I just became the Dragon King of Casting Stars, Tang San wants me to be the spirit ring?

Chapter 49 The wonderful use of the power of creation!Create Stardust!

Chapter 49 The wonderful use of the power of creation!Create Stardust!
Listening to the scalp-numbing sounds one after another, Ju Douluo's eyes were about to burst. He knew that this team was doomed.

Being overwhelmed by the swarm of soul beasts, those soul kings and soul emperors would be completely dead in an instant. The soul saints could not hold on for long. At most, the subordinate of Soul Douluo could hold on.

But what's the use of supporting him? He can't help him. He is the boss here. The dark golden Giant Ant Emperor is staring at him eagerly.

It was about to attack him again.

The group of soul beasts went back and forth, and finally revealed the Wuhun Palace team, but it could no longer be a team. To describe it as horrific was not enough to express the tragedy of the scene.

Countless broken limbs and fragments of internal organs struck Ju Douluo's eyes. The only one who survived was the Contra-level subordinate, but his condition was only slightly better than those who died.

His entire right leg was missing, and blood flowed down the thigh to the ground. Half of his face was chewed off by an unknown soul beast, revealing his white jawbone, which looked extremely terrifying.

He looked at Ju Douluo and smiled with the remaining half of his face, then fell down weakly and died.

Ju Douluo suppressed the grief in his heart, and the huge strange-velvet giant chrysanthemum appeared, temporarily trapping the Qianjun Ant Emperor, while he quickly swept away and fled.

After experiencing the death of all his direct team members, Ju Douluo no longer had the slightest intention to fight, and actually chose to escape.

Those spirit beasts looked at Ju Douluo's retreating back and wanted to pursue him, but were stopped by the Third Thousand Ton Ant Emperor.

The third child looked at Ju Douluo's hurriedly running back with interest and grinned.

run?Wherever you go, this is the Star Forest. The entire underground and the ground have established a huge information network under the arrangement of Ming Dynasty.

No matter where Ju Douluo ran, it would be in vain, because he could get his information immediately, so why bother chasing him now in vain.

The group of soul beasts also understood this truth, stopped one after another, and then started roaring.

This is their expression of excitement and excitement. This is the first time that spirit beasts have launched an attack on humans, and the results have been remarkable!

Although many low-level soul beasts did die in this battle, except for one titled Douluo who escaped, the rest of the opponent's army was wiped out!
Moreover, the group of soul beasts could see that the titled Douluo was completely frightened. Even if he could escape from the Star Dou Forest, he would be left with a lifelong shadow.

Maybe they won’t dare to set foot in the Star Dou Forest again.

Ju Douluo, who was fleeing, staggered when he heard the roar coming from the group of spirit beasts behind him, and quickly adjusted himself to continue his escape.

By now, he has been completely sure that there is a problem in the Star Dou Forest, and there is an even bigger problem with these soul beasts!

Because the behavior of these soul beasts is so human-like, they are not as reckless and divided as before. Now these soul beasts give Ju Douluo the feeling that they are monolithic, without any flaws.

After Ming Dynasty assigned the soul beasts, Gao Tianxi saw that everyone was developing normally and had nothing to do with him, so he chose to practice in seclusion.

Now that Da Ming is coordinating everything, and Er Ming and Xiao Wu are beside him to share the burden, he has nothing to do at all. If he insists that he does, it would be a shock to the three brothers, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and the Qianjun Ant Emperor.

Only these four soul beasts were not at ease, and the other soul beasts all chose to make peace with themselves as they came.

And since he absorbed Tang Hao's six soul bones, broke his own shackles, and established contact with the stars in the sky, he officially unlocked the sky waterfall.

Gao Tianxi keenly felt that there seemed to be something different about himself, a feeling of fundamental change from the inside out. This feeling was so wonderful that he didn't know how to describe it.

What surprised Gao Tianxi the most was the power of creation floating in his palm.Although he has only just mastered it and has never really used it, he has a feeling that this power of creation is extraordinary, and may even be his most powerful ability since he unlocked the Star-casting Dragon King template.

Looking at the stars and the universe emerging and dying in his palm, Gao Tianxi fell into deep thought. This was his own power, so he still knew how to use it.

Just do what you say, without practical support, it's all just farts. Gao Tianxi annihilated the universe in his palm and came out of the state of concentration.

He looked around. Da Ming was thinking about what else could be improved in the Star Dou Forest, while Er Ming was lying on the ground sleeping boredly.

The three brothers of the Qianjun Ant King all went out for a parade again, and the only one left was the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, which was feared by all the soul beasts. It just so happened that it was quite powerful and quite weird, so it was just right for me to test it out.

"Little Tiger, come here."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger stood up and looked at Gao Tianxi with some confusion, as if calling me?

Gao Tianxi nodded and said.

"I will call you Xiaohu from now on. Come here and attack me with your strongest energy. Don't hold back. I have something I want to verify?"

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was dumbfounded and stared blankly at Gao Tianxi. It didn't dare to do this...

Suddenly it thought of a very scary guess, could it be? …

"My Lord, do you still have doubts about me? I, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, can swear that I can even give you a trace of my soul mark. You must believe in my loyalty."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger looked like he was bursting into tears, leaving Gao Tianxi speechless for a while. He knew that the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger had a wrong idea and thought he was going to use this reason to kill it.

"Stop talking nonsense, I just let you do this because I believe you, attack me quickly."

Of course, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger still didn't believe it. Finally, after Gao Tianxi repeatedly expressed that it was OK, it breathed a sigh of relief.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger stood tremblingly opposite Gao Tianxi. Even with Gao Tianxi's assurance, it was still at a loss. After all, the pressure Gao Tianxi gave it was much greater than the evil god who created it.

Layer after layer of gray light condenses into a ball and surrounds the Dark Demon Evil Tiger. This is a very powerful skill for it. It integrates its own magic power and evil power to attack the enemy.

Countless attacks were directed at Gao Tianxi, but they all stopped in front of Gao Tianxi, without any effect at all.

Then something strange happened. The evil power and magic in the light turned into threads one after another under Gao Tianxi's hook.

Gao Tianxi actually directly mobilized these powers.

This made the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger stunned. Is there such a thing?

Gao Tianxi ignored the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. He summoned a star dust and integrated the evil power in his hand into the star dust.

Something magical happened. The stardust that originally shone with dazzling white light turned into a strange dark purple after adding the power of evil spirits.

This ordinary stardust turned into stardust containing the power of evil spirits!
(End of this chapter)

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