Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 94 How can you assume my gender?

Chapter 94 How can you assume my gender?

Lan Yingying's expression was out of control, as if she had met a devil:
"You, you~"

Li Yu smiled, he was right.

This finally explains why Mr. Fan would rather suffer the loss of being dumb.

Because once you report to the official, you will get into big trouble.

Banners and Han people do not intermarry, which is the rule of the imperial court.

His son married a bannerman woman and kept her as a concubine.

This is seriously damaging to zzzq.

The government will not spare the Pan family.

"I am an honest man. You two will not be able to get out of Lijiapu alive."

"Since you are a bannerman, you will go to the government to report me for treason when you go out, right?"

"However, if you are as honest as me, I can promise not to kill you and use it as a teaching aid for me to learn art."


It was obvious that the two were hesitating.

After exchanging glances several times, we finally had the final answer.

"Deal, I hope you will act like a man in the world and don't go back on your word."


Lan Yingying,
20 years old, a native of Shengjing Banner, with a white flag under his command.

Due to the crimes of their fathers, the whole family became slaves of the nobles under their banner.

Unable to bear the humiliation, he burned down his master's house and haystacks in the middle of winter and fled to the end of the world.

After entering the customs, he hid his identity and wandered around various states and counties.

On the way, I met several people in the world and entered the Thousand Gates.

With his ruthlessness, scheming, and good looks, he became the most skilled general among thousands of sects.

Lan Yingying's psychological defense collapsed,

So he explained it very happily, including which princes and ministers he had deceived in the capital.

He also committed many crimes in Chengdu Prefecture, Hangzhou Prefecture, Jiangning Prefecture, and Yangzhou Prefecture, specifically targeting the wealthy businessmen and gentry of the Han people.

Little risk, big reward.

Not once did he fail, and every time he got money, he squandered it all.

Relying on her status as a bannerwoman, the victim did not dare to speak out.

It turns out that this is a traitor.

The idea of ​​​​committing the crime is clear and strange.

Li Yu couldn't help but ask:
"How do you two women spend your money?"

Lan Yingying glanced contemptuously:
"Spending money is the easiest thing in the world. It's just a waste of money. Even fools can do it."

Li Yu choked and felt that it made sense.

Come to think of it, there's nothing left to talk about.

However, this skeleton is very strange, and it is a good teaching aid for painting.

In the future, I can make some contributions to the revival of art.

"I will send someone to take you to the island to be imprisoned. Don't even think about escaping."

"When I have free time, I will talk to you about the customs and customs outside the customs."

"The servant will leave."

The master and servant were very obedient and followed the guards away.

However, he is probably still acting.

Li Yu felt that he was becoming more and more suspicious of Prime Minister Cao!
For the sake of safety during class, if not possible, tie up the teaching aids first.


After figuring out Lan Yingying's identity, Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he's not the leader of the White Lotus Sect branch, that's fine.

Otherwise, he is really stuck in his throat.

Next, we will concentrate on dealing with the Fan family.

Only by exploding a round of gold coins can he carry out his next big plan.

Just because Fan Chengmo is a rabbit is not enough.

It was embarrassing for this matter to spread, but it didn't go to the extent of overturning the fate of the family.

Li Yu asked people in the martial arts world to hire two beautiful young men with huge sums of money.

36 hits,
The honey trap seems to be the most vulgar, but is actually the most effective strategy.

History is changing, but human nature remains the same.

I felt pity for the two, the sleek, teenage rabbits.

One has gentle eyes, the other has a charming smile,

Received the money.

Throw it at Li Yu~
Almost out of control.

If it weren't for the big plan, I'm afraid these two rabbits would have been sent to the Xishan Coal Mine today.

Li Yu doesn't like rabbit meat.

But miners are not picky eaters because they lack meat and fish.

Even if the Jade Rabbit comes to earth, he will not survive even one day.


All anglers know this,

After placing the bait, the next step is to wait patiently.

Whether it's the Air Force or not, that's God's final decision.

Several days passed in succession,
There was no harvest. The two fished for bait in the teahouse and met Fan Chengmo several times on the street.

However, no magnetic pole reaction occurred.

This confused Li Yu. Did he guess wrong?
No, that lip-smacking action is a classic behavior of this group.

Maybe, it's not charming enough.

This Young Master Fan has quite a bad appetite.

For a while, it was deadlocked.

Suddenly, an old friend came.

Wang Shenxian, who said "one person for each phase, ten taels of gold in the hexagram", came with his little book boy.

Staying in a high-end inn,
Someone sent a message to Li Yu, inviting him to a gathering.

This person has been wandering around Jiangning Mansion and Yangzhou Mansion for a long time.

Everywhere he went, dignitaries and dignitaries flocked to him.

Although Li Yu didn't know the details of this person,

But I can roughly guess how much.

He collects the money and usually gets things done.

Although the price is a bit expensive, the reputation is good.

Li Yu specifically talked to Master Hu,

Master Hu said that behind the smooth operation of things, there was at least a governor or a minister.

He also said that he could buy a patrol inspection for 7000 taels, but people are stupid and have too much money.


Li Yu smiled and said nothing, ignoring Master Hu's resentment.

He knew that he was unhappy when he refused to help him return to the Hu family's ancestral grave last time.


There are also opportunities for collaboration.

If Lijiabao could hold group training, wouldn't it be possible to openly prepare troops?Muskets and swords can also be taken out of the table.

At that time, you can use it for personal gain.Go to Huizhou Prefecture to suppress the bandits for him.

Master Hu couldn't help but help him get qualified to hold group training.

Of course,
This group training is not the Hunan Army training of Zeng Guofan in later generations.

In every aspect, it is controlled by the government.

The Hunan Army's regiment training has almost unlimited power.

Self-collection of taxes, self-funding of military pay, who to fight or not to fight, the court has no say, it is the head of the regiment training who has the final say.

If you are in a hurry, you can also stab the horse in public.

Rebellious thieves, properly rebellious ministers and thieves.

In his heart, Li Yu despised the big boss of the Hunan Army.

I despise it because I can only kill some petty officials.

And these guys killed the governor of Liangjiang in one move.

How many levels are there in between?

Envious tight.

The handle of the knife is strong, and the waist is strong.

However, the meal still has to be eaten in one bite.

Li Yu often lamented, why is the world so peaceful?
Everyone is against the king, why are you so honest?

There is no standout, attracting firepower from the front.

To his own detriment, he has been cautiously developing his military.

A lot of money was thrown into the yamen to buy a way.


If Hong Dachang, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is present.

He will definitely exclaim that there is someone in the world who understands me so well.

The lines of rebellion coincided with each other.

They all first keep a low profile, develop in the jungle, and then go out with the Liushen outfit.

As soon as he appears, he suppresses the gods and carries everyone.

Therefore, you must not underestimate the heroes of the world.


The top floor of a high-end hotel.

Wang Shenxian packed it up and used it as a temporary business place.

The guise of "Xiangtian Corporal" was hung directly on the outside.

This magnanimity made many colleagues dissatisfied.

Why do you count 10 taels of gold at a time, but we count 10 copper coins at a time.

it's not fair

I may not lose you in discussing Zhouyi Bagua.

After these people caused trouble once, they didn't show up the next day.

Because, their stall was smashed.

The fortune tellers all have ferocious faces and roar that your calculations are not accurate at all.

He slapped him in the face, raised his flag in public, smashed the stall, and walked away.

Wang Shenxian,
How could he be an ordinary fortune teller and half-immortal?

He is a broker who can reach the sky, secretly collecting money for his master.

"Mr. Li, we meet again by chance."

"Long time no see, I miss you very much."

The two laughed and exchanged pleasantries.

Sit down, drink tea and chat about big and small things.

Wang Shenxian inadvertently revealed several major events.
For example, the emperor planned to give Agui, the general who conquered the west, a first-class title, a bachelor's degree, a minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and a tour of the military aircraft.

Which concubine is the most favored in the palace recently?

A certain prince in the capital became jealous and beat up the censor who patrolled the city.

Wait for the gossip, but it’s all fresh and hot.

All news, no old news.

Li Yu was shocked when he heard this, knowing that this was told to him on purpose.

This was an era when carriages and horses were very slow and basically relied on roaring.

Wang Shenxian must have very smooth information channels.


"Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books."

"Hey, I'm just a charlatan, and I can't live in a noble place."

"But I admire you very much and want to make you a friend."

"It doesn't have to be."

Li Yu raised his eyes and saw the familiar little book boy again.

This person was still so unruly, looking at him with big eyes.

The clothes are simple, but the materials are first-class.

It's more pleasing to the eye than those two rabbit masters.

"Mr. Li, what do you think of me as a book boy?"

"A piece of jade in the rough."

"Hahahaha, wonderful words." Wang Shenxian smiled happily. "Based on your words, you should be considered the master of Jiangnan Fengyue. I am willing to share this beautiful jade with my friends."

Li Yu was stunned.
It's like he misinterpreted what he meant.

Sharing his little book boy with himself?

Looking at the book boy holding a banner behind him, his fair face turned red.

"I wonder if this book boy is a boy or a girl?"

Poof, Wang Shenxian laughed and sprayed the tea leaves.

Is it so funny?

"If you want to welcome a man, he can be a man. If you want to bully a woman, she can be a woman."...

Li Yu took a sip of tea to hide his embarrassment.

This little book boy seems to have touched his own blind spot of knowledge.

Before time travel, there were already 31 genders.

Now it seems that it is still conservative.

The unknown creature in front of me has another gender.

For a moment, he suddenly remembered that famous saying,

How can you assume my gender?

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind, and he connected the book boy with the Fan family.

Could it be that Wang Shenxian smelled something?
He tentatively asked:

"I am also a person who likes to share, but only in business."

"Those who are good at sharing will definitely go further. The more friends there are, the more roads there will be."

"There is a big business now, and it is very profitable, but the opponent has a relatively strong background."

"I am interested in getting involved. Mr. Li, are you willing?"

Li Yu now knew what was going on.
As expected, this guy smelled money and came to his door.

Good thing.

Before raising a flag to rebel, I was least afraid of sharing profits with others.

The more money you have, the more people you can talk to.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said:

"As expected of a god, you can figure out my plans with just a few clicks of your fingers. Why don't you quit this little book boy and let's talk in detail?"


After half an hour,
Li Yu left the inn with a smile on his face.

And Wang Shenxian waved greetings from the window, like an old friend for many years.

Wait until you get out of the street.

Li Yu's smile suddenly disappeared,
This dog has a keen sense of smell and a big appetite.

He wants half of the benefits that the Fan family spits out.

In the inn, Wang Shenxian was the same.

He suppressed his trademark fake smile and expressed a serious expression.

This kid looked at Sven and felt very dark in his heart, he actually came up with such a destructive move.

It seems that I really underestimated him.

A mere powerful figure in the world, but his actions are like those of an experienced official.

This calculation, if placed in the role of censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, he can also charge into the battle for the big boss behind the scenes.

"Little Four."

"Master, what are your orders?" The little book boy walked in.

"I'm going to wrong you during this period. Just do whatever he says, don't ask any questions, just go ahead."


The book boy, who was called Xiaosi, lowered his head and lowered his eyes.

Quietly exited the inn and went to report to Li Yu.

He is the second bait prepared by Li Yu.

More deadly and more stylish than the previous ones.

After a few days,
There is good news.

Xiaosi successfully attracted Fan Chengmo's attention.

I have been invited to Fan Mansion as a guest, and the progress is too fast.

"Bah, what a couple of bitches."

"Military advisors may not be male or female. You said so yourself. You cannot assume the gender of others." Yang Yunjiao suppressed her smile and reminded from the side.

Nowadays, the affairs in the fort have become much lighter.

Liu Wu was also very capable and shared many of her tasks.

She is also happy with the success and enjoys herself every day.

Dangling in front of Li Yu's eyes, hoping to achieve an ulterior purpose.

It's a pity that my master is not only passionate about painting.

I will think of her as some kind of teaching tool.

Standing for an hour or two, staying still is very tiring.


A little book boy with unique skills.

In just a few days, he became Young Master Fan's guest.

Going in and out of the same car, resting on the same bed.

In the eyes of the ancients, this was not considered detrimental to reputation.

Bookboys and maids are not considered human beings and belong to the stationery category.

Is it illegal for me to collect stationery?

If it spreads, it will be a good thing.

Fan Chengmo is very cautious. He is a rabbit, but he does not easily leave excuses to others.

In the future, he will inherit the position of clan leader.

Reputation and integrity are very important, far more important than money.

This kind of handsome little book boy just suits his taste.

Even the study room can be entered and exited at will.

You know, the study room of the ancients was a forbidden area.

Even the head wives may not be eligible to enter, and servants are not allowed to approach.

Li Yu got what he wanted.

A stack of rice paper, some of which are Fan Chengmo's poems and paintings, signed and stamped.

Some of it was white paper, with Fan Chengmo's personal seal stamped in the corner.

There is also a rare one, which is a little book boy playing with a waterbird painted by Fan Chengmo.

Hiss, my eyes were stung.

For the sake of his grand plan, Li Yu could only resist the urge to tear up the painting.

Start thinking about how to continue.

It is not necessary to use a knife to kill someone.A pen may be more efficient.

Brother Fan, kneel down and take the blame.

When making fakes, you have to be meticulous.

The brushes should be the same.

Ink should be the same.

The paint also has to be mixed several times until there is no color difference.


Li Yu locked himself in the room and picked out two that he thought could be faked.

After an hour,

He was sweating profusely and walked out of the house holding on to the wall, vomiting.

Ah, the air outside is so nice.

Liu Wu happened to see it and ran over quickly:
"Sir, do you want to call a doctor?"

"No need."

Li Yu calmed down and felt that such a disgusting thing could not be kept to himself.

"Go inside and look at the paintings on the table."

"Okay, okay."

Liu Wu didn't know what he meant, so he went in and took a look, then came out with a sad and angry expression.

Li Yu found Yang Yunjiao and Wei Xiu again.

He took the two of them to admire it, and the screams almost broke their eardrums.

Fan Jing is in the Shihu Inspection Department, Du Ren is in Xishan Island, and Lai Er has not returned from a business trip to Chaozhou.

Uncle Wu is too old and Xiaowu is too young.

Lin Huaisheng refused to enter the house, and Liu Qian hid.

Finally, Li Yu walked around the castle.

Finally, he returned in despair and could not find Huo Huo.

He took the oil lamp and roasted the painting carefully.

Make sure the ink paint is dry and there is no time difference.

Carefully rolled it up and put it in a leather tube.

"Huai Sheng, come with me to Fucheng."

"I'm feeling a little unwell today."

"Don't talk nonsense, prepare your horses, I will go do business."


The two of them galloped out of the castle.

Liu Qian then stuck his head out on the wall and took a careful look.

Phew, finally escaped.


"Brother Liu, thank you."

"Come to my place for a drink in the evening, and there will be freshly caught fish."

In Lijiabao, Liu Wu was a latecomer.

Naturally, his status cannot be compared with Du Ren, Fan Jing and others.

However, he and Liu Qian gradually got closer.

Speaking of which, Liu Qian is also one of the veterans, one of the earliest team members.

But I don’t know if it’s because of his profession or because of his ugly appearance.

Inside the fort, things were a little less powerful in terms of power.

Liu Wu, on the other hand, would often treat guests to drinks when approaching him.

The relationship between the two gradually became familiar.

Privately, they are called brothers, and there are two Lius in one sentence.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Relationships are both close and distant.

This is something that can never be eliminated.

In any group that is on the ascending channel, there will definitely be various hills.

Destroying the mountains is also self-destruction.

We can only try our best to ensure that the gap between the hills cannot be too large.

Encourage moderate competition and curb vicious competition.

In the early stages of starting a business, conflicts will not be too obvious.

Once the country begins to take shape, internal friction begins.

For this,

Some sociologists have made predictions,
For any group with more than 3 people, at least [-]% of the work is meaningless, and the purpose is to offset internal friction.

And before falling apart,
This number is even as high as 8%.

Everyone is trying their best to kill their own people, and the fight is endless.

Only 2% of the real warriors are playing Don Quixote despite the bleak reality.

Knowing that you can't do it,
Become a tragic hero.

However, such people are scarce, and every one of them dies.



Li Yu booked a private room in Deyue Building and told the shopkeeper that no other guests were allowed on this floor.

He pays for it!
He also rewarded the waiter and ordered him to take his post to invite people.

The guests were all over the governor's yamen, the prefect's yamen, Wu County, and Yuanhe County, and most of them were local subordinate officials.

Of course, the little scribe is still not qualified.

At least he is a senior subordinate chief who can influence the scribes of his yamen.

Among them, the one with the highest official position is Huang Tongpan.

After Ma Zhongyi was dismissed, he became the acting prefect.

However, this time he learned the lesson.

Get along with Li Yu, accept it openly, and take the initiative to ask for it.

No more small tricks behind the scenes.

He was the last one to arrive, fitting his status.

As soon as he entered the private room, the others stood up and greeted him.

Official etiquette can never be abolished.

Form is more important than content.

Li Yu also stood up with a smile, and he and Huang Tongpan were like old friends, clapped their arms and exchanged greetings.

The shopkeeper of De Yue Lou prepares the dishes himself.

Li Yu looked at the table and said:
"Go down, no one is allowed upstairs during this period."

"I understand. Don't worry, gentlemen." The shopkeeper was very humble. "The little one will be guarding at the bottom of the stairs and will not be disturbed."

Li Yu nodded,
This is an excellent businessman with great foresight and will surely make a fortune in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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