Chapter 96 Ring explosion!Hope of survival?

The Soul Douluo was dumbfounded when he saw this. He didn't want to believe that the scene before him was real. The eighth soul skill under his martial spirit body, and the attack infused with so much soul power, had no effect at all?
He originally thought that although this blow could not shake the foundation of this huge star, it would at least break some of its surface.

But in the end, he was given a loud slap in the face. For a moment, this Contra began to doubt that he was born. Did he not take action for too long? How could he be so weak?

"What are you doing in a daze! Why don't you take action quickly! Don't even think about conserving your strength. If we can't resist this star, we will all die based on our strength!"

Another Contra from the Spirit Hall next to him cursed angrily after seeing this Contra in a daze. He thought the man was being lazy and wanted to conserve his strength so he could escape.

Contra, who was scolded angrily, immediately reacted. Although there was an unhappy look on his face, he didn't say much. After all, what he said was reasonable.

So after adjusting his mentality, he restored his soul power and launched an attack with his soul-hunting bow, hoping to block this huge star that was like a life-threatening talisman, even if it was just a trace.

Countless attacks collided with the huge stars or exploded during flight, causing extremely brilliant and bright light.

The soul beasts around Gao Tianxi were dumbfounded.

This was the first time they had seen such a spectacular scene.

It had never happened before that so many human soul masters launched their attacks against the same target, even in the extremely tragic attack just now.

But what dumbfounded them the most was not the sight of these humans working together to launch an attack, but the star summoned by their master.

You know, what makes these human beings unite together like never before and fight so hard is the star attack summoned by their master.

Although they were far away, some of the soul beasts present were highly cultivated, and they saw the scene of these human attacks turning into ashes in front of the stars.

Suddenly shocked, a scorpion-like green soul beast looked at this scene and murmured.

"My Lord, you are too powerful. How did you do this? Is this really a human power?"

Hearing these words, those weak soul beasts immediately scratched their heads and ears anxiously. Their strength was not enough to allow them to see clearly, and the words of these scorpion soul beasts made them extremely curious.

Upon seeing this, Erming began to recount the confrontation between the mainland coalition forces and Xingchen. After listening, they all looked at Gao Tianxi not far away with his back to them in shock.

Eyes full of admiration.

This is the soul beast. Strength is king. The powerful one can always gain a lot of admiration.

Their master is simply too powerful!
At this moment, behind Gao Tianxi, almost half of the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest had gathered. Except for those who were too far away and went elsewhere to avoid this world-destroying attack, they were all here.

This was also thanks to the Thousand Jun Ant Tribe, Blue Silver Grass and some other spirit beasts that were good at speed. They kept running and brought all the weak spirit beasts nearby.

In the excited eyes of the spirit beasts, Bibi Dong, who was at the forefront of the mainland alliance army, and a group of titled Douluo in the mainland alliance army, finally faced the huge star head-on.

However, at the moment of contact, the hair on the bodies of these titled Douluo curled up slightly, but Bibi Dong was not affected.

It is self-evident to know that this star came from the sky and came to this continent at such a terrifying speed. The temperature on its surface is terrifying.The first feeling these titled Douluo felt when they came into contact with the stars was heat, or extremely hot, and their skins all gave off varying degrees of uncomfortable feelings.

Then the second feeling given to these titled Douluo was huge pressure, to be precise, the aura of destruction, and the gravity that was enough to crush them.

This is a star that is traveling at full speed. Even the peerless Douluo cannot compare with it, and these titled Douluo use themselves as shields to block its path. This is an extremely bold move. A big but dangerous approach.

All the titled Douluo roared silently in their hearts. They didn't even dare to squander the strength to shout out loud. In their martial spirit avatar state, they desperately squandered their soul power to resist the attack of this star. .

Naturally, these Titled Douluo alone cannot resist this star. First, the number is too small. Perhaps if more than half of the Titled Douluo on this continent come at the same time, there may be a chance.

The second is that these titled Douluo have fear in their hearts and cannot fully display their strength.

Immediately afterwards, the mainland coalition forces of Soul Douluo and Soul Saint level who came with all their strength also arrived one after another.

Possessing the true form of martial arts, they can be regarded as the top experts in this continent. They looked at the titled Douluo whose faces were extremely red.

Swallowing, gritting his teeth, he followed the example of these titled Douluo and faced the huge star.

Something terrible happened!
These soul saints, whether they are in the attack system or in the control system.

Soul Saints with animal martial spirits, weapon spirits, and even plant-based martial spirits.

The moment it came into contact with the huge star, it was burned away by the terrifying heat wave attached to the surface of the star!
No one survived!All of them were reduced to ashes under the gaze of Contra and Titled Douluo!

Then scattered across this continent, drifting into the distance with the wind!

These soul saints were all instantly killed by the energy of the stars!
Fortunately for the Titled Douluo, all the Soul Douluo who saw this scene had a look of horror in their eyes. Some of these Soul Saints were only a little weaker than themselves, but yet there was not even a scum left. How long can people last?

Although these Contras were filled with fear, at this point, even if they wanted to escape, it was impossible.

A scream that made everyone's hearts tremble came, and everyone followed it.

Found a man falling down helplessly.

Everyone's hearts sank, that was a Contra, the first Contra!

And there is no breath anymore!

The Soul Douluo group, which had only persisted for a while longer than Soul Saint, also began to have accidents one after another.

Either he falls directly into the sky and is seriously injured and defeated, or he loses even a breath in the air!
Looking at this scene, even Bibi Dong felt a hint of despair in her heart.

Is it the only way to use it?
Thinking of that move, Bibi Dong was also a little shocked.

That move, called Ring Explosion, is the only hope for survival at the moment!
(End of this chapter)

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