Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 535 Crossing the Bridge

There is a pillar every tens of meters on the platform, which is made of bronze and engraved with lifelike patterns and styles belonging to the ancient Shang era.

Although I know the content on each pillar, from the texture to the carvings, they are almost the same, exactly the same.

However, when passing each pillar, everyone in Yin Xiu would still subconsciously cast their eyes and pay attention to those pillars.

It's as if the things here are not dead things, but the ancestors who have been doing business and are standing guard to this day. With just one glance, the weight of history comes to your face, making people awe-inspiring.

"These are all good things, but it's a pity that they are all buried under the ground where they never see the light of day. Even if someone sees them, they can only let them stay here." Liu Banxian sighed.

"What's wrong with staying here?"

Yin Xiu didn't think there was anything to regret, "It would be okay if we put these things in the palaces of kings and princes, leaving them to play with and appreciate, and give them to this and that, even though they are in ruins." , but not much.

But if the dynasty falls, these things will be buried in the raging flames in the end, either buried in a pile of rubble and bricks, or melted into someone's door knocker, mirror, or pendant on the old man's hand. What a waste of natural resources. "

"Who has nothing to do but roll two copper balls in his hand? Will he die again?"

Despite what he said, Liu Banxian still agreed with Yin Xiu's point of view.

It would be better to bury something here than to put it on the ground, much better.

While the few people were talking, they had already walked across the huge platform paved with bluestones. In front of them, there was a white bridge.

One end of the bridge was in front of them, but the other end was far away in darkness. Under the bridge, there was a raging underground river. As soon as they got closer, they could hear the loud sound of the stones under the impact of the water flow.

It is not accurate to say that this bridge is white, because it is made of white marble, so it looks white.

If you look closer, you can still see some gray or black spots in the stones.

"Now it's good. Just like you said, there are steps and bridges. It matches your imagination of what the underground palace looks like." Yin Xiu was quite speechless.

Liu Banxian also felt distressed.

This wonderful Shinto was originally supposed to be straight and flat, but now it has stairs and a long bridge. Who knows what weird things will pop up behind it.

However, everyone still moved forward with the idea that the boat would go straight until it reached the bridge, and did not intend to be blocked by the sudden appearance of a bridge that seemed to not exist before.

Yin Xiu's mind moved, and a bloody butterfly flew out of her sleeve and flew forward.

At the same time, the surrounding scenes began to rotate with Blood Butterfly's sight, and were simultaneously reflected in his mind.

In the darkness, this long covered bridge seemed to be frozen on the water.

Every few dozen steps there is a stone pillar protruding out. These stone pillars are not decorations like lions, but just round ones, like mushrooms and schoolchildren standing aside.

The blood butterfly flew fluttering and soon reached the end.

Yin Xiu estimated that the bridge was actually only a few hundred meters long. Although it was indeed a great project to build a bridge with a huge amount of white jade underground.

However, the bridge is indeed not very long. A few people walked on it for a minute or two and then walked across it.

As for the other end of the bridge, it was completely dark. Even though the blood butterfly controlled by Yin Xiu had excellent eyesight, it was as if it had plunged into ink. It could not see anything and could not reach out its fingers.

So after another round of wandering, Yin Xiu snapped his fingers, and the blood butterflies disappeared in the air.

"I've figured out the situation..."

Yin Xiu told everyone about the situation on the bridge. When they heard that the bridge was only a few hundred meters long, Liu Banxian and Hai Dongqing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

For them, this journey is simply an exile, not an exploration. How can anyone climb the stairs for five hours in one day and then walk on the bridge for several hours?
After resting for a while and eating something, everyone began to board the bridge.

Although this bridge is not long, it is very wide. It can accommodate ten people walking side by side without feeling cramped or urgent.

As soon as she stepped onto the bridge, Yin Xiu felt a thick feeling spread through the bottom of her boots to the soles of her feet.

This reminded him of the Bai Yujing on Kunlun. The large disk was also made of a single piece of white jade.

However, Bai Yujing's ground has no impurities at all. Not only from a distance, but even if you look closely, you can't find any flaws.

If you want to prove to a person that he has indeed arrived at the abode of the gods, you only need to take him to Baiyujing.

There, everyone will understand immediately that such miracles can only be performed by gods, and only in the legendary Kunlun, the residence of gods, can such miracles occur.

After seeing the mountains, this bridge can only be regarded as a "small river". Yin Xiu just sighed secretly and continued to move forward.

At this moment, Ma Xiaoyu gently pulled his sleeve from behind.

"what happened?"

Yin Xiu turned around and met Ma Xiaoyu's bright eyes.

"I suddenly remembered something to ask you." Ma Xiaoyu said seriously.

"We can talk about it later when we get back. I know you are anxious, but if you want to ask something like this, it must be in a suitable atmosphere."

Yin Xiu whispered: "For example, on the balcony of a large villa with sea view, we set a table with candles and red wine. You and I lean together, and the sea breeze caresses our faces. I think it is very strange to speak at this time. suitable."

"That's not what I meant."

Ma Xiaoyu glared at him, "I mean, do those traps and traps you and Liu Banxian mentioned before really exist?"

"Are you talking about throwing knives, arrows, rolling stones, and stabbing spears? Those things may not be real, but they may be there.

Otherwise, why do those martial arts novels have this in them? Even children know to avoid the lines tied to both sides of the aisle when playing games. "

After a pause, Yin Xiu asked her again: "But why did you suddenly remember to ask me this?"


Ma Xiaoyu pointed to her feet, "I may have stepped on some mechanism."

When Yin Xiu heard this, her expression changed and she raised her hand to signal everyone to stop.

"What's the matter, Brother Yin?" Liu Banxian said and was about to come over.

"Don't move yet!"

Yin Xiu stopped his next move.

After receiving such a drink, Liu Banxian stood still like a wooden man, and even Hai Dongqing held his breath.

Of course, this statement was also directed at Ma Xiaoyu.

After everyone stopped, Yin Xiu looked at Ma Xiaoyu again, telling her not to worry and leave it to her.

Ma Xiaoyu didn't speak, just blinked, and didn't seem to be panicked.

In this way, Yin Xiucai finally began to check the situation under Ma Xiaoyu's feet.

Looking at it, even Yin Xiu himself, who originally asked everyone not to panic, couldn't help but feel nervous.

I saw that the area where Ma Xiaoyu's boots were stepping on was dented by an inch.

This is a hard white marble floor, and they can feel the solid texture from the soles of their feet every step they take. Even if two martial arts masters fight here, the most they can do is crack the bridge deck instead of denting it neatly like this.

If Ma Xiaoyu hadn't been very flexible with her feet and had excellent reflexes, stopping her movements the moment she felt something was wrong, I'm afraid the mechanism would have been triggered.

This is the situation Liu Banxian mentioned before. When he thought it was safe to enter the tomb, he accidentally hit the trap.

As for whether the outcome will be total death or a near miss, it all depends on one's luck and strength.

Yin Xiu slowly squatted down, stretched out his hands, placed them on Ma Xiaoyu's knees, and touched all the way down to the bottom of the boots.

Ma Xiaoyu frowned, "Are you still thinking of taking advantage at this time?"

"It's not about taking advantage, it's just that I remembered what some people do when they step on landmines." Yin Xiu said softly.

Landmines in this era were still simple devices. When someone stepped on them, and when they were pressed and released, the flint in the device underneath would begin to ignite, and then detonate powerful explosives, blowing the person who stepped into the trap into the sky.

However, due to technical reasons, the military rarely uses it. Instead, some killers or gangs often use this method to bury such a device under the carpet when the enemy is on his way home. Once inside, the mine will explode immediately.

Considering that this device was originally created hundreds of years ago, Yin Xiu felt that it had nothing to do with landmines.

It was probably the flying knives, arrows and rolling stones that Ma Xiaoyu asked about, or simply a trap above their heads opened and tons of quicksand fell to bury them.

In fact, as long as it is not quicksand, Yin Xiu is confident that with their skills, even if those flying arrows and knives are shot, nothing will happen here.

Even in the worst case scenario, if the quicksand really falls, he can still use the Star Shift to take everyone far away at once, as long as the range and speed of the quicksand does not exceed his moving distance.

However, in order to prevent the worst situation from happening, it is better not to trigger this trap at the moment.

Then, the only option is to follow what Yin Xiu said when he stepped on a landmine.

This method is not mentioned in martial arts novels, but in a detective novel published in Dunling.

It said that when a great detective went out to investigate a case and hunt down the murderer, his assistant stepped on a landmine at the bottom of the waterfall.

It is also a big landmine that will explode immediately if the pressure changes slightly if you step on it and lift it up again.

If not handled with care, both the detective and his assistant will be shattered in an instant.

Therefore, the detective first carefully cut the assistant's boots so that he could lift his feet. The moment the assistant's feet were raised, the detective immediately used both hands to hold down the mine to prevent the device from triggering.

At this point, the assistant is out of danger and can move freely. The operation is half successful.

As for the other half of the operation, it was a bit complicated, so much so that Yin Xiu had to recall it carefully and think about it.

Therefore, Yin Xiu decided to complete the first half of the operation first and then talk about the rest.

He took out a small knife from his sleeve, raised his head and smiled at Ma Xiaoyu: "Don't worry, it will be done soon."

"But I'm not too worried." Ma Xiaoyu was not as open-minded as Yin Xiu.

"What, you don't believe in our luck and skill?"

"No, I mean, my boots are expensive, and if you cut them, I can't find a second pair."

"Don't worry, I'll just compensate you."

Yin Xiu grinned, holding the knife and lowering his head.

However, Ma Xiaoyu squatted at his feet and blinked obediently.

"Xiaoyu, why are you squatting down..."

"Don't talk yet."

Ma Xiaoyu shook the dagger in his hand and said, "You stepped on the mechanism. Now I will help you take out your foot. Don't move around."

"I stepped on a trap?"

Yin Xiu was stunned and didn't react for a moment, "You said, I stepped on the mechanism?"

He looked at his hand again. There was no dagger there. Only a small compass inlaid with an emerald the size of a pigeon egg. Even the compass needle was made of jadeite.

Opposite him, several other people were looking at him.

Yin Xiu couldn't help but ask: "Ren, Brother Gaoshou, why are you just watching?"

"What can I do?"

Hai Dongqing folded his hands and said, "I'm just an expert in the field, not an agency expert. I can't help you."

"Really? That's such a shame."

Yin Xiu followed his example and held her hands together, but she only felt a soft warmth coming from her chest, as if something was growing on her chest.

Just as Yin Xiu was about to speak, he suddenly felt a hand on his leg, which was sometimes on the boot, and the next time it was lightly scratching his calf like rubbing oil, making him feel itchy.

"what happened?"


Yin Xiuzheng squatted at his feet, looked up at him, and shook the dagger in his hand, "Xiaoyu, I'm looking for a suitable angle to help you take off these boots, so that we can avoid the mechanism and not touch it. it."




After a long time, Yin Xiu's heart suddenly tightened, and she opened her eyes as if she woke up in the middle of the night.

Around him, there was darkness. There was no Ma Xiaoyu, Liu Banxian, Ren Qihai Dongqing and the others.

It seems that even the white jade bridge no longer exists.

He seemed to be soaked in ink, unable to see anything. Even himself seemed to be a hidden part.

Yin Xiu did not extend his hand forward, because there was dead silence and darkness in front of him.

However, it was only him who seemed to be dead, not the darkness in front of him.

Because the darkness around him suddenly began to ripple and ripple, as if a drop of water had been dropped into the ink, causing ripples.

At the same time, he also heard the sound of steel knives rubbing against each other, harsh and noisy.

Gradually, the ripples grew larger and larger, and layers of circles of light appeared in front of Yin Xiu's eyes.

Suddenly, the darkness took shape, and something gathered, gathered, and finally came together in front of Yin Xiu.


Yin Xiu raised his head and met the red eyes of the big black snake. (End of chapter)

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