Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 99 Breaking into the Cao Gang and opening an incense hall

Chapter 99 Breaking into the Cao Gang and opening an incense hall
"People have been arrested. He didn't make any big noise and is being held in prison."

"Go, take me to have a look."

Du Ren put down what he was doing and rushed there immediately.

The cell is set up in a cave,
Two guards with knives saw that Mr. Du was coming and immediately opened the lock.

Behind the heavy door is a dark cave.

"Mr. Du, be careful."

The visitor held a torch and led the way.

There are still water droplets seeping out on the cave wall.

There is another door inside, which opens into the water prison.

The pond in the cave is natural.

As a place to hold prisoners, it is very cruel.

Du Ren covered his mouth and motioned to his followers to bring him up.

The environment in the water prison is really unbearable to look at.

There was also a body floating on the water.


Until we got out of the cave,

He took a deep breath, looked at the man kneeling on the ground, held up by a knife and asked:
"Who are you?"

"I have no malice."

Du Ren couldn't help but laugh:
"Malicious or not, you have the final say, I have the final say. If you are not going to speak, just go underground and continue to remain silent."

"I said, I was originally a water bandit from Sanshan Island, but later I worked in the coal mine."

"What's the bandit's name?"

"Sea Dragon King." The man straightened up and said.

"Officers and soldiers surrounded Sanshan Island. It is said that not a single person was left alive. How did you survive?"

"I escaped by diving. I will take revenge sooner or later."

"Who are you seeking revenge from?"

"Shi Linglun, I will chop off his head to pay tribute to the brothers."

Du Ren looked at it for a while and then asked:
"What do you want to do when you sneak into Xishan Island?"

"I know you are going to rebel, take me with you."

"You know a lot?"

"Aren't you digging coal and smelting iron just to rebel? Guns roar every day in the valley, and none of the miners know this."


Du Ren ordered:

"Lock this man to the water prison first."

"Hey, don't leave. I am the Sea Dragon King, and I am familiar with every plant and tree in Taihu Lake. You can use me."

However, no one paid any attention to him.

The former ruthless bandit is now alone.

Life and death depended on Li Yu's thoughts.

The reason why Du Ren threw this man into the water prison was
It's because the bandit nature is still there and he is very unruly.

The vigor to kill him will wait until Lijiabao fades away.

When Li Yu heard about it, he was also stunned for a moment.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally remembered the battle to suppress the bandits on Sanshan Island.

Ma Zhongyi and Shi Linglun massacred the island.

He also took advantage of the opportunity to kill Capt. Fang.

"I didn't expect this guy to be alive."

"I'll lock him up for a few days, wait for him to beg for mercy, and then ask him to explain the hydrological conditions of Taihu Lake. If he doesn't tell the truth, I'll kill him."

He agreed very much with Du Ren's handling method.
If Sea Dragon King takes the initiative to reveal his identity and asks to join, it may be of value.

It is another matter to ask to join the gang after being captured.

However, there was one thing he said that was close to his heart.

That is to explore Taihu Lake.

Take the Taihu route,
Boats can reach Changzhou Prefecture and Huzhou Prefecture.

Whether you are doing business or transporting raw materials, arranging personnel is very important.

Taihu Lake is so large that it is equivalent to several counties.

It is not an exaggeration to say that most of the world is a land of three people.

This word rotated back and forth in Li Yu's mind.

For shipbuilding, I currently have no energy and no skills.

Then rent it.

Coal is transported every day, so chartering a boat is also a necessity.

He looked through the Xishan Coal Mine situation report sent by Du Ren.
Among them, 5 owned ships and 15 leased ships were mentioned.

This number will have to expand as the merchants of the Coal Chamber of Commerce expand their territory and open up surrounding markets.

However, there is a hidden danger.

The coal transported has been in short supply.

The boat boss never admitted it, but Du Ren judged that it was the boat owner who stole it.

These people have the same hands and feet as cooks, and if you don't take them, you will lose.


"Cao Gang!"

Li Yu's fingers were tapping on the table.

Xishan Coal Mine has recently hired water vessels and paid freight at market prices.

Because there is only one large-scale organized water transportation in the entire Jiangnan, and there is no other company.

The so-called Caobang,
It is a semi-official non-governmental organization that transports grain from southern provinces to the capital through the Grand Canal.

It sets sail every year in the third month of the lunar calendar and arrives in the waters near the Yellow River around the Dragon Boat Festival.

After enough rain and the water level rises, we continue northward and arrive at our destination before the sixth month of the lunar calendar.


In Tongzhou City, there are two large granaries, Zhongcang and Xicang.

Every year, the amount of grain imported from eight provinces including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan is 400 million shi (one shi is equal to 120 kilograms.).

After passing the inspection, it will be warehoused here.

This is a very complex project.

The Qing government established the Governor of Water Transport (stationed in Huai'an Prefecture) and the Governor of Cangchang (stationed in Tongzhou), with thousands of officials and over [-] soldiers for management and supervision.

The civil and military officials in the capital, the soldiers of the Eight Banners, and hundreds of thousands of people all eat grain from the south.

It cannot be overemphasized.

Li Yu also gained a general understanding of some water transportation situations from various channels.

he is very interested,
So I decided to take advantage of this business opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Caobang's internal system.

"Tell Aren to come with me to visit the local Cao Gang the day after tomorrow."


Fucheng is more than 100 miles south,

Within Wujiang County, on the banks of the Grand Canal.

It is a stronghold of the Cao Gang.

Li Yu and his group of more than a dozen people stopped.

He held up his riding crop and asked:

"Looking at it, does it look like a temple?"

"River God Dawang Temple."

"I remember that Caobang believes in Luo religion, right?"

"Yes, they originally worshiped the ancestors of Luo Qing, but the imperial court strictly prohibited it and banned many Luo Jiao incense halls, so they changed it to worshiping the river god. I am flexible in my Qing style."

Du Ren is worthy of being a great litigator, and he knows a lot of things.

He has dabbled in all matters of the three religions and nine streams.

The group reined in their horses and moved forward slowly.

The first is to give the other party time to respond and receive you.

Secondly, it is convenient for Li Yu to supplement his knowledge.

"The head of the family is the leader, and the old manager is the second-in-command. In fact, there are hundreds of factions within the Caogang, and the one we saw today is just one of them."

"Oh? Is it divided according to territory?"


From a distance, disciples from the Cao Gang came to meet him.

Shirtless, wearing a bamboo hat, straw sandals, and a short knife hanging from his waist.

After sizing it up, he handed it over and said:

"Welcome Mr. Du, please."

They knew Du Ren, but not Li Yu.

A group of people walked into the River God Temple, and Li Yu winked at Liu Wu.

"You guys, go feed the horses."



Li Yu, Du Ren, and Lin Huaisheng walked into the Heshen Temple with their two entourages.

In the middle of the temple, there is a majestic statue of God.

"Which god is this?"

"It's Luo Qing, Luo Zu, the founder of our Cao Gang."

After hearing the answers from the gang, Li Yu nodded slightly and picked up three sticks of incense from the side.

After lighting it calmly, insert it into the incense burner.

Bow down to the end.

Everyone in the Cao Gang who was watching nodded slightly.

This is a public overture.

Go further inside and enter the apse.

A middle-aged man came out with a smile:

"What gust of wind has brought the God of Wealth here. Hey, who is this?"

Li Yu walked in the front, and Du Ren deliberately lagged half a step behind.

This was an obvious signal in the Qing Dynasty where hierarchy was orderly.

Li Yu is respected!

Du Ren quickly stepped forward and introduced:
"This is Li Yu, from Li Daguan. I just manage the Xishan Coal Mine for him."

"This is Tan Muguang, the head of the Xinsu Clan."

"Long time, long time."

After exchanging pleasantries, all etiquette is in place.

Step into the back hall, screen away the crowds, and enter the theme.

Li Yu asked first:

"I don't understand something. What is the New Soviet Gang?"

Tan Muguang smiled and explained:
"The Cao Bang family has a great cause and is spread all over the world. It is said that there are 128 gangs and 9999 boats. The one in our area is called the Suzhou Gang, but it is divided into two factions internally, the old Su Gang and the new Su Gang."

Li Yu nodded, feeling that this leader could be associated with him.

There is a heroic spirit in his speech and attitude, and he does not hide it.

"May I ask Mr. Tan whether the relationship between the new Soviet Union and the old Soviet Union is harmonious?"

"Of course there is some competition and discord. But on the whole, it's barely passable."

Du Ren added on the side:

"Headmaster Tan is a strange person. When the leader of the Suzhou Gang was vacant, internal strife almost broke out. He quit on his own initiative and pulled out a group of brothers to re-establish the clan, and that's how the new Su was born."

Li Yu thought to himself,

It turns out that the split was called the New Soviet Union, and the original one was called the Old Soviet Union.

It's easy to remember.

"Hey, it's just for outsiders to laugh at. It's not our blessing."

Tan Muguang shook his head, as if he didn't want to mention this past event.

"It doesn't matter. I, Li Yu, am also a member of the martial arts world, so I don't feel weird about it."

"I wonder if Mr. Li has come all the way. Is there anything I, Mr. Tan, can do for you?" "Master Tan, you are so polite."

"No, no, you gave me the coal transportation business to the Xinsu Gang, which is a great help to me. To say it is a kindness is not an exaggeration."


Tan Muguang is an upright person.

Seeing Li Yu's doubts, he explained:

"Autumn and winter are the off-season for Caobang. After delivering grain, most of the trackers, helmsmen, and sailors have no livelihood. Cao ships can be moored and occasionally take short-distance transportation, but there is no other income."

"Why can't you take a long way?"

Du Ren quickly explained:
"The imperial court has regulations. During the off-season, the canal gangs must be repaired and berthed, and no navigation is allowed. In order to avoid missing the water transportation plan for the coming spring."

"Mr. Du is right, the Governor's Office of Water Transport is in charge of it."

Li Yu suddenly realized,

Since Caobang has received this bonus, it must accept restraint.

"Listen to Brother Tan, the income of the brothers is not sufficient?"

"Yes, we just make a living. If there are too many children in the family, they will be sent away or drowned."

Tan Muguang's frankness was unexpected.

As a result, Li Yu hesitated for a moment before bringing up the business:

"I came here this time actually to deal with the losses during transportation."

"What Li Guanren means is that my brothers acted surreptitiously when they were transporting coal for you?"

"It's just my personal guess."


Li Yu tried to speak as tactfully as possible.

Because he had a good impression of Tan. Since the Qing Dynasty, he has rarely encountered such a pure man from the world.

When walking in the world, loyalty is mostly just a coat.

There is still the same intrigue and calculation inside.

Of course, there are few people darker than myself.

Li Yu's appreciation for Tan is like Cao Cao's feeling for Liu Bei.

Jackals are everywhere, and everyone is afraid that they are not ruthless enough.

But you hold high the torch of benevolence and righteousness, walking in the forest, upright and open-minded, which makes people look at you.

Li Yu admired it, but felt that he couldn't do it.

There was a person next to Tan Muguang,
I couldn’t help but argue:
"It may not be our brothers who did it. Transportation is inherently difficult and dangerous. Our grains were also lost on the way to Tongzhou."

"To shut up."

Tan Muguang slapped the armrest, his eyes full of anger.

It’s three thousand miles to Tongzhou and only a few dozen miles to Suzhou?

"Come on."

His roar made Lin Huaisheng involuntarily hold the short-handed gun at his waist.

"Open the incense hall and gather all the brothers at home."

It turned out that Tan Muguang wanted to carry out internal rectification.

Lin Huaisheng quietly let go of his hand and lowered the side of his robe to cover it.

As a personal bodyguard, his robe is like a mobile arsenal.

Hanging from his belt was a flintlock musket and a Lee Model [-] flintlock sawn-off shotgun (shortened again).

There is also a long knife with a narrow blade, which is usually hung next to the saddle.

This will be held in the left hand.

Although currently, the flintlock machine is still in the research stage.

However, this did not prevent Blacksmith Zhang from using imported steel sheets to knock out a sample by hand.

Outsourcing steel sheets and adding skilled craftsmen means there is no ability to mass produce.

Tan Muguang pleaded guilty and left temporarily.

A big bell in the temple rang, and the echo was long.

"Ayu, what do you think?"

"We'll wait and see what happens."


After a cup of tea,

The old manager of the Xinsu Gang is here:

"Today, the Japanese gang will enforce family law. You two distinguished guests, please come and listen."

The old manager is the person responsible for enforcing the family rules.

Equivalent to the leader of the torture hall of other gangs.

Hundreds of people gathered outside the River God Temple.

They are all sailors, trackers, helmsmen, and ship repairers of the Xinsu Gang.

Tan Muguang stood on the stone mill and was lecturing loudly:

"When you joined the Xinsu Gang, we swore an oath together in front of the statue of Luo Zu."

"What is the fourth rule of the gang?"

Someone said loudly:

"Those who harm the interests of the gang and enrich themselves will be whipped 100 times."

"Okay, since you remember, then come forward. Who stole the coal cakes?"

There is no sound,

However, some people turned their eyes to Li Yu angrily.

"Stand up before the incense burns out."

Tan Muguang spoke in a calm voice.

Li Yu, who was sitting and listening in the distance, whispered:
"Aren, Tan Muguang's prestige within the gang is extremely high."

"I have dealt with this person several times before. He is indeed a character."

"He is blocking our mouths, fearing that we will terminate the contract."

"Yeah, it's best if we can cooperate well, it's a win-win situation."

Because if you don't hire Caogang, you have to hire retail investors.

Retail investors are mostly in one boat or two boats, which is very difficult to manage.

Theft will still occur.

The incense is half burned,
Three people stood up and knelt on the ground.

"We are the ones in charge."

"We accept the punishment."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, there was a step.

It would be embarrassing if no one stood up about this today.

Tan Muguang's majestic appearance was still in front of outsiders.

Li Yu couldn't help but walked away and terminated the contract.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the brothers in Caobang all want to add some new year's goods.

The old manager stood up seriously:
"The state has national laws, families have family rules, and executions are carried out."

The three of them were tied to a tree, with their backs facing everyone.

The executioners wielded thorny thorns.

After each blow, the victim counted loudly.

"Li Guanren, I made you laugh. It was me, Tan Muguang, who was not strict in controlling me."

"I admire Master Tan's strong law enforcement. Although these men have committed theft, they are still tough men."

This trip,

Li Yu was deeply impressed.

These Caogang disciples from the Xin'an Gang are very hard-boned.

His back was beaten to pieces, but he came to apologize.

I also timely drained two ingots of silver to let them heal their injuries.

people in the rivers and lakes,

Necessary scenes still need to be done.


Watching Li Yu and his group of more than a dozen people roar away.

The old manager came closer to Tan Muguang and said softly:
"These people have swords hanging on their saddles, and they also have swords hidden in their waists. It's not simple."

"I've heard it before."

"If we cooperate with them, will we cause trouble?"

"This man never defaults on his wages and pays them daily. Where can I find such a good employer? He will admit when he is in trouble."

Tan Muguang could see clearly,
In this world, can we live better by being cautious?
No, trouble and misfortune never choose anyone.

Whether you are honest or brave, you must accept the destiny.

Xin'an Gang has a weak foundation and little savings.

The total number of men, women, old and young is more than 200 mouths.

It is not easy to survive this winter.

Food, fuel, warm clothing, and a roof.

During the Chinese New Year, why don’t you buy some lard and soy sauce?

Tofu, lard residue, and cabbage must be stewed in a pot, right?

Then serve two bowls of rice with more than half of the staple food.

This New Year's Eve dinner is enough to cope with it.

I also need to buy some firecrackers, a few feet of floral cloth, and a bottle of white wine to put a smile on the faces of my wife, children, and children.

Only in this way can he be considered a man.

The Xin'an Gang has had a bad year this year, and a ship sank during the water transportation.

When he arrived in Tongzhou, he was punished by warehouse officials again because the rice was not dry enough.

On the return trip, I brought a large amount of sea goods with me to Jiangnan to make a fortune, but I failed to sell them at a high price.

After going back and forth like this, Tan Muguang's calculations were about to go up in smoke.

Not to mention, staying here for the winter.

The wasteland on both sides of the river also has owners.

Squires also charge a fee.

More than 200 people set up shacks here.

Digging roots and wild vegetables in the fields.

Cast nets in the river, build dams, and catch fish and shrimps.

This caused extreme dissatisfaction in the villages downstream.

Caobang's fishing nets are one after another, and even fish as big as a finger cannot escape.


As soon as Tan Muguang picked up his job, someone came to report:
"Master, the villagers downstream are making trouble again."

Bang, he slammed the bowl onto the table.

"I tolerate the government's extortion. I also tolerate the squire's collection of money."

"A group of villagers who are digging in the fields also come to visit? Do you think my Cao gang is eating fast and chanting Buddha's name?"

"Copy guys, do it."

Hundreds of villagers are destroying simple dams and fishing nets in the river.

The two parties were mixed together, and sticks were flying everywhere.

People kept getting injured and falling to the ground.

Fighting on this scale was not uncommon in the Qianlong Dynasty.

The consequences of the population explosion are the backlog of living space for everyone.

The cake left for the people at the bottom is only so big.

If you take one more bite, I will take one less bite.

Therefore, even a piece of sweet potato and a small fish have to fight to the death.

Even if it costs one's life, he will never give in.

Everyone in the Qing Dynasty knows that if they take a step back, there will no longer be any room for survival.

Others will make you retreat all the way into the Pacific Ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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