he shouted loudly:

"General, there's something wrong with this formation. There's some magic going on."

Maybe it was because his previous throw was too hateful.

next moment,
Flames spewed out from the muzzles of two guns in the square formation.
The man fell off his horse with blood gushing out of his back.

One foot was still in the stirrup, and he was being dragged forward by the horse.

Hai Lan glanced at the bandit chieftain riding on a horse under the banner of the Wu army more than 100 feet away. He clearly looked like a martial artist and didn't like to smile much.

The two people's eyes sparked hatred from a distance~
His helmet flew off, blown away by a lead bullet that grazed his scalp.

The bald forehead even felt the residual heat of the bullet.


"Go east, break through that square formation, and rush out."

Between the lightning and flint,

Hailancha made the most correct decision and decisively gave up the arrogant idea of ​​killing the general and seizing the flag.

The cunning wild boar from Heilongjiang suddenly realized the crisis before being entangled to death by layers of hunting nets.

There are many hollow squares ahead, with nets spread out waiting for you~

After rushing through the 4th hollow square, the Sauron cavalry turned to break out to the east.
On the east side, there was only a phalanx of 1 men blocking the road.

We just need to break through this square formation to break out.

Just at this time,

Hailancha's warhorse was suddenly shot, and after a wail, it knelt on its front hooves.

Fortunately, he was prepared. He jumped off the horse in an instant and rolled forward four times, which relieved most of the impact.


A short and thin boy rushed over on horseback, stretching out his right hand.
"Du Tong~"

The cooperation between the two sides was good, and Hailancha was put into operation again.

"Give me your arrows."

The furious Hailancha pulled out two crescent-shaped beryllium arrows from the boy's sack.

This arrow was originally designed to target unarmored units. The arrowhead is shaped like a crescent shovel and is ridiculously large. Once hit by the arrow, it will cause a horrible open wound that will bleed profusely.

Hailancha was born with supernatural powers and could use a 3-stone strong bow.

The arrow was so heavy and powerful that the Wu army officer who was hit had his neck cut in half and blood gushed out.

The rest of the Sauron soldiers also took out their crescent-shaped beryllium arrows.

After a terrifying rain of arrows, the hollow square formation was actually broken.


The remaining 400-odd Sauron cavalry finally broke out of the terrible encirclement.

They went first south and then west.

Returned to the main camp.

The 1st Army, which was in hot pursuit, was unable to expand its victory.

Hailancha's prior arrangements were very wise.

The artillery positions of Li Jiulin's Qing army were extremely threatening. If the infantry charged the artillery, the losses would be horrific.

Wu's army is taking an elite route, so it is impossible for them to be so reckless.

The Jiangbei camp sounded the retreat, and the infantry, cavalry, and artillery took turns to cover the retreat to the camp.

Flustered but not chaotic, diverse but orderly.

Lin Huaisheng looked through the telescope for a long time and smiled for the first time that day.

"Commander-in-Chief Lin, are we retreating too?"



Before night falls,
The main force of the Wu army retreated 5 miles and set up camp by the river.


There are 2 Ji Kang class gunboats cruising ~
Lin Huaisheng ordered the outpost camp to be abandoned and burned down.

The blazing flames are particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

Tens of thousands of Qing troops in the Jiangbei camp looked at the giant bonfire silently, feeling quite uncomfortable.

Both sides counted their losses.

The Qing army suffered more than 4000 casualties, and the Wu army suffered more than 2000 casualties.

Not to mention the loss of war horses, baggage, and weapons, the consumption of gunpowder and arrows was also quite astonishing.

Before going on an expedition.

Li Yu and Lin Huaisheng found out the total amount of gunpowder available in Wu State.

It is necessary to win the Jiangbei Campaign, and the gunpowder consumption must not exceed the inventory red line (8%).


All the military doctors stayed up all night, and the wounded area was filled with screams.

Rescue the wounded, for the sake of others and yourself.

A military doctor is performing surgery.

The lead bullet broke into several pieces in the wounded soldier's arm, so he needed to dig deeper and throw away the flesh and lead together.
When cutting,
However, the knife accidentally cut the nearby artery, and the pressurized plasma spurted out, spraying all over his face and body.

He temporarily lost his vision.

He took two steps back, took off the blood-soaked cotton mask, and approached the copper basin, water and towel brought by the apprentice to wash the blood off his face.
When he opened his eyes again, the wounded man's face was as pale as gold paper.

With such heavy bleeding, he cannot be saved even after 200 years.

The military doctor waved his left hand:
"He has a bad fate."

"Carry it away, next one."

There was no review, no guilt, no hospice care, and no family members crying. The "corpse" that was still bleeding was carried outside and slowly died.
Military doctors are a group of people with notoriously rough nerves.

Their knives are cold, the alcohol is cold, their eyes are cold, and their hearts are cold.


The doctor-patient relationship is still very good.
The soldiers felt that it would be a great achievement if they could save some of the wounded, and that the old military doctor could not be wrong.


Wu Jun's military doctors are all ruthless people.

I am busy from the time the sun sets until the time it rises.

During the journey, they had to rely on the apprentices to take time out to feed them, and stuff them with some beef jerky or ginseng slices to replenish their energy.

More than 60 military doctors treated more than 1000 seriously injured soldiers.

The kitchen first brought them hot vegetable and meat soup.

The two military doctors discussed while eating:
“How many people have you killed?”

"Not many, eight."

"What about you?"

"Hey, I handled 30 of them, and 5 of them died."

"Hiss, Old Zhou, you are the reincarnation of Hua Tuo."

The two of them praised the food while eating heartily, without any nausea caused by any association with the meat in the bowl.


After this night, they were really exhausted.

But it’s not in vain, the Department of Health will give out performance-based compensation.

A good military doctor can earn several hundred taels a year.

After working for three years, you can go back and build a house, buy land, marry a wife and take a concubine. Then you can rent a house and hang a sign to continue practicing medicine, and the government will approve it.

This year,
There are as many internal medicine doctors as dogs, but it’s different for surgeons, who are in short supply.

the above,

This is the propaganda of the Department of Health, and its purpose is to attract some real apprentices from medical clinics, drug stores, and coffin shops to voluntarily join the army and become glorious military doctors.


The Department of Health was officially established on Daoqian Street. Unlike other government offices, there were no armed guards at the gate.

The people coming in and out are also different.

Most of them were civilian doctors with white beards, few hairs, and high-level skills. They entered the Health Department and became medical officers.

A medical officer is also an official.

He has an official title, official robes, seals, and salary.

Many poor doctors who were not doing well in their lives joined in enthusiastically.

The eight famous doctors in Jiangnan, the four famous doctors in Suzhou Prefecture, and doctors of various titles watched coldly and were unwilling to join.

The reason is simple, I don't want to be bound.

No matter which era, famous doctors are a profession that has neither lack of money nor connections.

In the words of Ye Tianming, a famous doctor in Suzhou:

"I don't hold the empty title of the Ministry of Health. If the nobles are sick, I will come to my house and pay a large sum of money to treat them. If I cure them, they will naturally be grateful to me."

"If I had this honorary title, it would be natural for me to prescribe medicine for the nobles. I'm afraid they wouldn't be so grateful."


As a result, the Department of Health’s “Plan to Recruit Famous Doctors” was met with a cold reception.

"Your Majesty, these old men with white beards are so ungrateful." Mrs. Bai complained.

"They have concerns." Li Yu stood at the window, very calm.

The reactions of these famous doctors were within his expectations.

After returning to Suzhou,

Naturally, all the concubines had to pay their respects to him as soon as possible.

Out of concern for their health, he ordered Yang Yunjiao and Zhao Shujie, who were both pregnant, not to come, but only to write a letter to each of them as a token of courtesy.

after that,

Bai Mu was left to take care of him on the sickbed.

Hu Ling'er, Zhao Shuzhen, and Wei Xiu naturally requested again and again to fulfill their duties as wives, but were still persuaded to give up.

Li Yu was not sure whether he was infected with the epidemic.

Fortunately, after taking the "Plague-avoiding and Toxin-clearing Powder" prescribed by Ye Tianming and conditioning myself for several days, I felt much better.


"Your Majesty, it's time to drink medicine."

After drinking the medicine, Li Yu suddenly reached out:

"Show me the prescription written by Ye Tianming."

Bai Mu was embarrassed and whispered:

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. The old man hid the dosage in the prescription he wrote."

"What do you mean?"

"The prescription he wrote did not specify the dosage of the 12 herbs, and his apprentice was responsible for the entire process of boiling the medicine. Even I am not sure whether he used all 12 herbs."

Li Yu laughed angrily.

After suppressing his smile, he suddenly realized a problem: this old man’s prescription might really be effective!

Only by maintaining such secrecy can the reputation and wealth of the Ye family be guaranteed for generations.

"Go call Hu Zheng."


Bai Mu and Hu Zheng were originally the queen's maids.

One climbed onto the dragon bed, and the other failed.

Hu Zheng was the producer of allicin. She changed into clean clothes before coming here, but there was still a faint pungent smell, which made her feel embarrassed.

Li Yu didn't care.
Asked directly:

"How is the test result of allicin? Can I take it?"

"The slaves dare not."


Allicin has already taken shape.

Some “human petri dishes” can see obvious effects.

Li Yu really wanted to try the efficacy of the medicine himself, but Hu Zheng strongly opposed it.

Even said with tears:

"Your Majesty, unless you kill me, I dare not use you as an experiment."

Li Yu did not continue to insist.

Because he felt that his body was healing, antibiotics were not necessary.

He only instructed Hu Zheng to increase the number of test samples, improve the production process and equipment, and achieve stable production as soon as possible to supply the army.

in this era,
Infection and inflammation are simply a nightmare for our life expectancy.

Of course, allicin has a fatal flaw: it loses its effectiveness after 20 minutes of exposure to air.

This means that long-distance transportation is impossible.

It can only be produced and used locally.


Li Yu has completely adapted to this era and has no resistance to the decadent feudal imperial lifestyle.

After fighting so many battles, isn't it right to enjoy ourselves a bit?

at dusk,

Bath out of the bucket,

I opened my arms and someone immediately put on a new thin cotton robe.

He smelled a nice perfume.
He looked down and smiled:

"Why is it you? Where's the maid?"

Bai Mu was half squatting, his hands and feet were nimble.

Gentle replied:

"I am the queen's maidservant, and it is my duty to serve you. Looking at your majesty's sturdy body, I imagine how powerful he must be on the battlefield."

Li Yu recovered and was naturally in a good mood.

He glanced down a few times and suddenly began to have some positive thoughts.


Bai Mu received the signal immediately.
Gentle instructions:
"You guys should step back first."


The maids lowered their heads, blushed, and quickly left.

It's a good thing, so I won't talk about it.

Bai Mu was secretly delighted, as this was the first time His Majesty had slept with him in several months since the expedition to Jiangxi.

Even the queen has no such luck.
The essence accumulated over several months was firmly contained within the family.

Seeing His Majesty gradually recovering a few days ago, she began to have an idea.

Sure enough, God will not let down the woman who stole the chicken in broad daylight.

Li Yu closed his eyes.

Lying on the bed, he suddenly asked:

"I have been gone for such a long time. Is there any big event in Suzhou Prefecture? Even small things are fine. Tell me about it."

Mrs. Bai quickly followed up with the conversation.
He talked about a lot of trivial things, including small things in the palace, rumors in the Suzhou market, and even the dry weather in the past period of time.

She glanced over,
Seeing that there was no annoyance on His Majesty's face, I felt relieved.

Being able to chat with His Majesty about trivial matters in the family is a step closer to a relationship of simply sleeping with him.


Seeing His Majesty fall asleep peacefully~
She then tiptoed up and left, closing the door and telling the maids to stay under the eaves.

Then he walked away with a brisk pace.

When leaving the hospital,

She saw Hu Zheng sitting under a big locust tree reading a book silently.

The two looked at each other.

"Sister Bai is well."

"Don't be polite, sister. It's better to study. A person with knowledge of poetry and books will be elegant."

Saying things that are not what you mean,
In fact, Bai Mu was quite contemptuous in his heart. What's the point of reading so many books? Are you preparing to lecture His Majesty on the couch?
Moreover, after reading so many books, you still haven't figured out why His Majesty is unwilling to be close to you?

Bai Mu is not very smart, but she has learned to read people's eyes and understand their hearts since she was a maid.

A chance,

She learned it by herself and figured out the secret from the gossips of the concubines in the harem.

The power of the Hu family (Shaoxing's advisors' party) in Wu is already strong enough. If it gets any stronger, Your Majesty will be wary.

She pondered over it again and again, and suddenly woke up.

Outsiders all think that I am on the Queen's side, but I must be clear-headed and stand on His Majesty's side.


I must not give His Majesty the impression that I will always be loyal to my original master and will always be Hu's maid.

In the chat just now,
She even mentioned some of the measures and regulations formulated by Queen Hu Ling'er in the harem.

and also,

The Zhao sisters, whose mother's family was wealthy, were generous and would give the palace maids some favors of varying sizes during every festival.

These palace trivia,

Li Yu listened with great interest but said nothing.

As an emperor, one must minimize the expression of emotions so that his subjects cannot understand his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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