I asked you to read Feng Shui and you became the master of Yingjiang?

Chapter 295 Someone really can predict the future!

Chapter 295 Really...someone can really predict the future!

At this time, Qiqi's fans also saw this video posted by netizens.

Then the comment section of the video turned into a sea of ​​shit:

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, damn!"

"Crazy, completely crazy. This is too accurate. If you say it's on fire, it's really on fire."

"I admit that at this moment I am convinced."

"I'm drunk, I'm really drunk. I'm lying on the bed now and my scalp is numb."

"Me too, I'm completely convinced."

"The scariest thing is that my husband has even calculated the time when riding a horse!"

“My mom asked me why I was kneeling on the floor watching the video!”

"I wasn't convinced last time, but this time, I'm really convinced when I step on the horse!"

"Isn't this damn accurate? It's awesome!"


The appearance of such messages made other netizens confused in a short time:

"What do you mean? What do you mean there's really a fire? It sounds like someone knew there was going to be a fire."

"That's right, what does it mean to be too accurate? Did you know in advance that there was going to be a fire here?"

"Make it look like the real thing!"

"Funny, right?"


Netizens asked questions one after another.

Faced with these people’s questions, Qiqi’s fans began to express their opinions:

"It's just that someone knew in advance that a fire was going to start, and they were even prepared and predicted the time, which is ten o'clock in the evening!"

"Yes, and people predicted the fire before nine o'clock."

"I checked the time just now and found that when the fireball hit the house, it was exactly ten o'clock, exactly one second."

When other netizens heard this, they were delighted:

"Dude, you haven't woken up yet? Are you prophesying in advance? That's funny!"

"It's not that bad. This fire is obviously a natural disaster, a meteorite or something. How could anyone know about it in advance?"

"I really thought I was Nostradamus, the great prophecy of the century, haha!"

"Brother, wake up, it's time to move the bricks."


Being attacked by a group of people, Qiqi’s fans became a little anxious:

"Everything we said is true. Someone really predicted it in advance, and it was live broadcast!"

"That's right, we even went to the local government's official website to leave a message to remind us, but no one believed it, and even the message was deleted."

"That's right. Why don't you believe these people?"

Other netizens were a little confused when they saw this:

"What do you mean? Live broadcast? Live fortune telling!"

"That's right, who counted it? Everyone will be happy if you tell me!"

"It's so funny that people still believe this after all these years. I'm so pissed!"

"Hahaha, I admit that I laughed. If someone could accurately predict this fire, I would run naked for a thousand meters on a horse."

"The distance upstairs is conservative, at least three kilometers."

"I'll tell you the number, ten kilometers, plus standing on my head to wash my hair."

"Brother, your words are unfounded, you have to show evidence."


For a while, netizens ridiculed him one after another.

Qiqi's fans felt extremely aggrieved at this time.

Obviously what they say is true, but why doesn't anyone believe it?

The problem is, due to Song Dehui's previous order, all of Su Lin's previous prophecy videos on the Internet have disappeared, and even Qiqi's live broadcast replays have disappeared. Even if they want to find evidence, they can't find any evidence.

"Mad, it would be great if there was a video!"

These netizens thought angrily.

At this time, a netizen suddenly stood up and said weakly: "I...I have a live video!"


Qiqi’s fans were stunned.

"I happened to be experimenting with a screen recording software at the time, and then I just figured out the whole process."

This netizen said.

Qiqi's fans were overjoyed when they saw it. “If there is a video, please tell me early. Send it out quickly.”

"That's it, I'll fight it out and let these fools see how powerful my husband is!"

"Let them see my husband's unique style."

"That's right, hurry up!"

Kiki's fans shouted.

"OK then!"

Upon seeing this, the netizen uploaded the screen recording video to the Internet.

While waiting for the video, the previous netizens were still mocking:

"Haha, I don't believe that someone can really predict fires."

"Live broadcast fortune telling is a routine from the same era. It's cliché."

"Wait, I want to expose this liar's true face."

"Hurry up and pass it on, I want to see who it is."


So, when a video appeared online a few minutes later, these people clicked on it immediately.


"What the hell? No, is it really a prophecy?"

"This...isn't this incredible?"

"I...I'm numb. It's really a prophecy!"

"Is there a possibility that he set the fire?"

"You idiot upstairs, how is it possible? I'm just asking you how he made such a big fireball? A magician?"

"The magician made me laugh. That is obviously something like a meteorite."

"Anyway, this guy is so awesome. He can actually predict the future?"

At this time someone asked:

"He is the husband of that female anchor? Why did I hear that female anchor call him husband?"

Qiqi’s fans quickly explained:

"No, no, his online name is husband, and this is his Douyin account."

As he said this, someone called out Su Lin's comma.

When everyone saw it, they quickly cut out and searched for Su Lin's funny voice. They found that his online name was actually called husband, and there was a selfie video of him under the account.

"I'm still him, so awesome."

"I'm convinced, there are really people in this world of love who can predict the future."

"I'm on my knees, it's so awesome."

"I declare that he will be my husband from now on, and I will give birth to a monkey for him."

"What the hell is going on upstairs, he's obviously my husband."

"Follow me, I haven't seen such an awesome anchor for a long time."

"Same level!"


As a result, these netizens began to follow Su Lin's account one after another, causing the number of fans on his account to surge again in a short period of time.

And just when netizens rushed to pay attention to Su Lin, Song Dehui, who had just made work arrangements in a community in Tongren City, sat tiredly on an office chair and rubbed his forehead.

The door opened, and his wife Liu Yunzhi walked in with a cup of hot tea.

"You're tired. Let's take a rest. There should be nothing to do tonight." Liu Yunzhi said distressedly.

Song Dehui took the teacup from his wife's hand, took a shallow sip, and then sighed and said:

"This Zhang Yunmin can't handle anything well. If I had known about the room, I shouldn't have brought him up."

Zhang Yunmin was promoted by him, but now his work is not good, and Song Dehui's face is not good either.

Liu Yunzhi smiled and said: "This kind of thing can't be entirely blamed on Xiao Zhang, it's an emergency!"

Song Dehui just shook his head.

Seeing that her husband was a little upset, Liu Yunzhi said again: "Anyway, the matter has already happened. I think you should call Qiqi back first, so that nothing happens."

"What can she do? She didn't call me before..."

As soon as he said this, Song Dehui seemed to remember something, and his whole body suddenly trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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