Chapter 38 Star Overlord!The king of soul beasts!
The Great Enshrinement Qiandaoliu also had the same idea, so with the unanimous opinions of Bibi Dong and Qiandaoliu, the two peak figures of Wuhun Palace, Wuhun Palace quickly sent powerful members to the Star Dou Forest to explore the situation.

After the meeting, Qian Daoliu took the initiative to call out to Bibi Dong. The two of them had never dealt with each other because of the incident involving the previous Pope Qian Xunji, but Bibi Dong knew that Qian Daoliu would take the initiative to call out to Bibi Dong today because of the fallen star. .

"What do you think? Do you think it's man-made?"

Qian Daoliu looked at the pope who was supposed to be his daughter-in-law and asked calmly.

Bibi Dong thought for a moment and shook her head.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be man-made. If there is such a powerful existence that can activate the power of the stars, how come it has remained unknown for so many years? It might just be a natural disaster."

Qian Daoliu nodded, he also had the same idea. After all, when the manpower is finally exhausted, if there is such a powerful existence, I am afraid that the forces in the mainland will be reshuffled.

The same drama not only happened in the Qibao Glazed Sect and Wuhun Palace, but also in the continent's prestigious forces, big and small, all made the same choice, which was to send people to the Star Dou Forest to investigate the situation.

Even the Haotian Sect, which had been retired for many years, had some new movements because of this matter. However, the Wuhun Palace was watching eagerly, so they only sent their disciples to check, and there was no large-scale investigation. move.

Everyone is a big force that has been on the mainland for a long time. After so many years, they have long known the importance of intelligence.

So whether this is a natural or man-made disaster, we need to find out the truth as soon as possible in order to be ready for the next step.

To say that the most shocked people in the entire continent, apart from Xiao Wu, were probably the two soul beast kings of the Star Dou Forest, the Azure Bull Python Da Ming and the Titan Giant Ape Er Ming.

Even though the battle has been over for so long, Er Ming still maintains that sluggish look. It is simply unimaginable that all this was done by his third brother. What makes it even more unacceptable is that it was with him not long ago. The third brother had competed with each other.

The Qibao Glazed Sect, Wuhun Palace, and other soul masters on the mainland, who were so far away from the Star Dou Forest, were all frightened by this terrifying scene, let alone Da Ming and Er Ming, who were near the battle area between Gao Tianxi and Tang Hao. .

When the star fell, the two of them could even clearly see the lines on the star, as well as the extremely rapid speed when it fell, and the depressing aura of death.

"Brother, was this what you expected?"

Er Ming bitterly asked Da Ming beside him, could it be that Da Ming already knew these things about his third brother, and he was the only one who was stupid enough to keep it in the dark? If that was really the case, that would be too shameful. , I looked confident before.

The shock on Da Ming's face was no less than that of Er Ming. Hearing Er Ming's bitter words, Da Ming also smiled bitterly. How could he have expected these things.

When it was watching the battle, it discovered that the third brother did not use all his strength, but just defeated his second brother as if he was familiar with his abilities. That's why he felt that the third brother was not easy, and he might not be able to do it even against that strong human being. lose.

But who knows, it's not just that you won't lose, but that you win easily.

Because they were worried that the third brother would suffer a loss, they could see the entire battle clearly.

From the beginning to the end, the strong human being never touched their third brother. He always seemed to be being teased. Then the third brother counterattacked and killed the strong human being with the force of thunder. The other party also had no ability to resist. Just die like that. "Third brother, it's really..."

"It's terrifying."

Daming thought for a long time but couldn't think of how to describe the power displayed by his third brother. Finally, he chose a word that humans often use to describe the two brothers. It was very simple, but very appropriate.

But it understood that together with Er Ming, even if he and Er Ming tried their best, they might not be able to withstand the star. However, thinking of the suppression of the blood, Da Ming understood again. After all, the origin of his third brother is mysterious, and these are normal. .

When Er Ming heard what his elder brother said, he knew that he had not expected that his third brother would be so powerful. Thinking of this, he didn't know how to express his feelings.

It seems that the third brother has saved a lot of face for himself in the previous competition, otherwise he would have been defeated even faster, and his life might have been in danger.

"But it's a good thing that my third brother is strong."

Da Ming quickly put away these shocked emotions and began to analyze rationally. Er Ming was a little confused and did not understand what his elder brother meant. Apart from the fact that the positions of his three brothers in the Star Forest would be more stable, what else could he do?

After all, the Star Dou Forest has a vast territory and rich resources. Naturally, it has given birth to not only the Great Ming Dynasty and the Second Ming Dynasty, but also Xiao Wu, three 10-year-old soul beasts, and several other powerful beings. However, usually everyone is indifferent. We get along with each other, so we are always at peace with each other.

Da Ming had long been accustomed to Er Ming's slow-moving character, so he didn't care too much and started analyzing it.

"First of all, as you think, our position will be more consolidated, because from today on, maybe we are the king of soul beasts, and so are the others, but the third brother can be called the king of soul beasts. The well-deserved Overlord of Star Dou!”

"Secondly, have you forgotten the meaning of our training of the third brother? It is to look forward to the day when it will fully grow up and become a being that can surpass the soul masters and soul beasts of the entire continent, so that it can truly become the soul beast of the mainland. Overlord, solve the problem of soul beasts being killed indiscriminately."

Da Ming's words were so clear that Er Ming finally reacted. He looked at his elder brother with disbelief and excitement on his face.

Da Ming could not suppress the smile and excitement on his face at this time, and he nodded towards Er Ming.

The era of soul beasts is finally coming!
Because the strength displayed by his third brother was too terrifying, Tang Hao alone could not take the star, but Daming didn't think that a few more strong humans like Tang Hao could take it.

Quantitative changes leading to qualitative changes cannot be achieved by a few more people. That is the stars, but the power of nature!

And what’s the most critical point?It is my third brother who has just entered the realm of ten thousand year soul beast!
This is the most terrifying thing. It can be said that my third brother is still in his infancy. How terrifying would it be if he waited for it to grow up and reach maturity?
Daming could no longer imagine it. He only knew that the entire continent would tremble under the feet of his third brother on that day.

Gao Tianxi supported Xiao Wu and slowly rushed towards the core area. He was counting the harvest along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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