Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 547 Accidental collision

Chapter 547 Accidental collision
Instead of going to the palace in front of them, the soul turned around and rushed towards the darkness behind Yin Xiu and the others.

This shocked everyone.

There is no need for blood butterflies at this time. Just use your legs to follow him. No one needs to shout, and everyone starts running after the soul.

Yin Xiu squeezed the palm of her hand, and the blood butterfly turned into a ball of blood mist and dissipated.

Liu Banxian followed, and after running for a while he felt out of breath.

"Is it really because I disturbed Miss Ma's spell that something strange happened to this soul?" Hai Dongqing asked worriedly.

He always felt that it was because of his roar that it led to a series of subsequent changes.

After all, there is a rule in the Taoist sect that the law should not be passed down to three ears. Interrupting a mage's practice seems to have serious consequences.

However, Liu Banxian just shook his head and said: "I just said that your voice was too loud. Don't really think of yourself as a glaring King Kong. With your movements, how can you interrupt the spellcasting?"

Even though she disliked him, Hai Dongqing couldn't help but feel relieved.

"It's better if I didn't do it, otherwise I don't know how the girl will deal with me when she gets off the horse."

"Hey, she probably can't be bothered."

Liu Banxian took another deep breath, "If Miss Ma's technique was wrong, she would have stopped and corrected it at this time instead of running like the rest of us."

"That seems to be the case."

Hai Dongqing came back to his senses, "Could it be that this soul is confused? Is it running around?"

Except for the light produced by the spell at the beginning, by this time, Hai Dongqing and Ren Qi could no longer see anything. They were just following Yin Xiu.

"Do you think that human soul is as clever as you?"

Liu Banxian's face turned a little pale, "Three souls and seven souls, if any one of them is missing, something will be wrong. It can range from dementia to coma.

What we often call fools and idiots are often like this because their souls are incomplete when they are born.

The soul itself has no consciousness, so there is no such thing as confusion, because this thing itself is chaos and unenlightened. "

"So, maybe it's none of my business?" Hai Dongqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"This can't possibly be any of your business."

Liu Banxian was almost out of breath as he spoke, feeling like his lungs were about to explode, "Speaking of which, little brother, if you have the energy to ask this or that, why not be kind first and carry me on your back, or give me a helping hand..."

Before Liu Banxian finished speaking, Hai Dongqing had already rushed ahead.

Seeing this, Liu Banxian could only sigh that the world was in a cold state and people's hearts were not as old as before, and he lowered his head and hurried on.

Suddenly, as he was running forward, he felt he bumped into a wall. He almost fell to the ground, but was supported by a strong hand.

After shaking his head, Liu Banxian was surprised to find that the person holding him up was Ren Qi with a cold face.

"Brother Gao Shou, your conscience has finally realized, ah, no, you are a very old-fashioned person who respects the old and loves the young!"

Liu Banxian almost cried, but Ren Qi still looked at him coldly.

"Do you think I'll be like this?"

"will not."

Liu Banxian shook his head and asked doubtfully: "But haven't you been running in front? Why are you waiting for me here all of a sudden?"

"Because it's already here."

Ren Qi pointed behind him.

"Arrived? What has arrived?"

Liu Banxian walked past him, looked over, and suddenly felt creepy.

In front of them, they saw a "canyon", or should be said to be a cave.

However, this cave is not natural, because it is covered with the same green bricks as the water-filled tunnel, one on top of another, and moss grows wantonly on it, emitting a faint blue light, making it look like a cemetery of stars.

But in such a humid place, there are bronze statues that are as tall as two people and as wide as a door.

Liu Banxian raised the fluorite and counted it. From in front of them to the invisible darkness, there were seven or eight rows of bronze statues.

The bronze statue in front is either sitting or standing, wearing some simple clothing, looking like a commoner.

Behind them are soldiers holding swords and halberds. Some are standing on carriages or equipped with bows and arrows, or holding spears. Some are leading horses, all of them are armored and majestic.

The reason why it can be seen that these are not modern statues is because the faces of these people are extremely strange, with eyes larger than those of cattle, triangular noses, high and protruding foreheads, and almost invisible chins.

This distorted face and rough style do not look like something that would have been made in the past one or two hundred years.

Liu Banxian has even seen some paintings from the Tang and Song Dynasties. Even if there are bronze statues on them, they are scholarly beauties. All the sculptures are exquisite and beautiful, and there is no such roughness and weirdness.

"Are we here?" Liu Banxian asked again.

"That's right, we're here."

Yin Xiu pointed in one direction, only to see that the soul stopped moving forward when it got here, but turned around in place, drawing a medium-sized circle, as if it had lost its way.

"It's probably under our feet, or among these bronze statues."

Ma Xiaoyu raised the torch, and the green rust on the bronze statue began to glow faintly, like some kind of liquid, or as if there was a green rain here.

"These bronze statues have a strong yin energy and may be part of the burial objects."

"I thought it should be human sacrifice, as we speculated before."

Liu Banxian walked forward as he spoke, still marveling at this weird bronze statue.

"That's right, it's a human sacrifice. Isn't it the head of a slave that you are stepping on?"


Liu Banxian screamed strangely and jumped back. He didn't know what he stepped on. His feet were unsteady and he slipped directly to the ground, staring at a pale skull.


He jumped up again, and when he was about to fall down again, he was finally supported by Yin Xiu.

"Hey, it's not like I've never seen dead people before. Why are you so scared?" Yin Xiu said speechlessly.

"It's different, it's completely different!"

There was cold sweat on the tip of Liu Banxian's nose. "Not only were the things we saw before fresh and hot, but at least we could still see the face and body. What is this? This is a skeleton, and it is the skeleton of Shang in ancient times. , people are rushing to see this thing in the museum.”

"These and that things are all [good brothers]. It's not right for you to talk nonsense."

Yin Xiu clasped his hands together and bowed in all directions. "When did you become so sincere?" Liu Banxian asked in surprise.

"I've always been like that."

Yin Xiu grinned, "It's just that you didn't notice it."

"You better be."

Ma Xiaoyu glanced at him sideways, and then made a gesture of lighting incense to Liu Banxian.

Liu Banxian wiped his sweat, lowered his head and rummaged through his pocket, and finally took out a handful of sandalwood and handed it to Ma Xiaoyu.

Ma Xiaoyu took the sandalwood and lit it. There were nine sticks in total, emitting a thin layer of smoke in her hand.

Then she also bowed respectfully to several sides like Yin Xiu, and at the same time divided the nine sticks of incense into three sticks, and inserted them in different directions.

"Are you worshiping them?" Hai Dongqing asked in a low voice.

"of course."

Liu Banxian also lowered his voice, "After all, they were the first to come to this place, and I don't know how long they have been here. We are latecomers, and we have to offer three pillars of fragrance to others. Do you mind me?"

"I know, but even though there are nine branches, there are quite a few people buried underneath."

"Hey, when you go to ask for a living, when you go to the pier, you will say that you will repay me with a spring in the future. When did you report it? There are so many bosses in the same hall looking at you, can you come here to report it?

Don't talk about repaying kindness. If you don't take revenge one day, they will already be grateful.

Singing incense is a matter of politeness and affection. You can just give it a try, but who will take it seriously? Everyone is just going through the motions. "

"Oh, there's something so particular about it."

Hai Dongqing said, lightly kicking a skull at his feet, and the round head rolled to the side.

"Hey, you are really not afraid that these good brothers will cause trouble for you!"

Liu Banxian shouted, obviously frightened by Hai Dongqing's actions.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't take it seriously? When we were young, many children went to play in the mass graves on the mountain. They all brought some toys when they came back, but I didn't see anything like them." Hai Dongqing didn't care.


Liu Banxian shook his head. He only felt that it was a very scary thing. Fortunately, every village in Liaodong had those Baojiaxian, gods and witches to control it. Otherwise, if he played like these children, he would be haunted every day.

After finishing the incense, Ma Xiaoyu wiped her hands and asked Liu Banxian: "Maybe we can find many clues here? After all, this looks like a burial pit."

"The burial pit? It must be that thing."

Liu Banxian nodded: "The merchants buried many human sacrifices and these weird bronze vessels here, and used them as gifts to the owner of the tomb, so that he could still enjoy the service of slaves after his death, and at the same time, an army continued to fight in the underworld. ”

Of course, even if there is some possibility of the former, after all, there are still some people who burn some paper people and let them work as cows and horses.

Not just paper figures, Liu Banxian has been in charge of several rituals and funerals. There are really paper dolls as high as a building, carriages that cannot be lifted by several people, and paper dolls as big as beds. They cost a lot of money to make, and they are all thrown into the fire. Inside, turned into ashes.

These things were made and burned so that the deceased could continue to enjoy themselves in the underworld.

As for the latter, forming an army to fight in the underworld of Yama?

Does he really think that those bull-headed and horse-faced people, the soul seducers, and the Eighteen Halls of Hell are all made of paper?
With so many kings, generals and ministers burning a team of soldiers and horses every time they die, wouldn't it mean that the underworld would be fighting every day and it would be in chaos already?

But one thing that is certain is that if the burial pit is here, the main tomb chamber will not be too far away.

Just like rich people don't place safes and bodyguards too far away from themselves, otherwise everyone will be worried.

This is the theory that the Mojin captains have arrived at through long-term practice.

When it comes to things like money and names, these local masters don't make jokes or make mistakes. They just say what they say.

Digging is the same as mining, you can't talk nonsense, and you can't lose your temper. You have to respect experience and knowledge, otherwise sooner or later something will happen, someone will die, and maybe the whole team will sleep underground.

This discovery made everyone jump for joy.

Even if they are completely uninterested in the treasures that may exist here, they are "alien" among the people in Xia Dou.

When I think about it, before this, they actually didn't know how to get to the tomb chamber, and they were just wandering around like headless flies relying on luck and intuition.

Yin Xiu felt that being able to stand in this burial pit at this moment was a great blessing.

Even Ma Xiaoyu had a smile on her face. Even in this tragic burial pit where hundreds of sacrifices seemed to have been buried, smiling was a very strange thing.

However, even if asked like this, Ma Xiaoyu can still say: "Smiling does not mean happiness."

When everyone gets here, how they find the main tomb chamber depends on Liu Banxian's ability.

This is his special skill, he can find it even if he closes his eyes.

Because Feng Shui Kanyu is often universal, sometimes you look in the wrong place. When you make a mistake, it’s not that there’s something wrong with the formula, but that you just memorized it by rote and didn’t practice it based on the local environment and Feng Shui trends. application.

Of course Liu Banxian is not the kind of person mentioned above. At present, he has keen intuition and superb skills. In addition, he also has enough experience of "mistakes" before enlightenment. Now he is looking for the location of the tomb. It's just like a skilled butcher breaking down pork with a handful of hands, and it can be done while talking and laughing.

However, Feng Shui is not something that can be talked about and laughed at.

If the burial time and the location of the graveyard are mistaken on the ground, it will inevitably affect future generations, causing the victim himself and even generations of people to suffer instead of benefiting from it.

But underground, if you make a mistake, it will be as simple as bad luck and bad luck.

If you look in the wrong place and don't find the tomb, you touch the trap instead, triggering quicksand and poisonous gas, and everyone will die.

Therefore, after Liu Banxian started holding the compass and pinching his fingers to find the location of the tomb, everyone held their breath. Instead of chatting and discussing like before, they watched his actions attentively.

Liu Banxian acted quickly. After holding the compass and turning around in one place, he took a few steps to the left and right. The pointer on the compass, which had been spinning randomly, finally pointed steadily in one direction.

"Where the white tiger is, Suzaku points the way. About eighteen steps ahead, you will find the owner of the tomb."

"So powerful?" Yin Xiu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"That's right, it's eighteen steps. Not one step too many, but one step too few." Liu Banxian was full of confidence.

As he spoke, he started walking with the compass in his hands, counting in his mouth: "One step, two steps, three steps... Eleven, twelve, eh?"

When he reached the twelfth step, Liu Banxian's feet suddenly disappeared. He looked up and saw a statue blocking him.

"Sorry, I borrowed it, oh no, I should take a detour."

Liu Banxian turned away, but still hit a rock wall.

"There's no reason why I'm wrong, right?"

He looked back at Yin Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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