I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 234 Oh my god, this dragon head is really a fake! !

Chapter 234 Oh my god, this dragon head is really a fake! !
When he saw the red liquid in the basin, not only did Kil's expression change drastically, but Master Ansari, who had always maintained a cold expression behind him, also had a look of panic on his face.

The expressions of the two people changed greatly, but everyone was puzzled. When they took a closer look, they smelled a strong smell of blood and a foul stench.

"David, what are you carrying?" Edward Morgan asked in confusion.

David looked at Sulin.

Su Lin smiled and said calmly: "It's nothing, just a pot of black dog blood."

"Black dog blood?"

Including Edward, everyone in the hall had doubts on their faces. They didn't understand the use of finding a pot of black dog blood at this time.

But after Kiir and Ansari heard it, their bodies trembled slightly, and panic appeared in their eyes.

"I protest. The dragon head is a top-notch antique treasure. How can it be sprinkled with black dog blood? This is an insult to the treasure and to me."

Kil shouted angrily, but before he finished shouting, he noticed that everyone was looking at him strangely.

Su Lin smiled: "Mr. Kil, did I say that I would use black dog blood to sprinkle the dragon's head?"

Keir's expression froze.

Everyone's faces were full of suspicion.

That's right.

Sulin didn't say anything just now, he just asked David to bring a pot of black dog's blood. Why did Keir think of that?

How could anyone in this hall be a fool? Now everyone realized something was wrong.

Especially Edward, who can take charge of a super family, must have an above-the-line IQ. He immediately noticed the panic on Kiir and Ansari's faces.

"Is there really something wrong with this dragon head?"

He finally started to think about this.

Among the people present, only Fang Huamei's eyes widened. His eyes flickered back and forth between the black dog blood and the dragon head, with a look of disbelief on his face.

It was obvious that he had thought of something.

"Mr. Edward, what you did is the greatest insult to me. I declare the transaction cancelled."

Kil began to cover up his panic with anger. He walked directly to the table and was about to put the dragon head back into the box.

But now that things have developed, it can no longer be canceled just by saying cancel it.

Not to mention Su Lin, no one present was willing.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Keel, he who purifies himself will purify himself. If the thing is genuine, why not let Master Su identify it?"

"That's right, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Is there really something wrong with you?"

"Yes, let Master Su appraise it. We are all waiting."

"If the things are fine, why rush to leave."

“True gold is not afraid of fire.”


Everyone was chattering away, and some even walked over to stop Keir.

It is human nature to watch the fun. How could they let Kier go when there was so much fun and excitement to watch.

"You..." Kil was stopped and his face turned red with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only retreat with his head downcast.

Behind him, Ansari's eyes became fierce, like a ferocious beast. He raised his foot and was about to rush towards Sulin, but was held back by Kiel.

Surrounded by bodyguards, attacking other guests here is tantamount to seeking death.

"Mr. Su..." Edward looked at Su Lin.

"Su...what should we do now?"

David also looked at Su Lin.

Including Fang Huamei, everyone else also looked at him.

Sulin completely ignored the cannibalistic looks in Kiel and Ansari's eyes, walked directly to David, then took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, lit it and threw the ashes into the pot of black dog blood. .

Seeing this scene, Kil's last hope was shattered, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Okay, pour the black dog's blood on it." Su Lin backed away slightly and said to David.

Without any hesitation, David took the basin of black dog blood and poured it on the dragon's head.

The table was covered with a precious pure wool carpet, and the blood flowed down from it, quickly staining the wool carpet to the point where it looked disgraceful.

But Edward Morgan had no intention of feeling distressed at all, because the moment the black dog's blood was poured on it, the dragon's head, which originally exuded a strong sense of vicissitudes of life, underwent an astonishing change.

"My God, what's going on?"

"Am I dazzled? Why do I feel that the dragon head has changed, become cheap, and become ordinary?"

"I also have this feeling. When I looked at the dragon head just now, I felt faced with the vicissitudes and weight of history. But now, only the ordinary remains."

"This...isn't this just the inferior handicrafts that can be seen everywhere on the street?"

"Three for ten dollars."

"Am I hallucinating? It's so strange."


Everyone was amazed and felt incredible at the changes in the dragon's head.

But the one who feels the most intuitive is undoubtedly Edward who is closest.

He had gone to many authoritative appraisal institutions for appraisal of this dragon head, and he couldn't be more familiar with it.

Originally, every time he looked at the dragon head, he would have a feeling of solemnity, vicissitudes, and full of traces of time, which made people clearly feel how extraordinary this thing was.

But now, when the black dog's blood flows from the dragon's head, the original vicissitudes and thickness have all disappeared, replaced by the feeling of facing cheap handicrafts on the street stalls.

And if you look carefully, you can clearly see that the casting seams on the dragon head have not been polished clean.


For a moment, Edward was stunned.

The face of Fang Huamei next to him showed a true expression.

After staring at the huge changes in the dragon's head for a long time, he let out a long sigh and his whole body slumped, as if he had suddenly grown old and even his body had become rickety.

At this time, Su Lin asked David to find another basin of water and poured it on to wash away the remaining blood on the dragon's head.

After the blood stains were washed away, everyone could see more clearly.

"This is a handicraft made by a machine."

"It's still the cheapest kind. You can see that the burrs on it haven't been polished off."

"That's it, it's strange. Why did we think it was a treasure when we looked at it before?"

"Yes, it's so strange. Are you blind?"

"It's too suspenseful. I was thinking about bidding with Morgan just now, but luckily I didn't."

Everyone was talking about it, and they all felt very shocked and incredible.

Until now, Edward still didn't understand that he had almost been deceived, and the anger in his heart was rising.

One billion is nothing to him, he can afford to lose it.

But he couldn’t afford to lose this person!

Especially the consequences that followed this incident were even more unbearable for him.

If this deal is completed today, he will not only suffer a loss of one billion, but also a thunderstorm in the future will be a devastating blow to his reputation.

When it comes to talking about it, let's talk about Edward Morgan. The famous collector spent a billion dollars to buy a fake, and people would laugh to death for laughing.

This is not a big deal.

Don't forget, he is planning to buy this dragon head and give it to the Dragon Kingdom government.

If it was found to be a fake in the future, how could he bear the anger from the Dragon Kingdom?

As soon as he thought about this, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Mr. Keir, I need an explanation!"

He looked at Keir coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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