Taoist priest in the foggy capital

Chapter 581: Flying Eagle in Snow Mountain

Bai Li, the virtuous king of Zuo, has been active in the world for decades. When he was young, he punched through the entire Wuguan Street with a pair of iron fists, so he was called Datong Street. He became famous throughout the country, and there was an endless stream of challengers.

Before the age of thirty, he had never been defeated, and he had conquered thirteen provinces without a single opponent.

After turning thirty, I met Tuoba Wenwu, who was wandering around, for the first time. The two fought for a day and a night without deciding the outcome. They met their opponents and made an agreement to duel on the top of Yueyang every year on the Double Ninth Festival until the winner was determined. until.

At the age of forty, he and Tuoba Wenwu both worshiped in the White Lotus Sect and became the two wise kings on the left and right of White Lotus. From then on, they dominated the martial arts world for more than half a century and were called the myths of the martial arts world.

However, this was a long time ago.

Many of those who feared them and were defeated by them are no longer around.

Even Bai Li was a little vague about those distant past events.

Until the fight with Yin Xiu, those distant and vague memories and feelings revived again.

Is this what is called "returning to the light"?

Bai Li laughed at himself, and in the next second he threw away all these lingering thoughts and concentrated on dealing with Yin Xiu.

Taking a step forward, he hit Yin Xiu's temple with a meteor elbow.

Yin Xiu looked calm, her eyes fixed on Bai Li's movements. When Bai Li took a step forward, he also moved forward, with his feet staggered together, becoming a firm anchor, hooking each other, and interacting with each other. Don't give in.

Then a violent storm of fists hit the opponent.


Bang bang bang!

The two of them stood on the spot, as if they were standing still, with their hands intertwined, creating a series of afterimages, which seemed to turn into a string of firecrackers when they fell into other people's ears. The explosion made people panic and their hands and feet tremble.

After exchanging hundreds of punches in just a short moment, Bai Li was about to breathe, but Yin Xiu used his Youlong Jin to draw out a breath of fresh air, forcibly interrupting Bai Li's breathing rhythm and crashing into his chest.

Bai Li has experienced many battles and naturally knows that being so close to Yin Xiu will be detrimental to him.

He immediately stopped adjusting his breath. Qi and blood surged in his chest, and a breath of new Qi was boosted from the seven meridians and eight collaterals, making Bai Li regain his Qi energy.

Yin Xiu was unable to stop Yin Xiu from advancing forward. Bai Li simply stretched out his hand and hit Yin Xiu's temples on both sides. Yin Xiu ducked and bumped into Bai Li's arms. His flying knees hit Bai Li's chest.

Bai Li pressed his hands down and placed them on the back of Yin Xiu's neck, pressing his neck down to restrain Yin Xiu's offensive.

Yin Xiu knew that Bai Li could only defend himself at this time, so he put more force on his feet, lifting his knees faster and faster, and bumped into Bai Li repeatedly.

Bai Li could only retreat, and he and Yin Xiu retreated one after another, bringing up smoke and dust along the way.

Unknowingly, Yin Xiu's hands had separated and reached between Bai Li's arms.

The middle door is wide open!

Bai Li felt bad, so he tried to pull away again.

However, Yin Xiu once again boosted You Long Jin, and the energy in his body was overdrawn in advance. With the new energy, he seemed to be injected with new fuel, faster and fiercer than before. After pushing Bai Li's hands to both sides, he jumped with all his strength. He got up and hit Bai Li's chin with another knee.

Seeing this, Bai Li could only use hard qigong, tighten his chin, and take the blow forcefully, while hitting Yin Xiu's waist with both hands.

However, he did not expect that Yin Xiu's attack was far more violent and powerful than he imagined.

As soon as he hit his chin, Bai Li felt dizzy and his hands went limp immediately.

Yin Xiu landed on the ground, held Bai Li's elbow, moved her head back, and hit Bai Li's temple with her elbow.

The old ape hangs his seal and looks back!
There were blood spots in Bai Li's eyes immediately, and his vision was blurred.

However, his will to fight remained undiminished. After staggering twice, he turned his fists into claws and grabbed Yin Xiu's shoulders, trying to pull him over.

Yin Xiu relieved Bai Li's strength by unloading her shoulders. At the same time, she twisted her body, took another step forward, and held Bai Li's chin with her hands.

White ape offers fruit!

Bai Li raised his head, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and took a few steps back with a bang.

While struggling, he reached out his hand and clasped Yin Xiu's shoulders tightly, causing the muscles in his body to collapse, almost clawing out ten bloody holes of varying depths.

Yin Xiu's eyes were red at this time. She boosted her energy, almost swelled her arms, and hit Bai Li's chest.

The Overlord is in battle!

Yin Xiu's momentum poured out like rivers and lakes, and punched through Bai Li's chest.

Bai Li's pupils suddenly shrank, his hands dropped down, and he let out a long breath. The expression on his face was no longer as stern as before, but became calm and relaxed.

Tuoba Wenwu watched from the side, trembling all over, clenching his palms so hard that they almost bled.

However, he remained still and just watched, because this was the battle between Yin Xiu and Bai Li, and it was also the path Bai Li chose.

He did not intend to die of old age, but chose to die here in a heroic way for his ambitions and ideals.

Tuoba Wenwu had to respect his thoughts, so he just stood and watched his former friend lose.

Yin Xiu took out his hand, held Bai Li's body with both hands, looked at Tuoba Wenwu, and then at Bai Li.

"Do you have anything to explain?"


Bai Li's breath was weak, "I have asked myself to be honest in my life, who should I answer to?"

As he spoke, he turned his eyes and glanced at Tuoba Wenwu, "As for the White Lotus Saint, when I get to Netherworld, I will apologize to her myself."

"Taoist, do you think Saint White Lotus will forgive me?"

Yin Xiu shook his head, "I am a living person, so I cannot forgive you for the dead."

"That's right. I'm just being sentimental."

Bai exhaled a breath, and his body went completely limp.

Yin Xiu supported his body and didn't let go until he was completely lying on the ground.

Bai Lianzuo Xian Wang, Bai Li, died in Changbai Mountain.

Tuoba Wenwu walked over silently, carried Bai Li's body on his shoulders, and walked away.

When passing by Yin Xiu, Tuoba Wenwu glanced at Yin Xiu.

"In the next sixty years, the entire world will be yours. Live well."

Yin Xiu smiled and was noncommittal.

For a while after this, Yin Xiu didn't know if he had Jianghu in his pocket.

On the contrary, it was because of the Holy Maiden of White Lotus that all the wise kings "mysteriously" disappeared in Changbai Mountain. In the next thirty years, remnants of the White Lotus Sect were constantly looking for Yin Xiu in an attempt to find out the whereabouts of the above-mentioned people and revive the White Lotus Sect. teach.

Of course, this is something for later and has nothing to do with the present.

Yin Xiu watched Tuoba Wenwu leave, sighing in her heart that an era was over, and myths had finally become myths, no longer intersecting with reality.

Ma Xiaoyu quietly stepped forward and put her hands on his shoulders, "It's finally over."

"Yeah, it's finally over."

Yin Xiuzheng wanted to hold her in his arms, but saw Liu Banxian and Ren Qi coming over at some unknown time, so he could only give up and waved his hand displeased.

"Shouldn't you be fighting Diwei? Where's Diwei? Is he dead?" Yin Xiu asked him.

Ren Qi snorted coldly, "Run away. This bastard ran away after you took the dragon vein and never looked back."

"You didn't keep him?"

When Yin Xiu asked this, Ren Qi became even more angry.

"Keeping him? Killing him is an easy task. If a man is going to run away shamelessly, how do you ask me to keep him?"

"That's true. Even I, the bastard Bailian Holy Son, ran away."

Yin Xiu said and looked down. At this moment, both sides seemed to have lost the desire to fight and were gradually retreating due to the departure of their coach.

The two sides gathered into a camp and faced each other from a distance, but they no longer thought of firing at each other, they were just trying to find their own leader.

Except for some crazy people who were involved in the battle and were still fighting, there were no disputes elsewhere.

Liu Banxian held the cigarette butt in his mouth and didn't care about the situation outside. He just squinted his eyes and got closer to the jade to observe the situation inside.

Because the Qing Emperor's son was captured by Yin Xiu, there was no longer a looming dragon inside, but it was completely transparent, like a mirror or a semi-frozen lake.


Liu Banxian knocked on the jade, "Now this jade has no other use except selling it for money.

However, it is impossible to transport such a large piece away in one piece. But if you knock off only one piece, it will become a defective product no matter what. It is a pity. "

He kept shaking his head.

"Be careful."

Yin Xiu said helplessly: "There are so many fuses and gunpowder up here, and you are still smoking here."

"Oh, sorry, sorry, I forgot about this and almost killed everyone."

Liu Banxian took the cigarette away from his mouth, threw it away, and threw it behind him.

"Is this good? Is it safe enough?"

"Absolutely enough, it can't be any safer."

Yin Xiu finally had a smile on her face.

"Where shall we go next?"

Ren Qi seemed to be very concerned about this issue.

"How about we go directly to Yujing. This time I won't ask Diwei to run away again. I will definitely be able to take off his dog head and find out the culprit behind the scenes."

"not the right time yet."

Yin Xiu clearly rejected him.

"It is completely meaningless to go to Yujing before collecting the five dragon emperors."

"But after you collect the five dragon emperors, you won't actually need to go to Yujing anymore, right?"

Ren Qi glanced at him, "Just like now, I no longer need to worry about who in the White Lotus Sect killed my whole family, because the White Lotus Sect is finished.

That bastard, Holy Son of White Lotus, will only dare to call himself Prince Su from now on, not Holy Son of White Lotus. There will be no White Lotus Sect in the future, so I naturally don’t need to seek revenge from them. "

"Because you've had your revenge, haven't you?"

Yin Xiu didn't know whether the swordsman really put down his hatred for the White Lotus Sect as he said.

Although as he said, after this battle, not only the White Lotus Sect was completely destroyed, but also its vitality was severely damaged, and it would no longer be able to make waves.

Even if there are still millions of believers across the country, the elite backbone who might have organized them to start a rebellion have all died here, leaving them leaderless.

However, some people are also very paranoid, saying that if they want to kill the whole family, they must kill the whole family. They will not give up their revenge plan just because the main person is dead.

What he thinks is something that Ren Qi himself knows.

"If I can gather all five of the Dragon Emperor's sons, the imperial court will fall apart, and you probably won't have to seek revenge from them."

"It's not that simple." Ren Qi crossed his hands with a cold expression on his face.

"Even if the court is gone, those princes, ministers, and adults who ride on others can still live comfortably. Maybe my enemies will not disappear with them.

Therefore, I still want to kill Dewei now, so that I can know the whereabouts of that big shot. "


Yin Xiu frowned, "My next step is not to go to Yujing."

"I didn't say I planned to go either." Ren Qi replied.

"Aren't you eager for revenge?" Yin Xiu became more and more confused.

"I didn't say I wouldn't take revenge, but if I want to find Di Wei, the quickest way is to follow a group of you instead of running around or sneaking into Yujing."

Seeing that Yin Xiu was confused about the situation for a moment, Ren Qi showed a rare smile and seemed a little proud.

"Because after this incident, you will definitely become a hot spot pursued by the court. Whether it is to prevent you from continuing to act, or to regain the dragon vein from you, they will definitely send more people to deal with you.

All the stargazers and old monsters lurking throughout Ouchi will be sent out to deal with you.

Dewei will definitely be severely punished when he goes back this time, but he will also be sent to hunt you down because he wants to atone for his sins, so I just need to stay with you. "

Yin Xiu scratched his head, "It gives me a headache when you call me that, Brother Gao Shou."

"There's nothing you can do about the headache. This is something you must face, because you are a hero, a proud son of heaven, and a new martial arts myth." Ren Qi said coldly.


Yin Xiu squatted on the ground, quite frustrated.

"Listen to what you say, from now on I will have to sit against the wall whenever I go out to have a fire, lest assassins sent by the imperial court stab me in the back. Originally, I thought about having a good time after leaving Changbai Mountain for a few days, but now It seems that the dream was shattered.”

Ma Xiaoyu couldn't help but sigh.

"I think you should stop worrying about anything. Let's go back to Laomutou Port as soon as possible and take a boat back to Hong Kong Island. I originally wanted to soak in a hot spring in southern Fujian."


Yin Xiu perked up and asked, "Can we take a mixed bath?"


Ma Xiaoyu's eyes widened and she looked like she could kill someone.

At this time, Liu Banxian clicked his tongue.

"I asked some of you, is it possible that we don't have to go so far away to soak in hot springs? Maybe there are hot springs in Changbai Mountain."

"Oh? Liu Banxian, did you find anything?"

Yin Xiu was only looking forward to the mixed bath at this time and didn't care about anything else.

"I found it, but I didn't find it. I'm not a clairvoyant landowner. I can even know where the hot springs are.

But since just now, I have been smelling the smell of sulfur, which is getting more and more pungent, so I thought that there is probably a hot spring connected to it. "

"Smells of sulfur?"

Yin Xiu turned around and glanced at Liu Banxian again.

"Liu Banxian, you usually throw cigarette butts casually, don't you intend to stamp them out with your feet?"

"Hey, who do you think I am? When you come out to mess around, you must follow the rules. You must throw cigarette butts everywhere, and you have to wipe it with the sole of your shoe when you spit.

What if you step on such a big cigarette butt with the sole of your shoe and burn it? "

"That's no wonder." Yin Xiu nodded.

"What's the wonder?"

Yin Xiu didn't answer him, but gestured with her fingers, indicating to Liu Banxian to go and see for himself.

Liu Banxian turned his head and saw that behind them, countless, yes, countless fuses had been ignited without knowing when, and they were sputtering sparks, flashing light, and white smoke.

The strong sulfur smell that Liu Banxian smelled just now came from these ignited fuses.

Liu Banxian turned around, wiped the sweat from his head, and asked Yin Xiu: "I heard that synaesthesia masters are very powerful. Can you two masters together kill those leads?"

Yin Xiu asked him: "Do you know there is a kind of person called a bomb disposal expert?"

"I know that there is often a picture in comics of a man in a suit holding scissors to the three lines of red, yellow and blue. If he cuts it wrong, the bomb will explode. Everyone plays together. But I have never seen a bomb disposal expert. Cut the wrong thread.”

Yin Xiu nodded, "When I was in Hong Kong Island, Xiong also taught me how to defuse bombs. He said that I might be able to use it one day."

"A wise man has many considerations! Well done Ah Xiong!"

Liu Banxian gave a thumbs up.

"But he only taught me how to remove up to five leads. Now look back and see how many leads we have behind us and what colors they are."


Liu Banxian turned around and saw that all the leads were gray-white and intertwined. They were even denser and more messy than the threads on the old lady's spinning machine.

So he murmured: "I think we'd better..."

Before he finished speaking, Ren Qi had already put him on his shoulders and jumped down.

On the other side, Yin Xiu also picked up Ma Xiaoyu and followed closely.


Deep in the Changbai Mountain, there was a loud noise, boulders rolled down, and a mushroom cloud rose in the smoke, which could be easily seen from a hundred miles away.

"Prince Su", or in other words, Gao Tianyu, the Holy Son of the White Lotus, who was still wearing only the clothes of Prince Su, was leaning against the tree, his face pale.

Dewey stood under another tree and stared at him coldly.

At this time, the original 5,000 troops were no longer around them. Whether it was Di Wei or Gao Tianyu, whether they were Dauchi masters or White Lotus cultists, they were all dead underground or separated from them.

Dewei's tone was cold: "I really didn't expect that I, Dewei, who has been killing the White Lotus Sect all my life, ended up working as a horse for the Holy Son of White Lotus."

"I didn't expect to be able to instruct the Ouchi manager to do things." Gao Tianyu said with a smile.

"Hmph, I want to see how long your smile can last."

Dewey came out and shook his hands.

Gao Tianyu's breathing suddenly became tense. Di Wei, a master of the synesthesia realm, a chief internal officer, a human demon, and the three most terrifying identities combined in one body, felt so oppressive that Gao Tianyu could not even lift a finger.

"Am I really inferior to Yin Xiu? I am the Holy Son of White Lotus!!"

When he was thinking sadly, Diwei's hand had already touched his face, and his long nails scratched the corners of Gao Tianyu's eyes, causing a cold sweat to form on his back.

"Can you still use the disguise technique?" Dewey asked.


Halfway up the mountain, several people landed heavily and screamed one after another.

Liu Banxian was the first to get up, holding his waist and said: "Brother Yin, can you choose a good place? Every time [The Stars Move], I have to be thrown down. Uncle, I have a physique, how many times can I be thrown by you?" ah?"

"It would be nice to escape."

Yin Xiu felt sore all over, and couldn't help but pat her thigh, but Ma Xiaoyu looked sideways, "You patted it wrong."

"I know."

Yin Xiu stood up and glanced at the completely collapsed mountaintop in the distance.

There, all traces of the mausoleums of the Shang Dynasty, the palaces carefully set up by the imperial court, the underground passages of Muhai'er, and the living dead existing in the underground palace were buried.

Along with the soldiers inside who thought they would survive the disaster, most of them, living and dead, have been buried underground forever.

The huge mausoleum that hollowed out the mountain became their final resting place.

I don’t know whether these people who are buried under the earth and rocks and will never see the light of day are lucky or unlucky compared to their companions who are dead in the wilderness.

Tuoba Wenwu didn't know whether he managed to escape.

The body of the White Lotus Saint finally did not fall into the hands of the government troops, and was hung on the city wall by the court's lackeys to be exposed in the sun.

All the secrets and legends became part of the hidden history with the explosion of explosives.


Ma Xiaoyu stood on the edge of the cliff and stretched out her hand. Snowflakes fell on her hand and turned into crystal water droplets.

"Winter has arrived in Changbai Mountain."

For the Changbai Mountains, snow means closure.

Changbai Mountain in winter is a forbidden area for hunters. Even the most experienced hunters will not enter the mountains at this time.

Yin Xiu silently thought of the "old hunter" again. If she saw Xue at this time, she would probably just rush everyone to go down the mountain, and then jump in anger because no one listened to her, right?
"I didn't expect to see you here again."

The sound came from the forest first, and then Cui'er jumped out.

"Hey, you're not dead?" Yin Xiu asked her.

"Hey! Even if you die, I won't die! What, you still want to fight again now?"

Yin Xiu's excitement about meeting them again was destroyed by Yin Xiu's words.

In the fierce confrontation between the two immortals that destroyed the world, Cui'er was carried by the aftermath of the explosion and fell into a gap somewhere. When she woke up again, she was already in the valley at the foot of the mountain. .

Not dead, but separated from everyone.

"There's nothing left to fight, let's go down the mountain."

Yin Xiu smiled and led everyone down the mountain.

"Where is Hai Dongqing? Why is he missing?" Cuier asked again.

"What, you know him very well?" Ren Qi said coldly.

"It's just a chance meeting, what's so familiar about it?"

Cui'er's ears were a little red, "I just want to ask, where did he go?"

Yin Xiu paused and forced a smile, "He, after finishing the matter, he went home."

Hearing this, Cui'er was not only a little disappointed, but she soon felt lucky again.

"Going home? It's good to go home."

At this moment, a snow-white falcon flew over Yin Xiu and the others, then flew high into the sky like an arrow. Its snow-white body merged with the heavy snow in the sky, and soon disappeared.

"What kind of bird is that? It's so fast and has such a beautiful posture." Cui'er sighed.

Yin Xiu raised his head, and a snowflake fell into his eyes and turned into water droplets.

"Haitongqing." (End of chapter)

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