Chapter 186 A box of Five Emperors money

Su Lin went out and saw He Yue walking in with a big box in his arms.

Judging from the effort on his part, the box was very heavy.

Su Lin asked curiously: "Brother Yue, what did you bring to me?"

He Yue put the box on the ground with a bang and said with a smile: "Guess, you will never guess!"

What is so mysterious?
Su Lin walked around the box in confusion.

The box is made of wood, but you can't tell what kind of wood it is. It's dark, obviously waterproofed, and it's boxy.

This kind of box can be used to store anything, so Sulin naturally couldn't guess it.

But he can't guess it, but he can let others see it.

At that moment, he found Lina who was playing far away and asked her to sneak in and take a look.

Linna was also very curious, and immediately turned into a stream of smoke and got into the box.

He came out again within a few seconds, and said excitedly in Su Lin's ear: "There is money in it, a lot of money!"

Su Lin was confused. He Yue dragged him a box of money. What was he doing?
When I asked again, I felt a bit dumbfounded.

Linna said that the box was full of ancient coins, made of copper, round, with a square hole in the middle.

Su Lin immediately knew that Linna was talking about the copper coins of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Brother Yue, why are you dragging a box of copper coins for me if you have nothing to do?"

Su Lin asked funnyly.

He Yue was stunned for a moment: "Let me go, Lin Zi, you are a god? This box has not been opened, how do you know there are copper coins in it?"

Su Lin smiled mysteriously: "Have you forgotten that I will forget it?"

"Oh, that's true!"

He Yue was no longer surprised at once, and even looking at his expression, he seemed to think it was natural.

"Don't I think you value your few copper coins? I'm trying to get you a box from China. I don't know which one can be used and which one can't be used. Just watch and play with it yourself."

Good guy!
Su Lin was speechless.

You are smuggling cultural relics.

One can imagine how difficult it is to get a box of copper coins from China. In a sense, it is more difficult than smuggling a batch of arms.

I don’t know how he got it here, but Su Lin had a black line on his forehead.

But now that He Yue has got it, he can't refuse this intention, so he smiled and said: "Brother Yue is interested!"

"Hey, why are you so polite to me? This is my deposit. If anything exciting happens in the future, remember to call me."

Then he lowered his voice and said, "I got a new batch of rocket launchers, which are more powerful than the ones you used last time!"

After He Yue finished speaking, he grinned as happily as a flower.

Afterwards, he licked his lips with his tongue, as if he missed the last time we fought the Knight Ghost together.

"That can't be forgotten!"

Su Lin said funnyly, and then opened the box.

What he saw was a box full of yellow and green copper coins.

Brass itself is yellow, but some become green when they develop patina.

I picked up one at random and saw that the Kangxi Tongbao was in very good condition.

Picked up another one, um, Qianlong Tongbao!

Su Lin looked through it briefly and found that most of them were small Five Emperor coins, and only a few were copper coins from the Ming Dynasty.

It seems that He Yue also did his homework when he got this batch of copper coins.

What is Little Five Emperors Money?It refers to the copper coins of the five dynasties: Shunzhi Tongbao, Kangxi Tongbao, Yongzheng Tongbao, Qianlong Tongbao and Jiaqing Tongbao.

There are small Five Emperors coins, and naturally there are also Big Five Emperors coins.

That is the five emperors' coins of China, including the half liang of the Qin Dynasty, the five baht of the Han Dynasty, the Kaiyuan Tongbao of the Tang Dynasty, the Song and Yuan Tongbao of the Song Dynasty, and the Yongle Tongbao of the Ming Dynasty.
In fact, as long as it is a copper coin, it has the function of exorcising evil spirits. It does not have to be the Big Five Emperors' money or the Small Five Emperors' money, other coins will do.

The ancient copper coins are cast according to the "circle on the outside and square on the inside" and "the unity of nature and man", integrating Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. They are chosen to resemble heaven and earth, which is a concrete embodiment of the ancient Yin-Yang, Five Elements and Bagua theory.

The casting of ancient coins itself encompasses the unity of heaven, earth, and gods, and also achieves the Feng Shui function of ancient coins.

The five emperors, in the original sense, refer to the five heavenly emperors of the east, south, west, north, and middle.

Five ancient copper coins with "circle on the outside and square on the inside" represent the divine power of the Five Elements and the Five Emperors, and can be used to ward off evil and attract good fortune.

But in fact, it's not that mysterious at all.

The reason why coins can ward off evil spirits is that after being circulated for a long time, they have become contaminated with a lot of worldly atmosphere.

To put it bluntly, it is the power of various magnetic fields.

In a sense, ghosts belong to a single energy body, and this messy magnetic field can easily have a certain impact on them.

The stronger the magnetic field, the greater the impact on ghosts. It can even be strong enough to make the Yin body disappear directly.

This is also the reason why Five Emperors' Money can be regarded as a Feng Shui item that can ward off evil spirits.

Su Lin took a quick look and realized that the box of copper coins that He Yue had brought over was all genuine. It was really hard for him.

Seeing so many copper coins, an idea suddenly came to Sulin's mind.

That means he can use these copper coins to make a money sword.

Once the money sword is successfully made, it will be a powerful tool in the hands of Feng Shui masters to slay demons.

Ordinary ghosts, let alone being chopped, may be destroyed by the magnetic field of the money sword as long as they dare to get close.

Even those powerful ghosts will lose their skin even if they are slashed by the money sword.

However, the production of the money sword is a slow job, requiring the use of special red threads and weaving it bit by bit.

And some special techniques must be used to finally make it into a money sword.

So there is no need to rush this matter.

"Then I'll accept it!" Su Lin was no longer polite to He Yue.

As He Yue said, there is no need to be polite between them.

He Yue grinned widely and helped Su Lin move the box into the villa. He looked up and saw four people sitting on the sofa, and asked in a low voice: "Do you have guests?"

Su Lin said without raising his head: "I came to see what happened."

"Oh!" As soon as he heard that they were looking for Su Lin, He Yue ignored them and even felt an inexplicable sense of superiority.

After helping Su Lin carry the box into the inner room and chatting for a few words, He Yue was about to leave.

But Su Lin stopped him: "Don't worry, I'm going to summon the spirit in a moment. If you stay here, if something happens, you can help me!"

"Anything good again? Damn it, Lin Zi, you can do it. You finally remembered me. Could it be that my box of money made your conscience discover it?"

He Yue's face turned red when he heard the excitement, and he sat down on the chair as soon as his butt sank. Judging from his posture, he probably wouldn't leave now even if Su Lin bombarded him.

He is also afraid of ghosts, but they are very exciting.

Su Lin was speechless and didn't know what kind of special hobby he had. Is this a good thing?
It seems that when I go exploring the Bafang Yacai Tomb in the future, it would be quite appropriate to call He Yue.

In this way, He Yue also stayed and helped Su Lin set up the soul summoning array.

Time passed, and soon after seven o'clock, the sky suddenly became dark.

It's time to call the spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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