I just became the Dragon King of Casting Stars, Tang San wants me to be the spirit ring?

Chapter 77: Use the trick to make Xingdou the back garden of Wuhun Palace!

Chapter 77: Use the trick to make Xingdou the back garden of Wuhun Palace!
Snake Spear Douluo felt the restrained aura behind him and became excited instantly. He was at a disadvantage in the battle with the Fifteen Ant Emperor, but at this critical moment, Lion Douluo came unexpectedly.

The second Thousand Jun Ant Emperor calmly opened a little distance. This old human man with golden armor and shaggy hair gave it a great sense of oppression.

In an instant, the second son of the Qianjun Ant Emperor analyzed that this old man who looked like a lion was much more powerful than Snake Spear Douluo.

"Lion Worship, why are you here?"

Snake Spear Douluo was very respectful. Lion Douluo was the fourth enshrined person in the enshrinement hall. His spirit was that of a flaming lion, and his spirit power was as high as a terrifying level 97.

In terms of strength and status, he is much higher than Snake Spear Douluo, which is why he is so respectful.

"Hmph, it's not like you are useless, otherwise why would I take action? Later, I will mention to the Pope that I will take away your position of elder. When it is recognized by me, I will grant it to you again."

Lion Douluo snorted coldly, his words full of dissatisfaction with Snake Spear Douluo. This time, Snake Spear Douluo's performance really disappointed him.

Lion Douluo arrived here after Snake Spear Douluo and the Thousand Ton Ant Emperor fought for a while, but he did not rush to take action, but carefully observed the battle between the two sides.

Snake Spear Douluo was taught a lesson and did not dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction. He could only nod with a wry smile. After all, the power of several major ministers was supreme and could even depose and depose the pope, let alone an ordinary elder.

"You loser, take a good look at how I killed this beast!"

A huge lion's head appeared behind Lion Douluo and roared angrily towards the second son of the Fifteen Ant Emperor.

Immediately, the hairs on the Second Thousand Ton Ant Emperor stood up. He put away the contemptuous look he had shown when fighting Snake Spear Douluo and looked at Lion Douluo with great solemnity.

Snake Spear Douluo didn't have any objections to this. Lion Douluo's character was like this, he was arrogant and extremely powerful, and his most taboo thing was joining forces with others.

Time went back to a few hours ago outside the Star Dou Forest. At that time, the four directions of the Star Dou Forest were surrounded by four elders from the Spirit Hall, each leading the mainland coalition forces.

Not long after they set off, Bibi Dong's figure appeared, but this time she was no longer surrounded by Ghost Douluo's elders, but by beings with restrained spirits and extremely powerful auras.

It is the most powerful organization in Wuhun Hall - the major worshipers of the Worship Hall. This time, except for the big worshiper Qian Daoliu, the remaining six major worshippers have all come here.

You must know that the seven major enshrinements of the Wuhun Palace can be said to be the Wuhun Palace, and can even be said to be the top combat power in this continent. Each of them is a powerful existence above level 95.

The leader of the great worshipers is a terrifying existence that has reached level 99. It is really unbelievable that they would come here.

Naturally, it was not because of Bibi Dong that the six major ministers came here. Each of them had a transcendent status in Wuhun Hall. Not only were they not subject to the Pope's orders, they could even limit the Pope's power and depose the Pope.

Moreover, they only obeyed the orders of the master of the Elder Hall, the Grand Priest Qiandaoliu. This time they came to the Star Dou Forest because of the Grand Priest’s order, asking them to assist Pope Bibi Dong in completing this exploration and attack on the Star Dou Forest.

"Report! Report to Your Majesty the Pope, several of the Enshrined Lords, and the four elders from the four directions of East, West, South and North, who encountered obstacles from the 10-year-old soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest!"

When Bibi Dong heard the report from her subordinates, she sneered. Sure enough, her guess was right. These soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest have now become like humans. As expected, they sent equivalent soul beasts to resist her side. .

Then let's see who is stronger, humans, or you unenlightened beasts!
"I'd like to thank you for your service."

Bibi Dong said to Demon-Conquering Douluo, Qianjun Douluo, Light Ling Douluo and Lion Douluo, and the several worshipers nodded lightly.Finally, the second worshipper, Golden Crocodile Douluo, spoke.

"The Pope is not polite. Since the Grand Priest has asked us to obey your orders, we will naturally not refuse. Go ahead and fight beautifully so as not to embarrass the Wuhun Palace."

The four major worshipers assigned by Bibi Dong disappeared instantly, and their auras had reached the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

Bibi Dong looked at the disappearing figures of several worshippers, and her heart was full of emotion. When she could have such a powerful existence under her hands, she would be able to worry less.

Just as Bibi Dong was about to leave, Ghost Douluo suddenly walked out of the camp with a serious look on his face.

"Your Holiness, something important happened in Sunset Forest."

A trace of doubt flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes.

"what's up?"

Ghost Douluo immediately told Bibi Dong about the devastating blow to the Sunset Forest Branch Hall. After hearing this, Bibi Dong felt extremely angry.

At this time, there are still people who dare to challenge the authority of Wuhun Palace. Could it be that what happened with Haotian Sect wasn't enough to wake up the people on the mainland? They really didn't care about life and death. Bibi Dong was shocked the next moment.

"Your Majesty the Pope, this bold young man looks very much like the spirit beast you mentioned. His characteristics are very obvious in all aspects. My subordinates believe that this beast may have transformed into a human and went to the Sunset Forest."

"What? He's not in the Star Dou Forest?"

Bibi Dong's hand holding the scepter tightened and she began to think deeply.

The most fundamental purpose of my trip was originally for this powerful soul beast, but I didn't expect that he was not in the Star Dou Forest. It was really a mistake.

However, Bibi Dong quickly adjusted her mentality, and the demeanor of holding the pearl of wisdom appeared on her body again.

Although this soul beast is no longer there, it just happened to take advantage of the plan and led the mainland coalition forces to capture the Star Dou Forest in one fell swoop. Isn't it beautiful?

After the Star Dou Forest is captured, and then the powerful power of Wuhun Palace can be used to deter other forces, then the Star Dou Forest can be directly used as the back garden of Wuhun Palace.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's concentration couldn't help but get a little excited.

Just do what you say, this is Bibi Dong's strength.

And she also understood how powerful that soul beast was. If she wanted to take over the Star Dou Forest, she would definitely stop that soul beast from returning to the Star Dou Forest.

Otherwise, everything will be in vain, and we will not be able to get the soul beast, and winning the Star Dou Forest will be in vain.

"Second tribute, third tribute, please go to the Sunset Forest to intercept the humanoid soul beast that the ghost said. You must capture it. If you cannot capture it, you must also prevent him from returning to the Star Dou Forest. "

(End of this chapter)

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