Lord Yuan

Chapter 238 Zhang Rang?Lu Qiangye

Chapter 238 Zhang Rang?Lu Qiangye
It can be said that Zhang Rang's actions have fundamentally created differences with other eunuchs among the Ten Constant Attendants.

Zhao Zhong and others glared at their colleague who was having a good time drinking and talking a few days ago. He was the nominal head of the ten permanent attendants. Now he seemed to be speaking righteously, and for a while he didn't know how to refute.

Zhang Rang's words actually made Liu Hong notice something strange.

On weekdays, my father never talks to me in such a tone.

Even those eyes were full of worry at this moment.

In this situation, Liu Hong couldn't help but think of someone.

Lu Qiang.

He fell one day after the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out.

That day, even Liu Hong felt that he had really done something wrong.

Lu Qiang entered the palace when he was young and served as several emperors. He moved from Xiaohuangmen to become a permanent servant.

He has a strong personality and is known for speaking out and giving advice. Whenever Liu Hong makes a mistake, Lu Qiang silently wipes his behind.

However, people always remember everything in front of them.

Liu Hong is a nostalgic person, but this does not prevent him from sparking anger.

Lu Qiang was swept away by this unknown fire and finally collapsed.

Speaking of which, Lu Qiang's death was inseparable from Shi Changshi.

In the foreplay of the Yellow Turban Uprising, there were actually some precursors.

While the scholars rushed to take a series of actions, it seemed as if nothing happened inside the palace.

Lu Qiang was good at observing current affairs. When he discovered the signs of the Yellow Turban Uprising, he hurriedly advised Liu Hong.

But Liu Hongmi was so confident.

The interest groups involved in Lu Qiang's advice were extremely large, and Shi Changshi was involved in them.

Lu Qiang's voice was not low. Among the many regular servants, Liu Hong was very lenient. After hearing this, the other regular servants hurriedly recalled their officials and relatives from all over the country, fearing that Liu Hong would adopt Lu Qiang. suggestions.

After some time, it was discovered that Liu Hong had not taken any action, so after overnight discussions, the ten permanent servants joined together.

He wrote to Liu Hong day and night, and his words fully demonstrated Lu Qiang's illegal behavior, slandering Lu Qiang's relatives as being in prominent positions, and that there were many corrupt officials.

When Lu Qiang heard this, he became angry and vomited blood, and eventually committed suicide due to excessive sorrow.

When they saw that Lu Qiang was dead, the ten regular attendants acted hypocritically and came out to express their condolences.

As for tracing those relatives, Liu Hong and the ten permanent attendants all tacitly agreed not to mention these matters.

Anyway, for them, the meddling protagonist is dead, and those people cannot make waves after all.

Although Lu Qiang died, the words he left behind were deliberately recorded in a book, and he specially sent people to Liu Hong for his review.

After the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out, Liu Hong felt most sorry for two people.

One was Yang Ci, the Taiwei of the current dynasty. He had many good words, and every time he gave advice, he made Liu Hong feel irritable.

The other one is Lu Qiang, the servant of the Zhongchang. Lu Qiang, who had just committed a crime, can be said to be a breath of fresh air among the servants of the Zhongchang. Although he died, the things left behind made Liu Hong quite emotional, and sometimes he regretted why he would let such a thing happen. Talent dies from one's own hands.

Today, he met Zhang Rang, the official of the Central Committee, and Liu Hong vaguely seemed to see the shadow of Lu Qiang in his past.

"My father's behavior today is quite similar to Lu Qing's."

Hearing Liu Hong's tone gradually getting lower, Zhang Rang also thought of his former colleague, Lu Qiang, the always annoying Zhongchang Attendant.

Now, it seems that I am becoming the kind of person I hate the most.

Even His Majesty said such words, Zhang Rang didn't know whether it was good or bad.

But at least, Zhang Rang felt that his heart was not so dark anymore, and there was a faint light.

Perhaps, this is the so-called prodigal son turning back.

Zhang Rang is actually not a bad person at heart. During the plot to frame Lu Qiang, Zhang Rang has always been on the periphery, neither participating nor staying away.

For him, the ten permanent servants are all one, and no matter what others do, they will always do it under his banner. He can see this clearly than anyone else.

Seeing that His Majesty seemed to be persuaded, Zhao Zhong and other ten ministers quickly began to bombard him indiscriminately, which meant covering him with firepower.

Liu Hong was really irritated by their noise, so he waved his hand and cleared them all away.

He now wants to be alone for a while. All the events in the past few days have made him, a great emperor, a little exhausted mentally and physically.

He is not the Lord who only loves pleasure as the world says.

In this situation, Liu Hong came from Hejian to liberate the Kingdom of Desecration at a young age. Long Fei, the Nine-Five Master, himself pulled the building back when it was about to collapse, and then took various measures to save it.

This in itself has affirmed his merits.

But people like to enjoy themselves after all.

After fighting political battles all his life, if Liu Hong wants to enjoy himself, people will naturally come to catch him.

As the emperor of the Han Dynasty, this status already represented everything. As long as he stretched out his hand, there was nothing he couldn't get.

Under such conditions, no one will be corrupted. It can only be said that Liu Hong, who is used to high pressure, will be unimaginably released once he is liberated.

Lu Qiang fell under such emotions.

As for Yang Ci, after all, he came from the Hongnong Yang family. The family that received one-fifth of Xiang Yu's flesh and blood had grown to the level of a towering giant, and Liu Hong could not deal with it according to ordinary legal principles.

Looking back on the various people or things that have appeared in these days, Liu Hong, who always likes to compare, doesn't know how to proceed.

Liu Hong knew about Lu Zhi.

Needless to say, the dirty words uttered by those Zhongchang waiters were just because Lu Zhi always regarded himself as a scholar and was always in opposition to them, so he took this opportunity to add insult to injury.

Liu Hong has long understood how to deal with these relationships. He has an unexpected talent for checks and balances.

Imperial power, eunuchs, scholars, and even relatives.

It can be said that no one can get the slightest benefit from Liu Hong's hands.

This was deeply reflected in the former Empress Dowager Dou, the Empress Song, the eunuch Cao Jie, and even the top scholar, Taifu Chen Fan.

Lu Zhi was just involved in a battle without gunpowder.

But Lu Zhi's identity forced him to make a choice.

In order to balance the gap between the forces of several parties, Liu Hong needs to change his regular playing style.

Now that the Yellow Turbans are suddenly rising, the long-dormant scholar group is once again on the rise. It can be said that the ability of these scholar groups who value fame and fortune to seize opportunities is unparalleled. Even these Yellow Turban thugs can take advantage of the situation to advance their chances of rising. In anticipation of this, they jointly submitted a petition requesting levy.Liu Hong kept all these in his heart for the time being. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion was completely ended, that would be the first step in playing chess.

Scholars always like to do this.

So Liu Hong immediately gave the order.

Send Lu Zhi back to Beijing, and temporarily take back the military power of General Lang. We will wait until everything is investigated clearly before making further calculations.

It can be said that as soon as this edict came out.

In an instant, there was an uproar in the Luoyang court.

No one knows why Shangshu Lu changed the general before the battle even though he had won the battle, so he just didn't give him a reward. Although he didn't hold him accountable, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Lu Zhi seemed to be in bad luck.

Even Yuan Feng and Yuan Wei, who have always been good at observing current events, felt that this matter was extremely strange.

In order to find out the truth here. , they even came specially to meet Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao just compared the strengths of several major power groups with each other, and Yuan Wei was the first to react.

Yuan Wei rarely showed surprised expressions. Today, after being lectured by Yuan Shao, he suddenly looked at Yuan Shao, his nephew who was obviously not that old, in shock.

He thought he had seen Yuan Shao clearly enough. For the shocking actions Yuan Shao had made in the past, he attributed them to Yuan Shao's unparalleled military talent. As for these political struggles, he only regarded Yuan Shao as a human being. A fledgling boy.

It’s not surprising that he thinks this way. In fact, politics is a subject that requires a long period of precipitation before you can understand every corner of it. It is really difficult to get rid of it in an instant.

Politics has always been an advanced course.

Yuan Shao had no one to teach him, and even Yuan Feng and Yuan Wei could only be regarded as mid-range players.

"The original words made me suddenly enlightened. In this way, it became logical."

Yuan Wei looked happy, not only happy for Yuan Shao's foresight, but also secretly happy that the scholar group seemed to be suppressed by Liu Hong.

The Yuan family has not appeared in the public eye for a long time. Except for Yuan Shao, who has suddenly emerged, even Yuan Ji, who is about to ascend to the position of Jiuqing, has lost his voice at this moment.

For no other reason than because this Yellow Turban Uprising has touched the nerves of too many people. Wartime has always been a glorious moment for military generals to shine. As for civilian officials, they will naturally be left out in the cold.

The Yuan family has also trained many generals, but obviously, there has not yet been one of Huangfu Song's level.

No, if it really counts, Dong Zhuo can still be regarded as an old official of the Yuan family, but this old official seems to be a little inappropriate.

The world only thought that he came from a place called Bingliang, but they never knew that Dong Zhuo was also Yuan Kai's kinsman.

Naturally, no one remembers Yuan's glorious deeds.

As for Yuan Shao, he is an excellent candidate to attract fame.

But for some unknown reason, His Majesty was unwilling to use Yuan Shao, preferring to use Dong Zhuo, who had suffered repeated defeats.

Could it be that Dong Zhuo is still better than Yuan Shao?
"Uncle, you are worrying too much. It is your Majesty's special gift that I can stay safely in this Weiwei Mansion. If I am promoted to a general or a prime minister again, I am afraid that with the prestige of my Yuan family, I will be able to get the position of the three princes easily. I can't do it now." When you are over thirty, how should you deal with yourself then?"

Yuan Wei was thoughtful.

Regardless of the fact that the Three Dukes during the Liu Hong period were scrambling to replace each other, once some strange phenomena occurred, the first to be unlucky were those who took the blame for the Three Dukes. They paid a lot of money, but when the culprits were often held accountable, the Three Dukes also had their share of the blame. Omission.

It can be said that Liu Hong's handling of this matter has become a matter of public awareness.

However, this does not prevent Sangong from being a real general.

The reputation he can gather is comparable to that of ordinary county guards and even the nine ministers in Luoyang court.

A San Gong can recommend one Jiuqing, two county guards, and five jobs.

Under such a system, it is self-evident what kind of help a Sangong can bring to his family.

It is in this way that the aristocratic families become more and more powerful.

As long as you stay in the position of Sangong for a long time, the more disciples and old officials will appear.

And this is also the reason why Yuan Wei and Yuan Feng have to take up the post even if they spend a huge sum of money.

Now, Yuan Shao can obviously seize this opportunity that is readily available and can help the Yuan family completely open up a bright road.

As a result, he was given away by Yuan Shao without a trace of greed.

"Uncle, I am only over 30 years old. I am serving as the Third Duke at such a young age. It would be better not to open a mansion. Once I open a mansion, the relatives, disciples and old officials under my command will be like crucian carp crossing the river, talking endlessly. By then, , with great achievements and shocking master, it was precisely the time when the Yuan family was destroying itself. With my family background, I, the Yuan family, have long been regarded as a thorn in His Majesty's side. Once there is any change, in that position, I will become the target of public criticism. There is no possibility of escape.”

"It's better to hide one's strength and bide one's time at this moment, be wise and protect yourself, and wait for the right time."

Yuan Shao's words seemed to have seen through everything.

Yuan Wei was a little ashamed, he seemed to have acted too hastily.

Yuan Shaoneng went to Liaodong alone, in an unfamiliar area, but he was able to reverse the situation and even be appointed as the general of Liao Dynasty. This is an extremely dreamy thing in itself.

Regardless of Yuan's identity, they were shocked by the many iron cavalry trained by Yuan Shao.

Not to mention that in the many wars he has led, he always turned around and became the winner with an impossible attitude.

It can be said that the appearance of Yuan Shao has made Yuan Ji's identity as the eldest son increasingly unconvincing.

As said in ancient times, it is better to establish a leader than to establish a virtuous person.

Anyone who violates this rule is a recipe for disaster.

There is King Wuling of Zhao who is the number one in history, and there is also the first emperor Yingzheng who survived the sixth generation.

With these lessons learned, Yuan Feng and the others naturally understood the importance of this sentence.

But now, they feel that this sentence seems to be wrong.

Just like Yuan Shao.

Judging from his abilities, there is no doubt that he will be the next head of the Yuan family.

From the perspective of family blood law, Yuan Shao is the true eldest son, and Yuan Cheng's eldest son has already explained everything, even if Yuan Cheng has passed away many years ago.

But if one digs deeper, it turns out that Yuan Shao was descended from Yuan Feng's bloodline or as a concubine. This point has already produced a series of chain reactions in the Yuan family.

Yuan Feng wanted to establish Yuan Shao, but he was afraid that many people in his clan would be dissatisfied.

After all, although Yuan Ji was much later than Yuan Shao, he was not at fault after all, and he was also a momentary hero. He just caught up with Yuan Shao, a monster-level opponent.

The people of the tribe are very fond of Yuan Ji. As long as he is given enough development time, Jiu Qing will almost be a sure thing, and he will once again stand on the same starting line as Yuan Shao.

Yuan Ji is also working hard to catch up with such a result.

(End of this chapter)

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