I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 182: 1 million U.S. dollars in exchange for your heartfelt thanks!

Chapter 182 One hundred million US dollars, in exchange for your heartfelt thanks!
At this time, besides He Zhiran, there were also David, who was stubbornly refusing to leave, and Vera, who was waiting for Sulin.

Seeing Fernandez say this, they all looked at Sulin.

Su Lin pondered for a moment and finally nodded.

He also wanted to get answers from Fernandez.

The gesture Hobbes made at that time, if she saw it correctly, should be in the shape of an eye.

Also, he wanted to ask Fernandez about the origin of that bronze mirror.

"You go back first!"

He said to Vera and others.

Although Vera was a little reluctant, he had no choice but to get into his father's car and leave with a pout.

"Lin Zi, be careful!"

He Zhiran said worriedly.

"It's okay!" Su Lin smiled lightly.

Finally, it was David. This guy said carelessly: "I will come find you another day, and you can help me identify all the collections in the basement."

Then I went happily.

Do I know you that well?

Su Lin was speechless by his familiarity.

"Mr. Su, my car is over there!"

Fernandez made an invitation gesture, and Sulin walked over and saw an extended Lincoln parked there, somewhat similar to the old man's.

It seems that the tastes of rich people are all the same, Su Lin thought amusedly.

After getting on the bus, there are seats facing each other in the back row with complete facilities.

Fernandez first poured a glass of champagne for Su Lin, then closed the small window in front, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Su is from the Dragon Country?"

Su Lin nodded and smelled the champagne in the glass. Well, it really didn't smell good or bad.

Fernandez said with emotion: "Knocking on my heart, I asked my heart, and it turned out to be a good game. It seems that Mr. Su's Feng Shui level has reached the level of a heavenly master."

Su Lin was taken aback.

Because Fernandez used this sentence in well-spoken Mandarin, not English.

"Mr. Fernandez stayed in the Dragon Kingdom?" Sulin asked, putting down his wine glass.

Fernandez nodded and held out a finger: "Ten years, I have been in the Dragon Kingdom for ten years!"

Su Lin suddenly realized that he had learned everything in ten years.

No wonder Mandarin is so standard, and we also know that the highest title for a Feng Shui master is Tianshi.

But when it comes to the heart-knocking situation, Su Lin is smiling in his heart.

Because his persuasion is false.

It's not that the Kowling Heart Game doesn't exist, but it's quite troublesome to arrange it, and it's not as relaxed and carefree as Su Lin showed just now.

The reason why the scimitar was found so quickly was all due to the efforts of Xiaowu and Zhiju.

It was they who discovered the location of the scimitar, and then Su Lin pushed him out of Hobbes, and finally pretended to set up a heart-pounding plot.

Of course, there is no need to say this to Fernandez.

"Mr. Fernandez, you invited me to accompany you, maybe it's not for this reason, right?" Su Lin asked with a smile.

"Mr. Su's guess is correct. In that case, I will get straight to the point."

Fernandez paused, looking a little serious, and then said: "I would like to invite Mr. Su to my home and use the heart tapping method to help me open a person's heart."

Open someone's heart?What is this statement?
Sulin looked at Fernandez strangely.

Fernandez hesitated and said, "Mr. Su, let me tell you the truth. There is a person who hides a secret in his heart. I want to know that secret!"

He observed Su Lin's eyes: "Of course, I know that every time a heavenly master like Mr. Su makes a move, the cost is very expensive. As long as Mr. Su can help me get the secret, I am willing to pay this amount..." He held up a finger.

Su Lin smiled and said: "100 million?"

"No, it's [-] million, a US dollar!"

Fernandez said solemnly: "When the matter is completed, I will pay Mr. Su [-] million US dollars!"

One hundred million?
This time it was Su Lin's turn to be surprised.

The purchasing power of US$[-] million is huge in any country.

If he had this hundred million dollars, even if he worked as a bank to earn interest, he would not be able to finish it in his lifetime.


Su Lin's heart remained calm.

Huge gains often represent huge risks, but also huge difficulties.

Fernandez was able to pay $[-] million for this secret, which shows that otherwise the secret itself would be worth far more than $[-] million.

Otherwise there are huge risks.

But Su Lin is more inclined to the former.

"How's it going? Mr. Su!" Fernandez raised his cup and stared at Su Lin.

Su Lin smiled.

To be honest, $[-] million is indeed very attractive to him, but the question is, can he get this money and is it worth it?
Sometimes Feng Shui masters must pay attention to the way of heaven when doing things. If they do things that are against the way of heaven, they will definitely suffer backlash.

The more serious the consequences, the greater the backlash.

Although Su Lin has the plug-in Black Book and is not afraid of backlash from heaven, there is no need for him to do bad things for Fernandez.

"Mr. Fernandez, I can't answer you now. I can't make a judgment until I see the real owner." Sulin thought for a while and said.

He didn't explicitly refuse, so he decided to wait and see.

Fernandez smiled and raised his glass: "Mr. Su, this matter is just a piece of cake for you, but it is very important to me. I think you will make the right judgment. I wish us a happy cooperation in advance. "

After speaking, he raised the cup again.

Su Lin raised his glass and clinked it with him, reaching a preliminary cooperation intention.

The two chatted for a while, and Su Lin pretended to be casual and asked: "Mr. Fernandez, I am very interested in the bronze mirror you took out. Can you tell me its origin?"

Fernandez hesitated for a moment, his eyes were a little strange, and after a while he said: "That bronze mirror was given to me by an old friend. He said it was a magical weapon."

Su Lin told Fernandez that it was not surprising at all that the bronze mirror was a magical weapon!
What interested him was the old friend Fernandez mentioned.

I have a bronze mirror and I know it is a magic weapon. Could it be...

Su Lin's heart moved and he keenly grasped the key to the problem: "That friend of yours... is from the Dragon Kingdom?"

Fernandez hesitated again, then nodded slowly: "He is also a Feng Shui master!"

After saying that, he seemed to have figured something out, and he sighed and continued: "Mr. Su, in fact, the person I want to touch my heart is him!"

Su Lin's eyes narrowed quickly.

The person Fernandez wants to touch is actually a Feng Shui master from the Dragon Kingdom?
And nine times out of ten, this person can also make magic weapons.

Even though it was just a one-off, it was pretty amazing.

There are many real and fake Feng Shui masters in the world, but those who can make magic weapons are all people with some great skills, and they may even be heavenly masters.

It is really interesting that a great Feng Shui master and a heavenly master were imprisoned by Fernandez.

How to determine whether it is imprisonment?
Because if he hadn't been imprisoned, Fernandez wouldn't have asked Sulin to use the Knocking Heart Game.

Only those who have lost their freedom will Fernandez unscrupulously let Sulin use heart-breaking questions on them.

Interesting, really interesting!
Su Lin laughed!

(End of this chapter)

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