I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 263: First observe its shape, and then assign its meaning!

Chapter 263: First observe its shape, and then assign its meaning!
The Dragon Kingdom has a vast territory and rich resources, which can be seen just from the journey.

The road from the provincial capital to Tongren is about [-] kilometers and takes more than three hours by car.

If you take a plane, it only takes about 10 to [-] minutes.

Qin Gang was so anxious that he could wait for more than three hours. Of course, he had to book a flight again.

Su Lin smiled and rejected him: "Let's drive. It's nice to see the scenery along the way."

To be honest, Qin Gang had no intention of looking at the scenery at this time. Just when he was about to refuse, he looked up and saw Su Lin's expression - half-smiling but not smiling, as if he meant something.

Qin Gang immediately felt a thump in his heart.

Could something happen to this plane again?

When he wanted to ask, Su Lin didn't explain too much and just asked him to arrange the vehicle.

Qin Gang didn't dare not listen to Su Lin's words now, so he could only contact someone and ask them to send a business car over.

Su Lin looked at the license plate number and saw, well, it was very high up!

An ordinary car can accommodate five people, but someone will inevitably have to drive.

But this business car with its own driver does not have this problem, and the space is a bit more spacious.

In this way, early the next morning, a few people went to business and drove to Tongren City.

Your province is not a developed province in the Dragon Kingdom, but its geographical features of mountains and rivers destined it to be picturesque and beautiful.

This is evidenced by the picturesque scenery that can be captured in just a casual glance out of the car window.

He said he wanted to see the scenery along the way, but in fact, as soon as he got in the car, Su Lin found a comfortable position, leaned on the chair and started to catch up on his sleep, without even looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window of your province.

Several times, Qin Gang, who was anxious in his heart, wanted to ask questions, but when the words came to his lips, he did not say them out.

Su Lin said that his daughter is in Tongren City, Guizhou Province, but this has already entered the scope of Tongren City, but Su Lin already acted like the old god was there without giving any hint.

Anxious to death.

He Zhiran, who was standing next to him, looked at Qin Gang's anxious expression and sighed in his heart.

He knew Qin Gang's origins.

This iron-blooded general dared to hold a cigarette in his mouth, draw his gun and fire furiously, even on a battlefield filled with artillery fire. How could he be nervous?

But after arriving at the realm of colleagues, this iron-blooded general on the battlefield was uncharacteristically restless, with a mask of pain on his face made up of various emotions.

Seeing Qin Gang's anxious look, He Zhiran couldn't help but whisper:

"Brother Qin, don't worry. Since Master Su said that Nana is fine, then she must be fine. You don't have to worry so much!"

Qin Gang sighed: "Oh, I also know this is the truth, but this person, the more he gets to this time, the more he feels like he is in a different place in his heart. Although it is not appropriate to describe him as a cowardly person, I am indeed that person now. Such a mentality.”

This is true.

That kind of hope and fear of disappointment is indeed unreasonable anxiety.

At this time, the car passed by a mountain, and David suddenly pointed at the mountain and shouted:
"Su, do you think that mountain looks like a big tiger holding down a rabbit to eat?"

After hearing what he said, everyone looked out the window.

Sure enough, I found a big mountain on the left side of the car that looked like a tiger, with its paws pressing on a raised hill.

Su Lin opened his eyes and nodded with a smile:

"You do have the potential to look at Feng Shui. From the shape of this mountain, it looks like a fierce tiger pouncing on food, or like an evil tiger descending from the mountain. It has the potential of a roaring tiger in the forest."

When the others heard what Su Lin said, they immediately became interested. They looked carefully and found that it was exactly what Su Lin said.When David heard this, he grinned: "Ha, so this mountain is the Feng Shui treasure you mentioned? Hmm, White Tiger?"

Su Lin didn't expect that he knew Bai Hu, so he smiled and shook his head:
"That's not necessarily true! Although this mountain has the shape of a white tiger, it doesn't have the power of a white tiger. Look, does this tiger have a crack on its head?"

When everyone took a look, they saw that there was a gap formed for unknown reasons in the front part of the mountain. It looked like it had been struck by a knife or an axe.

Su Lin said: "In Feng Shui terms, this crack is called Heaven's Slash. Legend has it that it is a punishment from God. If Heaven's Claw is on the body, the tiger's body can still retain a trace of strength, but if Heaven's Claw is on the head, how can the white tiger still have any energy left? You can’t die anymore.”

There was a look of surprise on everyone's faces.

It was the first time for them to hear about this Feng Shui thing, and they thought it was really magical.

He Yue couldn't help but interject: "Isn't Feng Shui first about observing its shape?"

Su Lin smiled and said, "You said you need to observe its shape first, then you have to give it its meaning."

He Zhiran couldn't help but ask: "Then how do ordinary people judge whether a place's feng shui is good or bad?"

Su Lin said: "It is better to leave professional matters to professionals. When it comes to Feng Shui, a slight difference can make a huge difference. Sometimes some Feng Shui that looks good may change due to some relatively small things!" "

After a pause, he smiled again: "But generally speaking, there is a very simple way to judge the feng shui of a Yangzhai."

He Yue couldn't help but ask: "What method?"

"Remember, good Feng Shui must make people feel comfortable. If you feel particularly comfortable and inexplicably comfortable when you stay in a place, then the Feng Shui here must be good."

"On the other hand, if you feel inexplicably uncomfortable in a place, then the feng shui must not be good."

David suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand. No wonder I feel inexplicably uncomfortable every time I see my dad. It turns out that my dad's feng shui is not good."

After saying this, everyone in the car laughed, even the driver in front couldn't hold it back.

Su Lin laughed dumbly. Is there such a use for Feng Shui?
"In short, in one sentence, Feng Shui is actually environmental science. It emphasizes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature and the use of the power of nature to achieve one's own goals. It is actually not that mysterious."

This discussion about Feng Shui caused everyone in the car to think deeply.

However, the more everyone thinks about it, the more they realize that this line of work is profound and unpredictable, and it is really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Especially He Zhiran, because of Su Lin's relationship, he also read a lot of Feng Shui books.

But I am still confused and confused.

Just like the white tiger attacking the mountain just now, he could see that the mountain was shaped like a tiger, but he couldn't see the crack anyway.

Su Lin is right, Feng Shui is indeed a matter of small differences, and it is difficult for ordinary people to grasp it.

So, professional matters should be left to professionals, and he should just hold Su Lin's thigh tightly.

He was probably not the only one who had this idea. He Yue and David couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time. In the end, they both looked at Su Lin and nodded.

Obviously the same idea as He Zhiran.

However, Su Lin's remarks about Feng Shui also aroused everyone's interest.

Especially the two brothers, He Yue and David, commented on every mountain along the way.

In this way, the car quickly entered Tongren City. After driving for a while, Fanjing Mountain appeared in everyone's sight.

At this moment, Su Lin glanced out the window, and his eyes looked strange after being stunned!


he suddenly shouted!
(End of this chapter)

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