Civilized Zerg Lord

Chapter 23 Misunderstandings

Chapter 23 Misunderstandings
The Guman tribe's terrifying record of wiping out three cannibal tribes was quickly learned by other tribes.

Whether it was the surrounding cannibal tribes or other normal tribes, they all moved away from the Gu barbarian tribe and took the initiative to avoid it.

This invisible deterrent allowed Gu Hao and his Gu barbarian tribe to spend the last month of winter safely.

Gu Hao is busy with the construction of the tribe. This month, the tribe has experienced earth-shaking changes.

The most important thing is the knowledge reserve of the tribal people.

The tribesmen have mastered basic counting methods and are familiar with some writing, which is a necessary breeding ground for the emergence of civilization.

What is even more exciting is that the tribe has developed a group of craftsmen who are skilled in smelting metals.

As long as the supply of ore is sufficient, the Gu barbarian tribe can produce all kinds of tools and weapons.

Although the level of craftsmanship is very low, it's pretty good for this primitive era.

The tools in the tribe are fully organized, and mining teams and infrastructure teams can be organized at any time.

One hundred warriors have been armed with spears, and they are the core of the Gu barbarian tribe's battle.

After participating in labor, they should use every spare time to devote themselves to intense training, similar to the early military system of field farming.

In terms of tribal infrastructure, major roads have been planned.

The roads are lined on both sides, and large boulders are laid neatly and irregularly on the ground. Even in the rainy season, the roads are still hard, smooth, and not muddy at all.

Along the road, there are trees and birds chirping.

You can see the daily life of the tribe, the children are chasing and playing, and the older tribesmen are repairing hunting tools.

The location of the tribal farmland has also been prepared, and sowing can be done when the flowers bloom in spring.

The land has been cultivated into distinct fields, covered with sparse and creeping green.

Although the scale is still small, it is enough for the tribe to try growing crops.

Under Gu Hao's shrewd planning, the tribe is moving forward at a steady pace.

The mining efficiency of copper mines has increased significantly, with its output three times that of last year; salt well minerals are becoming increasingly rich, and salt production has surged.

Since other tribes have moved back one after another, there is no trace of other tribes even within fifty miles of the Guman tribe.

Therefore, if you want to trade, it means traveling long distances that is doubly time-consuming.

On good roads, it takes two hours to cover ten kilometers and ten hours for fifty miles.

Today's roads are winding and bumpy, and the time required to pass has doubled and doubled again.

If they wanted to trade with other tribes, Gu Hao's tribe would have to travel back and forth for at least several days, which greatly tested the Guman tribe's transportation capabilities.

However, the relocation of other tribes also increased the territory of the Guman tribe.

The competitive pressure of the tribes was reduced, and a large amount of natural resources fell into the hands of the Gu barbarian tribes.

Among them, the fish in the river are the most abundant.

In the primitive era, there were abundant fish resources: crucian carp, eel, mandarin fish and other kinds of fish were among them.

Even if the Gu tribe engages in large-scale fishing without restraint, there is no need to worry about the meat supply in recent years and they can enjoy the taste of the fish flood.

Gu Hao has planned the development of the tribe, and the remaining time is to study the tribe's unique inheritance: Gu magic.

During the winter, Gu Hao had already realized the limitations of his current talent - cultivating Gu worms alone would be extremely slow.

Even if Gu Hao cultivated one or two Gu worms every month, regardless of the fatigue of his body and bones, he could only collect more than 20 Gu worms in a year.

Although it now seems that a few Gu insects can greatly enhance the tribe's combat power, this comparison is limited to last year.

In the past, many tribes struggled on the edge of survival, but after a long period of development, some tribes have begun to try metal smelting.Although most tribes are still exploring for ores, they have also begun to forge a few weapons using the iron sand on the riverbed.

These new weapons undoubtedly increased the threat to Gu insects, and even the bone-armored centipede could no longer beat the primitive people as violently as before.

At this time, if Gu Hao cannot solve this dilemma, the Gu insects' support for the Gu barbarian tribe will become weaker and weaker.

Unless Gu Hao's innate ability can be evolved again.

However, fortunately, there is still an old antique in Gu Hao's tribe: Xian.

Although Zan mainly inherits the poisonous poison series, he also has a certain understanding of other types of poisonous insects.

After Xie learned about Gu Hao's troubles, he began to dig into his own memory, trying to find a way to help Gu Hao solve the problem in the ancient inheritance.

Finally, after spring arrived, Xiang finally found a kind of Gu insect that could solve the limitations of Gu Hao's natural ability.

To solve the limitations of Gu Hao's talent, he needed to find a Gu worm that could replicate Gu Hao's blood.

And in the ancient inheritance of this voodoo technique, there happens to be a kind of voodoo insect that can do it.

It is the blood source Gu, and the blood source Gu comes from a very cruel witch.

In order to control the entire tribe's voodoos, he cultivated blood source voodoos.

Because the method of controlling Gu insects is usually the blood of Gu witches.

Therefore, this blood source Gu can penetrate into the human body and suck out the liquid on the bone sac.

The person being sucked will die, and the same source of Gu can produce the same blood as the Gu witch.

After Gu Hao heard it, he immediately understood what the homologous Gu sucked. It was the human body's bone marrow. The bone marrow can produce many cells in the blood.

If the same source Gu is really like this, there is indeed a probability of replicating Gu Hao's innate ability.

I just don’t know how much it can be reproduced and how long it can last.

But this kind of Gu is a bit weird. Gu Hao may try it in the future, but not now.

So Gu Hao hid this plan for the time being.

Gu Hao fell into deep thought, and suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

Gu Hao slapped his forehead fiercely and smiled to himself. It turned out that he had unknowingly entered into a misunderstanding of his thinking.

Being busy with the development of the tribe recently seems to have made his thinking slow.

Improving the strength of Gu insects does not necessarily require expanding the scale of evolutionary transformation.

Although Elder Zang once told him that voodoo insects cultivated through voodoo techniques cannot reproduce.

However, the Gu insects cultivated by Gu Hao do not completely rely on Gu techniques, but rather utilize the evolutionary power of their talents.

In this case, Gu insects should still have the ability to reproduce.

It's just because Gu Hao's Gu insects have never matured before, and the breeding period after maturity is not in winter.

Therefore, Gu Hao never realized that he could actually expand the scale of Gu insects through reproduction.

Imagine if hundreds or thousands of bone-armored centipedes appeared, Gu Hao would have the confidence to challenge even cold weapon troops.

However, Gu Hao needs the bone armor centipede to reproduce, which requires another female centipede.

This female centipede does not need to be too big, as long as it can mate and reproduce with the bone centipede, a size of about one meter is enough.

As long as there are female centipedes, the genetic information of the bone centipedes can breed a new generation of giant centipedes.

(End of this chapter)

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