Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 78 No one understands business war better than me

Chapter 78 No one understands business war better than me

[Mengxin drew a map randomly after drinking, which will be involved in the plot a few days later. Reading it together will make it clearer.Try sending an Easter egg stamp, if it doesn't work, forget it. 】

Unfolding the hand-drawn map, Li Yu added two stars around it.

One is in the south of Lijiabao, Hengtangyi.

One is to the east of Lijiabao, Shihu Inspection Department.

They are all controlled by their own people, and the next step is to gradually replace their soldiers with armed personnel from Lijiabao.

Use the royal court's pay to support your own soldiers.

Wearing official clothes, who dares to say that he is not representing the government.

Lijiabao must also absorb the advanced experience of this era.

The Qing court and the White Lotus Sect are both very flexible.

You can't be too rigid and insist on sticking to the traditional line of planting flags and rebelling.

It is completely possible to change the approach and gradually replace the green camp in Suzhou Prefecture with our own people.

Of course, this process must be complicated, bloody, and deceitful.

Those who are willing to board the ship of light will be given more gold and silver women.

If they don't want to get on the ship, let them die in battle, and use this trick to eliminate the low-end green camp soldiers.

Li Yu has reason to believe that if Suzhou Prefecture takes jujube pills, there will be chaos.

If there is no chaos, you will create chaos.

Only when the water is muddy can the fish become happy.


However, before thinking about the future, we still have to face a serious problem!
Really out of money.

Fan Jing piled the account books on the table and forced a smile.

"There are 100 taels left."

"In a few days, Weigtang will have to change into a Beggar's Gang."

Li Yu was stunned, wouldn't he have become the leader of the gang?

"How's the coal cake and coal stove business going?"

"I put the goods in several shops in Fucheng, but no one cared about them."

"Is it because it's too expensive?"

“It’s not that it’s expensive, but that people are not used to it.”

Li Yu nodded, this is indeed a problem.

Once people get used to it, they are not willing to change it easily.

This is a philosophy for ordinary people to live their lives!Don't change things casually and keep tossing and turning.

It can be as small as a home or as big as a court.

In fact, this is the case. Try to follow Lao Tzu's "governing by doing nothing".

Life will be better.


Expanded meeting of Lijiapu key elements,
Listening to the meeting in the back were Liu Akun and several former cousins.

"From now on, you should put down everything you are doing and do your best to promote the coal cake business."

"Ask the military division to show you."

"The first step is business war."

Li Yu looked at everyone and saw confusion from their blank expressions.

"The so-called business war is actually not high-end. On the contrary, it is very down-to-earth."

"You said, if the people don't burn coal cakes, what do they burn?"

"Ordinary people burn firewood, while wealthy people burn charcoal."

"So, as long as there is no firewood or charcoal in Suzhou City, won't our coal cakes be sold?"

"The military division is wise."

Li Yu pressed his hand and signaled to Yang Duren not to flatter him yet.

This wind cannot last long.

But you can take more photos in private, which is good for your body and mind.

"Scatter all our people out and cut off the firewood at the city gate to enter the city."

"What if they resist?"

This question raised by Du Ren is very good.

Most of the people who cut firewood are nearby people and make a living from this.

Cutting off other people's financial resources will naturally lead to backlash.


"Go to Huang Si and borrow some of the government officials' clothes, and then borrow a few more government officials to see who dares to resist."

"This is a good idea, military advisor."

"It's not good to cut off other people's livelihood. If you tell these people, you can help sell coal cakes in the future, and you guys will calculate the commission, and that's pretty much it."

Li Yu is a slap in the face and a sweet date.

Turn those who sell firewood in the streets into street traders selling coal cakes.

"Military advisor, there is another problem. Those firewood shops in the city can sell a boatload of firewood in three days. Commercial warfare is not good for them."

"Business war is the first step. What I want to talk about next are some strategies that are not on the table."

Everyone was excited, wondering what kind of trick this was.

The military advisor looked gentle, but he was even more ruthless than the King of Hell.

It's true that the name may be wrong, but the nickname is not wrong.

"Take advantage of the darkness and put a piece of rebellion paper on the panel of Chaihe's shop. Then notify the government officials."

"What should I write on this paper?"

"Just write that the white lotus blossoms and Maitreya is born."

Ah, everyone was dumbfounded.

Military Advisor, you are truly "Li Yanwang".

Yang Yunjiao asked hesitantly:

"Isn't this too harsh? If those shop owners get into this kind of lawsuit, they might have half of their property eaten up by the government."

Li Yu suddenly said coldly:
"Women are kind. We sell coal cakes and others sell firewood. How can we coexist peacefully?"

"Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents. The conflict between us cannot coexist, and one of us will definitely fall."

Seeing everyone lowering their heads, they dare not look into their own eyes.

Li Yu slowed down his tone again and said:

"Let's do the surgery on the largest one first. If the others are wise, they can sell coal cakes on their behalf."

"In order to avoid the suspicion of the government, if there are unscrupulous shops, carriage collisions, drunken beatings, immortal jumps, fires, or wild children coming to recognize relatives, there will always be something suitable for him."

"Unless Suzhou people celebrate the Cold Food Festival every day, our coal cakes will definitely sell well."

"Everyone, I only want results. As for the means, you can choose for yourself."


The day.

The entire Suzhou Prefecture knew that Weigetang wanted to do exclusive business.

If anyone tries to stop him, don't blame Li Daguan for not being polite.

The next morning.

Outside the nine city gates of Suzhou Prefecture, there are people from Weigetang on the official roads.

When he saw a woodcutter, he stopped him and told him not to enter the city.

The government servants on the side will also come over.

Tell the person carrying the firewood maliciously:

"The city is arresting gangsters, the Shaotan Gang!"

"Master, we are wood cutters, not charcoal burners."

"When firewood is burned, isn't it just charcoal?"

Threats work very well.

As soon as most people heard this bastard logic, they silently pushed the cart back.

Because in Qing Dynasty, this thing is really not uncommon.

This "charcoal-burning gang" rhetoric was made up by Du Ren.

He often dealt with the government and learned the essence of it.

Once there is a thief, the government will implicate a large number of people.

The reasons for arresting people are often bizarre.

They are fellow countrymen and have the same surname. This is a good reason.

There are even cases where the thief wore straw sandals and you also wore straw sandals, so they are probably of the same kind.


The people of the Qing Dynasty have become accustomed to it.

In a word, if trouble doesn't come to you, don't ask for trouble yourself.

Don't go into the city these days.

The provincial ones were regarded as some kind of "charcoal-burning gang" and were thrown into jail and beaten severely.

A very few stupid people insist on being reasonable.

He was dragged aside by the heroes and slowly began to reason.

Personal retail firewood channels have been cut off.

In the city, shops selling firewood are encountering trouble one after another.

In the early morning, the government officials suddenly arrived.

A firewood shop in an alley of Wolong Street was raided.

On the spot, I carried away a plank with the slogan "White Lotus Against the Bandit", which was like a treasure.

Since he has something to do with the White Lotus Rebel, this matter must be discussed carefully.

As it happens, this family is quite wealthy.

Before finding out, the shop was closed.

Just pile up the boatload of firewood that just arrived.

Considering that this person has a distant relative who works as an escort in Songjiang Prefecture.

The people in Yuanhe County Government maintained a certain degree of "politeness" towards him.

It's simple, we won't let you give in.

In case, it will be more troublesome to encounter knowledgeable people.

We ask you to prove your innocence and prove that you have nothing to do with the White Lotus bandit.

You must provide ironclad evidence to prove your innocence.

All the oaths and curses are of no use.

Before you prove your innocence, just stay in jail and reflect.

Reflecting deeply,

Naturally, I understand that this ironclad proof is not necessarily made of iron element.

It's probably made of silver ions.


At noon that day, another shopkeeper of a firewood shop encountered the embarrassment of being unable to argue.

A mother and son, who looked like refugees, knelt down at the door of the store.

"I am Xia Yuzhu from the Yellow River. Son, please call me daddy."

"Dad, I'm hungry."

A child with a runny nose was crying and hugging the shopkeeper's leg.

"Dad, I'm hungry. Dad, I'm hungry. Dad, I'm hungry."

Like a repeater, the voice is sharp and high-pitched.

The shopkeeper's scalp was numb, and he went from explaining things nicely to swearing.

However, more and more people were watching.

This kind of thing of coming to the door to recognize relatives and exposing family scandals is too exciting.This kind of fun is not often encountered.

There were onlookers on three levels inside and outside, and business could not be done.

Half an hour later, the shopkeeper's wife came.

As soon as they met, they started to curse.

All the shopkeeper's old tricks were revealed.

As a result, it became a conflict between three parties.

The street was filled with smoke and traffic jams.

The woman seemed honest and dirty, but she was extremely eloquent.

A cry, describing the ups and downs of the story.

When the shopkeeper was young, I met her by chance while crossing the Yellow River.

How to fall in love at first sight, how to make a private decision for a lifetime, including those details and those promises.

The onlookers nodded frequently and gave generously.

This is more exciting than the storytellers in the teahouse.

The furious shopkeeper's wife yelled that she wanted to beat the vixen.

He was stopped by the bored melon-eating crowd again and gave him some persuasion.

It's nothing more than that, even though everyone is here, I still have to show off my ladylike demeanor.

We can’t let outsiders underestimate Suzhou Ning’s structure.

In short, they are all words that seem reasonable but are actually full of bad intentions.


Finally, the patrolling government officials maliciously blocked traffic.

They took everyone away.

The shop will naturally be closed.

As for when he will be released, we have to wait for Li Daguan to speak.

After a combination of punches, the firewood merchant in Suzhou City was stunned.

At this time, a kind person appeared.

He told many businessmen in the Chaihe Chamber of Commerce that it was better not to confront him head-on. Li Daguan had people and money.

What should we use to fight against others?
If you piss someone off, they might set you on fire at night.

Suzhou Prefecture has developed commerce, and many industries have associations.

This kind man is a member of the Chamber of Commerce.

Last night, Du Ren, the lawyer from Weigtang who had just visited late at night, was successfully persuaded and convinced.

So, he performed the scene of the Qu/Line Rescue Association.

Two days later, the Suzhou Firewood Chamber of Commerce sent a representative to formally negotiate with Li Yu.

After half a day of friendly negotiations, the whole process was supervised by a knife-wielding officer.

An intention to cooperate was reached.

Clear out all the firewood and sell coal cakes instead.

The term is one month, and the contract can be renewed if business is good.

If it doesn't sell, that's the end of it.


Five days later, the coal cakes began to sell well.

The government officials in Suzhou Prefecture began to arrest people who cut down trees randomly.

If we don't take action, I'm afraid not a single tree in the huge Suzhou city will survive until the Lantern Festival.

Coal cakes transported from the Xishan Coal Mine enter Panmen along the waterway one by one.

Suzhou has a well-developed water system, which saves a lot of trouble.

From Xishan Island, you can sail all the way to Panmen Shuicheng Gate.

Then change boats and load goods to various store warehouses.

During lunch, Li Yu climbed to the highest point in the city, the top of the North Temple Tower.

Overlooking the whole city, the smoke is rising.

Blue-gray soot is floating all over the city.

He took a deep breath and sighed:
"I seem to smell the smell of a civilized society."

"Military advisor, I feel a little bit annoyed." Lin Huaisheng couldn't help but tell the truth.

"You read too little, believe me."

After a while, the west wind blew.

The west wind carries the soot and hits the Beisi Pagoda.

"Commander, why are you crying?"

"Oh, I'm fascinated by the sand."

Lin Huaisheng was about to speak but stopped, thinking:
It was obviously caused by coal smoke, but the smoke was really unpleasant and it also stung my eyes.


Li Yu was right about one thing, he read too little.

This coal cake is smoky because the sulfur content is too high.

The underground of Xishan Coal Mine is full of coal of this quality.

However, the sulfur removal technology has not yet been mastered.

The people of Suzhou can only suffer and adapt slowly.

In fact, if there is too much sulfur smell, it will be beneficial.

Can eliminate insects and repel mosquitoes.

Suzhou Chaihe Chamber of Commerce is already promoting this.

Trying to trample on the people's intelligence and turn bad things into good things.

Later, some evil spirits arranged for Li Yu.

He is said to be the only bad guy who makes all the women in Suzhou cry every day.

It was recorded harshly in the local chronicles.

In the 40th year of Qianlong's reign, on the fourth day of July, Suzhou City became the first victim of industrialization.

Every mealtime, soot smoke drifts across the city.

The flying bird was frightened and did not dare to land.

However, a few years later, when Li Yu ascended the throne as emperor, he specially instructed a group of literati.

Capitalize on the research article and say it starts on this day.

The mountains outside Suzhou are all green and the trees are dense.

No one cuts down trees for firewood anymore.

This is a small step for industrialization and a giant step for civilization.

In short, from different standpoints, there are different views.

opponents of empire,
In private, he called the emperor "Yellow Emperor" because he painted too many astringent paintings.

He is also called the "Green Emperor" because he always likes to do bad things in the name of greening.

The cheap coal cake business quickly spread.


In just one month, Xishan Coal Mine’s sales reached an astonishing 1 million yuan.

Equivalent to silver, 3 taels.

Li Yu said: "Monopolizing and monopolizing business has great potential."

Fuel is something that every household uses every day.

Over the years, this business has been extremely stable.

However, it is inseparable from the strong support of these officials behind it.

Therefore, dividends should be generous.

At the end of the year, let these people taste the sweetness.

Adult friendship is as fragile as window paper.

Once bound by common interests, we will be as tough as a willow tree.

There are two questions at the moment:
Xishan Coal Mine wants to increase production, and increasing production requires more labor.

Another thing is that the transportation capacity is not enough.

If these two things are solved, the business can increase by a few percent.

Manpower is easy to handle.

Recruit refugees and transport them to Xishan Island.

The government, on the other hand, will maintain acquiescence in this matter.

Because they can not only get more dividends, but also solve the hidden dangers of local refugees.

If you belong, you will gain fame and fortune just by lying down.

During this period of time, Li Yu will not be restricted by the government.

Instead, most issues get a green light.

If there is insufficient transportation capacity, you can hire a fleet.

As for whether to build their own ships, recruit sailors, or directly hire a water transport fleet.

Li Yu didn't think about it.

Both have their pros and cons, and I can’t decide at the moment.


Building ships and recruiting sailors require a lot of money and energy.

The advantage is that once used, it becomes a navy army.

Every day we transport coal into the city, but one day we think the opposite and just replace the coal with people.

He asked Fan Jing to find a few professionals to make a budget.

Fan Jing found some old shipbuilding craftsmen and made a rough calculation.

Taking 20 500-material high-standard sand ships as an example, it will cost about 8 taels.

Each ship also needs 20 sailors and 1 captain.

In addition, the housing, food, and management issues of these people also need to be solved.

It is also necessary to build a qualified wharf, not to mention like Xujiang Wharf, but at least have a basic appearance and cost no less than 3000 taels.

Oh, and there’s the maintenance of the boat.

Wooden boats must be pulled ashore for maintenance every year, otherwise their lifespan will be greatly reduced.

There are also repairs to sails and replacement of ropes.

All of a sudden, Li Yu decided to give up this idea first.

Eat rice one bite at a time.

Spend money and hire cao gangs to idle ships and sailors.

These people are unemployed for a long time every year and have no reason not to take up work.

Liu Qian reminded:
The Cao Gang was unruly and there were many hills inside. Relying on its status of transporting imperial grain, it often had conflicts with merchant ships and people on the shore.

This is a powerful Jianghu group with a certain official background.

Li Yu just didn't care.

I am the local snake in Suzhou Prefecture. Your Cao Gang has to lie down even if it is a tiger, and it has to be coiled up even if it is a dragon.

There are many innocent souls killed by Weigtang's sword.


While we were discussing, someone suddenly came to report.

"Military advisor, the matchmaker, the old woman, is accompanying her ex-sister-in-law and is having a private meeting with a man."

Everyone looked at Li Yu with complicated expressions.

It doesn't matter whether it's better to break the guy's three legs. Military advisor Gan Gang can only make the decision.

Li Yu sighed:

"Du Ren, Lin Huaisheng, you two accompany me to join in the fun."

(End of this chapter)

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