I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 198 Two magic weapons: Lingyang Bracelet and Soul-Calling Bell!

Chapter 198 Two magic weapons: Lingyang Bracelet and Soul-Calling Bell!

Su Lin picked up the bracelet in surprise.

When he took the jade bracelet into his hands, a pure anode power was transmitted along his fingers, spinning around in his body in an instant.

This power was so pure that even the black book, which had always been too lazy to move, trembled.

Su Lin was shocked.

This jade bracelet turned out to be a magical weapon specially used to store and purify the power of the anode.

And it's still intact.

He immediately opened the fifth page of the black book, and the black book immediately fed back the information:

From the Dragon Kingdom 300 years ago, the magic weapon does not need to be repaired!

Is it something from the Tang Dynasty again?
Before Su Lin had time to see what was inside the Buddha statue, he unexpectedly got another magical weapon from the Tang Dynasty.

"Where did you get it?"

Su Lin couldn't help but asked in surprise.

Seeing Su Lin's expression, the old man smiled happily: "This is something from your Dragon Kingdom. It is said to be an antique. I bought it from someone else."

"How much money was spent, I will transfer it to you!"

Su Lin couldn't put it down for the jade bracelet. With this jade bracelet, he could perfectly solve the problem of practicing the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl's method.

And there are other wonderful uses.

"What? What did you say? I didn't hear you, oh, Ian, let's go, I have a meeting to attend, let's go, let's go!"

As soon as the old man heard Su Lin talk about money, he immediately started to pretend to be deaf and dumb, pulled Ian and ran away.

It made Su Lin dumbfounded.

But don’t tell me, this old man is really cute!

After studying the jade bracelet for a while, Su Lin gradually understood how to use it.

This jade bracelet instrument can independently and continuously absorb the free anode power between heaven and earth, and then store and purify it to turn it into more pure spiritual yang energy.

If this kind of Lingyang Qi were placed in ancient times, it would be a treasure that alchemists were chasing after and could be used for cultivation.

Although the alchemist's cultivation methods have been lost now, the spirit of Lingyang is still a rare treasure.

Just a little bit can not only drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters, but also prevent people from getting sick to a certain extent. It is a truly good thing.

It also has many other wonderful uses.

For example, the Sun-Gathering Array that Su Lin planned to install on Lewis's furniture is no longer needed. He only needs to give Mary a little bit of Lingyang Qi to make up for her body's shortcomings and become like a normal person.

This shows how precious this jade bracelet is!

This time the old man really gave Su Lin a big gift!
Su Lin sighed in his heart as he put the bracelet on his right wrist.

The style of this jade bracelet is not feminine, so it doesn't look out of place when worn.

In addition, he now has a black fuyin ring on his left wrist and a white lingyang bracelet on his right wrist, one black and one white, which adds a bit of mystery to him!

Even Vera sighed at the side: "Su, why do I feel that you look more mysterious after you put on the bracelet?"

It’s not surprising that Vera had such a delusion.

The so-called solitary yin does not grow, and solitary yang does not grow!

The Fuyin ring belongs to Yin, and the Lingyang bracelet belongs to Yang. Yin and Yang harmonize with each other, thus achieving a wonderful balance, and the Yin and Yang force fields blend together.

Su Lin's temperament naturally changed subtly when he was in it, so Vera felt that way.

Su Lin was very happy to get a treasure for nothing, so he simply took out the box sent by Yao Shengli to study it.

When I opened it, I found a small bronze bell about ten centimeters inside, wrapped in silk, lying there quietly.

The expression on Su Lin's face was very strange, because this bell was actually another magic weapon!
He reached out and picked up the bell, and a strange feeling suddenly emerged in his heart. It seemed that there was a very unique power in the bell.

Subconsciously, he gently shook the bell!
A crisp ringtone came from the bell and began to spread throughout the villa.

Vera, who was looking curiously, looked suffocated, and her eyes immediately became hollow, as if controlled by some force.

"Vera!" Sulin immediately noticed the strangeness of Vera and shouted.

Vera walked up to Su Lin in a daze and stood still!
Su Lin's heart moved and he said softly: "Turn around!"

Vera turned around without hesitation, revealing her graceful back.

Su Lin thought for a while and then said: "Take off your clothes!"

The next moment, Vera started to take off her clothes without any hesitation.

The weather was hot, and she had been wearing very little clothing here in Su Lin. This move immediately made her feel happy.

Su Lin quickly stopped and asked her to put on her clothes before ringing the bell again.

Vera woke up from a dream, stared blankly and asked: "What happened to me just now?"

Su Lin suppressed the joy in his heart, shook his head and said: "It's nothing, who knows what you were thinking just now and you were so lost in thought!"

Vera thought about it for a long time, but she really didn't have any impression. She looked confused and muttered to herself: "It's so strange, it feels like a dream that I can't remember."

She was surprised, but she didn't know that Su Lin was already happy.

He guessed that the Buddha statue was most likely a magic weapon, but he didn't expect it to be such a precious magic weapon.

Soul Bell!
This little bronze bell turned out to be the legendary soul-calling bell.

It is a great killing weapon that can restore the soul of a living person, capture the soul of a dead person, and eat both yin and yang.

In a sense, the Soul-Calling Bell is even more precious than the Lingyang Bracelet given by the old man.

This is also the first truly offensive magical weapon that Sulin has obtained.

How could he not be excited?
It can be said that with this soul-calling bell, he truly became a Yin-Yang man with yin and yang in hand, possessing power beyond the ordinary.

This is a qualitative change!

With excitement.

Su Lin carefully took the Soul-Calling Bell into his arms and kept it close to his body.

This kind of magic weapon needs his constant nourishment, so that the human and the weapon can be integrated into one, so that it can finally reach its optimal state and exert the maximum power of the magic weapon.

After putting away the magic weapon, Su Lin was in a great mood!
Today, not only did I get the Lingyang Bracelet, but I also got the Soul-Calling Bell unexpectedly. It was really a full harvest.

And with these two killer weapons, it will be easy to subdue that woman the next time you see her.

Even for exploring the eight-way financial situation, there are ways to protect yourself and control the enemy.

Don't be too cool!
Just when he was happy, his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Julie.

"Su, the text on the black cloth has been translated. Let me send it to you. There are a few passages that need to be explained to you in person. When is it convenient for you?"

Julie said on the phone.

Su Lin glanced at Vera, who had her ears pricked up, and said after hesitation: "Tomorrow, I'll be at home tomorrow."

"Okay, see you tomorrow!!"

After hanging up the phone, Vera’s mouth was already pouting: “Is it that Julie again?”

Su Lin smiled and said, "I asked her to translate something!"

"Anyway, I think she has bad intentions towards you!"

Vera said.

Su Lin was almost speechless. He was just translating something, but why did he have bad intentions? What kind of logic!

Just as he was about to say it, his phone rang again. When he looked at it, he realized it was the old man calling!
"Su, are you talking about the deceased's son's clothes? Underwear or coat?"

Su Lin rolled his eyes: "Do you want to drink the boiling water for your underwear? Just your jacket!"

"Oh, I understand, bye... Come on, quickly, take off your clothes, no one knows how to exorcise demons better than me! Dudududu..."


(End of this chapter)

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