I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 170 Let you see what Feng Shui in the Dragon Kingdom is

Chapter 170 Let you see what Feng Shui in the Dragon Kingdom is

"Professor Hammer!"

Vera walked to a few people and said hello to Hammer first.

Hammer's face looked better and he smiled and said: "Hello Vera, how is your class going?"

Vera stuck out her tongue and said sheepishly: "It's not done yet, Mr. Hammer!"

Then he looked at Su Lin and continued: "Teacher Hamer, I actually want to incorporate elements of Dragon Kingdom architecture into my design."

Hammer was stunned and looked a little ugly: "Vera, you don't want to tell me about Feng Shui, do you?"

Su Lin suddenly understood and asked why Hammer still knew about Feng Shui. It turned out to be Vera who said it.

Vera hadn't noticed the subtle atmosphere between the two, and said: "Yes, Teacher Hammer, the Feng Shui theory of Dragon Kingdom is very magical, I..."

"What magic? Those things about ghosts and gods are not worth studying. I suggest you not to waste your time."

Hammer said unceremoniously.


Vera looked at Su Lin awkwardly, and saw Su Lin shrugged at her.

Only then did she realize that the atmosphere between the two was a little subtle.

Hammer seemed to realize that she and Su Lin knew each other, so he said dissatisfiedly: "People from the Dragon Kingdom, don't use your rubbish to poison our Yingjiang girls, put away your tricks!"

How come this has become poisonous?

The smile on Su Lin's face disappeared.

However, he still didn't intend to be on the same level as Hammer. He was a stubborn old man and he couldn't get angry.

Unexpectedly, Hammer was not going to let him go. He almost pointed at his nose and said: "When I was designing this library, I used the most scientific drainage system. Let alone now, even if it is 100 years later, years, it would be impossible to be flooded.”

His voice may have been a bit louder, which attracted the attention of other people in the library, who gathered around him.

Upon hearing this, these students also laughed.

"Listen to what Professor Hamer means, that Longguo man said that the library will be flooded?"

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard today."

"They're just people from the Dragon Kingdom. Do they know what architecture is?"

"There's no river nearby, and it won't rain recently. How can there be water?"

Especially Vera’s friends were laughing so hard.

They already knew from Vera that Sulin was the one who stopped them from going camping.

That Billy even mocked:

"People from the Dragon Kingdom like to talk about gods and gods. I think it's better to go back to where they came from!"

"That's right, he also said that something bad will happen to us when we camp at night."

"Haha, he really knows how to joke. Will there be water monsters coming out to eat you?"

"Are people from the Dragon Kingdom always so upright? They treat junk culture as treasure!"


For a moment, everyone was talking, while Professor Hammer looked at Su Lin with a smile, a look of contempt on his face.

Su Lin sighed.

He finally understood why there were always some brainless villains in those online novels, because there was no shortage of brainiacs in the world.


Vera looked at Sulin worriedly, fearing that he would be angry.

There was also worry in Julie's eyes.

Su Lin smiled, it's not like he was angry!

He originally didn't want to be acquainted with these people, but in this case, he might as well let these people see what the real Dragon Kingdom Feng Shui is.

He stood up and looked at Hammer, and after a moment of silence he said lightly:

"Thirty-ten this afternoon!"

After he finished speaking, he picked up his backpack and walked straight outside.

"Su...Hey, wait for me!" Julie picked up the book and chased out.

Vera originally came here to find Su Lin, so she naturally ran out in pursuit.

After coming out, Su Lin felt a little unhappy.

But then he stopped laughing.

I was also stunned that I was angry with a foreigner.

The theory of Feng Shui is the most magical thing in the Dragon Kingdom. Not to mention foreigners, some people in the Dragon Kingdom themselves regard it as feudal superstition.

So if Hammer doesn't believe it, that's completely normal, and there's no need to argue with him.

When things happen, he will naturally understand.

He had already made a prediction secretly just now, and calculated that the "crossing the river looking at the river" should be at [-]:[-] this afternoon.

That's why I told Julie, intending for her to notify the university in advance and make early preparations, which might also reduce some losses.

But now it seems that this loss cannot be reduced.

Su Lin didn't care, since he didn't care about his affairs anyway.

"Su...Su Lin, wait for me!"

Julie caught up from behind and said breathlessly: "Where are you going? I haven't even translated it yet!"

Su Lin thought for a moment and said, "Well, I'm not in a hurry for the moment. I'll send you the photo, and you can translate it later and send it to me."

"Oh, that's okay. If I have enough time, I can translate more accurately!" Julie nodded in agreement.

At this time, Vera also chased out and said, "Su, don't be as knowledgeable as Professor Hammer, he is just a stubborn person!"

Su Lin smiled and said, "I don't have any general knowledge. I'm just telling the truth."

Vera suddenly remembered what Su Lin said just now, her eyes widened suddenly, and she exclaimed: "You mean, the library will be flooded at three o'clock this afternoon... Oh my God, no?"

After being reminded like this by her, Julie apparently reacted belatedly.

But I have some doubts, after all, this kind of thing is too unbelievable.

Maybe Sulin just wanted to scare Professor Hammer, she thought silently.

"Come on, why don't you take me to try the wonderful lunch at Columbia University?"

Su Lin said with a smile.

"Oh, let's go, I'm treating you!"

Julie came to her senses.

Vera bit her lip. To be honest, she really wanted to go to lunch with Su Lin, but she couldn't leave her friend alone.

Those people still insist on going camping at night, which is really annoying.

Thinking of this, her eyes suddenly lit up!
That's right, didn't Sulin just say there would be a meeting in the library at three o'clock in the afternoon...

When the time comes, she can definitely pull those people over to take a look. If something really happens, can't she take the opportunity to stop these people from going camping?
Yes, just do it.

He now has unlimited trust in Su Lin, so she will believe whatever Su Lin says.

"Su, wait for me, I'm going to eat too!"

Vera said, then quickly ran into the library, and within a few minutes, she ran out again.

"Let's go to eat. There is a fruit pizza in the restaurant. It's delicious!"

After saying that, she naturally took Su Lin's arm.

Afterwards, he looked at Julie demonstratively, which made Julie look ugly.

I don't know what he was thinking. After hesitating for a while, he actually came over and hugged Su Lin's other arm.

"I know a dessert that you might like."

She smiled sweetly and raised her head at Vera.

A fierce spark broke out between the two women, looking at each other.

Su Lin was speechless. He didn't even know what was in the minds of these two girls.
Fuck you?

The blessings of this group of people are really not something that ordinary people can enjoy.

(End of this chapter)

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