Chapter 236 Find a big enemy like you

The guests watched a great show and left with unfinished content.

When Edward and his son were the only ones left in the villa, the old guy solemnly thanked Su Lin again.

He also claimed that from now on, Su Lin would be the most distinguished guest of their family.

Hearing this, Su Lin just smiled.

Afterwards, Su Lin, accompanied by Edward Morgan, had a sumptuous meal and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Edward presented an anonymous bank card.

"A little thought!"

Edward still had a look of gratitude on his face.

Thinking about it, Su Lin's actions today not only helped him restore his reputation and avoid a loss of one billion, but also saved him in disguise.

It would be strange not to be grateful.

Su Lin didn't refuse either.

He is also very good at attacking local tycoons.

After coming out, David still didn't forget his original intention and made sure to invite Su Lin to see his collection.

Su Lin finally did not refuse this time and followed him into the treasure house that he was proud of.

After seeing the result, Su Lin was also speechless.

It was not much different from what he thought. Nine out of ten items in this child's collection were fakes, and the remaining genuine items were all worthless items.

Even some things that were obviously fake at first sight were collected by David solemnly as treasures.

It's hard to figure out where he found so many fakes and kept them. His luck was also extremely bad.

But think about it, although this kid is a super rich second generation, he is very naive and has no defensive mind. He is a typical stupid person who makes money quickly.

It would be strange if the liar didn't look for him.

Su Lin is a liar, and he also likes to find people like this to deceive.

David even asked proudly: "How's it going, Su? I have a lot of collections, right?"

"Well, there are quite a few, and the collection is quite good. Don't collect them again in the future."

Su Lin really couldn't bear to break his beautiful fantasy, so he could only say it speechlessly.

David: "?"

He obviously didn't understand Su Lin's sarcasm and shouted:

"How can that be done? Collecting is my biggest hobby. In the future, I will become the top collector in the world."

Well, as long as you're happy.

Su Lin really couldn't bear to hurt his self-confidence.

But David was not going to let him go, and finally remembered the purpose of inviting Su Lin:

"Su, please help me check if there are any fakes in here. Well, there should be some, but not many, maybe just one or two. After all, everyone has their eyes peeled."

As soon as he said this, Su Lin was silent for a long time.

David asked strangely: "What's wrong? Why don't you speak?"

Su Lin thought for a while, carefully considered the words, and then said carefully: "If... I mean if, if I say that nine out of ten items in your collection are fake, can you accept it?"


David was stunned as if he was struck by lightning, and looked at Su Lin stupidly:

"You...don't make such a joke with me! My young heart can't bear it."

Su Lin shook his head helplessly: "I'm not kidding you. Nine-and-a-half out of ten of the things you collected are fakes, and the remaining genuine ones are worthless."

"No... no?"

David was completely dumbfounded. He stared at Sulin with wide eyes and an expression as if he was lying to me.

Su Lin sighed, picked up a so-called blue and white porcelain bowl from the Dragon Kingdom, threw it to the ground and smashed it to pieces.

"Ah? Su, I spent 200 million to buy this..."

David exclaimed, but before he could finish shouting, he saw Sulin squatting down and taking out a piece of the porcelain tiles, and handed it to David.

There is a... QR code printed on it.The people of David were stupid.

"The masterpieces of the craftsmen of the Dragon Kingdom are called set porcelain. The bottom of the bowl is indeed an item from the past, but the rest is new."

Su Lin explained.

"This...this..." David looked at the QR code and opened his mouth so much that he could stuff an egg into it.

"and this!"

Su Lin picked up another bronze sword and played with it: "Every piece of this thing that is unearthed is a national treasure. They all have names and origins. Do you think he can appear here safe and sound?"

" this also a fake?" David asked stammering.

"Of course it's fake. The patina on it is made by modern craftsmanship. This kind of thing costs ten yuan a piece from Panjiayuan, Shangjing, Dragon Kingdom."

"Fuck..." David was completely stunned.

"and this."

Su Lin picked up an oval shield on the shelf, like the one used by European knights.

"This is a completely modern handicraft. The marks on it are all freshly cut. The marks are so new, can't you tell?"

"I...I..." David almost cried.

"Let's just say, you are just collecting, haven't you found a serious appraiser to help you appraise it?"

Su Lin asked curiously.

"My vision is so unique... no... no need for identification... right?"

David's voice grew quieter and more dejected as he spoke.

He has a unique vision... He even blushed when he heard these words.

"I give you a thumbs up. Do you know what kind of people are most popular among those who sell fakes in Panjiayuan, the Dragon Country?" Su Lin said.

"That kind of person?" David had a bad premonition.

"It's just someone like you who is stupid and has a lot of money." Su Lin gave him a definition unceremoniously.

"I..." David finally couldn't hold on any longer, staggered back and sat down on the ground.

He wanted to cry.

He has at least hundreds of collections here, and 90.00% of them are fake.

This blow was really too big for him.

In his words, the young mind cannot bear this blow.

After being dumbfounded for a long time, David suddenly stood up and roared: "Farke, Farke, I want to settle the score with them."

"Who should I settle the score with?"

"Whoever sold it to me, I will settle the account with!" David roared.

Su Lin looked at him as if he were an idiot: "In the collection business, money and goods are all important, and we are not responsible. If you buy fake things, you can only blame yourself for your poor eyesight, and you can't blame others."

He looked at David's increasingly pale face and continued: "Besides, if you go to the door now, they will say that you switched the package yourself. Who can tell clearly?"

"But...but am I going to suffer a big loss like this?" David was furious.

Su Lin smiled: "That's not true. There is a way to make up for your losses."

David's eyes lit up immediately: "What method?"

Su Lin smiled and said: "Find someone who is the same as you, package these things and sell them to him."


David suddenly wilted.

Looking for a big enemy like him?That's not the same as saying it or not saying it.

It's not that he cares about money, money is really just a number to him.

It's just...who can bear it when all the things he has worked so hard to collect are fake?
Why is my life so hard!

David finally couldn't help crying!

(End of this chapter)

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