Chapter 19 Leave
"Er Ming, if you talk nonsense again, I will beat you."

Xiao Wu raised her pink fist in shame and anger, and made two gestures at Er Ming pretending to be vicious.

After all, Xiao Wu has lived in the human world for such a long time and learned a lot of knowledge. Now she is more inclined to think with human thinking, so Er Ming's words make her a little shy.

But Da Ming and Er Ming are different. They have always lived in the Star Forest, and even if they go out, they will come back very briefly.

So in their eyes, or in the eyes of all spirit beasts, many things are very simple and not as complicated as in the human world.

For example, the combination mentioned by Er Ming, in its eyes, Gao Tianxi is its third brother and Xiao Wu is its elder sister. Both of them have their own unique aspects, so the offspring born will definitely be very powerful.

The reason why the Ming Society supports Er Ming is that they cannot trust humans. After all, humans have been hunting soul beasts, and Xiao Wu's mother also died at the hands of humans. As a result, they not only cannot trust humans, but even become hostile to humans.

In their perception, even if Gao Tianxi was just a soul beast they had known for less than a day, he was more trustworthy than those humans.

"Sister Xiaowu, I'm serious. Instead of marrying those vicious humans, you might as well marry Tianxi. Tianxi's talent is so terrifying. Your descendants will definitely not be simple. Maybe they can break through those obstacles."

"Okay, don't talk about this anymore, let's stop it!"

Xiao Wu quickly waved her hand to interrupt Er Ming's words. If the conversation continued, she would be ashamed to death. She quietly turned her eyes to Gao Tianxi aside.

He was relieved when he saw Gao Tianxi's expression didn't change.

Of course Xiao Wu has no prejudice against Gao Tianxi. After all, in her eyes, everyone is essentially a spirit beast. However, since she has now transformed into a human being, she is somewhat resistant to this aspect, unlike Da Ming and Er Ming.

"Tianxi, I don't have any objection to you, don't think too much about it."

In order to take care of Gao Tianxi's emotions and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Xiao Wu still opened her mouth to comfort Gao Tianxi.

Gao Tianxi nodded, looking like a well-behaved baby. Now Xiao Wu said everything he said was right.

Because Er Ming made a start, Xiao Wu unconsciously began to think wildly, whether she would eventually combine with humans, not necessarily.

Tang San's figure appeared in her mind, but she quickly denied it. Her feelings for Tang San were just that of a brother, and had not developed into a lover's relationship in the human world.

"Okay, Tian Xi has also been brought back, and I have seen you two. I have to go back and join my friends as soon as possible, otherwise they will be very worried about me."

Xiao Wu still has Tang San and the others in her heart, and is afraid that after she is taken away by Er Ming, they will behave irrationally or encounter danger. After all, there are many soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, and even if they are led by Zhao Wuji, they will not be able to do anything. Not absolutely safe.

"What, Sister Xiaowu, you want to go back? No, I don't agree!"

"Yes, Sister Xiaowu, elder brother is right. Now that we have Tianxi, why don't the four of us live here. It will be much happier without the need for the human world?"

When they heard that Xiao Wu wanted to go back, Da Ming and Er Ming certainly refused, and they all started to make offers to persuade her to stay.

Xiao Wu looked at Da Ming and Er Ming who were trying their best to keep her, and the softest part of her heart trembled. An impulse in her heart made her want to stay, but her purpose of transforming into a human was not achieved yet, so she couldn't just stay here. .

"Da Ming Er Ming, I also want to stay, but you know my purpose of becoming a human being. Mother has not avenged her great revenge yet. I can't stay. I'm sorry."

After hearing Xiao Wu's words, Da Ming and Er Ming fell silent. They grew up together and knew about Xiao Wu's mother and Xiao Wu's purpose of becoming a human.Now that Xiao Wu said so, they couldn't hold anything back, so they could only sigh and say.

"Sister Xiao Wu, then you must be careful. Human beings are not as simple and simple as soul beasts. Their minds are too complicated. You must be more careful and don't be used by them."

Xiao Wu touched Daming's bull head, feeling full of reluctance.

"I know, you should also be careful. There are many strong people in the human world. Some of them can even rival you. You should pay more attention to them."

Da Ming and Er Ming nodded one after another. After saying goodbye, they didn't know when they would be able to meet Sister Xiao Wu again. Gao Tianxi felt the parting atmosphere at the side and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. After all, Xiao Wu treated him heartily. , and he also knew that Xiao Wu’s journey there would be bumpy.

"Sister Xiaowu, if you come back when you are tired in the human world, my eldest and second brothers will be waiting for you."

Xiao Wu looked at Gao Tianxi, who had a sincere face, and a heartfelt smile appeared on her face. She patted Gao Tianxi.

"I know, Da Ming and Er Ming, you have to take good care of Tian Xi. I hope that when I come back in the future, Tian Xi will have grown into a powerful soul beast."

In the end, Xiao Wu left here under the watchful eyes of the three brothers. Of course, Er Ming could not be brought back with him, otherwise Er Ming's powerful aura would be felt by Zhao Wuji from afar, which would be detrimental to Xiao Wu's return.

At this time, Tang San met a Man-Faced Demon Spider on the way to find Xiao Wu. He vented his anger without hesitation and killed it.

After defeating fellow competitor Meng Yiran, he began to absorb the spirit ring of the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

Everyone from Shrek rushed to protect him. At the same time, everyone felt sorry for him. It seemed that something unexpected had happened to Xiao Wu.

Everyone looked at Tang San, with a flash of pity and sympathy in their hearts. Tang San and Xiao Wu had the best relationship. If something unexpected happened to Xiao Wu, Tang San would definitely be the hardest hit.

Just when everyone was feeling uncomfortable, Xiao Wu finally returned to everyone.

Everyone looked in disbelief, wondering how Xiao Wu escaped. That was a 10-year-old soul beast equivalent to a powerful human Titled Douluo.

Just when Xiao Wu was about to make up an excuse to fool everyone, after absorbing the spirit ring, he got an unexpected surprise - Tang San woke up with the eight spider spears attached to his spirit bones.

He was not immediately happy that he had obtained the soul bone. After seeing Xiao Wu, he immediately rushed towards Xiao Wu and held Xiao Wu in his arms.

"Xiao Wu, you are finally back. I was so worried about you. I thought you would never come back."

Xiao Wu was stiffened by Tang San's sudden movement, but she also knew that Tang San was too excited to see her back.

"Third brother, I'm back and I'm worrying you."

Seeing this, everyone gave up the idea of ​​asking Xiao Wu how he came back. After all, it was just as long as the person came back. How he came back was actually not that important.

"By the way, that dragon-shaped soul beast has gone somewhere."

(End of this chapter)

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