Chapter 269 Is this their daughter?
The night deepened.

A dozen white lanterns swayed in the night wind, as if they were flying in the sky, and they looked like they were surrounded by ghosts.

Qin Gang was lifted up by Li Jianzhong and several other villagers, and placed on the shelf together with the girl.

In front of the huge tomb, a tarpaulin was lifted up, revealing a bottomless hole.

Xiaocui knelt in front of the two of them, shaking a bell with a hoarse sound in her hand, and kept muttering something in her mouth.

It's like a ghost crying, making people shudder.

Li Jianzhong, on the other hand, kept spreading something next to Qin Gang and the girl. While doing so, he followed Xiaocui's voice and moved forward or backward in a regular manner.

Others stood quietly, motionless.

This situation made He Yue anxious.

The big hole in front of the tomb was obviously prepared for Qin Gang and the girl. Thinking of Su Linsheng's words, He Yue became more and more anxious.

Since Qin Gang was carried away, the four of them seemed to have been forgotten, no one cared about them, and no one looked at them.

In He Yue's view, it was a good time for a sudden explosion.

But Su Lin in front of him seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. His back was turned to him, motionless, and not even a single word was conveyed to him.

Are you also possessed by evil spirits?He Yue thought suspiciously.

He Yue endured it for a long time, but couldn't bear it anymore. Just when he was about to reach out and poke Su Lin, he heard an almost inaudible voice coming into his ears:

"Don't move, just wait!"

The voice belonged to Su Lin.

He Yue suddenly felt as if he had taken a reassurance, and his original anxious mood quickly disappeared.

As long as Su Lin is awake, he has nothing to fear.

Thinking of this, He Yue also burst into laughter.

I was worrying too much. Others might be possessed by the evil spirit, but it was impossible for Su Lin alone.

Only then did he realize that Su Lin had already established an invincible image in his mind.

With Su Lin's advice, He Yue was no longer anxious, but quietly watched the performance of Li Jianzhong and his wife with the mood of watching a drama.

After a while, Xiaocui's strange chanting sound finally stopped.

Li Jianzhong stopped throwing things next to Qin Gang and the girl. Instead, he and Xiao Cui knelt in front of Qin Gang and the girl.

Next, Xiaocui didn't know what method she used. She just heard a bang, and a circle of flames suddenly ignited around Qin Gang and Qin Gang.

He Yue was shocked.

This flame is not like the common dark red, but pale with green, which looks particularly penetrating.

After the flames burned, Xiaocui and Li Jianzhong stood up again and took a few steps back.

The next moment, Xiaocui's unique sharp voice suddenly sounded in the night:

"Alian, come back!"

"Alian, come back!"

"Alian, come back!"


After three screams in a row, He Yue suddenly felt the temperature around him drop sharply, as if something crawled out of the huge tomb and was wandering nearby.

This feeling is too familiar to He Yue.

With the rich experience of fighting side by side with Su Lin several times, how could he not know what was approaching?

Li Jianzhong and his wife obviously felt the approach of the thing.

Xiao Cui kept shouting "Alian, Alian!".

His expression was excited and crazy, his body was shaking, and he stretched out his hands as if he wanted to hug something.Is it really the ghost of the couple’s daughter, Alian?
He Yue thought strangely.

But unfortunately, he didn't open his eyes, so he couldn't see what it was.

However, at this moment, Su Lin, who was standing motionless in front of him, suddenly reached out his hand quietly and wiped his eyelids.

He Yue was overjoyed and thought that Lin Zi still missed me.

His eyes were opened, and he quickly looked in the direction of the tomb.

The next moment, he took a deep breath.

In front of the tomb, beside Qin Gang and the girl, there was a long white figure, lingering.

The white shadow is very long, stretching for more than ten meters and about one meter in diameter. It looks like a giant python and looks particularly scary.

It was said to be a giant python, but He Yue was actually not sure.

Because under the pale white flames, the thing only showed a hazy figure, but the details could not be seen clearly.

However, he discovered an interesting phenomenon.

That is, Li Jianzhong and his wife seemed not to be able to see the white shadow in the sky. They were just blind, and they were not even facing the right direction.

He Yue was not stupid, so he quickly made a judgment: Li Jianzhong and his wife did not open their eyes.

White shadows were tumbling, lingering in the air, and the cold breath was getting thicker, and with it, there was a strong fishy smell.

"Alian, Alian, you're here!"

Xiaocui looked crazy and excited, even bursting into tears:

"My good daughter, my poor daughter, Mom succeeded. Mom found the medicine guide. As long as you absorb the blood of these two people, you will be resurrected after a while."

"Alian, girl, don't worry, mom will resurrect you right now, mom will resurrect you right now."

He Yue saw that the white shadow in the sky seemed to understand Xiao Cui's words, and he was tumbling even more violently.

But this guy seemed to be short-sighted. No matter how hard he tried, he just turned a blind eye to Qin Gang and the girl on the ground.

He Yue is also full of doubts?

Is this python-like thing Li Jianzhong’s daughter?It doesn't look like it.

After Xiaocui finished shouting and crying, she wiped away her tears, but she was still crazy and shouted to Li Jianzhong:
"Why are you still standing there? Let them bring the sacrifice."

Li Jianzhong didn't say a word, walked aside silently, and directed several villagers to carry things over.

He Yue took a closer look and saw two piglets, a lamb, and three chickens, ducks and geese.

They were all alive, tied up with ropes, and struggling.

But the strange thing is that no matter how hard they struggle, they can't make a single sound. It looks like a mime, which is very strange.

The sacrifices were brought and placed in front of the tomb.

Xiaocui walked up to the sacrifices with a bright butcher's knife, and then stabbed a little piglet in the neck without hesitation.

Blood spurted out like a broken water pipe, even spraying on Xiao Cui's face and body.

But Xiaocui ignored them and stabbed the necks of the living sacrifices one after another. The cruel look made He Yue, the underworld boss, couldn't help but shudder.

Several sacrifices struggled violently, but still could not make a sound. But the harder they struggled, the faster the blood flowed, and soon a strong smell of blood was emitted in the air.

The white shadow in the air seemed to smell the smell of blood, and finally found the target. After tumbling wildly, he pounced on the sacrifice on the ground.

Then He Yue saw a terrifying scene:
Xiao Cui, who was originally standing in front of the sacrifice with a knife in his hand, was suddenly blown away by the strong wind brought by the white shadow. The knife in his hand accidentally scratched his own leg. For a moment.

Blood suddenly gushes out, staining Xiao's emerald gray pants.

Li Jianzhong was shocked and quickly pounced on Xiaocui.

Bai Ying, who was originally rushing toward the sacrifice, suddenly paused, and then "looked" at Xiao Cui!

(End of this chapter)

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