Chapter 7 Found!

Zhao Wuji gave the order, and the seven people from Shrek Academy immediately jumped up. The seven people immediately stood up according to their previous positions and looked at Zhao Wuji nervously.

Gao Tianxi was startled by the actions of everyone at Shrek Academy and almost fell from the tree.

He quickly stabilized his body and looked at everyone nervously.

Damn it, it couldn't be that I was discovered. I was going to die. I obviously didn't do anything. How could I still be discovered?

Gao Tianxi, who looked miserable, looked nervously at the Shrek people under him.

But soon he discovered something was wrong. What Zhao Wuji was talking about didn't seem to be him.

Because although everyone in Shrek looked wary and even summoned martial spirits, the direction they were paying attention to was not them.

Realizing this, Gao Tianxi hurriedly hid again, not only did he find himself, but as for the other soul beasts, they had no choice but to kill fellow Taoists rather than poor Taoists.

There was a rustling sound, and now Gao Tianxi was even more sure that these people from Shrek Academy did not discover him, but other soul beasts discovered them.

A long thing suddenly jumped out of the grass on the side. Everyone in Shrek took a closer look and saw that it turned out to be a snake. However, this snake looked a bit strange, with a fleshy crown on its head and a fan-shaped tail.

Zhao Wuji's eyes lit up when he saw the appearance of this soul beast.

"It turned out to be the Wind-tailed Cockscomb. Hahaha, such a rare spirit beast was discovered by us this time. Oscar, just have fun with it. With the Wind-tailed Cockscomb as your soul ring, you will have many wonderful uses. .”

Tang San was also a little excited. The length of this wind-tailed cockscomb snake was about seven meters, and its wings were light red. This meant that this wind-tailed cockscomb snake happened to be a thousand-year soul beast, and it was between one thousand, three hundred and one thousand years old. Eight years ago, as a soul ring, it couldn't be more suitable for Oscar.

"You guys, please be careful. This wind-tailed crested snake is no better than the spirit beast you encountered before!"

Just after Zhao Wuji finished speaking, the wind-tailed crested snake seemed to realize something and suddenly flew up, in the direction of the tree where Gao Tianxi was hiding.

Gao Tianxi originally wanted to see a human-snake battle, but who knew that this kind of wind-tailed cockscomb snake was heading straight towards him, and his brain almost shut down for a while.

No, they are confronting you, why are you rushing towards me? ?You go to them instead.

Gao Tianxi cursed the cockscomb in his heart while using a beautiful roll to avoid the attack of the cockscomb.

It's just that he forgot one amazing thing. He was in the tree at the moment, and his beautiful roll not only avoided the wind-tailed cockscomb, but also made him jump directly off the tree.

Gao Tianxi landed firmly on the ground. He originally wanted to give the crested snake a lesson with a galloping wave, but then he noticed something was wrong. Where did all these looks come from.

Yeah, why did I jump out?

Gao Tianxi saw everyone in Shrek staring at him blankly, and suddenly realized this.

The two sides just looked at each other in confusion, and everyone in Shrek Academy was also stunned.

Especially Zhao Wuji, he was even more frightened. This soul beast was actually on the heads of his group, and he didn't notice it at all. If it had murderous intentions, maybe he and his group would be killed. .

"Tang San, what kind of spirit beast is this? You are knowledgeable, hurry up and take a look." Dai Mubai stared at Gao Tianxi's dark blue dragon-shaped spirit beast with his mouth agape, and pushed Tang San beside him.

Hearing this, everyone also turned their attention to Tang San. Even Zhao Wuji couldn't help but look at Tang San. Although he was strong, his ability to identify spirit beasts was indeed not as good as that of the master's disciples.

Tang San recalled the ancient books he had read during this period and all the knowledge his teacher had said, and found that none of them could match the dragon-shaped soul beast in front of him.

"I don't know either. I have never seen or heard a description of this soul beast."

Hearing Tang San's answer, everyone was surprised. Don't even Tang San recognize this spirit beast? It's really strange.

Zhao Wuji was actually a little excited at this moment. Tang San's words meant that this spirit beast might be a species that had never been discovered before, but he just didn't know what this spirit beast was.

Moreover, the cultivation level of this soul beast is not strong. Maybe it is more suitable for Osk than the Wind-tailed Cockscomb.

He waved his hand.

"Kids, stop discussing it and cheer up. No matter what kind of spirit beast this is, it doesn't matter. Just capture it together with the Wind-tailed Cockscomb."

After everyone heard this, they suddenly realized, yes, why are they so confused about what this soul beast is now? With Teacher Zao Wuji here, are they still worried that it can't escape?

At this moment, only Xiao Wu was a little confused. She stared blankly at Gao Tianxi not far away. She was originally a 10-year-old soul beast that had transformed into a human being, but she did not recognize what this dragon-shaped soul beast was at this moment.

The most important thing is that there are no similar ones. Could it be that in the past few years that I have been in the human world, a new species of soul beasts has been born?

Xiao Wu was a little excited when she thought of this. After all, the birth of a new species of soul beasts was a good thing for the entire soul beasts as a whole, but she soon drooped her face.

She remembered the current situation. She came to the Star Dou Forest to experience as a student of Shrek Academy.

It was said to be an experience, but in fact it was hunting soul beasts. How could this make her happy?

Tang San keenly felt the change in Xiao Wu's mood. He turned around and looked at Xiao Wu who looked a little listless. Xiao Wu was still alive and kicking when she entered the Star Dou Forest, but after meeting the spirit beast, she has always been like It's like having something on your mind.

Could it be that Xiao Wu hates hunting soul beasts?Thinking of this, Tang San quickly confirmed his thoughts. It must be true. Xiao Wu is so kind, and he definitely doesn't want to see the spirit beast being hunted casually.

"Xiao Wu, I promise you, I will never kill innocent people indiscriminately, and I will try my best to persuade everyone."

After Xiao Wu heard Tang San's words, a smile finally appeared on her face. She looked at Tang San and nodded heavily.

Gao Tianxi looked at the Shrek people who had become interested in him instantly, and kept cursing in his heart.

It's all because of that hateful wind-tailed crested snake. If it hadn't interfered with him, how could he have exposed his whereabouts and been discovered by people like Shrek Academy?

"You concentrate on dealing with the Wind-tailed Cockscomb. I will keep an eye on this dragon-shaped soul beast and won't let it run away."

Zhao Wuji did not help everyone at Shrek Academy. After all, this trip was to train them. He was now more interested in the new soul beast in front of him than helping Oscar obtain the soul ring.

(End of this chapter)

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