Lord Yuan

Chapter 8 Famous Scholar Li Ying

Chapter 8 Famous Scholar Li Ying (please read more)

After being dissuaded by Yuan Feng, who was his biological father and uncle, Yuan Shao strolled down the street as usual.

Although the Yuan family is still at the top of the world and controls a lot of power, if the senior officials at the three-gong level are counted according to their seniority, there are still two generations behind them lining up step by step.


At present, Emperor Huan is still alive, the eunuchs have exclusive power, and the aftermath of the disaster of party imprisonment is still sweeping through the minds of scholars all over the world.

Although the scholars are determined to reverse the situation, in the face of this almost dead abyss, no one will choose to jump inward, let alone join a clique to jump inward.

Although they knew that they were going in to die, there were always some people who charged forward one after another.

Some people risk their lives to survive, while others risk their lives and die.

Yuan Shao asked himself, if he was at that level, he would not and could not be so free and easy anyway. It is true that he has already lived a new life.

However, Yuan Shao has never believed in fate. Only the life that can be grasped by his own hands is the real fate.

Li Ying is this kind of person. Even if Emperor Huan has been deceived by those corrupt officials, even a discerning person can see that this is a trap, a complete scam targeting scholars.

He still plunged in without hesitation, just like when Xianbei invaded the border, he was the captain of Huwuhuan at that time. In his prime, he was not afraid of the overwhelming rain of arrows and cracked rocks.

He must take the lead in battle and charge forward to inflict heavy damage on the enemy. Xianbei therefore did not dare to invade the country and returned to his hometown to turn Li Ying's reputation into a god.

He was dismissed by the emperor due to official duties and founded the Imperial College in his hometown. Because Li Ying's reputation spread throughout the country and abroad, thousands of people often became students.

There was a man in Nanyang named Fan Ling, a descendant of the famous scholar Fan Ying.

At that time, Emperor Shun sent Fan Ying to Beijing to serve as an official. Fan Ying refused to give in and argued with Emperor Shun in court. Emperor Shun said, "Your life or death is up to me. I can control poverty, wealth and honor, so why are you treating me so lightly?"

Fan Ying argued hard according to reason without fear of the emperor's authority.

Fortunately, Emperor Shun was not the second Emperor Huan Ling after all, a rare wise emperor in the Later Han Dynasty, so Fan Ying was treated politely by Emperor Shun.

However, Fan Ling completely abandoned the glory of his ancestors. At that time, the eunuchs had exclusive power. In order to make a difference in his official career, he fawned over the eunuchs, traded money for officials, and bought the post of Taiwei from Cao Song.

Fan Ling, a descendant of famous scholars, met Li Ying and asked to be Li Ying's disciple, but was rejected.

Xun Shuang, who was known as one of the Eight Dragons of the Xun family at that time, once made a special trip to visit Li Ying. Since the groom was missing at the time, Xun Shuang took the initiative to get in the car and drive the horse in front.

When he returned to his hometown, he happily said to everyone he met: "I actually have the opportunity to drive Li Jun's car."

The fellow villagers looked at Xun Shuang with envy, who looked happy. From this, we can see how much Li Ying, a famous scholar at that time, was revered.

Xianbei invaded the border again, looted a lot, eroded wealth, harmed the people, and committed all kinds of evil.

When the imperial court sent Li Ying to the border, the Xianbei Qiang people felt extremely fearful. They surrendered before the war started and returned all the household registrations they had previously robbed. This is how Li Ying's reputation reached.

"This is why I want to write to Teacher Li Ying."

Yuan Shao leaned in front of his mother's coffin and quietly described the celebrities he understood.

Uncle Fu was a little puzzled and asked doubtfully: "Does the young master still want to be attached to that Li Ying?"

No wonder he couldn't understand Yuan Shao's behavior. You must know that the wife of Yuan Shao's uncle Yuan Wei was also Yuan Shao's aunt. She was the daughter of Ma Rong, a famous scholar in the Han Dynasty.

He had not heard much about Li Ying's deeds. After all, Li Ying's more active areas were basically fighting against border nomads, except when he returned to Beijing to report on his duties and needed to disarm and return home.

But Ma Rong is different. Even he, a rough man who has not learned much about writing, has heard about it more or less from his peers, passers-by, or those Yin Yin students who often come to Yuan Mansion hoping to be seen. .With this kind of relationship, Uncle Fu always felt that he would go far away instead of the near, and go to see a famous person as his teacher who might not be able to pass. It was more likely that he would be rejected by others and get a bad reception.

What's more, the Yuan family is an aristocratic family in the world, and the Meng family is one of the best in the world, so there is no need to pursue a gorgeous celebrity.

"Uncle Fu, this is not called dependence." Yuan Shao spoke righteously, corrected Uncle Fu's mistake, and said, "This is called studying, seeking scriptures and learning."

Uncle Fu is already old. He is old enough that he only wants to live in peace and enjoyment. He does not know the trends of the times and never waits for others.

As Yuan Shao, who is determined to reverse the current situation, must do his best to seize every opportunity, even if it is an opportunity far away. For him, it is just his specialty as a time traveler, and for him, it is only the ability to predict Prescience knows some things that will happen in the future.

For example, the second disaster of party imprisonment.

The powerful Taiping Sect, the great sage and good teacher, Tiangong General Zhang Jiao called on the believers to revolt. Because they all wore a yellow square belt on their arms, it was called the Yellow Turban Uprising in history.

Or the Three Kingdoms, which was sought after by countless people in later generations.

But what can this bring to Yuan Shao?

Famous general?A wise man?
Yuan Shao's plans are not limited to these.

He is not a person who is content with the status quo.

After handing the letter to Uncle Fu, Yuan Shao still stayed quietly beside his mother, leaning on the tombstone from time to time, looking in a daze.

Upon seeing this, Uncle Fu didn't ask any more questions. Just when he was about to turn around and send the letter away, he heard the voice of his young master behind him.

"Uncle Fu, I am just a student, not a descendant of the Yuan family."

Uncle Fu was stunned for a moment and nodded with a wry smile. He didn't understand what kind of medicine his young master was selling in his gourd.

But, what the young master said is correct, everything is correct.

Uncle Forbes had no doubt about this. If the wizards who divined and prayed for the emperor were regarded as the spokesmen of the gods, then his own son could become one of the gods. Everything he said was in the same language. In his opinion, This is no different from gods.

After Uncle Fu left, Yuan Shao murmured to himself: "I hope it's not too late."

Another new sun rises.

Having made up his mind to keep his filial piety by his mother's side, he simply built a simple shed in front of the tombstone, with a wooden bed, three or two chairs, and a table. Friends came and poured a few cups of hot tea.

The morning sun rose as usual, and the soft light was not dazzling. Yuan Shao stood up like a carp and moved his body.

Yuan Shao is tall and strong, and he never loses his martial arts skills, so he is very energetic. Even if he stayed up until the early morning last night, he was still full of energy after sleeping for two or three hours.

Still observing filial piety day after day, Yuan Shao wore plain clothes and sat cross-legged.

I don’t know whether Uncle Fu delivered the letter or whether Li Ying accepted him as a student.

Facing the unknown, Yuan Shao just smiled and continued to stare at the tombstone in a daze.

Suddenly, there was a sound of chirping behind him.

"Brother Benchu, can you go with my virtuous brother to get some luck?"

(End of this chapter)

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