Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 40 It’s everywhere

Chapter 40 It’s everywhere
Li Yu was silent, thinking about whether to jump out of the car.

This county magistrate is so unreliable!
"I can't stop the loss of more than 7000 taels of official silver even if I arrest a few small businessmen and ransack their homes on trumped-up charges." Zhang Youdao said to himself, speaking from his heart.

Businessmen in Suzhou Prefecture are like crucian carp crossing the river. They can catch a few small fish without any problem.

But if I want to catch a big fish, I'm afraid the adults behind me won't agree.

Big fish are fattened and eaten by others.


Zhang Youdao also put down his airs, and his words were quite sincere.

"Good nephew, I know that you are not an ordinary person. You are a star of officialdom and wisdom, even more powerful than those Shaoxing masters. If I can get your assistance, I am afraid that even the governor has hope."

"You don't want to watch me being impeached and dismissed from office. If Chief Zhao comes to power, he is petty and may target you every day."

Chief Zhao was the third in command of the county who had previously competed with him for the position of county magistrate.

"Uncle, my nephew actually has a way, but~"

"Just what?"

"It's just that recently, due to the old name, the transformation has been difficult and our hands are tied."

"I heard about it, don't worry, Yuanhe County Government will clear Weigetang's name."

"How is it right?"

"Recently, the area under our jurisdiction has been flooded with disaster victims. You bring people to give porridge for three days. Then I will commend you in the name of the county government and give you a big plaque to confirm the nature of the charity hall."

"Wonderful! Thank you, nephew."

"Stop talking about these false etiquette. You don't need to report when you come to the county government office in the future. When you enter the government office with swords and shoes, you will not be praised."


Li Yu's heart skipped a beat, these words were very reactionary.

Counting the anti-poem I read last time, this is the second time I have "violated a taboo".

Using allusions indiscriminately, how did he get into the top three of the imperial examination in the first place.

The quality of this county magistrate deserves careful study.

"My nephew has a plan that will bring huge profits. According to reliable information, private salt boats are often found in Taihu Lake. This kind of ill-gotten wealth is well-deserved. If the government can support the court, and the people below can make up for the shortfall, there may be a surplus~"

The two conspired in low voices for a long time and finally finalized the plan.

After drinking, Zhang Youdao took Li Yu to the gate of the county government while holding hands.

Along the way, six rooms, two halls, and the lobby passed by, and everyone saw it.

It is incredible to have the county magistrate personally deliver guests to the door.

The good people have already begun to speculate whether Li Yu is the nephew of a nobleman in Beijing, or a close disciple.

Some thoughtful guys have decided to pay a visit on a certain day.

Give gifts to Weigtang and get promoted in Qu.xui.

When Li Yu left on horseback, he observed the homeless people on the street drunkenly.

The government officials in Fucheng have begun to drive the refugees out of the city in an organized manner.

Obviously, the government is aware of the risks.

Groups of refugees are stranded in the city. Once trouble occurs, it will affect the whole city.

"Get out of here. I'll whip you."

An angry roar interrupted Li Yu's thoughts.


The scene before him made him sigh.

The four homeless people in tattered clothes and stumbling around seemed to be a family of four, supporting each other.

He was driven out on the street by government officials wearing soap uniforms and carrying whips.

"Wait a minute."

"Master Li, what are your orders?" The officer ran over quickly and bowed his head.

"you know me?"

"I know you. The younger one is Huang Si from the express class in Yuanhe County. I met you at the county government office."

That’s it. Li Yu nodded and ordered:

"Call those people here, I have something to ask."

"Hey, good."

A family of four, a husband and wife with two little girls, swaying as they stood.Huang Si scolded loudly from the side:

"Reply carefully. Otherwise, I will peel off your skin carefully."

Li Yu waved his hand and asked:

"Where are you from?"

"We are from Dangshan County, Xuzhou Prefecture. The Yellow River burst its banks and flooded us."

"How did you get here?"

"Walking along the canal, stuttering all the way."

"It's not easy to survive over 1000 miles."

Li Yu took out a handful of copper coins from his arms:
"Take it, go buy some food."


The man knelt down and kowtowed, and the two children also knelt down.

Shivering, he bought four plain stuffed buns from a street bun shop and begged for a bowl of water, which cost him 8 cents.

One by one, they squatted at the base of the wall and ate them.

"Li Daguan is kind-hearted. With these buns, this family might be able to make it to Hangzhou alive."

Huang Si said flatteringly from the side.

Seeing that he was puzzled, he quickly explained, "The government has an order not to allow a single refugee to stay in the city and drive them south."

Only then did Li Yu understand.

The migration of refugees south along the Grand Canal was not simply a spontaneous act.

There was a deliberate move by the government behind this, and the government in various places spontaneously drove away the refugees to prevent too many refugees from staying and gathering in the local area.

It's like a big cake, spread out evenly and thinly.

Distribute the risks and troubles as equally as possible to all states and counties.

This approach was not only tacitly supported by the imperial court.

Officials and gentry from all over the country also responded positively. They were afraid that the refugees would gather to revolt.


Li Yu woke up from his drunkenness.

Already out of the city, Lin Huaisheng followed silently on horseback.

And that Huang Si was actually in front of him, holding a whip to clear the way.

Li Yu asked:

"Did you teach him to do this?"

Lin Huaisheng shook his head with sarcasm in his eyes:
"He insisted on following him because he was afraid that some homeless homeless people might disturb you. Hahahaha."

Li Yu smiled and gently pinched the horse's belly.

He rushed to Huang Si and walked side by side with him.

"Huang Si, what is your current position?"

"The younger one is a fast-track anti-theft expert in the county government office. He has no job."

"You did a good job. I'll write a note to the prison clerk. Starting from tomorrow, you will be the class leader."

Huang Si was stunned for a second, and then he was ecstatic.

He knelt down and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li, for the promotion. If you have any instructions from now on, I will go through fire and water."

"Okay, I read you right. You can go back."

Li Yu handed him a note written in pencil and stamped his personal seal.

Huang Si ran all the way, tears streaming down his face, which aroused the astonishment of countless passers-by.

Happiness comes so fast that I can't control my legs.

From the southern suburbs of the city to the Yuanhe County Government Office, it was a journey of more than ten miles, and I ran down it in one breath.

Under the friendly eyes of the prison clerk and the envious eyes of his fellow detectives, he became the leader of the fast shift!
At this moment, he remembered watching the announcement of the results when he was a child. A new candidate with tears in his eyes repeatedly said:
"The spring breeze brings joy to the horse's hoofs, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day."

He was still a child at that time and didn't understand.

Now, he understands!

(End of this chapter)

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