Chapter 101 do you know? ! !

Of course, Donna didn't know what Su Lin was going through, and she didn't know that she had already walked through hell just now. She looked at Debra in surprise when she heard this.

Debra smiled and said: "Donna, Su is a Yin-Yang Mr. Well, you can understand him as a fortune teller. Of course, Su is better than any fortune teller."

"Mr. Yin Yang? Fortune teller?"

Donna's face was a little ugly. She was a prophet herself and had earned a living in this field.

And now, Debra has taken it upon herself to find another colleague. Isn’t this a slap in the face?

"Debra, what do you mean? Why are you doing this?"

Donna asked angrily.

"Donna, don't be angry yet. I just want to help you. Su is really different. He is very powerful. He is different from you."

Debra quickly explained, but it was okay not to explain, but once she explained, Donna became even more angry.

What does it mean to be different from me?
"Debra, you don't have to say anything, let's go!"

she said angrily.

Debra was anxious and wanted to speak, but Sulin interrupted her and said in a deep voice:

"Donna, have you been having nightmares lately, always dreaming of a child coming to play with you?"

As soon as these words came out, Donna's expression froze and she looked at Su Lin with a bit of surprise.

She had indeed been having nightmares recently, and she was really a child, but how did Sulin know?
Su Lin ignored her surprised look and continued: "Not only do you dream about children, but you also have a bulge under your armpit that hurts when touched."

"how do you know?"

Donna exclaimed.

There was indeed a big red bump growing out of her left armpit, and it hurt like hell if she touched it even slightly.

Su Lin looked at her and continued: "Donna, did you have an abortion a month ago?"

"You... how do you know?"

Donna was so shocked that she almost fell off the bed. The look she looked at Su Lin was so horrified and horrified.

She performed the abortion without even knowing it. The doctors who performed the abortion were all dead and no one knew about it.

Unexpectedly, Su Lin found out immediately.

Could it be that the young man in front of me really has incredible abilities?
Debra was also stunned and looked at Donna in disbelief.

How could Donna get pregnant and have an abortion after being single for many years?

Could it be a mistake?
But when she saw Donna's shocked expression, she knew that Su Lin was right.

Debra was also dumbfounded now.

Looking at the confused Donna, Su Lin sighed slightly.

Donna's children's palace was filled with gray air and had a broken pattern.

This represents the loss of a child who died in unbirth.

If it is a natural miscarriage, there will be no gray color representing resentment, nor will there be broken lines, because this is personal destiny.

But once the broken lines and gray gas appear at the same time, it means that the child was not a natural miscarriage, but a human intervention. Moreover, the child was still in the mother's belly for more than six months and was about to be born. As a result, his life was terminated. .

Think about it, who can bear this?

It would be strange if the children didn’t complain.

The bulge on Donna's armpit is called a mole of resentment in the Yin-Yang theory. It usually only appears when resentment is extremely concentrated.

Based on Donna's appearance, Su Lin concluded that Donna had had an abortion, and it was done when the child was over six months old.

Now she has nightmares, moles appear under her armpits, and the fundamental reason why she can't move her legs is because the back.

However, Su Lin found no trace of the child in the room, maybe he was hiding.

"Donna, what on earth is going on? Who is the father of the child?" Debra asked in shock.

Donna shook her head, her face was a little pale, but she obviously didn't want to say anything, she just looked at Su Lin in surprise.

She still didn't understand how Su Lin knew.Su Lin shook his head helplessly.

Not only was there something wrong with Donna's children's palace, her adultery was also completely white. From this whiteness, a streak of red emerged, invading her children's palace.

This means that her lover, the father of the child, is dead, but Donna obviously doesn't know and is still keeping the secret for the father of the child.

Alas, woman, when she accepts love, she becomes extremely blind.

"Donna, let me tell you straight away, your leg is related to the child. If you don't want to die because of this, you have to tell me who the father of the child is, so that I can help you."

Su Lin said softly.

If it were anyone else, Su Lin wouldn't bother to pay attention.

But Donna obviously knows Xie Ying and is related to the eye totem, so she must first gain Donna's trust and then see what information she can get from Donna.

Hearing this, Donna's face turned even paler, but she closed her mouth tightly and even closed her eyes, obviously unwilling to say anything.

"Donna, you have to tell me. Only by telling Sulin can I help you. And I want to see which scumbag is so irresponsible."

"He...he is not a scumbag, he loves me, he just...can't help himself."

Donna defended in a low voice.

"You still want to speak for him?" Debra asked angrily.

Donna stopped talking again, obviously determined.

Su Lin shook his head. It seemed that he had to take action.

"Donna, I have some bad news to tell you. The child's father... has passed away."

"Impossible, you are talking nonsense!"

Donna raised her head sharply and shouted.

Su Lin shrugged: "This is good confirmation. Maybe, you just need to make a phone call."

"No, it won't happen. He just met me a few days ago. It's impossible."

Donna was obviously a little panicked and stared at Su Lin with a look that was as penetrating as possible.

But Su Lin didn't give in and looked at her.

Gradually, Donna's eyes began to dodge.

"No, it won't happen. It's impossible. He promised me that he wouldn't."

She tremblingly took the phone next to her, and after some hesitation, she finally dialed a number.

The voice of waiting to be connected came from the other end of the phone, but no one answered until it was automatically disconnected.

Donna panicked a little and dialed the number again.

But just like the first time, no one answered.

Donna panicked even more, and even her eyes started to turn red.

Debra walked over and gently put her arm around Donna's shoulders.

But Donna dialed that number for the third time.

After ringing for more than ten seconds, the call was finally connected.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Donna was stunned for a moment, wiped her eyes and said, "Excuse me, is Mr. Ryan here?"

The female voice on the other end of the phone paused obviously, and then said in a sad voice: "I'm sorry, Ryan has passed away. I am his wife. If you have anything, you can tell me..."

Donna's cell phone slipped down, and she fell straight back, falling straight on the bed and fainting.


(End of this chapter)

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