Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 7 Temporary Brother-in-Law

Chapter 7 Temporary Brother-in-Law
"Military advisor, according to the rules of the martial arts, sneak attacks are not allowed between fighting groups. Fighting must be in full formation." The young man who reminded him, everyone called him Xiao Wu.

Xiaowu is the youngest in the Tangkou, only 13 years old. He joined the Tangkou less than half a year ago.

She lives in a small fishing village by Shihu Lake outside the city. Her parents died and she was raised by her grandmother.

If it weren't for the rich products in Suzhou Prefecture, people of this background would have starved to death long ago.

Grandma raised him by catching fish, shrimps and eels and selling them to rich families for a few bucks.

Li Yu's impression of him was that he was a child who grew up in bitter water and had rich experience in street fighting.

"Xiao Wu, how long has it been since you last visited home?"

"It's been 3 months."

"When the investigation is over, go home and take it."

2 taels of silver were stuffed into Xiao Wu's hand.

"Thank you, strategist." The young man turned his face sideways and pretended to observe, hiding his red eyes. This was his final stubbornness.

A cart came over carrying vegetables and pork.

There are several jars of good wine on top.

Li Yu's eyes lit up and he laughed.

"I have a clever plan to level Qingmudang, but it's just a little bit more vicious."

"Xiao Wu, you go to the town to buy some pork and cotton cloth and go home. Remember to come back early tomorrow morning."


"The Fan family has officially declared a challenge."

In Cunju Hall, everyone gathered together.

In the courtyard, there is the reward silver just sent by the Pan family, as well as various types of edgeless weapons.

The white official silver, 50 taels per ingot, is dazzling.

The Pan family is indeed a giant in the business world, and they are generous at critical moments.

A full 20 ingots, just one request, defeat the Fan family and get the 3000 acres of mulberry fields.

"Fight, no matter what the Shaanxi-Gansu Green Battalion or the number one fighting force in Songjiang Prefecture. I will risk my life."

Crow waved his fist excitedly.

Last time, everyone in the hall received a generous reward of silver, ranging from 40 taels to 100 taels.

You know, the annual income of an ordinary peasant family in the Qing Dynasty was less than 30 taels.

Thunder Tiger is much calmer:

"Ayu, can't you really defeat those people?"

"Brother, you know me. We are really no match. After the fight, we will lose at least half of our men."

"Is Songjiang Mansion's fighting force so perverted?"

"Veterans who have retired from the battlefield have killing skills. How can we compare?"

"Can you convince people with virtue? Negotiate?"


Phew, Li Yu couldn't help laughing.

I didn’t expect that there is such a cute side to sitting in a restaurant, convincing people with virtue?The virtue of martial arts is pretty much the same.

He shook his head and suppressed his smile.

The sister-in-law suddenly came in from the back curtain, and she had probably been listening quietly.

Since the last drugging incident, we rarely meet, mainly out of embarrassment.

"Husband, Ayu, can you consider peace as the most important thing? Make peace with Qingmutang and admit defeat over a glass of wine."

Lei Hu's face darkened, obviously dissatisfied.

Li Yu sat upright:

"There is no retreat in Jianghu."

"Sister-in-law, don't talk anymore."

For a moment, Lei Huhu felt the domineering aura emanating from Li Yu.

There was an illusion that he was the one sitting in the hall.

There was silence and the atmosphere was a bit cold.

After half a cup of tea, Li Yu spoke:

"I have a plan."


Baiwei Building is the property of the Fan family.

In the past few days, outsiders have been banned, and more than 20 Aoki Hall have reserved the venue.

They eat meat and drink wine every day, practice weapons, and cooperate with many people.

In the evening, we will order some local girls to check out the local customs.

It is something new for a scholarly family like the Fan family to actually spend money to hire a businessman.

Because the reputation of the business is not good, ordinary officials and gentry may not care.

The Fan family takes Qing Yu very seriously and usually cherishes feathers, but this time they were forced to do something anxious.

The shopkeeper of Baiweilou is a concubine from a branch of the Fan family, and his status is not high.

Therefore, if you engage in this lowly job of cooking, you can earn a hundred and ten taels of silver per year.

The person who supplies the ingredients to the restaurant is his mistress's brother, his brother-in-law.

My brother-in-law's surname is Lai, and his nickname is Lai Er.

He drove the mule, humming Shiba Mo, and walked slowly out of the village.

A cart of rice, noodles, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, and two jars of wine made the wheels of the cart creak.

In the past two years, my brother-in-law has taken care of me, so I have a lot more work at hand.The mule suddenly barked uneasily and was unwilling to move forward.

Laiji was about to call him a beast, but he froze.

A masked man stood in the middle of the road holding a knife with bloodthirsty eyes.

Two more people jumped out, wearing the same clothes.

"Hero, spare your life, and I'll give you all the money."

"Mules, I'll give you the cart too."

The deathly silence made Laiji's heart beat violently.

If you don’t want money, it’s life-threatening.

He burst into tears, knelt down and kowtowed as if pounding garlic.

"Do one thing for us and I won't kill you."

These words were like celestial music, making Laiji ecstatic.


"You, you want to mess with my brother-in-law?"

Bang, a big slap in the face that made Lai's eyes flash with stars.

"Bah, your sister is a loser. Where did you get your brother-in-law?"

"Don't talk nonsense to him, kill him."

A masked man chopped off Laiji's head with a knife, but was held up by another knife.

Suddenly, sparks flew everywhere.

Laiji looked at the blade in front of him, and there was still the smell of blood on it.

My psychological defense collapsed and I became incontinent.

"Let the customers in your brother-in-law's shop drink this jar of wine, and we will spare you."

"Not only will I spare you, but I will also give you 10 taels of silver."

Laiji looked at the silver thrown on the ground and didn't dare to reach out.

"If you miss, we will find you and kill your whole family."

"From now on, our people will keep an eye on you."

"It's useless to report to the official. Those bastards from the Green Camp dare to enter Taihu Lake to bring trouble on us men?"

Laiji completely resigned to his fate.

The water bandits in Taihu Lake can stop the children in Sujiahu from crying.

Since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, the banditry in Taihu Lake has never been wiped out.

With a lake surface of more than 2000 square kilometers and nearly a hundred small and large islands, there is enough space for guerrilla attacks.

Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong all issued decrees to recruit Taihu water bandits, regardless of whether they came ashore.


"Masters, I am honest and obedient. I will definitely do as you are told. I don't dare to play tricks."

"Okay." The masked men patted Laiji on the shoulders with satisfaction and left.

Laiji was covered in cold sweat, and it took him a long time to recover and continue driving.

When he arrived at Baiweilou, he was late, and the cheap brother-in-law scolded him again.

This scolding strengthened Laiji's determination.

"Damn it, you actually said that I am a temporary worker, and my sister is also a temporary worker."

"Men don't have a good thing."

The scolding from the shopkeeper of the Fan family helped Li Yu a lot.

The next morning was the time when the two parties agreed.

The location was set at an open space in Fengqiao.

To the north is the Fengjin River and to the west is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

The famous Hanshan Temple is nearby, and you can see the spire of the temple when you look up.

Li Yu didn't put all his money on Lai Er, the risk was too great.

He also made some preparations. Each person carried a bag of lime powder. It would be better to be reviled by everyone in the world than to die.

There were daggers and knives hidden in everyone's boots.

If the plan fails, just kill the gang of cross-river dragons from Songjiang Prefecture.

In his words, life is worth a hundred times more than face.

There is another arrangement that only Thunder Tiger knows about.

The newly recruited thief, Liu Qian, comes on stage.

Sneak into Baiwei Tower at night and spy on Laiji.

If Lai Er betrays his opponent or misses, Liu Qian will have to make a last hit.

Liu Qian did not bargain, silently accepted the task, and received the certificate!
The Pan family still hired many carriages and sent out nursing homes to increase their popularity.

The atmosphere on the road was obviously much duller.

Only Li Yu was shaking the paper fan, the wind was gentle and the clouds were calm.

The crow rarely did a good job:
"Commander, be smarter later. If something goes wrong, just run away."

Seeing that Li Yu was not interested, he added:

"You are not a martial artist. You will vomit blood after a heavy punch. Don't worry about your brothers and run away without looking back."


(End of this chapter)

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