I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 161 If it was her biological daughter, she would have died long ago

Chapter 161 If it was her biological daughter, she would have died long ago

The top of those thin pieces of paper was a check for US$500 million.

This is the meaning of the question, there is nothing strange about it.

The key is that the one below turns out to be an equity transfer contract for a large supermarket.

It said that 50.00% of the equity of this supermarket would be transferred to Su Lin, and it would only take effect after his signature.

Su Lin opened the contract and looked through the basic information. He found that this supermarket was pretty good in an international metropolis like York City.

Moreover, he seems to have been to that supermarket. The flow of people is very good, and it can be said that the daily income is nothing.

The market price of 50.00% of the equity is definitely tens of millions of dollars.

The fact that Pine can come up with this shows his sincerity.

However, Su Lin just smiled, took the check, and handed the contract to Pine.

"I took the money, forget the equity."

he smiled.

"No, Mr. Su, these things are not enough to express the gratitude in my heart. For me, you not only helped me find my daughter, but also gave me the opportunity to make up for the regrets in my heart. For me, no matter how much Money can’t buy it.”

Pine said anxiously, handing over the contract again.

Su Lin stopped answering and refused with a smile.

He helped En and his wife find their daughter, and it was only natural to get the fortune.

As for equity, that's not necessary.

Take the money, that's business.

After taking the stock, he and Pine would become partners, which would cause endless trouble.

And he is a person who is most afraid of trouble, so he definitely can't ask for it.

Besides, he had already seen that there would be a huge political disaster on Pine Day, and he would not be able to protect himself.

And because of the old man's relationship, he didn't want to cause such a karma.

After several postponements, Pine finally had no choice but to withdraw the contract when he saw that Su Lin was determined not to accept it.

"Mr. Su, we have one more thing..."

Pine said respectfully.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Su Lin asked.

"About Windsor in the future... Of course, we will pay you extra."

The two of them now have great trust in Su Lin. After their daughter is back, the first thing they think of is to ask Su Lin.

In fact, they didn't even think about what they were asking.

Su Lin also felt a little emotional. These two people were pitiful people. In that case, he would help them by the way.

Su Lin looked at the curious Windsor next to him, smiled and said, "I'm telling you something, please write it down!"

Pine was shocked and said solemnly: "Mr. Su, please tell me!"

Su Lin said seriously: "I suggest that you bury Windsor's adoptive parents again!"


Mr. and Mrs. Pine were stunned at the same time. Why did they suddenly talk about this?
"Reburying my adoptive parents, why?"

This time it was Windsor who spoke. She asked puzzledly, with a look of curiosity in her voice.

Isn't it about money?Why did I mention the gravesite of her adoptive parents?
Su Lin smiled and said: "When you were burying your adoptive parents, did you buy the cheapest coffin and the cheapest cemetery? And there was a well behind the cemetery."

Windsor said in surprise: "Huh? How do you know this is the cheapest cemetery?"

Then he frowned and said, "Well? No, isn't it? The surrounding area is pretty flat, right?"

When she had no money, that cemetery was the cheapest.

Su Lin sighed and added, "Did your adoptive parents originally have a son and a daughter, but after your adoptive parents passed away, both of them died in accidents?"

Windsor's expression froze and her eyes were suspicious: "How do you know? Have you...have you investigated me?"

Pine and Rebecca looked at each other, and both saw a hint of shock in the other's eyes.

After getting to know their daughter, they heard her talk about adoptive parents.

Her adoptive parents did have a son and a daughter, but after the old couple died, the son and daughter all died due to accidents, leaving only Windsor alone.

It was a very sad thing to talk about, but the couple didn't ask about it in detail.

But the question is, how did Sulin know?Could it be that the man in front of me really knew everything and was omnipotent?

Investigate you?
hehe!Su Lin looked at Windsor expressionlessly.

Windsor House Palace is deeply sunk, and there is also a shallow depression.

In terms of appearance, this represents the restlessness in the ancestral graves, which is a sign of great misfortune.

Although Windsor is not the biological daughter of her adoptive parents, because of time, she can still see something from her appearance.

And it was precisely because she was not her biological child that she escaped the disaster.

The parents' palace is deeply sunken and has pits, which means there must be a well within 30 meters behind the parents' grave.

There is a well behind the tomb, and the well is within 50 meters. In Feng Shui, it is called a nail on the back of the head.

It is a sign of death for the descendants of the family.

That's why the son and daughter of Windsor's adoptive parents died violently one after another.

Although Windsor is not their biological child, she is actually raised. Therefore, although the nail on the back of the head cannot kill her, it will continue to affect her fortune and make everything go wrong.

And as time goes by, maybe this evil spirit will come true on her.

"Mr. Su, why do you want to rebury Windsor's adoptive parents?"

Mr. and Mrs. Pine asked in confusion.

So Su Lin briefly explained what nailing on the back of the head was.

After listening, the three people had different expressions.

Pine and Rebecca looked at each other with shocked expressions, while Windsor looked at Su Lin with a look of suspicion on his face.

After a while, Pain asked cautiously: "Su...Mr. Su, is this what you Longguo people call... Feng Shui?"

"Do you still know about Feng Shui?"

Su Lin glanced at Pine in surprise, not expecting him to know this.

"I heard this from a partner of the Dragon Kingdom before. He said that this is part of the traditional culture of the Dragon Kingdom and it is very effective."

Su Lin nodded: "Yes, Feng Shui is indeed the traditional culture of our Dragon Kingdom. It has a long history. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is the practical application of the concept of the unity of nature and man."

Pine recited the words "Oneness between Heaven and Man" several times, and then asked: "What impact does the cemetery of Windsor's adoptive parents... have on Windsor?"

Su Lin said: "In the short term, it may only bring her bad luck. It will be difficult for her to succeed no matter what she does, and she often has some minor accidents."

Pine looked at Windsor, trying to get it from her.

But Windsor was pouting, obviously not believing what Su Lin said.

In fact, she is now thinking about whether her wealthy parents were deceived by this dragon country man.

Originally, she saw that the Pines respected the Dragon Country man in front of them, and she was still in awe, thinking that he was a business partner of her parents.

But the more I heard it, the more outrageous it became.

What kind of feng shui, what kind of nails on the back of the head, and even the unity of nature and man have come out.

This is obviously a statement made by a magician, and it is all lies.

Su Lin knew those things, maybe they were the result of secret investigation.

By the way, I guess the reason why he was able to guide her parents to find her was because he saw her accidentally.

She and her mother look so similar that anyone can tell that they are related.

Yes, it must be so.

The more Windsor thought about it, the more she felt that her guess was correct, and the more she thought about it, the more she suspected that Sulin was a liar.

"Hmph, don't think that it's easy to cheat because my parents are rich, I won't be fooled!"

She stared at Su Lin and thought angrily.

Su Lin smiled.

The way he looked at Windsor, he knew what she was thinking.

But this is human nature, after all, she is just a girl in her late teens.

In fact, let alone Windsor, a little girl who was ignorant of the world and as shrewd as Pine, wasn't she just as disbelieving at the beginning?

At this time, Pine asked: "Mr. Su, what will be the consequences if we don't rebury him?"

"Let's put it this way. Fortunately, Windsor is not the biological daughter of her adoptive parents, so the impact of the nail on the back of the head is not that great. If it were her biological daughter, she would be dead by now."

He pointed at Windsor and said calmly.


As soon as these words came out, all three of them were stunned.
(End of this chapter)

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