I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 251 You’d better be careful with your head

Chapter 251 You better watch your head!
Yang Mi didn't expect to bump into Su Lin at the elevator entrance. After being stunned, she somehow remembered the shocking scene she had just seen, and her face suddenly turned pale.

Su Lin greeted her with a smile: "Hello, Miss Yang! I didn't expect you to be in this hotel too."

"Oh, hello, Mr. Su!"

Yang Mi answered subconsciously.

After saying hello, Su Lin passed her by and prepared to go back to his room.

As a result, after taking only two steps, Yang Mi was heard shouting from behind:

"Mr. Su, can... can you wait a moment?"

Su Lin stopped.

"I'm so sleepy, no, I have to go back to sleep!"

He Yue immediately yawned and wanted to go back to the room. He turned around and saw that David was still there like a fool, and he was dragged away.

As soon as the two left, Yang Mi and Su Lin were left in the corridor.

Yang Mi's face turned even paler at this time, and the bloody scene on the live broadcast began to linger in her mind again.

Then she remembered what Su Lin had told her: It was best not to go out these days.

If she hadn't seen what happened in Qiqi's live broadcast room, she might have regarded Su Lin's words as a way to retreat.

But after personally experiencing the incident in the live broadcast room, for some reason, she felt a little frightened when she thought of this sentence again.

"Su...Mr. Su, I just saw you...you were in the live broadcast room."

Yang Mi said cautiously.

Su Lin was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she was talking about Qiqi's live broadcast room.

Then Yang Mi must have seen it when she teased the little girl and asked the little girl to call her husband.

At that moment, he said dumbfounded: "Oh, that's a coincidence."

Yang Mi happened to also think about Su Lin asking someone to call her husband, and couldn't help but joke:
"It turns out Mr. Su's real name is husband."

After saying that, I felt something was wrong, and my face turned red immediately.

Su Lin was also a little embarrassed and said, "That was all a joke."

After saying a few words, when Yang Mi was about to ask what Su Lin said at the airport last time, her assistant came out. When she saw the two of them, they were standing in the corridor chatting. Her expression changed immediately:
"Mimi, what are you doing? Why are you chatting with people here? If this is photographed by the paparazzi, something might happen."

After saying that, he blocked Yang Mi again and stared at Su Lin warily:

"You actually chased me to the hotel? What do you want?"

As he said this, Su Lin felt a black line on his forehead.

He didn't bother to explain at the moment and was about to go to his room.

As a result, I heard the fat assistant say angrily:

"Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. Let me tell you, there are many people who have ideas for our Mimi. Put away your little thoughts as soon as possible, and don't want to eat swan meat."

Su Lin originally wanted to ignore her, but what she said was too unpleasant.

What does it mean that a toad wants to eat swan meat?

Does this woman have delusions of persecution?

He thought speechlessly.

"What, you're still not convinced? I've seen people like you a lot. To put it bluntly, you just want to trick our Mimi into sleeping with you."

"Sister Hong, stop talking. Mr. Lao... Su and I just met by chance."

Yang Mi's face turned red and she was a little angry.

"What a chance encounter? What you thought was a chance encounter is just someone's careful planning. Mimi, I don't know how many times I have told you, be careful of people like this. How could it be such a coincidence that we are sitting together on the plane?" , the hotel is on the first floor, maybe he just checked your flight and deliberately booked a flight and hotel with you, men are not good at all."

Sister Hong said reluctantly.

Okay, sister, how deeply were you hurt by a man, and you just slapped him with a high hat?
It seemed that this woman really had a persecution delusion, and Su Lin was amused:
"Sister Hong, regardless of whether I checked the flight or not, you should be careful with your head tonight."

After saying that, he turned around and went back to the room without waiting for the two of them to ask any more questions.

Back in the room, Su Lin also laughed dumbly, thinking that the forest was really big and there were all kinds of birds.He obviously didn't provoke that Hong sister, so why are you targeting him like this?
However, this could only be regarded as a small episode, not worthy of his attention at all, and was forgotten in the blink of an eye.

Turning on the TV and throwing himself on the bed comfortably, Su Lin watched the domestic news beautifully.

A gas tank exploded somewhere, a bridge opened to traffic somewhere, or some old man started knocking on the door at five o'clock every morning.

Anyway, these are trivial things, far less exciting than the news from Yingjiang.

As soon as the news about Yingjiang opened, there was another shooting case and how many people died.

Or there was another zero-dollar purchase in a supermarket, and the police turned a blind eye when they arrived.

Or maybe someone wanted to shoot himself, and the police shot him more than ten times to prevent him from committing suicide.

How exciting.

Don't tell me, he hasn't watched the Long Kingdom news for a long time, and he feels a little missed.

To put it bluntly, sometimes Su Lin really feels that the people of the Dragon Kingdom are well protected by the country.

Everything trivial becomes news.

Unlike the news in some countries, if it is either shooting or fighting, there is no normal time.

This shows that at least in terms of safety, no country in the world can surpass the Dragon Kingdom.

Isn’t there a saying that says, we were not born in a peaceful era, we were just born in a peaceful country.

Watching the news on TV, Su Lin felt strangely emotional for a moment.

After watching the news for a while, Su Lin found the same things over and over again, which made Su Lin feel boring.

So I turned off my phone and got ready to sleep.

However, maybe because he slept for too long on the plane, he still couldn't fall asleep after turning off the lights.

He had no choice but to turn on the light again, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to play the domestic version of Douyin for a while.

When I turned on my phone, I discovered that I had not downloaded the domestic Douyin at all.

So I went to the app store and downloaded one.

After downloading, he still had to register, and registration required a screen name. Su Lin was too lazy to think about it, so he simply used the word "husband" as his screen name.

Douyin allows names to be repeated, but there is no such thing as being occupied.

After registering an account, Su Lin started playing funny words happily.

He watched with great interest the fight between cats and dogs, the young lady dancing, and the donkey's hooves being trimmed.

Especially the Odebula banana, when he sang the war song, he suddenly felt so excited that he wanted to go to Africa and ride a bicycle to pull bananas.

Brushing and brushing, sleepiness came over him, and he didn't know when he fell into a deep sleep.

While they were sleeping, Yang Mi and her assistant and manager Sister Hong had already arrived at a hotel.

There was a management banquet here tonight that she couldn't refuse.

The other party is Ms. Tao Ying, a well-known domestic film investor.

Speaking of Ms. Tao Ying, she is famous in the film circle.

Many of the movies she invested in were all hits, and her vision is truly first-rate.

Then Yang Mi was invited to Beijing to discuss the new movie with her.

For Yang Mi, this is actually a very rare opportunity, one that cannot be missed.

But after entering the hotel, until she met Tao Ying, Yang Mi kept looking up at the ceiling frequently, and even gave inappropriate answers to Tao Ying's questions several times.

A soulless look.

This made Tao Ying look up in confusion.

In the end, I really couldn’t see anything, so I asked directly:

"Miss Yang, what do you keep looking up at?"

(End of this chapter)

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