Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 577 Leave it to Hope

Holy Son White Lotus retreated, Bai Li and Di Wei were temporarily stopped by Ren Qi, so now, Holy Lady White Lotus was the only obstacle to Yin Xiu.

He ran forward, grabbed the rope and climbed a few times, and it was as if he was flying on the rock wall. He was at a high place in an instant. He and the White Lotus Saint were standing on the high place and the other on the low place, looking at each other.

Ma Xiaoyu was behind him, standing on the platform a little slower.

The Red Lotus Group who originally climbed up the rock wall with the White Lotus Saint were all killed at this time, and the remaining few were already dying, if not dead.

"Are you going to kill her?" Ma Xiaoyu suddenly asked.

There seems to be no better way to solve the problem than to kill the White Lotus Saint.

Yin Xiu glanced at the distance between the two sides and whispered: "I don't object to killing her if I have the chance, but at this distance, I am not sure that I can kill her with one blow. What about you? Use darts. if?"

Ma Xiaoyu glanced in that direction and said, "It's too far away. She should be able to avoid it, and I'm afraid we won't have a second chance to take action."


After patting the back of Ma Xiaoyu's hand and telling her not to act rashly, Yin Xiu shouted to the White Lotus Saint from afar.

"Hey, Saint, is it too windy if you stand at such a height?"

"..." Ma Xiaoyu glanced at him.

Yin Xiu continued to shout: "Let's just talk about anything."


The White Lotus Saint smiled and looked even warmer under the firelight.

"If it were normal, you two would have attacked me a long time ago, but now it's because I have the absolute advantage, so you can't do anything and instead ask me if you can talk.

Is this a bit humiliating for a great hero like you? "

"A man is capable of bending and stretching." Yin Xiu grinned.

A smile also appeared on the face of Saint White Lotus, "You are indeed a man, but what about the Celestial Master Ma Da next to you? She is also a man?"

When Ma Xiaoyu heard the provocation, she took off the green-faced evil ghost mask from her face, glared at the White Lotus Saint, and puffed up her chest.

"Although I am not a manly man, I still have a broad mind."

"You can see it."

Yin Xiu gave a thumbs up.

The Holy Maiden of White Lotus pursed her lips, obviously dissatisfied with the tacit agreement between the two of them.

She said coldly: "Don't talk about what is or is not, Yin Xiu. The decision to ignite and detonate is now in my hands. I can fulfill my wish at any time and make the dragon's veins disappear in the fire and power of the explosion of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder." , collapsed."

"Then you won't order it?" Yin Xiu said suddenly.

"What, you think I don't dare to order it?"

The White Lotus Saint brought the lead closer to the torch.


Yin Xiu quickly stretched out his hand to signal her to calm down.

"You haven't clicked, isn't it just to let me give you a reason to convince you?"

"Is that so?"

Even the White Lotus Saint herself had some doubts.

"Of course it is."

Yin Xiu signaled her not to worry, and continued: "Now that you have exploded the dragon veins here, your goal has been achieved, but things will not get better, but will get worse."

The Holy Goddess White Lotus looked firm: "But I feel that as long as I ignite the explosives here and destroy the dragon veins, the two hundred years of the imperial court's history will be completely swept into the relics of history, and the ultimate meaning of the White Lotus Sect will be achieved.

This is my mission as the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus, and it is also the mission entrusted by my brothers and sisters in the White Lotus Sect. Only by completing it can I die in peace and be worthy of everyone's entrustment. "

"What about the future? Are you going to give up the entire future of Kyushu for the present?"

Yin Xiu took a deep breath and was very serious.

"I'm not trying to scare you, nor am I trying to intimidate you or tell you to give up. I just want to tell you that if you ignite gunpowder here, the dragon's veins will explode into the sky.

Kyushu will forever be plunged into boundless darkness, with no room for turning back. "

"Isn't it dark enough now?" Saint White Lotus asked.

"It's certainly dark right now."

Yin Xiu did not deny it.

"It's dark, it's so dark, the mystery is dead, the spiritual energy of Kyushu is about to dry up, no one has ascended to immortality in more than two hundred years, and the one who has the most hope of ascending was just killed by me.

Even if you don't ascend, you still can't be a good person. The Taoist priests hide themselves in hiding, the monks wield power, and the world is already filthy.

When I was in southern Fujian, I heard those coolies say that they had to work for more than ten hours a day, from night to early morning, and they vomited blood from exhaustion, but they only earned a few pennies, and some of them needed to be spent. Pay protection fee.

However, this was the best life for them, because they did not starve to death in the suburbs or in huts, and have their bones carried away by dogs.

You won’t smoke dirt because you are too rich and end up covered in rats.

These people only pay 30% of taxes a year, which is much better than farmers. "

"you know too."

The White Lotus Saint's eyes were red, as if she was touched by Yin Xiu.

"Such a world is extremely dark. It can't be solved by killing corrupt officials or by having a blue sky master somewhere, because white flowers cannot grow in coal piles.

Do you think that if you stop me today, you can make this world a better place? all the same! Might as well destroy them all!

I know that even if I blow up the dragon vein here and achieve my long-cherished wish, nothing may actually change. We are simply avenging the blood feud with the imperial court.

But isn’t this enough? They are all the same, this world is the same as this mountain, this world will not change, eternal darkness! "

"I know, I know it's the same."

Yin Xiu raised her hand to signal the White Lotus Saint to calm down and move the torch farther away.

"We really can't change anything. The world is too big, but we are as small as bugs. This is really a pitiful and sad thing.

But we can’t do it now, but that won’t be the case in the future.

We, the ignition points, cannot light a bonfire in this era to drive away all the darkness.

But maybe we can leave one or two areas of ashes burned by the fire, and let the fire of the next generation reappear from these ashes, plunge into the darkness, and set the world on fire. "

"You are too idealistic, Yin Xiu."

The White Lotus Saint didn't believe Yin Xiu's statement, just because she had seen so many cruel things that she thought she was almost insulated from such illusory things as hope.

"You told me not to blow up the dragon veins just because you think you are more likely to lead Kyushu to a better road, but your intuition and judgment are just wishful thinking on your part!

Yin Xiu! You are not a great psychic. You cannot know the past and the future. You don’t even know what will happen in the next moment. You, like me, are trapped in contradictions and fog.

You just do this because you don’t want others to take away your glory or your role.

Instead of sitting under the stage, you would rather go up to the stage and be your Overlord of Western Chu, rather than sitting under the stage and being a Fourth Master watching a show.

Yin Xiu, what supports you here is not your mission or responsibility, but your dream of becoming a hero. "

When Yin Xiu heard this, he felt that Smith had said similar words to him when he was in the Infernal World.

At that time, Smith was forced into a desperate situation by him and Luo Wei, and then he suddenly said such words, but they had no impact on Yin Xiu at all.

But today, the White Lotus Saint once again said such words, which made Yin Xiu feel like she had seen him before, and she couldn't help but think about it again.

Did he come here just to be a hero and save face?

Just like every little boy, everyone has wanted to be a hero when they were young or young, to be a hero, a king of soldiers, to travel everywhere, to do good and to eliminate evil, to eliminate injustice where there is injustice, and to kill dragons where there are dragons.

As a time traveler, when he came to this world, he initially regarded it as a brand new, completely different game to play.

Compared to the boredom of the "previous life", everything here is full of novelty and mystery, making it much more interesting.

Perhaps because of this, Yin Xiu regarded the journey in this world as a grand game at some of the very beginning.

What's more, there were times when he was in the Changbai Mountains. He also thought about giving up and finding a quiet place to live in seclusion with Ma Xiaoyu. Saving the world and bringing Kyushu back to normal was something that even a Bodhisattva couldn't do. He Why would an ordinary person worry about this?
Is it useful to worry about it?

Moreover, Liu Banxian and the guardian priests on Kunlun have also said that even if the five dragon emperors are really gathered, it is unknown what will happen in the future and whether any changes will really happen.

It's possible that in the end, Yin Xiu and the others were just busy working out of wishful thinking, and things didn't change at all in the end, or that Kyushu continued to sink under their attention.

In this case, whether the White Lotus Saint explodes this dragon vein or not, it will only fix the eternal dark ending, or retain a tiny bit of hope.

Should we choose a stable future for decades, or should we give everything we have and bet everything on an equally dark future that is just out of reach?
Somewhere in the long river of time, will there really be fruits of light born because of what Yin Xiu and the others planted today?

You know, many people think they have done something great, but in the long and great history, nothing can make a difference.

Of course, Yin Xiu didn't think that he could be more lucky or great than others. He was no different from these people. In the terrible and despairing span of time, he was just an insect that lived and died.

Summer Chong Can't Say Bing is about people like Yin Xiu who will never see the future.

However, if you just accept this ending and give up hope, it is not Yin Xiu's style of life.

So after thinking for a moment, Yin Xiu looked up again and said seriously to Saint White Lotus: "It's not because the present is too bad, so you should give up the present and choose the future.

It’s not because the future is elusive that we leave all our fantasies to the other end of the long river of time.

Not because the future has not yet arrived, so it becomes a reason for us to escape. "

"So, why? What are you waiting for? Yin Xiu, can you really convince yourself like this?"

The White Lotus Saint's heart suddenly tightened, as if she was also expecting Yin Xiu to give a certain answer.

An answer that she was also waiting for, even looking forward to.

"Hope, I'm willing to put everything on the slimmest hope."


Saint White Lotus only felt a little strange, "Isn't this a reason that can convince me? Because I don't think there is any hope in the world."

"But that is real, White Lotus Saint, even if you think you have never had any good luck.

But hope is born from the heart, not something obtained by praying to the gods. The inanimate old mother will not bring hope to the world. "

This statement is clearly offensive.

However, at this moment, Saint White Lotus did not care about it, or in other words, she did not think about it at all.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"Leave it all to me, whether it's dragon veins, responsibilities, dreams, etc., just leave it all to me."

Yin Xiu's eyes widened and her voice became excited.

"You just need to quit now, give up everything you have, and then give everything to me, let me carry it, and let me realize it!

No matter what the final result is or what the future is, it’s up to me to reveal it. "

"Then what should I do?"

Saint White Lotus bit her lips.

"You have done enough, Saint White Lotus, or rather, Chen Lizhu, you have finished what you should do."

"Really? Have I done what I should do?"

The hand holding the lead dropped by the White Lotus Saint, and there was a smile on her face again.

It was a smile that belonged to a mortal. This smile might appear on a girl next door, a peasant woman working in the fields, or a girl waiting to be married in her boudoir, but it did not come from the sacredness of the saint. smile.

Her other hand shook and she put out the torch.

A wisp of light smoke floated in front of her eyes, misty and hazy.

The White Lotus Saint felt that the smoke in front of her was like a ball of dandelions flying in the wind, floating in the field and flying past her eyes, reminding her of the fragrance of dandelions and the unique bitter taste of dandelions.

Thinking of this, Saint White Lotus felt a bitter taste gradually forming in her throat, and then a hint of sweetness penetrated her throat.

The White Lotus Saint opened her lips and spit out a bloody arrow.

"Holy girl, you betrayed the White Lotus Sect."

Bai Li didn't know when he appeared behind the White Lotus Saint. He stretched out a hand and penetrated the White Lotus Saint's chest, causing blood to splash everywhere.

There was a burning talisman on the waists of both of them. Obviously, it should be a spell to teleport each other to their side.

"King Zuoxian..."

The White Lotus Saint turned her head and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Holy girl, we all tie the talismans behind our backs because we believe that our companions will cover our backs, so we can feel free to open them to each other."

Bai Li's tone was heavy.

“But I didn’t expect that one day, I would use this talisman to kill you.

The Holy Son is right, you may be the most suitable saint to stay in the White Lotus Sect, but you are not tolerated in this world. "

"It doesn't matter……"

The White Lotus Saint smiled, as if she had let go of everything, then opened her hands and dropped from the top of the jade biscuit.

"Bai Li!!!"

Yin Xiu's eyes were bloodshot and she stepped forward to catch the White Lotus Saint.

Also shouting together with Yin Xiu was Tuoba Wenwu who was standing on the other side of the rock wall. His beard and hair were spread out and his eyes were red, like an extremely angry and sad lion. (End of chapter)

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