I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 204: When you are desperate, don’t forget this bowl of money-making soil!

Chapter 204 When you are desperate...don't forget this bowl of money-making soil!
After counting the chips, the game continues.

Yao Shengli is also becoming more and more cautious. Every time he plays a card, he has to think about it for a long time and strive to be safe.
But despite this, the development of the poker game still exceeded his expectations.

It is obvious that Yao Shengli draws the cards very well every time, but when the game is going on, for some reason, he just doesn't make a move.

Not only does he not make any advances, he always feeds people cards!
Either let go, or fire!
It's obvious that when others play it, it's a familiar card, but when it comes to him, as long as the card falls, something will go wrong.

The more he fights, the more frightened Yao Shengli becomes, the more he fights, the more scared he becomes!
By the end, his forehead and back were covered with sweat, his clothes were soaked, and his body was shaking.

Because if he loses this card, Han Guangshan will be furious, and as a substitute player, he will definitely end badly.

So in the next poker game, he was even more careful, not seeking merit, but seeking no faults.

But even so, when it came to the Nanfeng game, Yao Shengli had less than [-] chips left in his hand, and he was about to lose it!
At this time, it was Yao Shengli's turn to draw cards.

At this time, he immediately listens to the cards, and only needs to add three cards to make a consistent card pattern.

Yao Shengli rubbed his hands nervously, reached out to grab the card, rubbed the card with his thumb, and after a slight pause, he felt happy in his heart.

As luck would have it, the card he caught happened to be a trip.

At this time, he only needs to play the idle nine tubes to draw all the cards in one go, and he has a great chance of winning.

He looked at the card pool, and there were three nine-cylinder cards below, played by the upper and lower players respectively!
In other words, the card in his hand is a perfect one, and it should also be a familiar one.

But after seeing the expression on the opposite side, Takuma Furui, Yao Shengli hesitated again.

His heart was disturbed.

Seeing Yao Shengli's hesitation, Furui Takuma still had the same unhurried expression and leaned back without urging.

But it was this indifferent expression that completely aroused Yao Shengli's anger.

"I don't believe you want Jue Zhang!"

With a sudden change of heart, he grabbed the nine-tube card and smashed it into the card pool.

next moment……


Takuma Furui uttered one word softly and pushed down his cards.

Six or nine tubes, a tie!

"What... what?"

For a moment, Yao Shengli felt that this world was not real, but in someone's dream.

He looked at the nine tubes stupidly, as if he couldn't believe that Takuma Furui had really ended the fight.




A chill as deep as an abyss completely surrounded Yao Shengli, causing him to lose all his strength and collapse on the chair.

I... lost!
"The victory or defeat has been decided, Boss Han, I will accept your territory!"

Bald Jiang Chenghu laughed proudly at Han Guangshan. Tonight was really a pleasure for him.

With this hand of Takuma Furui, Yao Shengli only had a thousand chips left after calculating the numbers, which was not enough to give anyone a chance. Basically, it can be said that there is no cure.

He has won!

Jiang Chenghu's smile reached to his neck.

The upper realm is indeed the upper realm. Although Furui Takuma's appearance fee is so high that it makes him feel a little heartbroken, as long as he wins tonight's bet, everything will be worth it.

How could Han Guangshan not see the situation at the scene?

Yao Shengli's defeat has been determined, and there is no hope of a comeback.

He stared at Yao Shengli with fierce eyes, and the killing intent in his eyes almost solidified into substance.

Yao Shengli's loss was immeasurable, and he even had no hope of making a comeback.

Oh shit!

I'm not having a good time, and you can't have a good time either. Han Guangshan waved his hand fiercely.

The subordinate understood and pulled in a tied-up woman and a child from outside.



The terrified cries of women and children passed through the hall, piercing Yao Shengli's ears like sharp knives.

He trembled all over and looked back in shock. "Xiaojuan, Bingbing, you...you..." Yao Shengli was stunned for a moment, because those were his wife and children.

After a while, he suddenly reacted, roared and rushed towards Han Guangshan, but before he could reach him, Han Guangshan's men kicked him in the abdomen, twitching and staggering to the ground.

"Han Guang...Shan, come at me if you have any problem, you...you let them go!"

Yao Shengli struggled on the ground and shouted.

"Let them go? Haha!"

Han Guangshan’s face was filled with a crazy grin:
"Yao Shengli, you caused me to lose tonight's bet. Not only will I kill you, I will also kill your whole family and let your whole family go down there to reunite."

"You... Han Guangshan, you are despicable. If you let them go, I... I will compensate you!"

Yao Shengli roared.

"Compensate? What do you want to compensate me for? Do you know how much you have caused me to lose? That is all my net worth, all my net worth!"

Han Guangshan roared crazily, his eyes full of ferocity.

He needed to vent his anger. He needed to vent all his anger from losing the bet on Yao Shengli.

"No...you can't do this!"

Yao Shengli finally couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears!

Listening to Yao Shengli's screams, everyone at the scene felt sad.

They could understand Yao Shengli's mood at this time.

But no one was willing to stand up for him.

As a substitute, you should have understood the cruelty of this industry long before entering this industry.

Regardless of their appearance and courtesy from big bosses, the consequences of losing cards are sometimes really miserable.

After all, their employers are all big bosses in the road, ruthless people.

This is what this industry is like, one step forward is heaven and one step back is hell.

Everything is self-inflicted and you can’t blame others.

"Yao Shengli, please go down below to reunite with your wife and children."

Han Guangshan waved his hand, turned around and left, dragging Yao Shengli's wife and children.

"Victory, victory!"


The mother and son burst into heart-wrenching cries.

"No no no no!"

Yao Shengli was completely frightened, and quickly crawled over, wanting to hug Han Guangshan's legs and beg him.

But he was kicked away by Han Guangshan's men again.

"No...Boss Han, you can't do this to me, you can't!!"

Yao Shengli got up again and staggered over.

But he was quickly pulled away by Boss Han's men and thrown to the ground.

"Boss Han, no, Boss Han, spare your life, spare me this time..."

Yao Shengli's horrified screams were heard in the empty hall.

But Han Guangshan seemed not to hear and walked straight outside.

"Do not……"

Yao Shengli let out a desperate roar.

At this moment, Marcus's cold voice came: "Yao Shengli, the game is not over yet, do you want to admit defeat now?"

"Admit defeat?"

Yao Shengli was shocked, and a voice suddenly echoed in his heart:
"When you are desperate... don't forget this bowl of money-making soil!"

The next moment, Yao Shengli's body was shaking wildly.

"I haven't lost yet, I still have a chance, yes, I still have a chance!"

He screamed wildly, trembling, and with a ferocious expression on his face, he took out the plastic bag from his pocket, grabbed the blood mud inside, and crazily stuffed it into his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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