I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 143 God, she is really Mr. Pine’s daughter!

Chapter 143 God, she is really Mr. Pine’s daughter!
"You two get up first!"

Su Lin helped the couple up.

By looking at her face, Su Lin could tell that his daughter was still alive, but where exactly she was was not something that could be determined by looking at her face. He needed to use his divination ability.

However, he did not plan to use the money divination today, but wanted to try other divination methods.

Su Lin walked to the garden and broke off several long branches from the tree, and then broke these branches into fifty small wooden sticks of the same length.

What he wants to use is another divination method in the black book - Dayan Divine Divination.

The development of Dayan Divine Calculation was still before Yi Gua.

The yarrow divination used by Ji Chang in the movie "Fengshen Part [-]: Chao Ge Fengyun" is actually a type of Dayan divine fortune telling.

This method of divination is different from the money divination that is popular today.The way it takes images strictly corresponds to the laws of the movement of heaven and earth.

Each yarn must go through three transformations before it can be taken out, which can completely isolate the interference of thinking consciousness and surrounding energy fields, which is equivalent to using the number of Dayan to accurately calculate the changes of Qi movement.

That’s why it’s called Dayan Divine Calculation.

At that time, Dayan Divine Divination was still an independent divination method, and the hexagrams were not the 64 hexagrams of King Wen.

It's just that later with King Wen's Bagua, the two gradually merged.

Su Lin handed all the branches to Pine and said calmly: "Take one out and put it next to it."

Pine was already in a state of confusion and foolishly followed the instructions.

Rebecca wiped her tears and stared with wide eyes.

Fei Qi, who was beside him and couldn't hold back his curiosity for a long time, was not willing to miss any details.

He wanted to know how Su Lin knew Jerry was under that tree.

After Pine put down a branch as instructed, there were only 49 branches left in his hand.

Fifty is the number of Dayan. If you take away one of it, it will be the one that escapes. And forty-nine is the magic of Dayan. This is the divine calculation of Dayan.

"Thinking of your daughter, take out one of the remaining 49 branches and put it aside. Arrange the remaining branches randomly into piles. Take out one of the piles, put them in groups of four, and line them up in a row. The remaining one, two, three, or four sticks are put aside. Then there are a bunch of the same four sticks left in a row, and finally the remaining one, two, three, or four sticks are put aside. This is the first Count. Starting from the second calculation, put all the wooden sticks arranged in groups of four together..."

Su Lin explained to Paine in detail how to operate Dayan's divine arithmetic.

To be honest, the process of Dayan's calculation is really complicated. Su Lin explained it twice in a row, and Pain, who was worried about gains and losses, could barely remember it.

Next, Pain strictly followed the method Su Lin said, but there was nothing wrong in the process, and he quickly got a set of hexagrams.

After Su Lin glanced at it, he added, "Tell me your and your wife's birthdays, down to the hour."

Although Pine didn't know what Su Lin was doing, he still did it for the slim hope in his heart.

Su Lin calculated silently, and after a moment, he already knew where Pine's daughter was.

The magic of the Black Book is not that he taught Su Lin this method of divination, but that after the divination, it will display the corresponding image in Sulin's mind, making the divination more accurate and almost useless. would be wrong.

After getting the result, Su Lin glanced at Pine and Rebecca, whose eyes were red, and then said slowly: "Your daughter is not in John Bull, but like you, she came to Yingjiang, and she is in York City. "

"What? My...my daughter is in York City?"

Pine and Rebecca trembled at the same time.


Su Lin hummed, looked at the time, and then continued: "After you leave me, drive west along the road. When you reach the seventh intersection, change to south, and pay attention to your right. side."

"If you see a person passing by with a bundle of colorful balloons, stop the car, buy the bundle of balloons, and then stand there and wait."

At this point, Su Lin looked at Mr. and Mrs. Pine and saw that they were listening carefully, and then said: "There will be many people coming to buy your balloons, but remember not to sell any of them, and you can't talk. Until there is someone, A girl comes to buy balloons with two little girls, one wants blue and one wants red...that girl is your daughter."


After he finished speaking, he asked.


Pine and Rebecca's bodies were still shaking and their eyes were red.

"Yes!" Su Lin nodded, indicating that they could leave.

It was about their daughter. How could Pine and Rebecca be careless? They even forgot to express their gratitude to Su Lin, trotted out and stumbled into the car.

The two of them were no longer fit to drive, so Fitch could only let him drive.

Fitch started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and headed west.

All the way to the west, Pine and Rebecca kept Sulin's words in mind and looked out the window without blinking.

We passed the first intersection and nothing happened.

After the second intersection, nothing happened.

Then the third, the fourth...

When they reached the seventh intersection, Pine trembled: "Turn left!"

In fact, he didn't need to say anything. Fitch was already turning left. He also wanted to see if Sulin was that magical.After turning left and heading south, Pine stared out the window unblinkingly, looking for the person holding the balloon.

Rebecca also stared out the window, for fear of missing any details.

At this time, the speed of the car also slowed down, and after driving forward for more than 300 meters, a man holding a large bundle of colorful balloons appeared in the eyes of Pine and Rebecca.

sky!There are actually people holding balloons.

The couple, including Fitch, were all stunned.

"Stop, stop!!" Pine shouted loudly, and Fitch quickly parked the car on the side of the road.

The car door opened, and Pine stumbled towards the balloon seller, fearing that he would run too slowly.

Rebecca, like her husband, followed closely behind.

As he ran up to him, Pine shouted anxiously: "Sir, I'll buy all your balloons."

As he spoke, he took out a large stack of banknotes and stuffed them into the man's arms.

The balloon seller was a young black man. He was so happy when he saw so much money.

This amount of money is at least several thousand dollars. Not to mention his balloons, it is enough to buy him.

But he still said: "Sir, we don't need so much!"

"It's all for you, it's all for you! No need to look for it."

Pine snatched the balloon from his hand.

The black guy was overjoyed.

With this money, he can buy a lot of food, save his younger brothers and sisters, and even use the remaining money to start a small business. Maybe the fate of their family will change.

After the young man left with a lot of thanks, Pine and Rebecca stood there holding the balloon upright and did not dare to move, for fear that if they moved a little bit, they would not be able to find their daughter.

For fear of disturbing them, Fitch didn't get out of the car and parked the car on the side of the road and watched through the glass.

Time began to pass, and pedestrians were weaving.

Maybe they were curious when they saw both of them wearing famous brands and selling balloons, so many people came over to buy balloons.

But the couple remembered Su Lin's advice and refused to sell any of them. Not only did they not sell, they also didn't say a word, making everyone think that they were dumb.

"Why are you standing here if you don't want to sell me? You're blocking the road, don't you know?"

someone said angrily.

Because the place where Pine and Rebecca were standing was a traffic thoroughfare, and they had taken a lot of balloons, he went there to fight, and passersby had to go around when they passed by.

They didn't sell balloons, so they stood there like a street lamp, which made several passers-by angry. They even pushed them and spat at them.

But Pine and Rebecca always remembered Su Lin's words. When others pushed them, they would bend down and bow again. After the others' anger subsided, they would return to the original place.

When others scolded them, they didn't retaliate, and they didn't move when they spat on them. They just stood there stupidly, waiting for a hope.

An hour passed like this. Just when Pine felt that his legs were shaking and he was about to lose his balance, he suddenly saw a girl about eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing ordinary clothes, leading two children towards him. come over.

And that girl looked so similar to Pine.

"Oh my God, there really is a girl with two children, and this girl looks just like Mr. Pine."

Feiqi in the car also saw the girl and was stunned.

"God, there's no need for a paternity test. I'm almost certain that she is Mr. Pine's daughter."

"It's incredible!"

Feiqi exclaimed again and again, and the shock to Sulin in his heart reached its peak.

on site!

As Pine's breathing became increasingly rapid, the girl walked up to him with two children, then smiled at the children and said, "You two, what color do you want?"

"I want blue!"

"I want the red one!"

The two children were probably only four or five years old, innocent and innocent.

blue red? ?

Rebecca and Pine couldn't hold it any longer, tears rolled down their faces, they let go and let the balloon fly into the sky.


They both cried out at the same time.


(End of this chapter)

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