Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 72 Taihu Bandits

Chapter 72 Taihu Bandits
Li Yu smiled, this is the qualified parent official of the Qing Dynasty.

If you shouldn't ask, don't ask.

Even if it is put in front of you, you have to say that you are actually blind.

People who know too much will not live long.

The two chatted for a while and finalized the specific details of cooperation.

Zhang Youdao was still very polite and sent him to the gate of the county government office.

They were talking and laughing all the way, making everyone in the yamen envious.

I wish I could kick Li Yu away and shout loudly, "Old Taishan is on top, please bow to me."

The daughter of the county magistrate is so beautiful, but you resist her.

His heart can be punished!

"What do you think of this person?"


"Do you understand what daddy is thinking?"

"But depending on dad's arrangements, this handsome young man may not be willing."

Zhang Youdao nodded, understanding the obstacles.

Age, and marriage history, really can't be blamed.

The former son-in-law had been ill for a long time.

If it can be postponed until this year, it is already the appearance of Daluo deity.

In the face of death, all fame and official career are in vain.

Everyone thought that he initially tried Zhen's case because he had received a large sum of gold and silver from Li Yu.

In fact, he was thinking about his daughter.

Pity the parents of the world.

Zhang Youdao returned to his study and wrote a letter.

Then he asked Huang Si, the head of the fast class, to come over.

"Huang Si, take this letter and go to the prefect's Yamen."

"Mr. Li asked me to promote you more. I will give you a chance now."

"Thank you sir."

Huang Si was so happy that he almost flew up, kowtowed and left.

Zhang Youdao took a look and saw that the floor tiles were cracked.

He didn't know whether the floor tile had cracked long ago or was cracked by this guy's iron head.

"Hey, with fame and wealth, who can be exempt from vulgarity?"

"How many people in the world can be as wise as me!"

Shaking his head, he returned to his room.

He and Mrs. Ru started singing together.

Today's song is Huangmei Opera "The Consort", which is very classic.

"In order to save Li Lang from his home, he slept with the emperor's top scholar."


Fortunately, Li Yu had left long ago, otherwise I would have been unable to sleep after hearing this devilishly revised version of "The Female Consort".

He took a boat to Xishan again, and the three old masters he borrowed from Pan Wu finally arrived.

Mining at Xishan Coal Mine has been stagnant for a long time.

The dug tunnel was filled with water, causing another collapse.

The three old masters ate something in a hurry and rushed to the scene.

They took compasses and some simple tools and climbed up and down.

Final opinion given:

"Dig the pit again on the mountainside, reinforce it and lay out a drainage ditch."

“The groundwater is too abundant and there is abundant rainfall, so special consideration must be given to water seepage issues.”

Professional things, leave it to professional people.

After Li Yu inquired about their original salary, he decided to triple their wages.

His plan was that Liu Bei would borrow money from Jingzhou and never repay it.

Win the hearts of these three people with preferential treatment and let them stay in Xishan Coal Mine.

As for whether the Pan family would have any objections, he didn't care.

This scapegoat should be blamed on Lan Yingying.

Li Yu was confident and let her bear the firepower.

The bowl of rock sugar and white fungus soup with croton added last time will definitely be returned if I have the chance.


Weigtang bribed a servant of the Pan family.

I gave him 2 taels of silver and told me immediately if the third young master wanted to get married.

Li Yu had a bold idea to give Lan Yingying a little shock.

She ruthlessly started a business on Brother Fu, so she had to be mentally prepared for others to do the same to her.

If you come out to hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

Weigtang's money is almost exhausted.

Zhen's 2 taels and the 4 taels he raised through equity investment seemed like a huge sum.

But he couldn't help but spend such a huge amount of money. The coal mine was a bottomless pit, as well as Lijiabao's infrastructure and the manufacturing of arms.

Fan Jing awkwardly took the account book and told Li Yu.

"Military advisor, there are more than 3000 taels left in the account."

"If the Xishan Coal Mine cannot produce benefits within a month, we will really have no money."

Li Yu was not too surprised. He knew how crazy what he did was.

"Show me the warehouse account books."

Steel, iron, grain, cloth, salt, coking coal, and birch in the warehouse.

There are also matchlocks, gunpowder, knives and spears produced.

Everything is clearly recorded in this account book.

There are more than 110 muskets, which is enough for the time being.

Because there are less than a hundred people who can be trusted with guns.

"Inform Blacksmith Zhang and his son that the production of matchlock guns is suspended, and send them a flintlock sample for them to disassemble."

"Every day, 20 people take turns going to Fangshan Mountain to practice shooting."

Fan Jing was delighted and asked:

"Who are you going to hit?"

“When you encounter thieves, kill them; when you encounter officers and soldiers, kill the officers and soldiers.”


Only people in the government and various water bandits in Taihu Lake felt the tension of preparing for war.

In Fucheng, the rest of the people are still as carefree as ever.

Go to a restaurant, taste green tea, visit a brothel, and go to a theater.

What does the officers and soldiers do to the common people like us when they suppress thieves?

To Li Yu's surprise, the White Lotus Sect fell silent again.

This big fish seemed to rise to the surface, bubbling, and then dived to the bottom.

This made him feel very bad.

Invisible prey is the scariest thing.

The one who felt the same as him was Ma Zhongyi, the prefect of Suzhou. He had always believed that there was Kun in the south of the Yangtze River.

As soon as this Kun leaned against him, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

After taking office, there has been no progress.

To attack Taihu Lake, in terms of the art of war, it is to strike off the grass and scare the snake.

Maybe it would shake that Kun out.

He currently has many suspects, including the White Lotus Sect, the Heaven and Earth Society, the Silk Chamber of Commerce, the Beggar Gang, the Cao Gang, the local subordinate staff gang, and even Yangzhou salt merchants.

On the contrary, I never doubted Li Yu.

Because this guy dances so happily and is so high-profile, I hear news about him from time to time.

Magistrate Ma felt that the rebels were eager to hide themselves in the soil and wreak havoc quietly.

For fear of being discovered by the government in advance and causing death.


The back hall of the government office.

"Master, Yuanhe County sent someone to ask for an audience." The servant Liu Lu came.


"He said he wanted to contribute to the master's encirclement and suppression plan."

Ma Zhongyi suddenly sat up from the recliner. This topic interested him.

"Bring the person to the second hall."

Huang Si, suppressing his excitement, handed over the letter respectfully.

This was his first time to meet such a big official alone.

Ma Zhongyi opened the letter, read it twice, and finally smiled.

The magistrate of Yuanhe County is not bad, he is a good slave!

When everyone was avoiding him, he took the initiative to get close to them.

The words in the letter were impassioned, claiming that he was actively training troops and hired a general from Jinjixun as a coach.

Considering that the county government officials only have a sense of loyalty to the emperor, but have no battlefield experience.

He visited the thatched cottage three more times and persuaded everyone in Jinjixun to join the bandit suppression.

The man who sent the message, Huang Si, was also one of the warriors who went to battle.

"That's right, raise your head."

Ma Zhongyi smiled and looked at this lowly class leader.

"Work hard and I will promote you."

"Military merit is the most important thing in our Qing Dynasty. I can give you a promise first. I will reward you with 50 heads and a bright future."


Huang Si felt dizzy, feeling like he was about to get lucky.

After leaving the government office, he was distraught.

After struggling for a long time, he hired a carriage and went straight to Lijiabao.

"Ayu, Huang Si is here."

"Oh, what's wrong with him?"

"I don't know, it looks a little weird."

So Li Yu met him in the study room inside the fort.

As soon as Huang Si entered the door, he knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and saluted.

He also brought an ancient sword.

"Just come, don't bring anything else."

"The senior official Li praised the younger ones, but the younger ones couldn't repay him. He happened to catch the thief's stolen goods and got an ancient sword. Please appreciate it with the senior officials."

Li Yu took out his sword, which was actually made of bronze with complicated patterns.

It seems that there is still a bit of earthy smell.

He probably guessed the origin of this ancient sword. It must have been dug in an ancient tomb.

Put it aside and said with a smile:
"You are interested. Sit down and let's get down to business."

"Hey, I'm here to suppress bandits."

Li Yu understood it simply.

So, he told Huang Si his plan and warned him:

"Only the county magistrate and you know about this matter in the county government. It must be kept confidential."

"When the time comes, you can follow the boat into the lake. Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid. Wealth can be found in danger."

Li Yu was very satisfied because this guy was honest.

I'm not afraid that you have ambitions, I'm afraid that you're hiding them.


The campaign dragged on for so long that news leaked out.

The Taihu water bandits have many informants on the shore, and these people are not blind.

What's more, there are people in every government office who are jealous of money.

For 5 taels of silver, the secret was sold.

If you don’t sell it, others will.

The officers and soldiers were preparing for war, and the water bandits were also preparing for war, or preparing to flee.

The powerful water bandits are unwilling to give up their lair.

The weak ones began to move one after another, putting all their gold, silver and soft goods on the boats so that they could escape at any time.

Sanshan Island.

It is a larger island in Taihu Lake, covering an area of ​​about 2 square kilometers.

It is also the home of the largest force, the Sea Dragon King.

He was a deserter from Taihu Xielu Camp. He had a conflict with Shangguan and owed too much debt to a gambling house.

He killed people in anger and became a bandit, nicknamed "Sea Dragon King".

Therefore, his will to rebel is relatively firm.

I never believe in nonsense like recruitment.

There are more than 200 people under him, with complex composition, various religions and nine streams.

Because he was born in the green camp, he has more experience than other water bandits.

The defenses of Sanshan Island are obviously superior.

There is a peak on the island with an altitude of 80 meters.

Sea Dragon King set up a lookout post and a simple lighthouse on the top of the mountain.

If you encounter a police officer, fire a cannon.

The sound of a cannon is a warning of a ship.The second sound indicates an enemy attack.Three sounds indicate the arrival of a powerful enemy, and the entire army attacks.


"The government wants to suppress us, what should we do, brothers?"

"Kill, kill, kill."

There are more than 100 men, all of them extremely vicious.

The Sea Dragon King was very satisfied with his men’s fighting spirit:
"Not many of those officers and soldiers in Suzhou Prefecture can fight."

"Brothers, as long as we show the same bloody spirit as the two-swordsman last time, the officers and soldiers will be defeated."

"From today onwards, it is forbidden to drink alcohol and return home. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed."

"Listen to big brother."

It was a mess, but it was obvious that the Sea Dragon King's prestige was quite high.

There are not only water bandits on Sanshan Island, but also dozens of families.

They have lived here for generations and do not want to move.

Moreover, the Sea Dragon King did not kill them, but only asked for food every year.The common people thought that it was just like changing the government, it was the same anyway.

The items, such as cloth and salt, stolen by the bandits were sold to the people at a discounted price.

The common people made their own wine at home and sold poultry to the water bandits.

As time passed, some gangsters even married girls from ordinary people's families.

The relationship between bandits and people on the island has entered a period of high harmony.

The most iconic incident was when a family went out to fish in the lake and was beaten and robbed of their fishing nets by other forces.

The Sea Dragon King even dispatched three ships to seek justice.

This magical reality makes people feel trance-like.


2 days later.

The army set off, with 700 soldiers from the Taihu Navy, plus 400 people from official positions and civilians.

In a mighty way, they took more than 30 large and small warships and entered Taihu Lake from Xukou Town.

Ma Zhongyi and Shi Linglun were each on a 500-ton warship.

The flag was raised.

Li Yu did not participate. For safety reasons, he handed over command to Lin Huaisheng.

The boat belongs to Weigtang, a 300-weight flat-bottomed sand boat.

More than 30 people from Weige Hall put on official clothes and pretended to be Yamen and Minzhuang of Yuanhe County.

There are 12 people in Jinjixun, Hu is the leader, and he is the deputy.

After entering Taihu Lake, the ship deliberately fell behind.

In the cabin, Xiao Wu excitedly played with the matchlock gun.

He asked to participate on his own initiative and spent three days before he was allowed to participate.

Although his left arm is disabled, it does not affect his use of the matchlock gun.

Muskets can eliminate cold weapons because the requirements for soldiers are low.

In 3 months, you can train a barely usable musketeer.

3 years later, the archers are still drawing.

In cold weapon fighting, soldiers must be strong to be able to wield swords.

A musket can be fired by a dwarf.

"Xiao Wu, can you use a gun?"

"Why not? I've been practicing at Fangfang Mountain every day these days. I can't even wash my hands white."

Xiaowu's fingers were pitch black.

This is often smoked by black gunpowder, and some of it penetrates into the skin.


More than 30 warships seemed very large when they took the oath in Xukou Town.

Once you enter Taihu Lake, you instantly become insignificant.

"The smoke is vast and majestic." Ma Zhongyi stood on the bow of the ship, with a sword on his waist, full of pride.

Instead of wearing a civilian robe, he put on a suit of cotton armor.

This set of cotton armor was passed down from his grandfather.

A true family heirloom!

Last night, Huang Si asked to see him.

A bold idea was proposed.

The warship sent by the Yuanhe County magistrate broke away from the main force midway and independently killed a water bandit.

There are three advantages to doing this.

To suppress bandits independently, military merit does not need to be shared.

It is highly possible to obtain more information from the captives.

In case the main force fails to suppress the bandits, there is still a record for Magistrate Ma to cover up.

Ma Zhongyi felt very good and praised Huang Si and rewarded him with 1 tael of silver.

As everyone knows, this plan was proposed by Li Yu.


This water bandit lives in no fixed place and often takes shelter on Gongshan Island.

The bandit leader was born as a fisherman, and his water skills were so good that he was nicknamed Water Monkey.

The water monkey is a legendary and terrifying creature in the water. It has a human-like body shape, breathes with its lungs, and likes to drag swimmers to the bottom and drown them.

In some places, they are also called water ghosts.

Many people swear that they have seen this creature with their own eyes.

There is a reason why Li Yu chose this guy to attack.

There are few people, so they are easy to chew.

He is a gentle man among water bandits, and robbery is his side job.

Using transaction information, acting as an intermediary is the main way of profit, and its value is high.

The last point is that some people avenge private revenge.

There are rumors in the world that after Qingmudang was surrounded and annihilated, the three people who escaped from the Internet defected to Water Monkey.

The source of this information is very vague and cannot be verified.

But it became a worry for Li Yu, which made him unhappy.

The death of Boss Lei, the brutality of Qingmudang's raid, and the deep grudge between the two sides made him uneasy.

In a blood feud, we still have to try our best to eradicate it.

Otherwise, once you are down, or the other party climbs onto a high tree, he will definitely come back to you again.

Repaying evil with kindness is a puzzling rhetoric.

It's something people who are generous on the outside but timid on the inside would say.

Since the Qing Dynasty, Li Yu has firmly believed that when dealing with enemies, martial ethics should be the main method of persuasion, and physical elimination should be the supplement.

Therefore, this trip to join in the suppression of bandits was to kill four birds with one stone.

The nickname "Jin Liang" cannot be famous all over the world.

It is really a pity.

Li Yu planned everything, but Lin Huaisheng resolutely implemented it.

After long-term observation, Li Yu discovered that this guy was different from others in that he acted without restraint.

All his requests will be implemented immediately.

Even if he was asked to hack an official to death on the street, he would immediately do it.

The consequences were never in his mind.

Pity and sympathy are even non-existent. Maybe it has something to do with his upbringing.

Li Yu even felt that he never regarded others as the same kind.

Fortunately, he is his own man.


A centipede boat sailed over.

They started waving flags from a distance, and Huang Si immediately asked people to wave flags in response.

After a while, the messenger came on board.

Conveyed Ma Zhongyi's verbal orders to Huang Si.

After wiping out all the water monkeys, an interrogation started on the spot.

The confession will then be delivered to him without delay.

Although Huang Si was a little confused, he vaguely guessed what the prefect wanted to know.

He shook his head and decided not to think anymore.

Just look for Li Daguanren's path and try your best to do it.

People who have too many thoughts often do not have good results.

Hu Ba was always the calmest person on the whole ship. He stood on a high place and looked out with his telescope from time to time.

Before leaving, Li Yu repeatedly warned.

Lin Huaisheng has the final say on who to hit.

How to fight, Mr. Hu has the final say.

When the fight breaks out, Hu has the final say on the entire ship.

After the fight, Lin Huaisheng has the final say.

It is important to have clear command authority, otherwise bad things will happen.

No matter how illiterate Mr. Hu is, he is still the most experienced person on this ship.

For professional matters, you still have to trust professionals.

Seeing that the main fleet was out of sight, the messenger and clippers were also out of sight.

Old Hu laughed:
"Bring out all the firearms and stop hiding them."


A total of 60 matchlock guns, all brand new.

Everyone has one, and there are extra.

Hu arranged the arrangements for the general manager.Except for the helmsman, sail controller, and lookout post, everyone else was sitting on both sides and waiting.

The muskets were all loaded and kept at hand.

All the extra muskets were distributed to his brothers, who fired them in turn.

Place two braziers on the front and rear of the deck to light the fire.

Once you encounter an enemy, you can ignite the match quickly.

He learned these experiences on the Jinchuan front line.

This is what those barbarian soldiers did in the watchtowers.

The thought of those terrible days made him uncomfortable.

That's called war. No matter where you stand, what armor you wear, or whether you are brave or brave, it doesn't make much difference.

Cannons and guns can hit anyone in the next second.

Those who survive are those who are lucky.

The fight in front of us is simply not worth mentioning. It can only be regarded as strolling around the court.

A cry broke through his thoughts.

"Boss, Gongshan Island is ahead."

"There are boats and people moving."

Old Hu threw away his boots and climbed up to the middle of the mast.

Holding the cable with one hand, he pulled out the telescope from his waist with the other hand and opened it for observation.

3 miles away, Gongshan Island is clearly visible.

Two boats were parked at the wooden pier on the edge of the island.

More than a dozen people were running back and forth between the ship and the land, carrying boxes.

I don’t know if they are busy transporting goods or unloading goods.

On the ship's mast, the sails are lowered.

"From now on, everyone listens to my orders."

"Quickly, get closer. The musketeers light the matches and prepare for battle."


Almost at the same time, people on Gongshan Island also discovered ships.

One person banged the gong as a warning.

Lin Huaisheng borrowed a telescope and saw it really.

An excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This kind of day has been long gone.

In his hand is a Lee Type [-] infantry matchlock gun.

There was a sword hanging on the side of the waist, a small ax stuck in the belt, and a flintlock handgun.

He was not wearing any shirt or boots, which made him look very arrogant.

Hu Bang always looks down on this kind of gang-scented attire.

He shook his head, put on his official hat and put on his boots.

Then he took the straw rope and wrapped it around the sole of the boot a few times and tied it tightly.

He checked the match rope and gunpowder horns around his waist.

He put the shield on the side of the ship again, and felt relieved.

Most of his men are like him.

The so-called preaching in daily life and teaching by example in wartime is probably like this.

Therefore, excellent grassroots military attachés are the skeleton of an army.

Without a skeleton, no matter how many soldiers there are, they are just empty flesh.


Water Monkey, when he heard the officers and soldiers coming.

I wish I had two big mouths for myself yesterday.

In fact, yesterday, I could have escaped.

But he couldn't bear to part with his possessions on the island, which were worth tens of thousands of dollars.

So, with a sense of luck, he asked his men to carry away some huanghuali furniture.

This hassle has been postponed until today.

Even if you give up your life and not your wealth, you are still a poor person at heart.

When I ran to the beach and took a look, it was just an official ship, and I felt much more at ease.

He came up with an idea:
"Send someone to negotiate and buy the road."

"Who's going? Reward 10 taels of silver."

"Boss, let me go." A burly man stood up.

He was shirtless, and the scar extended from his shoulder to his waist, which was shocking.

He is Aokido's escaped eldest brother.

He joined the Water Monkey with his two remaining men and was welcomed.

Because Water Monkey's group has weak force value and few hard ideas.

With the addition of these three people, we will be much tougher when we act as middlemen.

The probability of being taken advantage of by others is greatly reduced.

During the negotiation, these people stood there with their shirts on and their sabers in hand.

There is no need to say harsh words or glare.

A gangster temperament exudes from the inside out.

The old gangsters all said that these guys looked like they had crawled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and they were very skilled in their skills.


"Brother, if something happens to you, you have to be the one. Let the officers and soldiers make a price, and we won't bargain and buy a way out."

The water monkey patted him on the shoulder and sent him onto a small sampan.

Water Monkey's men breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, they are not good at fighting!

[Two chapters are merged into one chapter, in order to increase the ordering of both. Only when the ordering is high can it be recommended.Thanks for the support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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