Night, or rather day.

There doesn't seem to be much difference between the two when they are underground. They are both in darkness. Without candlelight, it is difficult to move.

At this time, Yin Xiu recalled the words of the White Lotus Dharma King named Boyin.

The sun has set in the west, but the bonfire has not been lit.

He entrusted everything to Yin Xiu and was willing to devote his life to it. However, in the end, would such an entrustment be in vain and an inhumane trust?
Yin Xiu also had such doubts at this time. Did the White Lotus Dharma King entrust his life's dreams and ambitions to himself, was he taking it too much for granted?

If he had known Yin Xiu, he would have killed him neatly, but now he would not have such troubles.

"But you can't do such a thing, right?" Hai Dongqing seemed to see through his mind.

Yin Xiu turned back to look at her, "What?"



Yin Xiu sighed, "Who do you think I am? I need to think about killing someone casually? I have to think about it for so long?"

"Of course you don't."

Hai Dongqing smiled and said: "However, you can't help but find it difficult to understand other people's entrustments, right?"

"What's so puzzling about this?"

Yin Xiu still didn't want to admit it, "In martial arts novels, helping people take care of their wives and daughters, etc., was all mentioned by me to that unfortunate guy. How could anyone entrust it to you?"

"That's not what I'm talking about!"

Hai Dongqing rolled his eyes and said, "Just keep your mouth shut and see if one day you will reveal all your thoughts."

"What, you are an expert in Ouchi? You want me to tell you everything."

While Yin Xiu was talking, a stone accidentally fell under his feet.

The stone fell from the edge of the cliff and fell into the bottomless darkness. It took a while before it made the sound of falling into the water.

In this way, Hai Dongqing realized that they were walking close to the edge of the cliff instead of walking on the flat ground. Their attitude just now was too relaxed.

"Don't worry, if you fall, just scream and I will save you." Yin Xiu also saw through her thoughts.

"I can't save myself?"

Hai Dongqing said unconvinced: "In the mountains, such a rock wall is nothing. I have never climbed anything more difficult and dangerous."

"How difficult and dangerous is it?"

"That depends on the situation."

"Is the previous one enough?"

Yin Xiu suddenly moved the torch in his hand forward, and Hai Dongqing couldn't help but widen his eyes.

I saw that in front of me, the path that was originally large enough for one person to walk suddenly narrowed and turned into a steep passage that required one person to walk sideways and could only accommodate the length of one foot.

What remains unchanged is that under their feet, there is still boundless darkness that will swallow up any light.

"Enough, enough."

Hai Dongqing swallowed, "If you were shot by the White Lotus Sect's bow and arrow or the court's musket in a place like this, you might really die."

"Death is certain!"

Yin Xiu also became cautious, "Even a master in the synaesthesia realm, unless he can fly, would be unable to fire two rounds of muskets on such a bare rock wall."

"Sigh, no expert can perform on such a rock wall."

Hai Dongqing shook his head, suddenly remembered what happened before, and immediately said to Yin Xiu: "Use that move!"

Yin Xiu glanced at her, "I have many moves, which one are you talking about?"

"The world is turned upside down!" Hai Dongqing replied.


Yin Xiu sighed, and then he remembered that Hai Dongqing really didn't study much and couldn't argue with her.

Even though she is the reincarnation of Taibai Shenjun, she sounds very powerful, but the environment shapes her life, and she is still illiterate even if she should be less literate.

So Yin Xiu could only ask her slowly: "Is that the one that [swoops] and then appears somewhere else?"

"That's right," Hai Dongqing stretched out his finger, "It's that move, it's like a magic trick!"

"That's called the Star Shift. It's not a trick, it's a spell, a magical power." Yin Xiu corrected her.

"Everything is fine, just use your invincible magic!" Hai Dongqing's face was filled with anticipation.

"It's no use." Yin Xiu spread his hands.


"You still have to ask this!?"

Yin Xiu pointed forward, "Wait a minute, I will use the Dou Zhuan Star Shift to fly forward, and now there is darkness ahead. Do you believe that we will land in an empty place and fall to death?"


Hai Dongqing couldn't understand it for a moment.

"It's like that."

Yin Xiu suddenly pushed, and Hai Dongqing flew into the air unpreparedly and fell into the gap behind him.

Before she could scream, Yin Xiu reached out and grabbed her again, causing her to fall back.

"Now, do you understand? This is the feeling of missing the mark. Who knows where we will end up?"

"You think it's funny!?"

Hai Dongqing was in shock and stared at him, as if he wanted to beat him at any moment.

Yin Xiu didn't care, just smiled, "I just want to say that this trick cannot be used when the target cannot be seen."

"Then just tell me directly!"

Hai Dongqing gritted his teeth. Thinking of the situation he was facing now, he felt more and more headache. "So, now we have to crawl on the cliff in front of us like crabs, right?"

"No, it's a gecko."

Yin Xiu sighed, "Crabs can still be called walking. As for us, we can only stick to the wall and move forward step by step."

Seeing Hai Dongqing's frown, Yin Xiu added, "Don't be so depressed. At least we have good news for now."

"What good news?" Hai Dongqing raised his eyelids.

"That is, we can choose who walks in front and who comes behind."

"What difference does it make!? There are only two of us. If we go forward, I will lead the way. If we go back, I will be the one behind us. If we go back and forth, we will be the two of us. What's the difference?"

Seeing that Hai Dongqing was almost hysterical, Yin Xiu quickly changed the topic.

"Then how about I go first and explore the way ahead?"

"Who do you think I am?"

Hai Dongqing glared at him, "Of course you're the one who takes the lead!"


Yin Xiu took a few steps forward and quickly turned sideways and pressed against the rock wall. Her hands seemed to have developed suckers, clinging tightly to the rock wall. In fact, Yin Xiu didn't say it before. If he was a master of the synaesthesia realm, being ambushed on this rock wall would be extremely dangerous, with a near-miss of death.

However, with the assistance of [Taibao Shenxing], he is even more powerful in any complex terrain activities, and can even be said to be walking on flat ground to some extent.

Perhaps here, even if Yin Xiu faces those great masters, he is not without the ability to fight.

But here, he had to take care of Hai Dongqing to prevent the latter from accidentally falling even under good circumstances.

As I said before, even if Tai Ding doesn't take Hai Dongqing's soul, she can't just die here.

So the two of them followed suit, sticking to the rock wall one after the other and moving forward.

Maybe it's boredom, maybe it's to relieve the tension in my heart.

Hai Dongqing asked him again: "You said that a heavenly soul of Taiding transformed into the Taibai Divine Lord, who is the authority of Changbai Mountain.

Then where did his earthly soul go? Is it possible that he also transformed into something? "

Yin Xiu pricked up his ears when he heard this, "What, do you have a clue?"

"Of course I didn't."

Hai Dongqing said lightly: "This is just my guess or conjecture. It is completely my speculation and has no basis at all."

"It would be very troublesome to say such unfounded things," Yin Xiu said.

"What's the trouble? Can people still sue me for defamation?" Hai Dongqing said unconvinced.

"That seems to be the case."

Yin Xiu responded and continued moving forward.

However, at this time, Haidongqing seemed to have another problem.

When she was still the Orion boy, she didn't talk much, even less than Ren Qi in many cases.

But when she replied to her daughter, it seemed that her interest in talking was aroused and she started talking.

"Tell me, is Taiding's plan actually ruined, or has something changed?"

"for example?"

"For example, the fall of Lord Taibai."

Hai Dongqing's face was solemn, "Shenjun Taibai has probably existed here for thousands of years, right? Or more than a thousand years? He is the mountain god of the Changbai Mountains, the guardian of all things, and the supreme authority.

What if the reason why He became the authority of Changbai Mountain was also because of Taiding's plan?
In the original timeline, Shenjun Taibai should have contacted Taiding at some point and returned the heavenly soul to him. In this case, Taiding, who combined the heavenly soul and the human soul, would have completed his condition by three points. Second, he should be terrifyingly strong.

Then according to his idea, he would collect all the earth souls, and the three souls of heaven, earth, and humans would be completely ascended. "

"But those two snakes killed Shenjun Taibai and interrupted his plan."

While pondering like this, Yin Xiu suddenly turned around and asked Hai Dongqing.

"Do you have any relevant memories of this?"

"What memory?" Hai Dongqing was stunned for a moment.

"Is it the memory of being killed by those two big snakes?"

Even though he felt that it was a bit cruel to ask this question, Yin Xiu still told the truth. He wanted to get some information from Hai Dongqing's answer.

After all, there are monsters running around in the underground tombs right now, very powerful and terrifying guys.

Yin Xiu and the others are like clown fish, they can only hide among tropical coral reefs, and it is completely impossible to fight against them.

However, Hai Dongqing shook his head and said: "Is it possible that Lord Taibai is Lord Taibai and I am me? He is a god? And I am just an Orion?"

"So that's it." Yin Xiu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"It can only be this way."

Hai Dongqing said seriously: "Not to mention any memories, even my dreams have not changed.

It was walking on the ice sheet, then falling into the lake, and then being held in the arms of the long-white woman whose appearance and figure could not be seen clearly. It was the same dream for many nights.

But after meeting Taiding, I seemed to stop dreaming. "

"That means your sleep quality has improved." Yin Xiu said.

"Is this something to be happy about?"

Hai Dongqing barely grasped the gap between a stone with two fingers, turned his toes first, stepped out a little, and rested on another stone. Then he exerted force on his back foot. With the power of the swing, he shifted his body. shape.

This journey was far more dangerous than she imagined.

Not only is it narrow, it is also disconnected in some places, with only one stone and even room for standing on your toes.

After crossing this terrifying gap, she continued: "Anyway, that dream was scary at first, but it was okay later on. I would rather keep doing it, lest it be empty at this time, and it will be bad when I think about it."

"I'd rather you remember something."

Saying this, Yin Xiu felt that this idea was too selfish, so she waved her hands and said: "Forget it, forget it, let's just do it. There is always a way to deal with those bastards."

"How far are we from the dragon vein?"

Hai Dongqing is currently concerned about this. Even though they have traveled lightly and left almost all their luggage behind, carrying only water bottles and simple dry food, it would be troublesome to take more than one thing on such a long journey, no matter how much they bring. It feels cumbersome.


Yin Xiu recalled the information she got from King Bailian, "It's probably just a short walk away. I remember that in his memories, it was just like this, and it's not that far away."

Yin Xiu suddenly stopped talking because he wanted to calm down and increase his concentration.

There was a gap in front of him. He stretched out his hand, clasped the only protrusion with two fingers, turned his toes, stepped out with one foot first, stepped on the stone opposite, then exerted force on his waist, and by swinging With such force, it fell onto another stone.

Hai Dongqing saw these actions in his eyes, and when he was about to do the same, Yin Xiu stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Hai Dongqing asked.

"Have you noticed that I have done this set of actions before, and you have also done it after me?"

Yin Xiu glanced at her and said, "We seem to have repeated it twice. This is the third time."

"So many?"

Hai Dongqing's face was full of surprise, but when she looked at the protrusion of the rock wall through the firelight, she was very convinced that that position could only accommodate her two fingers, and no more would be enough.

Of course there are the same dangers in the world, but there are not almost the same stones.

"Is it an illusion?" Hai Dongqing thought of his previous encounter.

"Almost, but it's a screen wall." Yin Xiu replied.

"Shadow wall?" Hai Dongqing repeated the word.

"The screen wall usually appears in some large houses. It is the wall you will see after entering the door. It is often carved with dragons and phoenixes, or painted with special graphics. It is usually used to ward off evil spirits or simply block the sun. of.

This wall separates the main house from the door, so that no one who enters through the door can see the situation inside or know what it is like inside.

Right now, we are probably blocked by the screen wall. "

The White Lotus Dharma King also said this before, "We have arrived in front of the shadow wall."

Yin Xiu bit his finger and a drop of blood slipped from his fingertip.

Then in front of them, the darkness twisted and rippled, and a completely different path appeared. (End of chapter)

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