Chapter 103: The Fall of the Fifteen Ant Emperor?eye for eye!
Xiao Wu squatted down and got closer to observe these dense blue debris.

I had some guesses in my mind. If I guessed correctly, these were probably the remnants of the stars summoned by my younger brother.

Even if she didn't touch it with her hands, just looking at it from a distance, Xiao Wu could still feel the strange energy contained in these blue debris. Xiao Wu knew that this was the energy of the stars.

And the moment you step into these potholes, you can feel an extremely strange domain force field covering you. In this domain force field, the movement of your soul power is even somewhat stagnant and not so coherent.

Seeing Er Ming's somewhat awkward look, Xiao Wu understood that he felt the same way.

She secretly said that even the debris after the explosion of these stars could disturb a soul beast king of Er Ming's level.

Presumably, if a weak person or spirit beast steps into it, he may not be able to survive.

But maybe one day in the distant future, this place may be an opportunity for someone, it may be a human or a soul beast.

But the premise is that he or it can use the power of the stars...

Such a miracle can only be witnessed by the world forever.

Xiao Wu did not destroy all the blue star fragments, but looked around and found that no human beings survived, so he ordered the place to be sealed off.

The result was not beyond her expectation. How could there be any human beings who could survive such a horrific attack?

Not even a scrap was left behind.

"Let's go, let's go back too."

After seeing nothing unusual, Xiao Wu took Er Ming and the other soul beasts back, leaving behind this terrifying scene that was like a miracle. As time went by, it was hidden outside the Star Dou Forest.

On the other side, with Xiao Wu and Er Ming leading a group of spirit beasts to the explosion site, Da Ming and Gao Tianxi naturally led the other spirit beasts back to various places in the Star Dou Forest.

Now that the foreign troubles have been eliminated, the Star Dou Forest has returned to its original peaceful environment.

The Thousand Jun Ant Tribe, the Blue Silver Emperor, and some other highly mobile spirit beasts are still responsible for returning the weak spirit beasts brought in during previous dangers to their original places of residence.

Except for several major soul beast kings and major soul beast lords, other soul beasts left the team one after another and headed towards their own habitats.

Today's Star Dou Forest is in dire straits, and so many compatriots have died. If life is not returned to normal as soon as possible, there will be big problems in the soul beast world.

Although humans would definitely not dare to invade the Star Dou Forest now, it would never be external troubles but internal troubles that would bring down the dynasty.

"Third brother, although we killed many mainland coalition forces this time, the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest also paid an unimaginable price."

Daming and Gao Tianxi walked in front, while the three brothers of the Qianjun Ant Emperor and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger followed behind them.

Gao Tianxi nodded gloomily and sighed softly.

"It's my fault. If I hadn't had to go out at this time, we wouldn't have paid such a heavy price."

Gao Tianxi somewhat blamed himself. If he had not gone to the Sunset Forest at this time, but had been sitting in the Star Forest, although he could not guarantee how many soul beasts would be rescued, he could definitely shock the entire continental coalition forces in the first place and save a lot of losses. .

This time, all the mainland coalition forces that came to invade the Star Dou Forest were wiped out, and only a few defeated soldiers were left. Logically speaking, this was a big victory and worthy of celebration.

However, the soul beasts that were thousands of years old and younger in the Star Dou Forest suffered heavy casualties, and even some soul beast races had faults due to this.Many ten-thousand-year-level soul beasts have also fallen. Ten-thousand-year soul beasts can be said to be the backbone of any race of soul beasts, and are extremely precious.

But in this war that swept across the continent's soul beasts and soul masters, they were like cannon fodder, with countless casualties.

After all, in such a huge war, it is definitely impossible for both sides to arrange for Titled Douluo and 10-year-old soul beasts to fight, so thousand-year-old and ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts have become the main force in this war.

When Daming had just finished counting the number of fallen soul beasts, he felt a heart-breaking feeling. These were all the good men of the Star Dou Forest.

But now they just die like this, some of them leave their whole bodies behind, and some of them don't even leave anything to prove their existence.

Although Ming also knew that this was a war, not a child's play, and necessary sacrifices were unavoidable, it still felt very sad.

It was precisely because Gao Tianxi saw Daming's pain that he said this, taking all the blame on himself and not letting these negative emotions affect Daming.

Unexpectedly, Daming glared with bull eyes like bells and patted Gao Tianxi on the head angrily.

"Third brother, what are you talking about!"

Gao Tianxi scratched his head, as if listening to his elder brother's words, then Daming sighed and continued.

"You are wrong to think so. Although many soul beasts have fallen this time, if you hadn't arrived in time, maybe 10-year-old soul beasts would have died as well."

Speaking of this, the scenes of swords and swords seemed to reappear in Da Ming's eyes. If he hadn't arrived in time, the Third Thousand Ton Ant Emperor would have died.

The biggest surprise this time was that Ming Dynasty did not expect the appearance of several worshipers from Wuhun Palace. After all, these worshippers had not been exposed to the eyes of the world for a long time. Many soul master sects did not even know that these people existed, let alone The spirit beasts of the Star Dou Forest.

Each of these worshipers is a super Douluo above level 95. Each of them has the ability to compete with a 10-year-old soul beast, so this is the reason why Daming was caught off guard and even went to the rescue in person.

"Third brother! Third brother, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me, third brother!!!"

Before Daming and Gao Tianxi finished speaking, they suddenly heard a scream coming from behind. It was the boss of the Qianjun Ant Emperor.

Gao Tianxi suddenly turned around when he heard what the boss of the Qianjun Ant Emperor said.

However, they found that the third Thousand Jun Ant Emperor fell straight to the ground, and his life breath weakened a lot in an instant.

Gao Tianxi and Daming quickly stepped forward to check.

Then Gao Tianxi's face darkened. The Third Thousand Jun Ant Emperor was seriously injured, and his life force fell to the bottom in just a few breaths, looking like he had run out of gas.

If this continues, the only outcome will be death.

"Third brother! Third brother, get up, ah, humans, I will make you pay with blood!"

The eldest and second eldest Thousand Jun Ant Emperors simultaneously exuded an extremely violent aura, and terrifying murderous intent swept across the surroundings.

Gao Tianxi held the hand of the third Thousand Ton Ant Emperor and frowned.

"Qianjun Ant Emperor, calm down!"

(End of this chapter)

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