A layman in the courtyard

Chapter 129 Sense of Achievement

Chapter 129 Sense of Achievement

Back in the room, Cao Zhihua slept until dark.

When I woke up to the call of the little maid, it was already dark.

After stretching, he sat up straight and asked the little maid:
"It's getting dark today. Do you know what time it is?"

"Master, it's almost 8 o'clock now."

Cao Zhihua frowned, stood up, got out of bed, and said:

"Don't stand there, come here and help me get dressed."

The little maid was dressing someone for the first time, so she was a little bit in a hurry, but she put it on bit by bit very carefully, for fear of hurting herself.Cao Zhihua looked at the busy little maid and continued:
"Why did the meal start so late today?"

The little maid said timidly:

"Master, the mistress said that you were tired from going out to do errands today and asked you to rest for a while, so dinner was cooked late."

Cao Zhihua nodded and said:

"Well, what's your name? Are you still used to working here? How are the food and accommodation like?"

When the little maid heard Cao Zhihua asking about her situation, she was very happy and said:

"Master, my name is Huang Lingli. I like the work here very much. I am not tired every day. The housekeeper now gives us classes every day to let us learn things. It is like living in a dream. Moreover, I have never eaten so much since I was a child. Delicious food, now I feel like living in heaven every day, so happy."

Looking at the happy little maid, Cao Zhihua actually made himself feel that hiring child labor was right and gave him a sense of accomplishment.

After smiling silently, he touched Huang Lingli's little head and said:
"As long as you are satisfied, as long as you always treat the Cao family as your own home and protect the Cao family well, the master will let you live in heaven every day and take care of you for the rest of your life."

Huang Lingli jumped up happily:
"Excellent, Master, I will definitely treat the Cao family as my own home and serve Master well."

Cao Zhihua watched the cheerful Huang Lingli help him get dressed and said:
"Well, let's go down and eat."

"Okay, Master"

As Cao Zhihua went downstairs, he lamented that children still need to be taught. Look at these little maids. Although they have just arrived at Cao's house not long ago, they have already taught them to their satisfaction. It is really beautiful to see the happy faces of the little maids. Youth.

When Cao Zhihua came to the restaurant, the whole family was basically seated.

After seeing Cao Zhihua sit down and use his chopsticks to pick up vegetables, everyone started to move.

Today’s dishes are all my favorites, including braised pork with pickled vegetables, shaved salted fish, hanging pot duck, braised squab, crispy roasted pork, Cantonese roast goose, old fire soup, boiled shrimp, a whole lot table.

For the three little ones, the biggest gain from coming to Hong Kong is probably the abundance of materials here, with all kinds of ingredients available. For the three little ones who have been greedy and stingy since childhood, a life of eating and drinking every day is Heaven, I couldn’t be more satisfied.

Xiao Liangliang obviously only likes snacks and doesn't like eating. Every time her mother doesn't get angry, she spits out the food.

After coming to Hong Kong Island, Cao Zhihua ate less rice and pasta. He basically ate vegetables, gradually approaching the eating habits of his previous life.

After drinking two bowls of soup, half a bowl of braised pork with pickled vegetables, some boiled shrimp, a few pieces of shaved salt fish, and a bowl of rice, Cao Zhihua was full and went to the lounge chair by the swimming pool to take a rest in the sea breeze.In the afternoon, the little maid Liu Lirong saw Cao Zhihua resting outside after dinner, brought a cup of tea over and said:

"Master, are you full? I made you a cup of tea. You can drink it."

Cao Zhihua reached out to take the tea and asked:
"Have you eaten?"

"Master, we must wait until all the masters have finished eating before we can eat."

"You haven't eaten at this late hour. Are you hungry? Are you tired from working during the day?"

Liu Lirong said movedly:
"Master, I'm not hungry. I often skipped meals at night. Besides, the work here is very easy and I'm not tired at all."

Cao Zhihua understands that in today's society, ordinary people's families are poor, and if they have food, they must give priority to the family's labor force, so many girls basically have one meal full and one hungry meal.Cao Zhihua had no choice but to comfort him:

"Well, little Lirong is so good. Live a good life at home from now on. The master will not let you go hungry again. The master will let you live a good life."

13-year-old Liu Lirong has been raised at home since she was a child. She grew up with her brothers and sisters. She has never been cared for so much. Her eyes are wet and she really wants to throw herself into the arms of her master for a hug. She feels that she can do it for her. The owner gives everything.

Cao Zhihua looked at Liu Lirong with tears in her eyes and said softly:

"Why are you still crying? Honey, stop crying. From now on, you will serve your master well and live a good life with your master. Stop crying and hurry up and get ready for dinner."

Liu Lirong wiped her eyes with both hands and said:
"Master, I won't cry anymore. I will serve your master well in this life."

Cao Zhihua looked at Liu Lirong swearing, sat up, touched Liu Lirong's little head, and said:
"Okay, Master, let Li Rong serve you for the rest of your life. Be good and go eat quickly."

When Liu Lirong heard that Cao Zhihua was willing to serve her for the rest of his life, she laughed happily and said a little embarrassedly:
"Master, you rest first, I'm going to eat first."

"Well, okay, go and eat quickly. From now on, remember that you must eat three meals a day, but you can't be hungry again."

"Okay, Master"

Cao Zhihua looked at Liu Lirong leaving, lying on the recliner in a beautiful mood, looking at the shining starry sky.

After a while, Lou Xiao'e and Chen Xueru finished their meal, sat down next to Cao Zhihua, and asked:
"Zhihua, are you tired today? I saw you coming back and went upstairs to rest."

Cao Zhihua nodded and said:

"Yes, I'm a little tired. The main reason is that my mood fluctuates too much and my mind consumes a lot."

Lou Xiao'e said with concern:
"What's the matter, Zhihua?"

Cao Zhihua looked at the concerned eyes of Lou Xiao'e and Chen Xueru and said:
"It's okay, it's just about the land. I plan to buy a piece of land with an area of ​​3500 square meters at the foot of our mountain near the sea, and plan to build a three-story, [-]-square-meter high-end club."

Cao Zhihua took a sip of tea and continued:
"I plan to have all the employees in this club be women. The service targets are the wives of powerful people and their socialites in Hong Kong. We will not accept any male guests. Whether this club makes money is not the point. The most important thing is to make these relationships. We are pragmatic. Our family’s roots in Hong Kong Island allowed our family to naturally enter Hong Kong Island’s upper class society.”

"I didn't tell you in detail before because it was only in the planning stage and there were too many variables, so it would be useless to say more. I went out this afternoon and finally settled the land matter. Tomorrow I can go to the Hong Kong government to sign the contract and buy the land. Come down. Once the land is purchased, it is settled and will never change, so now I can tell you my complete plan."

(End of this chapter)

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