I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 201 Mahjong playing on behalf of others, the upper realm

Chapter 201 Mahjong playing on behalf of others, the upper realm

While Su Lin was looking forward to his visit tomorrow, Yao Shengli drove to a dark alley.

After getting off the car, several people came out of the darkness and greeted them with smiles on their faces:
"Old Yao, are you here? I'm waiting for you!"

Then under the dim light, one could see their arms covered with tattoos, obviously they were all on the road.


Yao Shengli responded in a low voice and followed the visitor through a long corridor and entered a passage leading underground.

When I came to the end of the passage, I opened a door and my eyes suddenly opened up.

It was an underground casino filled with all kinds of gambling machines.

However, the casino was very quiet tonight and was not open to the public.

After Yao Shengli entered the casino, he took a quick look and saw a mahjong table in the center of the hall with many people around it.

When these people saw him coming in, they all looked over.

"I'm just waiting for you, Lao Yao!"

A muscular man with a sinewy face walked over, grinning.

Yao Shengli nodded slightly and greeted him: "Boss Han!"

The arrogant-looking Boss Han gave Yao Shengli a big hug and whispered in his ear:
"In the future, I, Han Guangshan, will eat meat or vegetables. It depends on you, Lao Yao, tonight! When things are done, you will be indispensable!"

Yao Shengli nodded slightly.

Han Guangshan patted his shoulder again and then let him go.

In addition to Han Guangshan and a group of his men in the casino, there was also a group of people present.

The leader was a bald man with sinister eyes, staring coldly at Yao Shengli.

These people and the people in Han Guangshan were obviously divided into two groups, with clear distinctions.

"Okay, what a long time, let's finish it early!" the bald man in the lead shouted impatiently.

Han Guangshan opened his mouth and cursed: "Jiang Chenghu, why are you so anxious? Are you so anxious to lose? Where are you looking for a substitute? Do you want to do it yourself?"

This bald man is also a gangster in the Chinese circle, his name is Jiang Chenghu, and he is nicknamed Brother Hu.

Jiang Chenghu laughed and said disdainfully: "Let's see who loses tonight."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands and said loudly: "Mr. Gujing, please come out!"

As the applause rang out, an Asian man with a thin face and thin hair walked out from behind the group of people.

When Yao Shengli saw him, he was stunned at first, then his eyes showed shock, and he exclaimed: "Takuma Furui??"

"you know me?"

The man looked at Yao Shengli with a calm expression.

His Longguo dialect is not very standard, a bit lame.

Yao Shengli's face instantly turned ugly and he said no more.

The name Yao Shengli is unknown in the world of ordinary people, but it is quite famous in the underground world of the Chinese community.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about a special rule in the underground world of Yingjiang Chinese Circle.

In the early years, due to historical reasons, a large number of Chinese traveled across the ocean and came to Yingjiang to make a living, but they were ostracized and bullied by local gangs.

As a last resort, they could only fight against these people by holding together for warmth.

This is the predecessor of the Chinese power.

At the beginning, everyone could cooperate sincerely to fight against foreign enemies.

However, as their power grew and their interests increased, the Chinese forces began to fight among themselves. Finally, after several major mergers, they split into several gangs.

Among them, Daquan Gang, Hongmen Gang, Qing Gang and other gangs are the most famous and powerful.

By the way, He Yue is a senior cadre of the Qinggang.

In fact, the Hongmen and the Qing Gang look quite majestic.

But in fact, this is not an online novel, and they all possess peerless martial arts and so on.

This is reality.

Everyone just huddled together to keep warm, and gradually formed a large scale.But when the scale reaches [-]%, there are more conflicts of interest.

In order to grab territory, several major gangs fought fiercely and many people died.

Originally, if he was simply from the Dragon Kingdom, Yingjiang wouldn't bother to care about it and would love it to death.

But as their power developed, many Yingjiang people also joined in, so they once attracted the attention of the Yingjiang police and even launched an encirclement and suppression campaign.

This happened several times, and the leaders of these gangs woke up.

Fighting your own people against your own people is not an option if this continues. If things go on like this, they will definitely be cannibalized by Yingjiang's local gang.

But everyone is on the road, and it won't work if we don't fight. If we don't fight, there will be no way to distribute the territory.

Finally, someone got the scripture from Sakura Country.

That is to use the national quintessence of mahjong to divide the territory.

What do you mean?
That is, if everyone has a conflict, they will each find a mahjong master, and everyone will sit down and decide the winner or loser through mahjong.

As soon as this rule came out, it was strongly supported by several major gangs.

Speaking of which, everyone is from the Dragon Kingdom, so naturally they don't want to fight to the death and make outsiders laugh.

So this rule stuck.

When the police officer Yingjiang saw it, he felt that he was very affectionate.

If you gangsters stop fighting, it will save us trouble, right?Therefore, the police secretly supported the Longguo people's new way of dividing the territory.

He even sometimes acts as a notary.

If there is demand, there will definitely be a market.

So in order to obtain the maximum benefits, the major gangs went to find those mahjong masters and paid them a certain amount of money to help them play mahjong.

This kind of person is a professional mahjong player called "Dai Da".

Play mahjong specifically for these gangsters.

Yao Shengli is one of the more famous among these substitute players, nicknamed "Yao the Magic Hand".

At first, they were just looking for substitutes in the Chinese circles, but gradually, they were no longer satisfied with being limited to the Chinese circles.

So someone went to the Sakura Country, the birthplace of contract beating, to look for someone.

It's quite sad to say this.

Although Mahjong is the national quintessence of the Dragon Kingdom, after it spread to Sakura, it developed far better than the Dragon Kingdom.

Not only did a large-scale mahjong professional league develop, but mahjong substitute playing also flourished from there.

The thin-faced Sakura guy is called Furui Takuma, and he is a professional fighter from Sakura Country.

However, as a substitute player, the levels are different.

According to Sakura Country’s classification of mahjong levels, the mahjong realm is divided into four levels, namely root building, heart-changing hands, upper level, and ghosts and gods!
Building roots is the lowest level, ghosts and gods are the highest. Yao Shengli is the state where the heart changes hands.

These four realms are clearly distinct. It is difficult to reach the sky if you want to cross the hierarchy.

Generally speaking, after reaching the level of mahjong, you can basically dominate one side and become a relatively famous professional player.

In the professional league, he is also a rare master.

Those who reach the upper realm can be called masters and respected by others.

As for the highest realm of ghosts and gods, no one from the Dragon Kingdom can yet reach it.

I heard that someone in Sakura has reached the realm of ghosts and gods, but I don’t know if it’s true or not!
Basically, whether it is Sakura Country, Takao-chan here, or Dragon Kingdom itself, there are only a few people who can reach the upper level. They can be counted on two hands.

Takuma Furui, nicknamed Ghost Eye, is one of the most famous substitute fighters in the upper realm of Sakura Country.

The record is outstanding, with almost no defeats!
Yao Shengli knew Furui Takuma because he once went to Sakura Country and saw Furui Takuma play a game of mahjong with his own eyes.

And it was that game of mahjong that made him clearly realize the insurmountable gap between himself and Furui Takuma.

Taking martial arts novels as an example, he belongs to the Jiangnan Seven Monsters category, while Furui Takuma is even more powerful than Qiu Chuji.

How could Yao Shengli not be surprised?

(End of this chapter)

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