I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 175: Sharpened cheekbones and eyebrows connecting to the heart are not signs of wealth!

Chapter 175: Sharpened cheekbones and eyebrows connecting to the heart are not signs of wealth!
Fernandez is a well-known rich man and an upper-class person.

Logically speaking, although his appearance is not top-notch, it should not be bad.

But in Su Lin's eyes, this person's appearance was completely different.

The cheekbones are sharpened and the eyebrows are connected to the heart. This is the appearance of poverty, not wealth at all.

Moreover, her earlobes are as thin as paper, her nose is as crooked as the moon, her luck is very thin, and she has absolutely no appearance of getting rich on her own.

This is strange.

Fernandez is a celebrity, why does he look like this?
Did you see it wrong?
Su Lin felt strange, so he looked at it again and found that he was indeed born poor and had no possibility of becoming rich.

But when he looked at it for the second time, Su Lin found a clue.

There was a faint purple-black aura above Fernandez's farm palace. Although it was not obvious, it slowly spread in other directions.

Su Lin was stunned.

It seems that the reason why Fernandez was born into poverty but became rich is because of the graves of his family's ancestors.

In fact, there is no such possibility.

There are people who are not destined to be good, but they get along well by relying on the cuteness of their ancestors. There are also many people.

Obviously Fernandez is like this, and his ancestors are buried in a good place.

At this time, Fernandez had already walked to the podium and began to speak.

The content of the speech was quite simple, nothing more than welcoming everyone to contribute to charity and so on.

Su Lin stopped listening after listening for a few times, but concentrated on dealing with the food on the table.

He came hungry.

Vera looked on with interest and whispered: "Su, look who else is eating while Mr. Fernandez is talking like you?"

Su Lin didn't even raise his eyelids: "He says what he says, and I eat what's mine, without interfering with each other. How can he still rob me of what I eat?"

Vera couldn't hold it back, causing everyone around to look over.

Even Fernandez on the stage looked towards Vera.

Vera quickly lowered her head, and after everyone diverted their attention, she stuck out her tongue and said:
"Almost discovered!"

Su Lin smiled and said: "We people from the Dragon Kingdom have a saying that goes without desire, and you are strong. You are afraid of him because you all want to climb his high branch. But I have no such idea at all, so naturally it doesn't matter."

Vera savored Sulin's words, nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. Most people here want to have a relationship with Mr. Fernandez, so they respect him."

While the two were whispering, Fernandez had finished speaking.

Originally, there was no set schedule for this charity dinner. It was basically that everyone would drink and eat first, communicate with each other, and then the auction would begin after everyone was satisfied.

After Fernandez finished speaking, he walked down.

All other celebrities and dignitaries gathered around him, and even He Zhiran couldn't help but try to say a few words to Fernandez.

Vera was called by Gibson, probably to let her meet other upper-class people. Sulin didn't care about that and continued to eat his own food and ignore others.

Don't tell me, the food here is quite delicious.

While eating, he suddenly felt someone bump into his shoulder. When he turned around, he saw a handsome young man with short blond hair, winking at him.

"Why don't you go up and get to know Mr. Fernandez?"

The young man came over and asked with a playful smile.

Su Lin shook his head and smiled: "You didn't go too, didn't you?"

"Ha, so we are very similar. My name is David, David Morgan. What is your name?"

He held out his hand.

The dinner party for foreigners is just like this, it is an occasion for socializing and building relationships. If everyone sees each other, they get to know each other, exchange business cards, and maybe we can work together in the future.So Su Lin was not surprised why this young man came to chat with him. He probably saw his unique behavior and found it interesting, so he wanted to get acquainted with him.

Su Lin stretched out his hand and shook his hand: "Su Lin!"

"Are you from the Dragon Kingdom?" After shaking hands, David sat next to Su Lin and picked up a piece of snack and threw it into his mouth.

"Well, I'm from the Dragon Kingdom." Su Lin said.

"Come to study in Yuecheng? Wow, you Dragon Country people, apart from other things, I'm really impressed with your studies. I know several Dragon Country students studying abroad, and they all study very well."

David was a good conversationalist and seemed a bit familiar, but he was not annoying, but rather endearing.

Su Lin smiled and said, "That's not entirely true, I'm just a scumbag!"

"Haha, you are very humorous. There are not many people in the Dragon Kingdom who are as humorous as you."

David grinned.

The two of them ate and communicated casually.

Time passed quickly, and after a while, the auction officially began.

At this time, a man walked up to Su Lin and shouted in a low voice: "Mr. Su, I am sent by Mr. Kant! You can call me Corey."

Su Lin looked at her and knew that this person was the one sent by the old man to pay him, so he nodded.

Corey bowed slightly and Zhiqu took a few steps back.

After the auction started, the first thing that appeared was a gold jewelry, about the size of a thumb, which was said to be a product of the ancient Egyptian royal family.

The base price is US$80, with an increase of US$[-] each time.

Su Lin was not interested in this, so he didn't look at it.

But other people seemed to be very interested in this thing, and the price was raised one after another, and soon the price reached 300 million.

Next to him, David seemed to be very interested and participated in the bidding several times. Unfortunately, someone else took the lead and won the first place with a price of 420 million.

David looked annoyed and said to Sulin: "It's a pity, it's a pity. There are very few ancient Egyptian things in my collection."

Su Lin smiled and asked, "Are you still a collector?"

David said proudly: "You can ask around in York City. I, David, am well-known in the collecting world. I will take you to my basement to take a look and keep it open to your eyes. There are things from all over the world, and they belong to your Dragon Kingdom." I have more than ten."

"Oh, I should go take a look then." Su Lin said with a smile.

Then the second piece of the collection started to be auctioned, which was a lion-head scimitar. According to the auctioneer, it was the saber of an ancient nobleman from Gaul. The starting price was 40.

This time David didn't let it go. After several rounds of bidding, it was finally sold for 93.

David was a little excited and whispered to Su Lin: "I still have a lion-head scimitar in the basement. Take it back and make a pair."

Thinking of the broken lion-head scimitar in Ye Zhengwen's villa, Su Lin asked curiously: "What does the one in your basement look like?"

"It's similar to this one, maybe the color is a little different. I'll take you to see it later."

While he was talking, someone brought the lion-head scimitar to David.

Because everyone is a celebrity, you don’t have to worry about someone shouting the price but not paying. In that case, you don’t have to hang out in the upper class.

So everything is delivered directly to your hands, and you can pay later.

"Ha, the weight is pretty good, almost the same as mine."

David was playing with the lion's head scimitar and said happily. He turned around and saw Sulin looking at him, so he handed the lion's head scimitar over and said, "Here, what do you think about it?"

Su Lin was not interested in this at first, but couldn't resist David's enthusiasm, so he took it over.

But at the moment when the scimitar was in hand, the black book that had not moved for a long time suddenly trembled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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