Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 526 Bugs in the Pipeline

The huge bronze door is so majestic, grand and magnificent that it makes people feel a lot of awe just by looking at it.

This is already the case outside the door, and what kind of scene will be inside just across the door becomes more and more curious, but with a touch of worry and uneasiness.

However, it is meaningless to conjecture or speculate about what is inside at the moment, because as long as you cannot enter this door, any conjecture is meaningless.

Liu Banxian picked up the compass and took a look. He saw that the pointer was pointing in a certain direction normally, so he put the compass down again.

Obviously this door really exists, it is an entity, not some formation or spell.

After a pause, he took out a folded shovel from the white pocket he was carrying and handed it to Ren Qi.

"What?" Ren Qi was suddenly confused.

"Dig, dig up."

Liu Banxian took a few steps back and pointed to the top of his head, "This is enough. Let's dig up and take a look."

Yin Xiu and Ma Xiaoyu also looked over curiously when they heard what he said.

"You won't dig it up, will you?" Hai Dongqing asked.

"Not really."

Yin Xiu shook his head, "If you use explosives, it will definitely collapse because the soil here is too soft. However, if you just dig a hole for one person to climb up, it will be fine."

"Okay, I see."

Without saying anything else, Ren Qi rolled up his sleeves, took the shovel, unfolded it, turned it into a shovel as long as an arm, and started working.

Soon there was a thick layer of soil under his feet.

Yin Xiu and Hai Dongqing were not idle either. They helped each other gather the pile of soil under Ren Qi's feet and piled it into a small high platform. They raised Ren Qi so that he could dig higher and deeper with the shovel. .

"In this case, aren't we doing the same thing as those local masters?"

Hai Dongqing wiped his sweat, and his face was immediately covered with black dirt, turning into a cat with a painted face.

"Hey, a gentleman talks about his heart but not his deeds. Don't worry about what we are doing, as long as you know that what we are doing is a good thing." Liu Banxian replied.

Hai Dongqing was stunned, "Although I don't think there's anything wrong with it, digging someone's tomb is not a good thing no matter how you look at it, right?"

Liu Banxian made a gesture, "That's a small good thing, a small contribution, a good thing."

Hai Dongqing pursed his lips, obviously not understanding and not intending to pay attention to Liu Banxian's meaning.

He just dealt with it for a while, and then continued to fill in the soil. After a while, he was sweating profusely.

Ren Qi's physical strength and speed were very strong. As he waved the shovel, a sloping passage leading to the top was dug out. The pile of soil under his feet was nearly two people high.

After an unknown amount of time, when Ren Qi swung the shovel upwards, there was a loud clanging sound from above, which scared both Yin Xiu and Haidongqing.

"Say hello first." Yin Xiu complained.

Ren Qi clicked his tongue, "Then why don't you say hello to the board above and tell it not to appear here?"

After saying that, Ren Qi gently poked the hard object on it a few times, making a crisp sound unique to bronze.

"We've reached the top. Is this it?" Liu Banxian asked in surprise.

"So, what exactly is in front of us?" Yin Xiu suddenly asked.

"What do you mean, isn't it just a door?"

Liu Banxian suddenly didn't understand where Yin Xiu's question came from.

Others also became confused and looked at Yin Xiu.

"If this is a door, what is it that we hit?"

No one answered him, obviously they still didn't know what Yin Xiu was talking about.

Yin Xiu was not in a hurry, but motioned for Ren Qi to come down first.

Then he picked up a scroll and explained it to everyone.

"We previously speculated that this door is the pass leading to the underground palace. Behind it is the passage into the palace. We were walking in the passage laid by the earth dragon before, but we were blocked by it here.

Like Liu Banxian said, this thing is a plug, right? "

"Yes, I do think so. After all, it is round." Liu Banxian added.

"Maybe it really is a plug."

Yin Xiu smiled, "But is it possible that it is not actually blocking the end inside, but our end?"

"Huh? You mean..."


Yin Xiu spun the scroll in her hand again, straightening it, bringing one end to her eyes and the other end aimed at Ma Xiaoyu.

"Perhaps this earth dragon has got into the pipe to the underground palace without knowing when, just like a bug swimming in the sewer pipe. The bug itself is very small, no matter how it swims in the water, it cannot hit it. to the pipe wall.

In addition, there was sewage flowing across the sewer, so it didn't realize that it was actually in a very small and cramped space, and thought it was swimming in rivers, lakes and seas.

Until one day, it accidentally bumped into the wall, and then it realized what was going on where it was.

Right now, we are the bugs, swimming through the pipe and hitting the plug in front of us. "

Yin Xiu turned the scroll and looked at Ma Xiaoyu until Liu Banxian came forward and said, "What are you looking at, Brother Yin?"


Yin Xiu put away the scroll and grinned at Ma Xiaoyu who was glaring at him.

"But, is it possible that the arch is relatively large and protrudes outward, just above our heads?" Ren Qi was still a little confused.

"Of course I am not saying that my inference is correct. In fact, what we want to discuss is not whether it is correct or not, but our current situation."

Yin Xiu turned her back to the direction of the bronze door, took a few steps forward, stopped, and touched the ground beneath her feet.

"Here, let's dig some more here."

Ren Qi said nothing, picked up the shovel, walked over and started digging again.

Digging downwards was obviously much easier than digging upwards. After a while, he dug down to the same depth as the hole above, and there was another crisp sound from underneath.

At this time, everyone's expressions became ugly.

Yin Xiu was not happy about his "smartness" at all. He just smiled bitterly and stretched out his hand to pull up Ren Qi who was underneath.

This is really a terrible thing. They are in a long bronze pipe at the moment. The top of their head and the bottom of their feet are covered with bronze of unknown thickness. They are standing right inside this pipe.

"How deep do you think this pipeline is? Or how long it is. Where can we avoid it?" Ren Qi asked.

"We don't know, and even if we did it wouldn't mean much."

Yin Xiu shook his head, "Because we don't have the ability of the earth dragon, even if we bypass this pipeline, we can't open a passage underground to enter the underground palace."

Most of the channels developed by the earth dragon under the ground may be inside this pipe. Even it itself may not know it. In fact, its rampage follows certain rules and routes.

If it accidentally misses the spot, it will probably hit the bronze barrier and become dizzy. "Shall we try somewhere else?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Hai Dongqing realized that he had made a mistake.

Because even if the length of the pipe is known, it doesn't make much sense to bypass it.

Yin Xiu said that it was impossible for them to dig a tunnel in the soil like Earth Dragon.

You must know that just digging two upward and downward holes for exploration has taken a lot of effort and time. Even a professional native master, Faqiu Zhonglang General, cannot find it under the mountain in a short time. and open another line.

In this case, maybe the only way to go is to look back.

Instead of simply turning back, he walked back to the ground and went to the entrance of the underground palace under the heavy eyes of the officers and soldiers.

And whether you can get in depends on whether the army or the White Lotus Sect will give you face.

If Yin Xiu had five thousand people under his command, it would only be a matter of time before the entrance to the underground palace was opened. But with only five of them, there was no possibility of breaking through the thick earth layer.

Thinking of this, Liu Banxian didn't even have the strength to walk back, and sat down on the ground dejectedly, as if the fatigue of the trek along the way was weighing on his shoulders, preventing him from taking another step forward.

Ren Qi can't be said to be disappointed, because whether he can enter the underground palace is not what he cares about. What he cares about is just taking a few people's heads. As for the rest, it is just an addition, or a method.

Ma Xiaoyu squatted next to Yin Xiu and touched the earrings.

"Actually, I'm not that disappointed."


Yin Xiu still grinned, "You mean, you already expected it?"

Ma Xiaoyu smiled and said: "If I had the ability to predict the unknown, I would have saved a lot of trouble along the way. You know, when I follow you many times, I have no other basis other than trusting your judgment."

"For example, when we went to Kunlun? In fact, I never thought about what would happen that time. I didn't even know where I was going?

I don't know whether that place is Kunlun Fairy Mountain or the underworld. "

When Ma Xiaoyu heard this, her Shui Lingling eyes widened, "So you dare to drag me along when you don't know anything?"

"You ran up here by yourself, right?" Yin Xiu said with a smile.


Ma Xiaoyu pushed a strand of hair behind her ears.

"I don't know what happened that day. When I saw you reaching out to me, I just felt that if I didn't follow you, I might miss a lot of things.

Although I don’t know what I will miss, I still have a vague feeling that if I miss those things, I may never find them again, even in my lifetime.

So my mind was completely blank at that time. You stretched out your hand and I took it. "

Yin Xiu narrowed her eyes, "How old are you? How do you know what a lifetime is?"

"Nineteen years old, nineteen years old in vain."

Ma Xiaoyu said unconvinced: "In Malaysia, this is already the age when many people get married and start a family."

"Okay, then I'm a bit old-fashioned and too arrogant to dare to talk to the Ma family's female heavenly master like this."

Ma Xiaoyu glared at him, but there was a smile in her eyes, "It is precisely because I am the Ma family's heavenly master that I don't care about you, a junior who has not obtained the ultimatum. After all, the Ma family cannot be so small-minded."

Yin Xiu glanced at the bottom of her snow-white neck and sighed: "It is indeed broad."

Ma Xiaoyu only felt that Yin Xiu's eyes were lewd, and she hadn't heard the meaning of his words yet. When she was thinking about it, Hai Dongqing came over and squatted down beside them.

"Am I here at the wrong time?" Hai Dongqing asked.

Yin Xiu glanced at him, "What do you think? With a hunter's keen intuition about timing?"

"That's really not the time." Hai Dongqing sighed.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?" Yin Xiu urged.

"No, I just want to ask, what should we do next? Should we go to the ground and wait for the army to open the entrance to the underground palace, or should we go to Mu Boyer to ask questions, or..."

"Or what?"

Hai Dongqing took a deep breath and said, "Or should we just go back home and go back to our respective homes?"

"Why don't you tell me to share the luggage with you by the way? You go to your Gaolaozhuang and I'll go back to my Huaguoshan?"

Yin Xiu rolled her eyes to the sky, "Do you think this is "Journey to the West"? Are we going back like this? Let me tell you, there is no turning back when shooting a bow. Although it is said that a man can bend and stretch, but I can't tolerate this birdishness. I can’t hold on anymore, I’ll go to the ground and kill all Prince Su and the White Lotus Sect.”

Ren Qi turned around with a bit of surprise in his eyes, "Are you serious?"

"of course not."

Yin Xiu shook his head, "As the saying goes, don't worry about running out of firewood if you keep the green hills. There are so many of them. If we go head-on, we will definitely die. We can't die any more."

When the time comes, you won't be able to take revenge, and as for us, our plan will definitely be ruined, and our deaths will be worthless, so why bother?
Ren Qi, if I say this, you won’t blame me, right? "

Ren Qi glared at him, "I don't blame you, it's just me. I forgot what kind of person you are."

"It's all a mess."

Hai Dongqing was not surprised that Yin Xiu was still thinking about joking at the moment. He only felt that he was temporarily insane because of the huge setbacks in front of him.

He stood up and asked: "What should we do now? Let's go find Muhai'er and ask him how he got into the underground palace? Did he use magic or other methods?"

"Where else can I find him?"

Liu Banxian was still sitting there paralyzed, "That kid is the Millennium Ginseng King. You can run all over the mountain with a red rope tied to him. Where can you find him now?"

Hai Dongqing let out a long sigh, as if Liu Banxian's fatigue and frustration had also spread to him.

"In fact, there is no need to be so depressed."

Yin Xiu scratched his head and suddenly thought of the crux, "Have you forgotten why we came here?"

"for what?"

"For the ideal."



"Because you asked me to come with you."

Various answers echoed through the pipes.

Yin Xiu smiled, "I mean, isn't it because Mu Hai'er and his Earth Dragon brother have entered the underground palace, so we believe that we can reach the underground palace along this passage?"

"You mean?" Hai Dongqing's eyes widened.


Yin Xiu made a pistol shooting gesture towards the bronze door.

"There must be some way for us to pass through this bronze door and enter the underground palace." (End of Chapter)

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