Chapter 107 Shocked Donna: My legs are... okay? ?

"All right!"

Su Lin collected all the copper coins on the ground. They were all genuine and very expensive. He would feel distressed for a long time if he lost even one.

As for the yellow paper, that's not necessary, just blow it away with the wind.

"Okay... okay?"

Donna asked timidly.

Although she couldn't see the baby, she could hear Sulin's words clearly. In addition, she saw with her own eyes that the black air on the rope quickly disappeared into the tombstone, so she didn't know what she had encountered.

"Well, they've been sent away! We can go back." Su Lin said calmly and put the backpack on his shoulders again.

It would be nice if there was a storage ring like in fantasy novels.

Otherwise, carrying such a backpack all the time when going out would kind of lower his aura as Mr. Yin Yang.

Su Lin was the first to leave with his backpack on his back.

Seeing Su Lin leaving, Debra suddenly woke up and stepped forward to push Donna's wheelchair.

The weird scene just now scared her out of her wits.
"No need to push, let her go on her own." Su Lin's voice came from the night.

"Walk... by yourself?" Debra was stunned. Donna's legs weren't...

She looked at Donna's legs in surprise.

Donna was also a little dazed: He asked me to leave by myself?Could it be that my legs...

No, my legs...why are they feeling?
He looked at his legs in disbelief.

"Donna, your legs..."

Debra asked shakily.

Before she finished speaking, she saw Donna slowly stand up from the wheelchair with a look of disbelief on her face.


One step...two steps...three steps...

“Oh my god!!”

Debra was completely dumbfounded.


Back at Donna's house, the woman looked at Su Lin with horror and shock in her eyes.

The wisps of paper dust, the black air spreading along the red rope, and her intact legs completely overturned her perception and worldview.

It also let her know that the world was not what she understood at all.

God knows how she, who has always claimed to be the closest to God, was shocked to the core when she learned that God was by her side.

"You'll be fine after a few days of rest. Also, you'd better move. This place is not suitable for you to live."

Su Lin checked Donna's neck and found that the strangulation had completely disappeared, and her face had returned to normal, and she was free from any problems or illnesses.

As I said before, if there is no light in the living room, the residents will feel anxious. If a place does not see sunlight for a long time, it will definitely breed evil things.

In fact, this negative thing does not necessarily refer to evil spirits. Viruses and bacteria also count.

After all, basking in the sun can disinfect and kill bacteria, right?

Think about it, if there are so many bacteria and viruses, can people live comfortably?

"Well, I'll move right away!"

Donna nodded repeatedly. She now respected Su Lin like a god.

Su Lin nodded, pretending to see the photo casually, and asked casually: "Oh? Is this your friend? Is he also from the Dragon Kingdom?"

He asked this question very casually, as if he really asked it casually, and you could answer it or not.

After asking, he paid attention to Donna's face.

Nothing has changed.

I felt relieved.

Donna glanced at the photo, her eyes changed slightly, and she hesitated before saying, "Oh, that's a client of mine from before. I haven't seen him for a long time."


Su Lin immediately concluded that Donna was lying.

When people lie, their eyes will look to the side involuntarily. When Donna was answering just now, her eyes subconsciously avoided Su Lin.

Su Lin still didn't understand that she was lying.

But he didn't point it out, just said "oh" and stopped asking.

It seems that this matter cannot be rushed.But no matter what, there was finally a living clue, and he always had a way to pry the truth out of her.

"Debra, please stay with Donna, don't let him be alone." Su Lin said to Debra.

Donna was experiencing a big change and her mood was very unstable.

Although she looks normal now, there is no guarantee that when she is alone, she will not get into trouble and become determined to die.

Then his efforts will be in vain.

"Oh well!"

Debra also had this intention and nodded in agreement.

Before leaving, Donna looked at Su Lin and whispered thank you.

Su Lin smiled, waved his hand and left.

"Su, you can drive my car, it's not safe outside now!"

Debra was still shouting from behind.

"No, I'll take a taxi back!"

Su Lin replied.

After leaving the community where Donna lived, Sulin walked aimlessly on the street.

He took Debra's car when he came here, and he had to figure out his own solution when he got back.

It was already late at night, and the place where Donna lived was not in good public order. As he walked along, he noticed that there were several black guys following him.

In the past, he would have been nervous.

But now...hehe, he has a hundred ways to make these little blacks cry for their father and mother.

Soon, when he passed a dark and secluded place, several Xiaohei behind him quickly followed him.

"Give me the money...Fake, don't, don't, don't, sir. If you have something to say, please tell me. We don't mean any harm."

The few Xiaohei looked at the black muzzle and were all dumbfounded.

Su Lin smiled. After all, this thing works so well. All living beings are equal, and ghosts shake their heads when they see it.

"Go away!" he laughed.

Several Xiaohei fled in a hurry and disappeared without a trace.

Su Lin put away his pistol and continued walking forward. After passing a swaying drunkard for a few steps, he suddenly turned back.


Sulin looked at the drunkard in surprise. Isn't this the same James who drove the excavator for him last time?It was the one Su Lin told him to come to him in three days and give him a hundred thousand dollars.

But James didn't come to him later, so he forgot about it, and he didn't expect to meet him here.

Although James was drunk and hazy, he recognized Su Lin, opened his mouth and shouted: "Su...Mr. Su?"

Su Lin smiled and said: "James, didn't I tell you to come to me in three days? Why don't you see me?"

James looked sad and rolled up his trousers to show Su Lin.

Su Lin took a look, good guy, who did you offend?The legs were swollen and looked like wooden stakes. They were wrapped in gauze and were still bleeding.

"I...I owe a lot of gambling debts, and I can't pay them back..."

Needless to say, the rest of the plot can be guessed by Su Lin with his feet. It is nothing more than getting beaten up to pay off his gambling debt.

Su Lin had no sympathy.

However, after rolling his eyes, he suddenly asked: "How much do you owe?"

"Two...20!" James cried.

Good guy, you've had enough fun.

Although it is easy for Su Lin to earn 20 US dollars, for ordinary people, 20 US dollars is really life-threatening.

"Then do you want to make 20?"

Su Lin asked with narrowed eyes.

"Think, I have always dreamed of earning 20 yuan. Mr. Su, can you make me earn 20 yuan?"

James' eyes were red with excitement, and he wanted to kneel down in front of Su Lin.

"You do something for me, and when it's done, I'll give you 20!" Su Lin said.

" problem, who do you want me to kill?"

James was moved to tears.

(End of this chapter)

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