Chapter 29 What is the Star Casting Dragon King! ! !

Xiao Wu sneered at Tang San's explanation. She finally saw Tang San's character clearly. Tian Xi was right, he was just a villain through and through, and he still had to pretend to be a saint.

"You human soul masters are so shameless. You can make up any lies for your own benefit. Only you humans will take action against soul beasts for soul rings. Have you ever heard that our high-level soul beasts will take action against humans for no reason?"

"Now that your thoughts are so distorted and unstable, if you and I face a desperate situation someday in the future, would you think of asking me to sacrifice myself to you and become your 10-year-old soul ring to relieve you of the siege?" ?”

Xiao Wu completely exploded. She no longer saved face for Tang Hao and Tang San and his son. Now she just wanted to know what Tang San, a complete villain, would do.

Gao Tianxi, who was watching the show on the sidelines, immediately became happy when he heard Xiao Wu's words, and even glanced at the angry Xiao Wu.

If Gao Tianxi hadn't known that Xiao Wu had not traveled through time like him, Gao Tianxi would have doubted Xiao Wu. How could he have guessed what would happen next? Could it be that Xiao Wu already knew what was going to happen in the future?
Gao Tianxi winked and looked at Tang San in front of him, "Don't say it, don't say it. Tang San, you are a piece of shit and you are really going to be sacrificed by Xiao Wu."

"Xiao Wu, how could it be? You misunderstood me. Could it be that I am so unbearable in your heart? We have known each other since we were young. You don't know who I am. I am your third brother. You are My Xiao Wu."

Tang San was immediately embarrassed by Xiao Wu's shocking words. After all, this was not a quarrel between two siblings. Not only was his father beside him, but there was also a very intelligent spirit beast. This made Wu Bi cherish his own feathers. How could Tang San accept it?

Looking at Tang San who was extremely embarrassed and trying his best to explain, Tang Hao also felt a flash of disappointment in his heart. In fact, his child was quite good in many aspects, but he just cared too much about other people's opinions.

Xiao Wu is obviously on the verge of breaking up, but Xiao San still wants to redeem and explain. In Tang Hao's heart, this is an extremely cheap act. Since it is done, it must be done openly, and it is too secretive to make people feel comfortable. laugh.

Xiao San's character is still not perfect, and he still needs to practice more with himself before he can completely discard these useless emotions. If he cannot correct them in time, it will be difficult for Xiao San to become a truly strong person.

But now is not the time to train him, so I might as well help the mistress.

Tang Hao sighed lightly and stood in front of Xiao Wu and Tang San.

He looked coldly at Xiao Wu and Gao Tianxi behind Xiao Wu, and said in a deep voice.

"Xiao Wu, since you have said so without shame, then my father and son are too lazy to explain anything to you. You will understand everything in the future. Now get out of the way. Our relationship is still as harmonious as before."

Xiao Wu didn't hesitate at all, shook her head, and rejected Tang Hao's threatening words. This incident made her completely disappointed with humans. She originally thought she could become a bridge between humans and spirit beasts, but now she knows that this is a bridge between humans and soul beasts. What a ridiculous thing.

The conflict between humans and soul beasts cannot be solved by oneself. Perhaps as Daming said, an extremely powerful being must appear on the side of the soul beasts, and it is possible to stop the war by force with the strength to dominate the world. Ease conflicts.

After seeing Xiao Wu shaking his head, Tang Hao's expression didn't change. He had foreseen this situation a long time ago, and his many years of experience had allowed him to develop a character that would remain unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai. How could he easily appear in a state of mind? Variety.

"If you insist on stopping it, then let's fight. It's the same thing if I defeat you first and then hunt that soul beast. This way you have done what you want to do and you won't have any regrets in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely powerful aura burst out from Tang Hao's body, a faint black light flowed in his hand, and then a black hammer appeared in his hand.Although this hammer is completely black, there are red lines one after another on the surface, exuding an extremely depressing aura.

This is the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit, which is known as the most powerful weapon spirit in the entire Douluo Continent. It has the ultimate power and the ultimate power. Tang Hao used the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit to become famous in the mainland, and finally became Hao Tian Douluo!
As soon as the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in Tang Hao's hand, Tang San immediately panicked. His father had only one intention in using the Clear Sky Hammer, and he was serious about it.Tang Hao's strength is terrifying. Many people in this continent have proven it with their lives. How can Xiao Wu alone stop Tang Hao.

"Dad, what are you doing? That's Xiao Wu. Don't do this."

Seeing that Tang Hao ignored him at all, Tang San hurriedly turned his attention to Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, don't be willful. My father is serious. You have seen his strength. There is no way you can resist him. Get out of the way."

Xiao Wu turned a deaf ear to Tang San's words, and Tang Hao said calmly.

"Xiaosan, you have done what you should do. There is no need to persuade her. She is just doing what she should do. This is what dad taught you. Besides, haven't you never seen the real Clear Sky Hammer? Now Let me show you."

After listening to his father's words, Tang San knew that this matter could not be improved, and he could not change anything, so he had no choice but to sigh helplessly and step aside.

"Don't worry, I will be careful. I won't hurt Xiao Wu. At most, I will temporarily lose her ability to move."

Tang Hao noticed Tang San's concerns and said calmly.

Tang San nodded, now that the matter was over, there was no other better way, as long as he could get this spirit beast. As for the relationship with Xiao Wu, he could slowly ease it in the future.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San's attitude with a sarcastic smile, and then stopped looking at Tang San's disgusting look.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Wu immediately put on a fighting stance, preparing to fight Tang Hao.

Just when the confrontation between the two reached its peak and the war was about to break out, Gao Tianxi suddenly patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder.

"Sister Xiaowu, let me do it. Big brother asked me to try my hand. You can watch closely and see how I beat these two hypocritical humans."

Xiao Wu stared at Gao Tianxi for a while, finally nodded, took back her fighting stance, told Gao Tianxi to be careful, and then retreated behind him.

Gao Tianxi nodded, indicating that Xiao Wu didn't need to worry about him, and said loudly to Tang Hao, who was staring ahead.

"The famous Clear Sky Douluo, why don't you let me test how powerful you, the number one Clear Sky Hammer in the continent, are!"

(End of this chapter)

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