Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 571 The war between heaven and earth

Taiding and Kui Qingshan were on both sides, not seeing Yin Xiu or the others.

Bai Li felt as if his scalp was going to explode, and he didn't know if he looked at Yin Xiu with resentment or fear.

"Are these two your enemies?"

Yin Xiu said helplessly: "Who among you sitting here is not my enemy?"

"It's good that you have this kind of self-awareness, but why not..." Bai Li stretched out his hand.

"It's not as simple as you think, King Zuoxian."

Yin Xiu smiled bitterly, "Do you think things will be over if they kill me? It's not that easy, King Zuo Xian. Even if I are killed by them, you will still have to be left here by him."

"I was just joking." Bai Li retracted his hand.

"Is it funny?"

Yin Xiu rolled her eyes at him, and after a burst of smoke evaporated, the famous sword Chaofeng appeared in his hand.

"Which one to cut first?" Ren Qi asked him.

"Actually, they're all the same, right?"

Yin Xiu's hand gently stroked the blade of the sword. The cold light was sharp and the cold air came through his fingertips. Yin Xiu's state of mind became as calm and calm as the iron blade in his hand.

"It's all the same. Just chop whichever one you want. They shouldn't have to worry about which one comes first, right?"

"Of course they don't care about this." Ren Qi finally had a smile on his face.

"How about adding me?"

Bai Li rolled up his sleeves, revealing forearms as strong as steel bars.

"Why, are you thinking of abandoning the bright and turning to the dark and turning to evil?"

Even at this time, there is still a lot of resentment between Ren Qi and Bai Li.

Bai Li ignored Ren Qi's sarcasm and just said calmly: "I don't care about those who are there or not, I only know that these two guys who don't know whether they are gods or immortals are blocking the way of the White Lotus Sect, just like you. "

While the three of them were thinking about it for a while, the two immortals standing at the top still didn't care what they had planned.

After all, who cares about a few ants getting together and planning something?

Kui Qingshan's face was filled with disbelief, fear, and even a look of defeat, like an old scholar who failed despite repeated attempts and borrowed money from his father-in-law for a last-ditch effort, but in the end he still lost his reputation.

"How is this possible? I have planned my whole life, made enough preparations, laid out so many clever formations, and made so many precise layouts, but you tell me, this is how it should be?"

Kui Qingshan murmured, not wanting to believe it.

"Now you tell me, it's not that I'm smart, it's not that I've figured out everything, and it's not that I've laid out such a subtle plot, but it's just fate. I'm the earth soul among your three souls.

Instead of going to the underworld and waiting for reincarnation in the netherworld, he stayed in this world, went through a series of hard training and tempering, and finally became a ghost immortal.

I have put in so much effort and effort to set up such a big picture. I thought it was a step forward to gain a better foundation, but in the end it was a wedding dress woven for you to be fully resurrected and become an immortal? "

"Yes, that's it. This is your glory and your destiny."

Taiding nodded indifferently, his face was different from Kui Qingshan's miserable look. His calmness revealed a graceful look that was accustomed to the changes in the world.

"When a person achieves the Tao, a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven, I am you, and you are me. When we become one, we ascend to immortality together, which fulfills your and my wishes."

Tai Ding said this to Kui Qingshan, and he also vaguely seemed to say it to Hai Dongqing.

It's just that the expressions of the two people in the audience are very different.

Hai Dongqing's face was full of disgust. If she hadn't known that her death would only benefit Tai Ding, she would have wiped her neck with a sword.

Kui Qingshan, on the other hand, was only angry. He pointed a finger at Taiding, as if he wanted to poke him in the face.

"One person can achieve enlightenment and ascend to heaven? Why can't I be the one who becomes a human being, and you can be the one who ascends to heaven? Aren't they all the same? You are me, and I am you. So whoever absorbs whom will achieve enlightenment and ascend to heaven? the same?

You might as well just obey me and help me become an immortal! "

Yin Xiu and Ma Xiaoyu listened on the side and felt that Kui Qingshan's obsession with becoming an immortal was not inferior to Tai Ding's.

What surprised them even more was that not only was the Saker Falcon a part of Tai Ding's soul, but even Kui Qingshan, who seemed to have no connection with him, had also become one of Tai Ding's souls.

After Taiding went through that ancient and mysterious ritual, he received the blessings of those priests and shamans who had long since declined and disappeared in ancient times, so that after his death, his three souls did not disperse into their respective original places like ordinary people. belonging.

Instead, they are all wandering in the world, but they have not yet reached the moment of recovery, and they have their own fate.

After the long dark years, his human soul should be the first to awaken. It woke up more than a hundred years ago, which gave Taiding the possibility of resurrection, and he changed from a "dead person" to a "living dead" in the true sense of the word.

However, the feng shui masters in the court seemed to have made a mistake and sealed his human soul in the palace, causing Taiding to fall into eternal sleep again before he woke up.

Until Kyushu was in turmoil and the Eastern Territory collapsed, Taiding's resurrection became possible again.

Taiding did not answer Kui Qingshan's question, but instead talked about what happened before.

"Those two snakes also ruined my plan. As long as one of the three souls was healthy, I could be resurrected.

However, Shenjun Taibai was attacked by surprise and fell from his throne, completely disrupting my plan. "

Taiding seems to have many memories about the past. This should be the information he obtained from communicating with the Changbai Mountains.

Kui Qingshan doesn't care about what happened in the past, he only cares about the present.

And he was unwilling to admit from beginning to end that he was just Taiding's soul.

"So, let me ask you, how have you considered it? This is all I care about."

"It's very simple."

Taiding smiled, "Of course I refuse."

"Okay, this is what I've been waiting for!"

Kui Qingshan's hands surged with black flames. It looked like fire from the netherworld was drawn out by him. Black energy was rising all over his body, almost turning into a physical cloak.

Liu Banxian saw cold sweat dripping from his forehead and said to Yin Xiu and Ma Xiaoyu: "This guy Kui Qingshan seems to have become more ferocious after taking away the body of some unlucky guy!"

"Did it turn out to be a body snatching?"

Yin Xiu suddenly realized, "I told you why when I met him this time, I felt like he was a real person, not an illusory ghost. It turns out that his idea has not changed."

Although the situation was tense and it was a bit weird to think so, Yin Xiu breathed a sigh of relief that Kui Qingshan could no longer take advantage of Ma Xiaoyu.

Ma Xiaoyu was still in the dark because Yin Xiu never mentioned this matter to her. She only said that he had a fight with Kui Qingshan over a disagreement.

Now looking at Yin Xiu's relieved expression, she should understand no matter how stupid she is, and Ma Xiaoyu didn't understand it in the first place. So, she twisted the talisman in her hand and said coldly: "Then let's kill Kui Qingshan first?"

"Which one should I hit?"

Bai Li, who had been waiting for a long time, finally couldn't hold back his emotions. "As exaggerated as he said, is it possible that none of us can beat each other together?"

"It's possible, but we still have to fight, right?"

"Perhaps there is no chance for us to take action?"

Yin Xiu had already noticed that things had changed and was heading in a direction they had not thought of beforehand.

That was the soul that Taiding seemed to have decided to fight and fight against himself.

I saw that his hands were full of golden spiritual energy, and it looked like the dragon hidden in the Dragon Palace had revealed its prototype. It was obviously more grand and magnificent than Kui Qingshan in terms of momentum.

So much so that most people in the White Lotus Sect, who knew nothing about Xuanmen, felt this terrible aura. Their hands and feet became cold, and their scalps became tense.

Before anyone could scream, Kui Qingshan and Taiding raised their hands almost at the same time, and the majestic spiritual energy was released from their hands, colliding together in the air.

First, there was a strong light that almost blinded people, and then there was a noise that made people deaf. Yin Xiu only felt that his five senses were stripped away in an instant, and he fell completely into an endless hell where there is no consciousness, time never exists, and the world has not been opened. middle.

Then, a ray of body temperature gently passed to his fingertips, and at the same time, a delicate and gentle familiar voice came.

"Use the Dragon and Tiger Qi, protect your heart with the Dragon and Tiger Qi!"

Yin Xiu suddenly opened her eyes and saw that Ma Xiaoyu had floated up at some point. She seemed to be attracted by a huge suction force and was going to float towards some vortex.

Surrounding them are tall barriers formed by dragon blood. They seem to be in the dragon's veins at the moment, but they don't seem to be. Instead, they have fallen into a cave made of dragon blood, and are about to be destroyed by the monstrous force. Swallowed by huge waves, destroyed.

"Yin Xiu! Use Dragon and Tiger Qi!"

Ma Xiaoyu's words awakened Yin Xiu, who was still in a daze. Purple energy emerged from his body first, and then Bai Dizi's white scale energy emerged, reflecting each other with the golden scale energy on Ma Xiaoyu's body, forming a wonderful connection. , protecting the two of them, breaking free from that terrible attraction.

Yin Xiu used force on her hands to pull Ma Xiaoyu back, and stretched out her other hand to hug her shoulders, fearing that she would be sucked away by the vortex again.

The two clung to each other to withstand the powerful storm.

In this terrifying space, even the sun and sky seemed to be dyed blood-colored, although the sky and the sun did not exist here.

At a certain moment, Yin Xiu also wondered whether the great star in the sky of Changbai Mountain, which had existed before the earth was formed, had also been wiped out by Taiding's power.

"Are you okay?" It was Yin Xiu who asked Ma Xiaoyu first.

"I don't have any problem, but I'm more worried about you."

Ma Xiaoyu caressed her earrings and already held the three-color ruler in her other hand.

"We seem to be involved in a certain barrier, but I can't feel where the edge of this barrier is, and there seems to be no way to break it."

After a pause, she said hesitantly: "Maybe this is not a barrier, but a hell somewhere, maybe a world somewhere."

"Just the two of us?"

As soon as he asked this question, Yin Xiu realized that his thinking was too simple, because above their heads, Tai Ding and Kui Qingshan were fighting together.

The surrounding space gradually became distorted due to their fierce battle. Every time they fought, it was like thunder vibrating and lightning bursting out.

Seeing this, Yin Xiu and Ma Xiaoyu realized that most of the previous fights between Taiding and them were just for fun, and they were not eager to use the power of thunder to kill them instantly.

In other words, he was retaining most of his energy before, just to use his full strength in the current battle that changes the color of the world.

It was the grand war between the two immortals that caused such strange changes in this world.

"If you don't count those two bastards, we're probably the only ones left."

When Ma Xiaoyu said this, he suddenly laughed.

Yin Xiu was obviously startled by her, and couldn't help but reach out and touch her forehead.

"What's wrong?" Ma Xiaoyu asked.

"No, I thought you were frightened, but it's impossible with your courage, so I suspect you have a fever."

"You just have a fever!"

Ma Xiaoyu glared at him.

"Then why are you laughing? Usually at times like this, I shouldn't be the one laughing?"

"Isn't it because you can't laugh, so I laugh for you?"

Ma Xiaoyu's face showed two pear dimples, "I feel that we really seem to be in a big trouble that we have never seen before. Even my great-grandmothers, the ancestors of the Ma family, have probably never seen it. A terrifying scene like two immortals fighting, right?"

"Then you are laughing because none of your ancestors have experienced it, but now you have encountered it, and you feel it is very honorable and face-saving?" Yin Xiu asked her.

"Who do you think I am?"

Ma Xiaoyu disagreed, "We are going to die here soon. Only the living are qualified to talk about face and other things, and it is what they especially need. As for me, I just need peace of mind."

"An Xin?" Yin Xiu looked at her.

"Yes, it's peace of mind."

Ma Xiaoyu also had a smile in her eyes, "After entering Changbai Mountain, every time we separated, I actually had a lot of worries in my heart for no reason.

What I'm afraid of is not that you die or that I die, but what if I never see you again because of this incident?
I heard you say that there seems to be something called a [telephone]. As long as you remember something and press a few keys, you can contact the other party. However, I thought you were lying to me, because there is no such thing in this world. thing.

So I am afraid, I am afraid that because of all these changes, I will never see you again. That is really more terrifying than death. "

"But, now, we will not be separated."

Yin Xiu gently held her hand.

Ma Xiaoyu's hand trembled, feeling her fingertips warm, and then she held Yin Xiu's hand tighter.

"Yes, at least we will die together soon. Otherwise, if you die or I die, it will be something I don't want to see."

"You're not afraid that someone will die, you're just afraid that you won't be able to see me, right? It just so happens that I'm worried about that too."

Yin Xiu and Ma Xiaoyu were like two ants between heaven and earth at this moment, unnoticed by the immortals who were fighting hard.

However, the two of them no longer care about immortals and wars at this moment. They are the only two left in this world, and they only have each other in their eyes.

The lips of the two young people finally came into close contact across time and all causes and effects, melting into each other. (End of chapter)

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