Liu Banxian held the paper figure with Hai Dongqing's birth date written on it in his hand. Almost as soon as he pinched it, it turned into nothingness, passed through Liu Banxian's somewhat yellowed fingers, and disappeared completely.

"Hai Dongqing, is he dead?" Ren Qi suddenly asked him.

"It's not that she died, it's that she disappeared, or that she existed in this world in another way."

Liu Banxian took out the paper figures of Yin Xiu and Ma Xiaoyu. At this time, the light red color symbolizing death and danger had dissipated, indicating that Ma Xiaoyu and Yin Xiu were out of danger.

"Hai Dongqing has finished his work."

Liu Banxian knelt down, picked up Hai Dongqing's animal skin hat, dusted it off, and carefully put it back into the white pocket he was carrying.

At this moment, there was another rolling thunder sound from the front. It sounded like the sound of musket shooting being amplified, and it also sounded like the sound of explosives exploding.

Liu Banxian looked at Ren Qi, "Next, it's our turn."

Ren Qi gently unsheathed his sword, "I can't wait for a long time, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's just, can you withstand it?" Ren Qi asked Liu Banxian.

"You are too underestimated, uncle. After all, I am also from a Feng Shui family."

As he spoke, Liu Banxian took out a revolver from his pocket, loaded it, and then pointed at Ren Qi Nunu's chin, "Let's go!"

"Then you keep up!"

Ren Qi turned over and rushed out like the wind. It was obvious that he had been depressed and aggrieved for too long.

Liu Banxian followed closely behind. Of course, he couldn't keep up with his speed, but it was enough to see the fire on Ren Qi from a distance.

After the two of them ran forward for a certain distance, in front of them, a group of bloody men in black shirts and black trousers were standing there, seemingly marveling at the strange sight in the dragon's veins, unable to recover.

Until the people on the outermost side caught a glimpse of Ren Qi, who was rushing towards him.

However, it was already too late. Amid everyone's exclamations, Ren Qi put his hands on his waist. At the same time, two green and red dragons flew out, and two heads flew into the air with a fountain of blood.

"Enemy attack!"

Immediately, someone shouted again, but before the sound was completely squeezed out of his throat, that person was chopped down by Ren Qi and lay in a pool of blood.

hiss! !

When Ren Qi moved, he was like a thousand-handed divine sword, using all six long swords. For a moment, the light was dazzling and the cold light was threatening.

There were only the sounds of swords being drawn out of their sheaths and the tearing sounds of heads flying up all around, just because no one could block Ren Qiyi's sword, and no one could ask Ren Qifenshen to block his sword.

Everyone was in a wrong body, and they were chopped down by the six unparalleled fast swords in Ren Qi's hand, and died.

Soon, the group of blood droplets were all killed by Ren Qi, and they fell neatly left and right on the roadside, as if they were using their bodies to make way for the swordsman.

However, just cutting down a group of people could not calm down Ren Qi's anger, nor could it cool down his murderous intention.

Turning his feet, he rushed towards another group of officers and soldiers who were in emergency formation.

Bang bang bang!
Smoke and fire burst out in rows, and then whizzing round projectiles hit Ren Qi.

Ren Qi's pupils shrank suddenly. As he put the sword back into its sheath, his body froze for a moment, then disappeared in the next moment, and then appeared behind the soldiers.

rub! !

There was a metallic roar that was almost deafening. Before a group of soldiers could even turn around, blood spots were sprayed from their bodies. They fell into the mud one by one, adding a layer of heaviness to the bloody mud. .

With a cold face, Ren Qi shook the blood on his sword aside, put the sword back into its sheath, and turned his head to glance sideways at the person behind him.

"You won't run away?"

"you do not know me?"

The man came out of the darkness. He was not wearing uniform clothes like ordinary Ouchi masters. Instead, he was wearing a bamboo hat and a green shirt. He was out of tune with everyone present and looked like a knight in a martial arts novel.

He has a strong build, broad palms, and slender fingers. A sword tied with a red necklace hangs from his waist.

Ren Qi had no intention of turning around, but continued to look at him with squinted eyes, "Why should I know you?"

"I am Wei Jiu. I changed my name because I am determined to surpass you."

Wei Jiu raised his voice, obviously angry that Ren Qi didn't recognize him.

"Wei Jiu?"

Ren Qi repeated the name and shook his head, saying that he still couldn't remember it.

So Wei Jiu continued: "When the imperial family selected the four famous swordsmen, that is, the four golden sword guards of the third grade, I was the fifth one outside the list, and you squeezed me out."

Speaking of this matter, Wei Jiu still felt itchy with hatred.

"So I changed my name just to remember it."

"Then why aren't you called Wei Ba? But Wei Jiu?" Ren Qi sneered.

"That's because I'm not only taller than you, but also taller than you. If you are seven, of course I have to be nine."

"I see, that's interesting."

Ren Qi responded and didn't intend to dwell on those old memories with him, because he really didn't remember the other person.

So he let go and walked towards Wei Jiu, his hand passing over the sword at his waist as he walked, teasing the enemy's mind.

Wei Jiu bent down and put his hand on the scabbard.

"Ren Qi, I have been practicing this sword for ten years. No matter it is windy, rainy, thundering or lightning, I have never stopped for a day. I draw the sword a thousand times a day. I have been told not to attack you again while practicing the sword. No hatred can arise.

However, once I put down the sword, I remembered those past events again, and I couldn't let go.

So I have come to understand that only if you die can I be freed from this resentment, and only if you die can I reach the next level and achieve the realm of Sword Immortal. "

He was concentrating on talking, but Ren Qi had no intention of listening carefully. He just walked over step by step, his eyes calm, his steps slow and powerful, and his breathing even and steady.

"When we last met, I knew that you had entered the synesthesia realm and became a great master.

However, the difference in realm is a matter of martial arts. For swordsmen, what they compete with is only the skill on the sword and whose sword is faster, not any internal strength or moves.

Ren Qi, you should also have this awareness. "

However, Ren Qi still ignored him and just continued to move forward without even looking at Wei Jiu.

When the distance between the two sides was only seven steps, Wei Jiu could no longer hold back his murderous intent and suddenly raised his sword, unsheathing it.

It was indeed an extremely long sword. When it was hidden in the sheath, no one could find it. When he pulled it out, the soft sword body exuded a cold silver light, like a whip, and like a fang exposed. A long silver snake, a bolt of lightning as fast as flowing fire, pointed towards Ren Qi's face with the sound of breaking wind.

Ren Qi watched the sword tip fly towards his face, then let it fly past his ear, picking up a strand of his hair without fighting back.

Wei Jiu's strike missed, his wrist shook rapidly, and the long sword swayed like a poisonous snake. The tip of the sword turned back and stabbed Ren Qihou's heart. However, Ren Qi still didn't move. The soft sword failed again and flew past Ren Qi's ear.

Wei Jiu turned his wrist again. This time, the twisted sword blade had deformed many times and screamed in the air. Several pieces fell into the mud.


Wei Jiu couldn't understand why his sword, which he had practiced hard for ten years, could not hit even a single hit at this moment, even though his opponent was right in front of him and he did not dodge.

"Because you made a mistake." Ren Qi had already walked in front of him at this time.

"What did I do wrong? What could I do wrong? In the past ten years, I have dueled with countless masters and killed countless people. I have practiced this soft sword to a very high level, and there is no way I will miss it."

"I didn't say you missed, I just said you were wrong."

Ren Qi glanced at him, seeming a little disappointed that Wei Jiu hadn't figured out the situation yet.

At the same time, his expression also conveyed another message, that is: I will never remember such an inferior character like you.

"Do you think that if your sword is one inch longer, it will make it stronger? Do you think that if your sword has more changes and surprises, it will be a good sword that can kill people?"

Ren Qi said calmly: "Killing is very simple, just stab and stab, if you hit, you will die, if you don't hit, stab again, that's all, even a child can do it.

However, there is no so-called shortcut to becoming a good swordsman. You were wrong from the beginning. You were trying to take advantage of others and come up with weird tricks because you knew there was no way you could beat me in the orthodox way of swordsmanship.

Since you have taken the wrong path from the beginning, your efforts will be meaningless.

You just took a lot of steps in the wrong direction. You might as well stay where you are like others. "

After a pause, Ren Qi felt that she had said too much to him.

So he decided to put away his chatter and said to Wei Jiu calmly: "By the way, I really don't remember you."

However, at this time, Wei Jiu no longer cared whether Ren Qi recognized him or not. He just stood there with a dejected expression and murmured: "Am I really wrong?"

Ren Qi ignored him and just put his hand on the sword.

Wei Jiu finally felt scared. His previous heroic ambition and determination for revenge had disappeared, and his mood fluctuated with the changes in Ren Qi's hands.

"You've already won, isn't that enough?"

He murmured: "You have defeated me so much in the way of swordsmanship that I can't even compare to you. Isn't this enough?"

"You're mistaken."

Ren Qi shook his head, already disgusted with Wei Jiu's stupidity.

"What I care about is not who wins or loses in the swordsmanship. I just want you to die. As long as you are alive, that's not enough."

Wei Jiu's eyes widened as he finally realized what he was saying.

However, it was too late. Ren Qi's long sword was unsheathed, and with an erratic strike, all his sword intention and sword moves were poured into this sword. Wei Jiu watched carefully and was convinced.

After seeing this sword, Wei Jiu already understood that the so-called death is not the most despairing thing or encounter.

Then blood spurted out from his neck, his head spun several times in the air, and fell into the mud.

Ren Qi was still the same as before, shaking off the blood and sheathing his sword.

When Liu Banxian ran here, he found that the place was almost full of corpses of officers and soldiers.

No matter whether it was an expert or an ordinary soldier, their throats were sealed with a sword, and they were unable to resist at all.

Ren Qi had obviously entered another state, enough to make thousands of troops stop in front of him for a while.

Not only Liu Banxian, but also Di Wei, the chief internal officer, also saw all this.

After Ren Qi cut down another group of soldiers, the two met again.

Dewei wiped his hands with a handkerchief. The white handkerchief was stained red, and he didn't know whose blood was on it.

At this time, his face was no longer relaxed as it was last time. It was probably because he had gone through a series of hard battles that he no longer had the calmness of being a general manager.

"Commander Ren, why did you fight all the way here?"

"Just to vent some anger. I'm very angry right now." Ren Qi replied.


Dewei only felt that this answer was baffling, because from his understanding, Ren Qi was a piece of ice, with neither emotions nor any anger.

But now, he could feel the real anger from Ren Qi.

Among the four famous swords, Ren Qi, nicknamed Leng Yu, seemed to be a blazing fire at this moment, trying to devour everything.

The extreme contrast made Di Wei squint his eyes and look at Ren Qi carefully, trying to find the source of this change.

But Ren Qi didn't intend to talk nonsense to him, because the two of them had nothing to talk about.

Di Wei will not tell the person behind the murder of his whole family, and Ren Qi no longer needs him to tell him alive because of Yin Xiu's magical power.

All he needed to do was kill Di Wei and deliver it to Yin Xiu while the blood was still hot, that would be enough.

It doesn't matter whether he says it or not. Ren Qi doesn't need to waste words with him.

Dewey was the first to take action.

He fluttered his sleeves and struck Ren Qi with wind and thunder in his hands.

With a flick of Ren Qi's wrist, both black and white swords came out, forcing back Di Wei's offensive.

Then behind Diwei, two personal guards also came up, and they all used their weapons.

One used a large ring-headed sword tied with red satin. One hand grasped the handle of the knife, and the other hand wrapped around the red satin. As his hands shook, the long sword made a buzzing sound.

The other held a pair of ten hands, with two glass gems inlaid on them, glowing green.

First, one used his ten hands to block Ren Qi's sword blade, while the other stepped forward and attacked Ren Qi with his ring-headed sword. The coordination was exquisite and dangerous.

The three of them passed by each other, the red silk ribbon broke, ten hands were broken, and the two guards, one forward and one backward, fell to the ground at the same time.

Ren Qi's sleeve was broken, and the black sword protecting his neck was trembling slightly, with a faint white mark on it.

This time, Diwei finally had no men around him anymore. He stood alone in the dragon's blood, facing Ren Qi alone.

In the past, he would have two maids to warm him up even when he was sleeping. Now that he was the only one left, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and his neck felt slightly cold.

Ren Qi didn't take it seriously, because he had always fought alone.

However, there is something different here, that is, although Ren Qi acts alone, he knows that behind him, there is a group of friends and companions supporting him. (End of chapter)

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