I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 132 If you have money, you can really do whatever you want!

Chapter 132 If you have money, you can really do whatever you want!
"Su, who is that old man? Do you want my help..."

In the car, the old man wiped his neck.

Su Lin laughed dumbly: "If you haven't reached that point yet, don't worry about it."

"Oh, if you need anything, just call me directly. Well, you can also send a message." The old man nodded and said.


Su Lin smiled.

Now he found that the old man was quite cute, so he asked casually: "By the way, how is your election going recently?"

"Hey, forget it."

The old man sighed: "I'm surprised. Ever since you recommended that person to me, oh oh, Kelly Wellcome, as my election assistant, the election has been smooth sailing."

At this point, he sighed: "By the way, I have to thank you for recommending such a good assistant to me. She really arranged everything in an orderly manner."

Surin nodded.

The blend of water and milk is one of the top ten wedding attires, and the effect is naturally extraordinary. This is because Kelly's potential has not been discovered. Only when she is truly placed in the right position will the power of the wedding attire be fully unleashed.

"Since everything is going smoothly, what's so strange about it?" Su Lin asked.

"That's why it's weird. Logically speaking, everything should be going smoothly now, but the problem is, my approval rating just can't go up, and it was even at the bottom for a while. Do you think it's weird or not?" The old man looked very annoyed.

Su Lin pouted.

Is there anything strange about this? He had long said that although the old man had the appearance of an emperor, he lacked dragon energy and ancestral cuteness, so he needed to move his ancestral grave.

Before moving his ancestral grave, no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to succeed in the election.

But the problem is that this kind of thing requires timing. Judging from his appearance, it is obvious that the time has not come yet, so there is no rush.

"Take your time. There is an old saying in our country of Dragon, which is that when a car reaches the mountain, there will be a road, and when a boat reaches the bridge, it will naturally go straight."

"I've heard these two sentences, they just mean let nature take its course." The old man said happily.

"Absolutely. When the time comes, everything will go well." Su Lin smiled.

At this time, the old man remembered what Su Lin had said before, and asked: "By the way, when I first met you, you said that I was going to move... the grave. Oh, yes, is it related to that?"

Su Lin didn't expect that the old man was quite smart and thought of this.

After a slight hesitation, he nodded slightly.

The old man was overjoyed: "Then what are we waiting for? Let's move the grave quickly."

Su Lin shook his head: "This is what I said, the time has not come yet, just wait, wait for the right time to maximize the effect, there is no rush now."

"Okay, I'll listen to you anyway." The old man took it easy. Su Lin said he wasn't in a hurry, but he really wasn't in a hurry anymore. He took out two cigars with his backhand and handed one to Su Lin:
"Try it, a real handmade cigar, priced at $[-] apiece."

He now truly has unconditional trust in Su Lin.

Su Lin took the cigar and sighed inwardly at the old man's good attitude. He then imitated the old man's example and cut the head of the cigar, lit it and took a puff.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

He choked to tears.

"Su, you have to do this slowly." The old man laughed.

Su Lin threw the cigar to Ian angrily, and the old guy took it over and held it in his mouth.

It seems that I often play this game a lot.

While smoking a cigar, the old man seemed to have remembered something and asked: "By the way, Su, I heard Lucini say that you want to buy a yacht? I happen to have a new one lying idle somewhere, and I don't have it either." Time to play, take it away!"

Are you idle?I'm afraid it's not a new one.

Su Lin thought of the drone. The packaging on it was still new.

"Forget it, I'll buy this myself. I need to spend some money."

"Oh, that's alright. How about I send you a private jet? Don't worry, the airport, personnel, etc. are all provided."

The old man said again.

Su Lin couldn't help but sigh, look at his attitude, and then look at Zhang Zhinong's attitude, there is a world of difference.

This is called a pattern.

"Forget it, I can't afford that thing. Once I buy the yacht, I can't even fill up the car oil you gave me." Su Lin made a joke. "Tell me earlier!"

Without saying anything, the old man made a phone call and went out, mumbling not knowing what he said.

A few minutes later, he hung up the phone and said with a smile: "There is a gas station near your villa, and it belongs to you now."

Wang Defa?
Su Lin was dumbfounded. Are you always so efficient in doing things?
It's a gas station, and it's delivered as soon as you say it's delivered?This must be worth a lot of money, right?
The old man seemed to have figured out what Su Lin was thinking, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this is really a small gas station. It's only worth about two million. It's mainly because it's close to your place and it's more convenient."


Su Lin said that he really didn't understand the world of rich people.

The more he looked at the old man, the more he liked him, and he also understood why the ancient Feng Shui masters liked to deal with dignitaries.

Just two words: happy!
While he was talking, the old man's company was in sight.

As the top rich man in Yingjiang, the old man's company building is naturally extremely majestic. Just looking at it from the outside, you can tell that it is very powerful.

After parking the car and taking the private elevator to the lobby on the first floor, Su Lin looked at the layout in the lobby and nodded slightly.

Although the layout of the old man's hall does not have a feng shui pattern, it is not bad and quite satisfactory.

At this time, many people saw the old man coming and came to say hello to him, but the old man ignored them and just followed Su Lin around.

The staff in the lobby began to speculate about Su Lin's identity.

There were even bold beauties who glanced at him as they passed by him.

"Let's go and have a look at your office." Su Lin said.

The two returned to the private elevator and reached the top floor.

There is only one office for the old man on the top floor, which is characterized by its size, which is jaw-droppingly big.

Su Lin estimated that it would be no problem to find two people to play basketball here.

"How about it, I'm fine here."

The old man showed off proudly. He always felt that his office was really great.

"Well, it's very good." Su Lin nodded and said.

Entering the office, there is a thick wool carpet on the floor, and it is silent when you walk up.

A small golf course is naturally a standard feature, and the six to seven meter long desk really shows the old man's nobility.

But the painting hanging on the wall is somewhat nondescript.

Those turned out to be several pictures of ladies from the Dragon Kingdom, which looked antique and very lifelike.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be the "Picture of Admonitions of Women's History".

Su Lin remembers that "Pictures of Admonitions of Women's History" is a silk painting created by Gu Kaizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The original work has been lost, and the only surviving copy is a Tang Dynasty copy.

The Tang Dynasty copy originally had 12 sections, but due to its age, only 9 sections remain, which were inked on silk.

"Pictures of Admonitions of Women's History" depicts the deeds of female fans, including the story of Feng Yuan in the Han Dynasty who defended Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty by shielding herself from a bear; the story of Ban Jieyu refusing to ride with Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty to prevent him from being greedy for women and misdirecting the government, etc. Wait, it has a certain didactic nature.

When the old man saw Su Lin looking at the painting, he said proudly: "How about it, it looks good!"

Su Lin said: "No matter how beautiful it is, it is still a fake."

The old man smiled even more: "Who told you it was a fake?"

Su Lin was stunned and looked at the old man with a smile on his face.

It’s not a fake, is it the real thing?

"Isn't the authentic picture of Women's History in the John Bull Museum?" he asked.

The old man didn't answer this time, he just laughed.

Su Lin immediately understood.

This horse-riding man can really do whatever he wants if he has money! !

(End of this chapter)

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