Lord Yuan

Chapter 205 Bo Cai, Huangfu Song, Cao Cao

Chapter 205 Bo Cai, Huangfu Song, Cao Cao

On the battlefield of Yingchuan.

We are very close to Runan, but the situation is much more urgent.

The Yellow Turban Army led by Bo Cai was almost the main force of the entire Yellow Turban Army, and Zhangjiao focused all its energy on the strongest combat force outside Jizhou.

At the very beginning, Bocai had raised his arms and shouted loudly, so that all the Yellow Turbans in Yuzhou rose up in response to Bocai's call, and sent a large number of Yellow Turban tribesmen to unite with Bocai, making the tribes under his command Already far more than [-] people.

The original plan was to accumulate strength for a period of time before attacking the gate of Yingchuan County Guards. Unexpectedly, this sudden reinforcement made Bo Cai's momentum even greater in an instant.

In this case, the prefect of Yingchuan led his troops to resist vigorously. When faced with the Yellow Turban Army, which was overwhelmed in numbers and momentum, they could only spill blood at the gate of the house, which eventually led to the fall of Yingchuan.

Even Zhu Jun, who was later known as the Three Heroes of the Late Han Dynasty, was appointed as the Youzhonglang General by Emperor Ling Liu Hong, and led his army to meet the enemy in Yingchuan together with Huangfu Song.

Zhu Jun went first, Huangfu Song followed.

At that time, the Yellow Turban Army was so large that it attacked cities and territories with great momentum, just like a vast swarm of ants sweeping over the sky. Therefore, the Yellow Turban Army was also called ant thieves by the world.

But it was such an ant thief that he forcefully led Zhu Jun, an elite man, to defeat him on the frontal battlefield and once chased him dozens of miles away. If Huangfu Song hadn't come to support him from the rear, Zhu Jun might even have died. Leave it here.

Bocai dominated hundreds of thousands of people, and his momentum became even stronger after defeating the regular troops of the Han army. The surrounding Yellow Turban followers saw this and quickly moved closer to him.

Bocai led the Yellow Turban Army to besiege Huangfu Song. The Han army was relatively small at that time. When they heard that the Yellow Turban Army was approaching, everyone was in danger.

Fortunately, Huangfu Song saw the right time and place, and sensed the direction of the wind, so he set off a fire attack late at night, and luckily won a head-on battle.

In this battle, Huangfu Songli killed dozens of people, and all his soldiers shared the same hatred. Even so, it would only make the Yellow Turbans retreat. The loss was not too great. After all, the number of Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan was already hundreds of thousands. , even if tens of thousands of people were killed or injured, it would not hurt.

Huangfu Song was also well aware that the Han army was in decline. If he hadn't succeeded in a sneak attack, it wouldn't take more than a month for him to face Bo Cai, who didn't look like a mob at all.

The combat power displayed by this group of Yellow Turbans far exceeded the imagination of Huangfu Song and others. The Han army relied on complete armor and sharp weapons to gain some upper hand.

Cao Cao followed closely behind. He was worshiped as the Cavalry Commander. He was full of enthusiasm and personally led thousands of Han troops. In addition to the troops led by his Xiahou clan brothers and others, he came with the support of nearly 6000 troops.

At this moment, the news that all the Yellow Turbans in Youzhou were defeated was instantly transmitted to every corner of Yingchuan.

When the two parties heard this, they were all shocked.

Huangfusong and others were surprised and happy. What surprised them was that someone could defeat the Yellow Turban bandits so quickly. Even if the pressure Youzhou actually faced was compared with Yuzhou, Jizhou and other places, it could only be compared with two or three counties. Counties are comparable, but all this is established in Youzhou. The population of the entire territory can only be equal to a Nanyang County.

In this case, it is self-evident that the resistance force that can be gathered throughout Youzhou is self-evident.

Fortunately, in this case, no matter whether the news is true or false, it will cause an unparalleled devastating blow to the morale of the Yellow Turban bandits. By the way, the morale of the Han army will wax and wane, and the fear of facing the Yellow Turbans will also disappear. It will weaken a lot.

At the very least, this yellow turban bandit is not invincible.

When Bo Cai heard about it, he was filled with indignation. In fact, he didn't like Huang Long very much. If General Tiangong hadn't made up his mind to make Huang Long the commander of Guangyang Canal and led his troops to attack Youzhou, Bo Cai's original intention was to wait for him. After defeating all the defensive forces in Yuzhou, he besieged Luoyang, in order to further erode the strength of the Han army, and then complete the plan to respond to General Tiangong's plan to siege Jizhou.

Today, I heard that his entire army was wiped out, and as many as [-] to [-] Yellow Turbans surrendered directly to the Han army, and took advantage of the opportunity to become Li Shu in Liaodong. This news instantly made Bo Cai jump into rage.

For the sake of the great righteousness of General Tiangong, if he is as old as Jiazi, the world will be prosperous. This belief turns into the belief of every Yellow Turban tribe member and is engraved in their hearts.

Now, they have abandoned their faith and returned to the stage of being a pariah with no food to eat. How ignorant!

Bocai immediately ordered an all-out attack on the Han army, and he was bound to take back the Yellow Turbans' faith!
The whole army marches out!
The mighty Yellow Turban Army was dispatched with great momentum, as if they were everywhere like ant thieves.

Huangfu Song was arranging the next plan when he suddenly heard the bad news. Bo Cai personally led 20 Yellow Turbans and swept in again.

The city wall is in crisis, extremely dangerous!
The army and the people shared the same hatred of the enemy. After hearing about the deeds of General Nadu Liao, the morale of the Han army increased sharply, and they all climbed up the city wall to resist the Yellow Turbans with high momentum.

Looking around, there are yellow headscarves everywhere. Seeing this, everyone is extremely frightened.

The lofty ideals that had just arisen disappeared in an instant.

Even if Cao Cao personally led the reinforcements, the number of the Han army was only [-]. Although the equipment was all standard equipment, which still had many advantages compared with the Yellow Turbans, but at the moment, everyone in the Han army was in danger, if not With Yuan Shao's sudden appearance, perhaps the city had already been breached.

Huangfusong pondered for a long time, and finally could only mobilize in front of the station. Facing this kind of city defense battle, there was almost no skill at all.

What is competing is the endurance of both sides and whether they have sufficient fighting spirit.

The attacking party can ascend first, and the defending party has the right time and place.

It can be said that Huangfu Song and other famous generals also happened to catch up with Yuan Shao's autumn wind, which made his soldiers still have some hope of defeating Bo Cai's army. After all, General Du Liao was able to defeat more than [-] Yellow Turbans with [-] cavalry. , they may not be able to do it.After making preparations in advance, Huangfu Song and others were also regarded as famous generals. Compared with Bo Cai, their judgment of the battlefield situation could be said to be overwhelming. With the help of the city wall, they managed to resist the waves of the Yellow Turbans. A wave of attacks.

However, as time went by, the Han army became exhausted. Many soldiers' swords were uncoiled and were too blunt to split even a piece of wood. The speed of logistical supplies could not keep up at all, and the rolling stones and falling trees in the city could not be broken. Already exhausted, Huangfu Song ordered the demolition of residential buildings and purchased food, wages and other utensils from the homes of powerful local families. In order to make them support the Han army, Huangfu Song killed them first and then gave the order in the tone of Liu Hong, forcibly recruiting private members of powerful families. The troops went up to the city wall to protect them, but if there was anyone who didn't respond, they would be punished on the spot.

Special treatment must be followed during the war. Even though many of these powerful families include the Sangong family, Huangfu Song was not afraid.

If you think about it, you will understand that facing the overwhelming Yellow Turban Army, Huangfu Song didn't have much chance of winning. If they were to capture the city and march straight into the capital, Luoyang, for him, regardless of whether he falsely conveyed the edict or not, it would be a loss. There is no difference. In the end, they all end up dead.

In this case, why not perform a heroic feat with great vigor. If this can defeat the attack of Bocai's Yellow Turban Army, the Han army's momentum will naturally be even greater. Once reinforcements from surrounding counties arrive, it is not a bad idea to launch a counterattack. .

Cao Cao and Zhu Jun opposed Huangfu Song's proposal. After all, such a crime was not something ordinary people could bear. No matter whether they won or not, no one could escape from the emperor's questioning afterwards.

The powerful family is not just a fish to be manipulated, but the Han army is more like a fish on the chopping board. It is not easy to turn over.

However, Huangfu Song ignored it and forcibly killed a wealthy family who was not the governor of a county. He showed an unparalleled terrifying momentum, which made the remaining wealthy families timidly donate part of their money and tribes.

Then, he secretly sent people to Luoyang to accuse Zuo Zhonglang's general Huangfu Song of wantonly massacring Li Shu, including a prefect of the county. He did not think about how to fight against the Yellow Turbans, but instead brutally killed the Han people. This move was naturally It instantly caused the court to tremble.

The aristocratic family did not take the open road. They first went to find Zhang Rang's younger brother, and after giving him a large amount of money, they finally met Zhang Rang. They burst into tears, and then gave him a large amount of money to make him mourn. Emperor Zuo Zhonglang of the Ming Dynasty did not want to resist the enemy, but intended to rebel. He demolished the houses of Li people at will, leaving many Li people homeless.

Zhang Rang accepted it with a smile and went to meet Liu Hong immediately.

After Zhang Rang's embellished narrative, Liu Hong was furious and immediately ordered someone to go to Yingchuan to put Huangfu Song, Cao Cao, and Zhu Jun into prison cars and send them back to Luoyang for review by Tingwei.

As for the battle on the front line, under the conscious guidance and Huangfu Song's victory in the first battle, Liu Hong had high hopes for the Han army. He never thought that Yingchuan had been besieged by the Yellow Turbans for a long time. The remaining grain was no longer enough to last for three days, and most of the houses in the city were demolished and turned into rolling logs and rocks, which hit the Yellow Turbans led by Bo Cai.

Even in this situation, Liu Hong had a mysterious self-confidence, and the confidence that Yuan Shao gave him made him not worried about the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

While Huangfu Song and others were still fighting bloody battles on the front line, having spent countless days and nights repelling the Yellow Turban Army, they didn't want to.

The prison car coming from Luoyang from the rear was like a bolt from the blue. When Huangfu Song realized it later, it was too late and the three of them were pressed by the prison car to Luoyang.

This move instantly caused protests from the Han army. Faced with the fact that the emperor had escorted the coach in a prison car during the war, the long-standing dissatisfaction was ignited in an instant!

My brothers fought hard on the front line, never daring to slack off. Facing the Yellow Turban bandits so close at hand, their hands were stained with countless bloodstains, some from the enemy and some from their own.

In such an outnumbered situation, Huangfu Song was still able to rally the morale of the Han army and repulse the enemy's attacks again and again, which was unparalleled in the world. However, even so, His Majesty still killed them indiscriminately. Imprisonment is tantamount to self-destruction.

Seeing this situation, all the Han troops, without exception, dropped their resistance and rushed to the prisoner's car in a swarm. Looking at Huangfu and Song, who had not had a good rest for several days, every Han soldier's heart was filled with thoughts. Feeling unfair, some soldiers who were extremely dissatisfied with this decision immediately decided to take out their swords and angrily slash the prison car to rescue the three people.

Huangfu Song stopped such a move. He seemed to have expected such a result. He just looked at the sound of the Yellow Turban Army climbing the city wall with a slight sigh. He knew very well that once he was sent back to Luo Yang, the situation here will change rapidly, and it will be difficult for the soldiers to raise the spirit of resistance, allowing the Yellow Turbans to attack the city, and then drive straight into Luoyang.

He was desperate, but he didn't expect that instead of waiting for the Yellow Turbans to be completely repelled, he waited for His Majesty's order.

Cao Cao and Zhu Jun were also furious. They didn't have much hatred for Huangfu Song, but they were extremely angry that the emperor who didn't understand the reason believed the slander and made Yingchuan, which had been holding on for several days, give away. They didn't know how much the soldiers had sacrificed. His life was just to give Luoyang more breathing space.

As a result, Luoyang cut off his arm, and Cao Cao suddenly felt helpless in his heart. For the first time, he felt that the man he was loyal to was different from the scene in his dream.

The Han Dynasty in the dream has a vast territory, and thousands of countries come to worship him. His prestige is extended at home and abroad. People everywhere are vying to praise the emperor for his sage, and his ministers are honest and clean. Thousands of common people cherish the Han Dynasty and are worried about the country. It presents an extremely beautiful picture.

The reality is that he fought hard on the front line for Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and for those high-ranking officials and dignitaries who were lying on their backs. He risked his life countless times, only to end up like this.

Cao Cao wanted to cry loudly, but the prison car started to move immediately.

These Han soldiers who had given up resistance watched the prison car gradually go away, and in order to prevent the Yellow Turbans from catching up with the prison car, they had no choice but to turn their heads and pay the last drop of blood for the big man.

I don’t know how many times it has been attacked and killed, but I only know that the entire Yingchuan River is full of blood, and there is an extremely strong and pungent smell of blood everywhere. Countless ruins and houses no longer exist, leaving only the bare surface. .

Bo Cai looked at Yingchuan, which was almost an isolated city in front of him, and his respect for Huangfu Song grew stronger in his heart.

Being able to withstand the nearly five-day attack of his 20-strong army in this way, and at the same time move all the people of Yingchuan in an orderly manner, Bo Cai felt that he was far inferior to this ability. At the same time, he also learned from some Han soldiers who were lucky enough to survive. It was learned from the mouth that Luoyang ordered the three commanders to be loaded into prison cars and returned to Luoyang to be held accountable by the court officials.

While Bo Cai was thankful, he also lamented that this big man's roots were really rotten from head to toe. Under such circumstances, the emperor could still listen to one-sided words and decided to take the commander back in an extremely humiliating way like a prison car. This was tantamount to Suicide.

This decision made Bo Cai even more confident about his upcoming plan to attack Luoyang. With such an emperor here, I don't know whether it is the misfortune of the Han Dynasty or the good news for the Yellow Turbans.

The news of Yingchuan's capture coincided with the arrival of Huangfu Song and others in Luoyang almost at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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