Chapter 276 The Legend of Bai Gong’s Tomb
Under the command of Miao Xiaocui, the villagers carrying lanterns started digging the grave with tools.

And Miao Xiaocui is still savoring the unfamiliar word "Jade Girl Holding a Pearl".

However, Su Lin had no intention of explaining, and just waited silently for the result of digging the grave.

David watched a big show from beginning to end and felt that his little brain was a bit exhausted, so he asked He Yue in a low voice:

"Brother Yue, this...what's going on? Why do I feel like my spiritual energy has revived?"

Su Lin just used yellow paper to light it again, and another firefly popped out.

It feels so weird and magical.

God's spiritual energy was revived. He Yue didn't expect David, a silly foreigner, to actually know the term spiritual energy recovery.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it.

In the past two years, Dragon Kingdom's online novels have hit the foreign market. This silly kid must have read several translated versions of Dragon Kingdom's online novels.

"The reason your parents gave you two eyes and one mouth is so you can look well, study hard, and don't talk."

He Yue pretended to be profound.

Unexpectedly, David saw through his mind and said disdainfully: "You don't understand either, do you?"

"I don't understand? Ha, I don't understand?"

He Yue gasped and said, "Okay, just pretend I don't understand, haha!"

The statute of limitations for his Sky Eye has expired, and he doesn't know what the situation is like at the scene.

The two living treasures were bickering, while Li Jianzhong, who was sitting on the ground next to him, looked at the grave being dug bit by bit without saying a word.

His eyes were dull and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, He Yue had been paying attention to him secretly, but looking at it, the old boy seemed to be completely resisting, which saved He Yue a lot of trouble.

Finally, an hour later, the tomb was completely dug up, revealing what was inside.

Su Lin walked over and took a look, and saw that the structure under this tomb was different from ordinary tombs. After digging six or seven meters down, a large stone door was revealed.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the stone gate, it does not look like it was built in modern times, but like an ancient building.

Judging from the pattern, it should be from the Qing Dynasty.

"This used to be Bai Gong's tomb. After I came here, my acupoints were tapped here."

Miao Xiaocui came over and said, "The name of Baigong Village comes from this tomb."

Su Lin showed curiosity.

Miao Xiaocui looked at the huge stone door and explained:

"It is said that during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, Baigong Village was not called Baigong Village, but Shangjiazhuang. Most of the people here were named Shang."

"After that, the army was in chaos and the war continued. Shangjiazhuang was not immune to the disaster. It was discovered by a group of deserters who robbed women and food. In the end, they slaughtered the entire village. The villagers screamed every day. Spirit, on the verge of despair.”

"At the critical moment, a white giant python suddenly appeared. It ate up the deserters in three strokes and five divided by two, saving the villagers of Shangjia Village. However, when the giant python appeared, it was already seriously injured. The villagers died soon after.”

"Afterwards, the villagers were grateful for the life-saving grace of the white python, and with the guidance of an expert, they buried the body of the giant python in this shady place with sunflowers. They named it Baigong Tomb, and then changed the name of the village to Baigong Village."

Miao Xiaocui pointed to the stone door: "This is actually Bai Gong's tomb."

Su Lin asked: "Then why did you put your daughter in Bai Gong's tomb?"

Miao Xiaocui hesitated for a moment before saying, "He told me to do this!"

Su Lin grasped the key point keenly: "Who?"

Miao Xiaocui did not answer this time, but looked around and said: "Baigong's tomb is just an empty tomb, there is nothing in it, so I put my daughter's coffin into Baigong's tomb to take advantage of the earth's atmosphere. Nourish the corpse.”

As she spoke, she walked down the dug steps into the tomb:
"Come down and fulfill our bet."

Su Lin didn't hesitate and walked down the steps.

David and He Yue took one look at each other and quickly followed.

After coming down, Su Lin saw that the stone gate was quite high, basically more than two meters.

It is rare for a tomb door to be built so high, but considering that it is said that a large python is buried here, it is not surprising.

Generally speaking, tomb doors are dead doors. After the coffin is placed in, the door will be sealed from the inside using some method and cannot be opened again.

But this tomb door is a trap door. If you reach out and push it, you can feel it move.

He Yue and David volunteered to push the door open. Su Lin did not stop them, but was secretly preparing to pull them apart if there was any danger.

With the joint efforts of David and He Yue, the tomb door slowly opened inward. Suddenly, a gust of cold wind came oncoming, making the two of them shiver.

"Damn it, could it be..." He Yue looked at Su Lin.

Su Lin shook his head: "It's just a blast of cold air."

It was indeed just the cold air formed by the tomb being sealed for many years, not Yin Qi.


He Yue felt relieved and continued to exert force with David.

Finally, the entire tomb door was opened, revealing the dark space inside.

Miao Xiaocui held a white lantern in her hand and walked in first:

"Come in, there is nothing inside except my daughter's coffin."

Su Lin followed closely with He Yue and David.

After entering the tomb, with the faint light of the lantern, Su Lin saw that the tomb hall was very empty, with an area of ​​about two to three hundred.

Looking around, there are all stone walls, and there are traces of manual excavation on the stone walls.

Su Lin understood immediately.

Bai Cemetery was built on the mountain. A hole was dug directly into the underground mountain to build the tomb hall.

The tomb hall was empty. As Miao Xiaocui said, there was nothing else but a black coffin placed on the ground in the center.

Su Lin felt strange, didn't he say that Xiao Mang's body was here?

Where did it go?
After secretly asking Xiao Mang, I found out that the tomb hall above was just a tomb. In fact, Xiao Mang's body had to be dug down for more than ten meters before he could see it.

Su Lin thought for a while and decided to leave Xiao Mang's body buried here. That would be fine.

Miao Xiaocui walked to the coffin and stroked the coffin with a sad expression, as gently as she was stroking her daughter.

Su Lin didn't bother him and just looked around. Although he didn't see anything, he smelled a special smell.

It's exactly the same as the one on Xiaomang's Yin body.

It seems that Xiao Mang usually lives here.

"Come on, do me a favor and lift the nails!"

Miao Xiaocui stood silently in front of the coffin for a while, then turned to He Yue and David with red eyes.

When He Yue and David came down, they held the tools. When Miao Xiaocui said this, they both looked at Su Lin.

Su Lin nodded slightly.

After receiving instructions from Su Lin, He Yue and David took a claw hammer and a crowbar, walked over and began to pick up the coffin nails with a clanging sound.

Coffin nails, also called soul-fixing nails, are generally made of copper nails or wooden nails.

There are definitely people who use it, but very few.

But the coffin of Miao Xiaocui's daughter was made of iron nails, and there was dried red liquid on it.

It should be blood.

"It's the blood of three animals!"

Miao Xiaocui saw Su Lin looking at the red nails on the coffin, so she said calmly from behind.

Surin nodded.

The three animals are cattle, sheep and pigs, and the blood of the three animals is the blood of cattle, sheep and pigs.

Some places have such particularities.

When sealing the coffin, all the coffin nails must be soaked in the blood of three animals for a day and night before being nailed into the coffin.

Legend has it that coffin nails treated in this way have the power to bring the deceased back to life.

But from Su Lin's point of view, this is just the wishful thinking of the living.

In fact, the blood of the three animals does not have any power.

Soon, all the coffin nails were pulled out. He Yue asked Su Lin with his eyes: Open it?
Su Lin looked at Miao Xiaocui.

Miao Xiaocui gritted her teeth and nodded slowly.


Su Lin said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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