Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 531 But according to will

Chapter 531 But according to will
"Do you think, in the end, we entered the wrong mountain gate and cried into the wrong grave?" Liu Banxian asked worriedly.

"How can that be counted?"

Yin Xiu glanced at the huge, green bronze mask in front of him.

"We are here for Dragon Vein, not to offer incense to these princes and kings. What does it matter where he is? If he is blocking us, we have to ask him to move his position so as not to hinder us from doing our work."

"Ah? Then we have really become those gold captains, how can we still die?" Liu Banxian said in surprise.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Those who make big things don't stick to trivial matters. It's not that we want to mess with him and prevent him from resting in peace. It's because he really blocked us. Then we have traveled so far for the sake of the common people in the world and the destiny of Kyushu. If he, the old man, moves his position and What's wrong? Can't you also suffer some injustice for the world's major events? "

When Ren Qi heard this, he twitched his nose and glanced at Yin Xiu coldly, "I often heard this when I was in Da Nei, but those father-in-laws in Da Nei said that those who are not poisonous are not husbands."

"Hey, I'm a father-in-law, and I can't get along with my husband, so what do I know?"

Yin Xiu patted Ren Qi on the shoulder and asked him: "If you really do this and disturb the peace of the tomb owner, is it unethical?"

"From a common sense perspective, it's immoral."

"Then what if we don't follow common sense and follow the rules of Ouchi?" Yin Xiu asked him again.

Ren Qi hesitated for a moment, "Just moving?"

"Just moving." Yin Xiu repeated, "Is it immoral?"

Ren Qi shook his head, "Gather your virtue."

"That would be great!"

Yin Xiu turned to look at the others, "Even the masters in the inner circle have no objections, so what are you struggling with?"

"That too."

Liu Banxian seems to have no more worries. Even people like Ren Qi can think that this is a good deed. What do they, "ordinary people", have to worry about.

"Isn't that okay? Let's walk a little further up there. Maybe there will be more things we didn't expect." Yin Xiu urged.

"What? Zombies?"

"Maybe it's a fairy? I'm just waiting for you to enlighten me."

Yin Xiu came close to Liu Banxian, put his shoulder on his shoulder and pressed him twice, while pushing him from behind to move forward.

"Is there such a good thing? Where did you get this? An allusion to the Maoshan Sect? Or a story about Buddhism?" Liu Banxian asked half convinced and half doubtful.

"Of course it's a folklore! You are a good person. How can a good person not be rewarded?"

Not letting Liu Banxian stop, Yin Xiu pushed him and continued walking up.

"That seems to be the case. If good people don't get rewarded, why should we be good people?"

Saying this, Liu Banxian seemed to still have more to say, "Did you see any fairies when you were in Kunlun?"

"I've only seen one, right behind me." Yin Xiu replied.

When Ma Xiaoyu heard this, she was stunned for a moment, then she slapped Yin Xiu on the back, pursed her lips and said, "Can you be more serious?"

"Anyway, we're not talking about any serious topics right now. Let's just treat it as a casual chat to cultivate our sentiments." Yin Xiu smiled.

A few people walked around and chatted, finally eliminating the tension and doubts caused by the strange phenomenon in the underground palace.

What is certain now is that the part belonging to the imperial court, probably starting from the first bronze mask downwards, was probably discovered by the royal family in the mountains when they were outside the Great Wall hundreds of years ago.

There was no archeology at that time, and the expedition team probably regarded this place as a palace of some immortal and did not dare to make any mistakes, so they did not change the layout here, but paved a section of road underneath.

In other words, this is a place where the old and the new intersect. The light and shadow representing the ancient Shang Dynasty and the contemporary era are intertwined, making even the artistic styles here polarized.

It is very possible that the half of the stairs they walked before did not exist before, but were later dug on the mountain and finally laid on a flat surface.

One of the possible evidences is that the next road became steeper and more difficult. Yin Xiu and the others almost raised their heads to the sky. As long as they tilted a few more degrees, they would have to use their hands and feet to climb up.

After stepping on a stone, Hai Dongqing, who was behind the team, looked down. The place beyond the light source sank into darkness, like a lake or an abyss.

If someone accidentally falls, not only will his body be shattered into pieces, but the victim himself may also be swallowed up by the boundless darkness, making it impossible for anyone to find him, disappearing from the world, and being swallowed up by the mountains.

Somehow, when she got here, she suddenly felt like she was being watched by some creature.

There was no uneasiness, only confusion and hesitation.


Qingshan'ao is located between two beacon towers. It is a semi-eggshell-shaped groove, a deep valley blocked by layers of branches and leaves of towering trees. Even if someone stands on the edge, they can't see anything when they look down.

In broad daylight, everyone in the White Lotus Sect was hiding under the branches and leaves. Occasionally, a few spots of light fell on the face and shoulders of the White Lotus Saint through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

She looked solemn, and beside her were the two wise kings, Bai Li and Tuoba Wenwu. Their expressions were not relaxed, but there was a hint of perseverance in their eyes.

"Your Highness the Saint, the two iron gun teams on the left and right have been summoned here, and the brothers from the Divine Sword Team have also arrived, just waiting for you to give orders."

A middle-aged woman reported to Saint White Lotus respectfully.

After Grandma Sun and all her men died, this woman took over Grandma Sun's role and became the White Lotus Saint's personal attendant, giving orders for her and taking care of her daily life.

"Thank you for your hard work, Senior Sister Liu."

The White Lotus Saint nodded and looked at the leaders of the various factions present.

These people are not from the White Lotus Sect. Although many of them are righteous warriors who come to support the White Lotus Sect and participate in important events, there are also some sects who come just for money and treasures.

These profit-seeking sects used their own skills in the front. Some were responsible for exploring the landscape, water and soil, while others used various means to collect intelligence.

Without their help, the White Lotus Sect wouldn't be able to get here and wouldn't be able to do so many things.

However, these people were a help in the past, but today they have become a resistance.

"White Lotus Saint, our friendship is just a one-time deal. Working with your White Lotus Sect is already a fool's errand, we all know this. But now that even the officers and soldiers are here, it's still Prince Su and Mr. Di. Demon leader, if this deal continues, it will not be a matter of a few of us losing our heads. We are people in the rivers and lakes, and we will die when we die. Without this awareness, we will not be able to walk in the rivers and lakes.

But as the saying goes, no harm will come to your family! Others will tell you about the morality of the world, but the court will not. Which of those powerful insiders is not a murderous maniac? If he says he will kill your whole family, he will definitely kill your whole family.

We fight outside with our heads raised and lick blood from the tips of our knives, just to give our families a good life? As a result, if we continue to do this now, the whole family will die without a burial place. Isn’t this putting the cart before the horse? "

"Fat Lei, where do you get your family from? Didn't your newly married concubine last year just be beaten to death by you?"

Tuoba Wenwu glanced at Fatty Lei, who was filled with indignation just now, and said coldly: "For a person like you, no one will collect your body after you die. Now you still think of a whole family?"

Being exposed by Tuoba Wenwu's lie, Fatty Lei couldn't help but feel angry. However, the gap in strength between the two was here. Killing him, the Righteous King of the White Lotus Sect, was like squeezing an ant to death, so Fatty Lei didn't dare to say anything more. What.

However, he still reluctantly said sadly: "I just speak my mind for everyone, not just for myself. I don't have a family, so don't others?
Head Li of Chun Shui Tang, his son just turned one year old last month. Is this true?
There is also the famous Xiao Feng and Xiao Daxia from the Thirteen Swordsmen of Southern Fujian. He is going to be engaged to Miss Sun from Yuma Villa next month. He traveled thousands of miles to come here to work for you to collect some gifts, but in the end he ended up having everyone raid your house. cut? "

After hearing what he said, Tuoba Wenwu's face became even more disdainful.

Chun Shui Tang, a small sect whose main business is selling aphrodisiacs, would not have called them if it were not for the lack of a doctor in the team.

The Thirteen Swords of Southern Fujian is even funnier. The whole of Southern Fujian is practiced boxing and stick skills. The reason why it is called the Thirteen Swords of Southern Fujian is because there are only thirteen swordsmen in Southern Fujian. If there were one or two more When it comes out, it will probably be called Fourteen Swords or Fifteen Swords.

Apart from calculating prices clearly, what else can these people see clearly?
The morality of the world and the rules of the martial arts world are all in vain if you tell these bastards.

Apparently Zuo Xian Wang Bai Li also held the same view.

Moreover, he was more direct and understood the thoughts of these people. He did not listen to these people's nonsense and just turned to the White Lotus Saint for instructions.

"Holy girl, although it is not our White Lotus sect's style to burn bridges across rivers, and doing this kind of thing is also despised by people in the world, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. Now we have reached the most critical moment.

In order to enter the palace and blow up the dragon veins, many people had been sacrificed before.

However, this is not enough. After this, many people will surely sacrifice for this. The responsibility of those of us who are still alive is not to let those people's sacrifices go to waste.

Therefore, we must not let go of any of those who are unwilling to enter the palace with us, and we must not let the news leak out to them. "

Bai Li spoke sonorously and forcefully, and it seemed that he did not treat Fatty Lei and the others as living creatures at all, but as trash that could be disposed of at will.

As soon as he said these words, Fatty Lei and others' expressions suddenly changed.

Even though I had thought from the beginning that breaking up with the White Lotus Sect would not be easy.

After all, these people are not afraid of death and are very extreme. If you are not careful, you may easily become enemies with them.

But what was unexpected was that the White Lotus Sect actually planned to take action directly, and spoke out their inner thoughts without hesitation.

The two sage kings on the left and right of the White Lotus Sect are both there. Both of them are martial arts legends about the dragon's appearance but not its end.

There are also the famous Iron Spear Team and Red Lotus Team. He said that there are many strong people here, but in fact they are just a pile of loose sand. Together, these people are vulnerable to the White Lotus Sect, and there is almost no possibility of leaving here.

"Senior King Zuo Xian, Senior King You Xian, you two are famous martial arts masters. You wouldn't do such a thing, would you? Harm our juniors and use your power to bully others?" Fatty Lei asked nervously.

The right virtuous king Tuoba Wenwu clenched his fists, with veins twitching on his forehead. He deliberately avoided Fatty Lei's eyes, turned his back and sighed.

Zuo Xian Wang Bai Li didn't care at all, with a calm expression.

"I said, you can't leave today. If you say that I am bullying others, you can go together, whether it's a one-on-one fight or a group fight. As long as you can defeat me, I guarantee that everyone in the White Lotus Sect will not be in trouble again. How about you guys just leave?"

Even though it sounds like it's many versus one, it can be a wheel-to-wheel battle, and everyone can work together to fight Bai Li alone, which is a huge advantage.

However, Zuo Xian Wang Bai Li is not an ordinary martial arts master. He is a monster, so powerful that he can kill several masters of the ninth level of Xuan Guan in one breath. Who can have the courage and strength to fight against such a person?
When the atmosphere was tense and a falling leaf could cause a fight, the White Lotus Saint stepped out from her guards and stood in front.

Her face is tranquil, with an unearthly holiness and piety, lofty and pure, gentle and majestic.

She looked at the people in front of her, not focusing on any nervous knight, but everyone felt that the saint was looking at and communicating with them.

"You can go, I don't intend to embarrass you."

Hearing this, Tuoba Wenwu, who had turned his back, unclenched his fists, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around again.

A trace of imperceptible anger flashed in Bai Li's eyes, and he turned away with his hands behind his back.

The White Lotus Sect is not a sect or a gang. It is a large organization. It is the fourth corner after Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, with millions of believers across Kyushu.

The words of Saint White Lotus are the decree and will of the Wusheng Old Mother. Therefore, even if the status is as high as the two wise kings on the left and right, they will never show a trace of doubt or doubt about Saint White Lotus's orders in front of everyone.

This is proof of the unity of the White Lotus Sect. If anyone openly questions it, it will make people see a crack in this strong fortress gathered by faith, and this crack may become a flaw that can be breached in the future.

"You mean, let us go?" Fatty Lei wondered if he heard correctly.

Even Fatty Lei felt that he couldn't leave, because there were so many of them, and there was no guarantee that there wouldn't be anyone among them who wanted to collect the bounty from the imperial court, and would turn around and bring the officers and soldiers here.

Or simply because they dispersed and left, they were caught by Ouchi masters and forced to find out the traces.

However, Saint White Lotus wants to let them go regardless of these risks?

"What White Lotus Saint said will not change." She said firmly.

With her words, the White Lotus Sect's originally impenetrable siege gave way and told these people to leave.

Fatty Lei was afraid that the two wise kings would change their minds at some point, so he thanked him profusely and ran out without looking back.

"Sorry, King Zuoxian."

The White Lotus Saint's lips moved slightly, and she made a sound that could only be heard when she was close, "If I kill them here, maybe I can completely block the news, and everyone present will not have any thoughts.

However, we in the White Lotus Sect work openly and aboveboard, and we will never do things like burning bridges across rivers. If we do such a despicable act, what difference does it make between us and the gang of thieves in the court?
I don’t think Mother Wusheng would be happy either. "

"No need to say anything more, I just rely on the Holy Lady's will."

Bai Li turned his head away from the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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